Star Odyssey

Chapter 4828: A Place

After Lu Yin left.

Master Hui looked at the mirror light technique that continued to be deduced. The further it went, the harder it became, and the time it took would also increase exponentially.

Covering the page about the mirror light technique, Master Hui saw a flickering light spot on the light screen with gloomy eyes.

This light spot is a call. There is a signal calling the imperial ship from an unknown distance.

The Imperial Ship did not destroy civilization. They just happened to discover the Imperial Ship and used it to get to this point. Now that there is a signal that can call the Imperial Ship, does it mean that the real owner of the Imperial Ship will come?

Probably not, he wanted the imperial ship to pass by.

It looked deeply at the signal, and then, erased it.

Once they lose the imperial ship, their clan will lose their role and be completely wiped out. Now their survival depends entirely on the imperial ship.

It must not be lost.

On this day, a shocking scene appeared in the starry sky of the universe.

Countless portals flicker from the starry sky, as if the entire universe is included in the portal. You can see it anywhere.

Naturally, human civilization has also seen it.

The portal represents the unknowable.

Lu Yin sat on the back mountain of Tianshang Sect and watched calmly. Has it been rebuilt? It's really fast, an unknown speed, no, I should say, the main speed.

They want to destroy the anti-ancient ones too much.

However, the ability to spread all over the place is by no means a white strength. It must have relied on the power of the master. This is a declaration, and it is also a declaration of war.

A small corner away, a awning boat floated slowly, with the blind man and the walking cone on board.

Xingzui looked at the portal flashing over his head, and said uneasily, "This is the unknown power. A force that was thought to be marginalized has actually risen. How did it do it? How can it get such support from the Lord? ."

"But no sequence, the main sequence, has ever received such support as the main sequence."

"This is using the entire universe to build momentum for them."

The blind man slowly poured tea. "There are many things you can do if you think about it. Unknowable is not weak. We can destroy seven masters in one fell swoop, six of them are in the main sequence. We can't do it."

Xing Zui was shocked, "What? They wiped out six main sequences in one fell swoop?"

The blind man picked up the tea cup and took a sip. "The unknowable background is very deep. I had high hopes from the beginning, but now I just got what I deserved."

"What about us? Will they hinder us?" Xingzui asked.

The blind man smiled, "Only if we hinder it, it cannot hinder us."

"Come, have some tea."

"Don't drink this stuff."

Far away, the strange starry sky is filled with books, either phantoms or real. Even the planet is in the shape of a book.

In these books,

A figure crawled out and muttered to himself, "Unknowable? This name is really ugly, it seems to come from some allusion. Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, but why did you let me join? I just want to sink in the world of books, forever, anyway. Can’t die.”

"Trouble, why don't you do something so that Anonymous can expel me? Yes, just do it."

Further away, two figures walked out of the other courtyard. Looking up, the door was looming.

The figures looked at each other, then bowed down respectfully, "They have the power to dominate."

"Since we are asked to join the Unknowable, we will naturally comply without any objection."

"Please rest assured, Lord."

Darkness enveloped the universe, and the huge bone bird soared into the sky, disappeared in a teleport, and reappeared outside the universe.

It is the Black Immortal Hell Bone.

Bone Xun climbed on its back, and the Black Immortal Prison Bone raised its head and let out a ferocious and terrifying laugh, "You actually asked me to join the Unknowable? How interesting."

"We have been hostile to each other for countless years, and I have the identity of Xian Ling. Is it unknown to join now?"

"It's getting more interesting."

Unexpectedly, Da Mao angrily rebuked, "Base, how could you do this? How long have I been a member of Unknowable? You actually deprived me of my identity."

Ba Se's voice was calm, "If you can participate in the war that conforms to the laws of the three universes, you can also reserve your seat."

"Do you look down on us?"

"That's not the case. The situation is different, but you are still unknown."

Da Mao said angrily, "Let us choose who to follow. Those who were equal to us before are now allowed to follow us. This is an insult to us."

"Haha, are they really equal?" The old guy's voice came out, making Da Mao speechless.

Yes, is it really equal?

The so-called equality is equality within the unknowable and forcibly given by the unknowable. However, if they are separated from the unknowable, what are they?

Whether it's the black and white Agnostic or the old guy, they all have the qualifications to participate in the battlefield that conforms to the laws of the three universes, but they can't. It's easy to die.

Da Mao is just unwilling to accept it. Compared with the Immortal Master and Toad Lao Liu, it has been a member of Anonymous for too long, and now it is equivalent to being expelled. How can it bear this?

Toad Lao Liu shouted, "Base, I betrayed the Death Universe, and I have connections with the Balance Envoy, so I can't even have a seat here? Don't confuse me with some useless guy."

Da Mao said angrily, "Damn toad, who do you think is useless?"

Toad six

Sneered, "Whoever has no chance of breaking through and conforming to the three realms is useless."


The Immortal Master was very calm and never said a word. Anyway, it was forced to join Wuzhi by Lu Yin to avoid the pursuit of Xian Ling. Now that Xian Ling is gone, Lu Yin doesn't know where it is, so it doesn't matter.

Da Mao was still unwilling to give in, "Base, you really can't give me a seat?"

Bashi said lightly, "I can't give it."

"What about the divine power lines?"

Toad Lao Liu sneered, "Do you even need to ask? Of course you returned it to me? Do you want to dominate and refuse to return it? I think you have the courage."

Da Mao really doesn't want to give it back, he even longs for more divine power. But this is tantamount to going against the unknown.

It has no courage. The whereabouts are unknown.

"Return the line of divine power, choose to leave the Unknown, or follow the Unknown members, Cyan, this is your path." Bashi's voice sounded so ruthless to Damao.

Neither Toad Sixth nor the Immortal Master chose the line of divine power.

No matter how you calculate it, the saddest one is Da Mao.

Haha, the old guy's smile stung his pride.

"Haha, Da Mao, learn from Little Lu Yin and don't pay it back."

Toad Lao Liu said, "I think so. This is the brave man."

Da Mao angrily yelled, "Shut up." Then there was no sound again, and he was obviously having a conversation with Ba Se alone.

"Haha, how pitiful. It would have been better to have died."

This was the first sentence Lu Yin heard when he entered Zizong, and he was curious, "Old guy, who are you talking about?"

Haha, the old guy was surprised, "Hey, little Lu Yin is back?"

The Immortal Master's body trembled. Lu Yin is back?

Toad Liu was pleasantly surprised that Lu Yin was finally here. Bai Bai gave it Xiao Shiba, and it knew about Lu Yin through Xiao Shiba, but it didn't know when Lu Yin would come into contact with Wu Zhi, and now the wait has finally come.

But if Da Mao is like this, Lu Yin will definitely not have a seat, so what should we do? He deliberately reminded him, but Bashi obviously listened.

Da Mao's voice came out, both surprised and gloating: "Lu Yin? You actually returned to Wu Zhi?"

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows. This guy didn't know his situation. The brain is obviously a little worse than white.

White can be guessed immediately.

But it can't be calculated that way. After all, Bai Bai has fought with him, but Da Mao has not.

But what does the gloating in this tone mean?

"Yes, I'm back, Da Mao, hello."

"Huh, just come back. I thought you died in that small distance before." Da Mao's tone softened significantly, and he said loudly, "Lu Yin, you still want to be classified as unknown."

Lu Yin said seriously, "Of course, Ignorance is my home."

Da Mao was happy, "But there is no place for you in this family, Ba Se, tell him if there is a place for him."

Ba Se slowly said, "Lu Yin, one of the twelve seats is for you."

Da Mao sneered, "You heard it, the twelve seats are not yours, uh, what? One seat for him? Base, what did you say? One seat for him?"

Lu Yin smiled, "Da Mao, what's wrong? Is there any problem? Aren't we all one of the twelve colors?"

Da Mao was stunned and couldn't say a word. His internal organs were churning, and he felt so unspeakable that he wanted to vomit blood.

"Hahahaha." Toad Sixth laughed.


The Immortal Master was speechless, but why did Lu Yin have a seat? By the way, when he broke through the realm of immortality during the three cosmic catastrophes, his strength was very strong, but he was not in compliance with the laws of the three universes.

"Why? Ba Se, why does he have a seat? He is just a human kid who has just broken through the immortal realm. Why?" Da Mao roared angrily, doubting life.

Bashi didn't answer.

Lu Yin smiled, "Da Mao, judging from what you said, it doesn't mean you don't have a place."

"Shut up, I'm asking Bose."

"It's really, really pitiful. It would have been better to have died."

"Haha, I think so too."

"Shut up." Da Mao roared angrily, but his voice quickly disappeared and was suppressed by Ba Color.

Ba Color made an indifferent voice, "Those who are not strong enough can withdraw from the unknown, or they can choose to follow the person they want to follow. Immortal Master, Qibao Tianchan, please choose."

The Immortal Master spoke for the first time without any hesitation, "I choose to follow Lu Yin."

Toad Lao Liu also said, "I choose to follow Lu Yin."

"Cyan, please choose." Bashi repeated.

No one can understand what Da Mao is feeling at this moment. It has always regarded Lu Yin as an enemy, and it has targeted Lu Yin in various ways since he first joined the Unknown. At that time, Lu Yin was just a rogue, and it thought it could easily suppress it.

A lot of things happened later, but no matter how Lu Yin transformed, it always thought it could beat it. Even after the three cosmic disasters, Lu Yin was obviously stronger than it, it was still unwilling to admit it and slandered him in every way.

Now, Lu Yin actually has a place, which means that in the unknown knowledge, Lu Yin has reached the combat power that complies with the three laws of the universe, and it has been brushed aside.

It is the only member who joined Unknown for a long time but was expelled.

Others, such as the Immortal Master and Toad Sixth, have only just joined.

This insult to self-esteem and unwillingness to have Lu Yin's seat made him want to scream in the sky.

Why, why.

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