Star Odyssey

Chapter 4829 Twelve Seats

"Source Master, please choose."

Ba Color has changed his name and is no longer called Cyan, because the cyan divine power lines will not belong to Da Mao.

"Haha, Bose, you shouldn't ask who it chooses, you should ask who wants it." Haha the old guy said, Lu Yin was even angry after hearing this, let alone Da Mao.

But Da Mao surprisingly didn't curse.

Toad Lao Liu said, "How about we follow Lu Yin?"

It's not a joke, it really means it. Da Mao didn't know, but he knew that Lu Yin got along well with Da Mao as Chen, and he also relied on Da Mao's power in the fight against Die Ancestor.

Although Da Mao is not qualified to hold a seat, it is not weak. It can only be said that it cannot keep up with the unknown progress.

However, in other people's ears, these words are no different from what the old guy said, they are all mockery.

Everyone knew that Da Mao would not seek refuge with Lu Yin even if he died.

In the end, Da Mao chose the old guy.

This result was beyond everyone's expectations, including the old guy himself.

The sixth toad was shocked, is this okay?

Isn't it knee-jerk to choose a guy who crazily mocks you to follow? He knelt down so thoroughly, which was not Da Mao's style.

"Haha, Da Mao, are you sure you want to choose me?"

Da Mao calmed down and said, "As long as you are willing to accept me."

Haha, the old guy was happy, "I'm very curious, why."

Damao said calmly, "Only by following you can I survive."

Lu Yin's eyes flashed, this Da Mao was really smart.

Looking at the unknown, the old guy Hehe is one of the oldest members and has always adhered to the concept of not looking for trouble if he can. It can still stand tall and dominate the long river of time, whether it is on the battlefield of two laws or the battlefield of three laws, it is like a fish in water.

It can be said that as long as they don't work hard, it is difficult for any creature to suppress it.

Even though the old guy Hehe laughed at Da Mao all the time, the more he did it, the more Da Mao understood him and what his temper was.

As for the identity of the old guy Hehe, compared to his own life, it is not important, nor is the ridicule to him. Moreover, everyone has taken refuge in it, so it still has the nerve to ridicule?

Haha, the old guy agreed. Of course, he really didn't ridicule anymore.

It is equivalent to closing one of the biggest sources of ridicule.

To be honest, the old guy doesn't need to say anything else, just the word "hehe" is really disgusting.

Ba Se slowly said, "Please leave if you are not listed in the seats. The twelve seats are unknown and you can enter the room."

After the words fell, Da Mao, Immortal Master, and Toad Lao Liu all exited.

The next moment, one after another figures appeared in the hanging coffin. This is the way for the unknown to enter the unknown. Some creatures may not be willing, but at this moment, with the support of the master, the unknown’s position is unshakable, and it is difficult for anyone to do so.

to resist.

Lu Yin could not see the situation of the other hanging coffins, but he knew that right on this cliff, inside the hanging coffins, there were the largest number of old monsters within a square inch today.

Perhaps except for myself and the old guy Hehe, all of them are existences that conform to the laws of the three universes.

This power originally only belonged to the main one. Without the main one, this power would be enough to overturn the stars in the universe.

To a certain extent, the main rule of the universe actually affects some powerful civilizations. Those weak civilizations that cannot even get out of their own universe are unlikely to be affected at all, unless they are unlucky. And without the Main Alliance, it will be even more difficult for those weak civilizations to survive in the disordered universe. They will not only face the Main Alliance, but also stronger civilizations who do not know when they will appear.

After all, the Lord has destroyed too many civilizations together.

If there are a hundred civilizations in the universe, ten powerful civilizations and ninety weak civilizations, and the Lord One exists, and the nine powerful civilizations are wiped out, the only remaining powerful civilization and the Lord will be able to bully the weak civilizations. And if there is no main alliance, the weak civilization will face ten powerful civilizations.

Therefore, it is impossible to determine whether the Lord is good or evil.

There is no absolute good or evil in the universe, only relative cause and effect.

"Is this the legendary Agnostic? Ahem, I'm really sorry for asking an old guy like me to come here. You are all disappointed, ahem." The vicissitudes of voice came out, becoming the first message after Anonymous was re-established. sound.

Soon another voice came, very soft, but also very cold, "Jin Shijuan?"

"Do you know me, old guy?"

"I didn't expect you to join Anonymous."

"Sorry, I couldn't figure out who you are."

"Snow Queen."

"Oh, it turns out to be the main sequence of years."

Another voice inserted, "Is there anyone alive in the main sequence of years?"

"I heard that four of the five main sequences of the years are outside, Zhongyi betrayed, Chiyu, and Thorns are all missing. They should all be dead. You are the only one left, Snow Queen?"

"Who are you?" came the voice from the Queen of Snow.

"I remember this old guy's voice, Su Xin Zong, right? Long time no see."

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, Su Xin Sect? It actually joins the unknown? Is its causal mark done?

Trouble is, this Su Xin Sect has been in contact with human civilization and is considered a creature who knows his own details.

Although I have also grasped its handle and restrained each other, it also means that I have to spend some time thinking.

"It has been many years since the Lord and I have been so united.

When was the last time? "Su Xinzong spoke.

"Haha, your main sequence is not the only one here." Haha the old guy said.

Su Xinzong said in a cold tone: "Who are you?"

"Agnostic members."

Snow Queen's voice was cold, "I'm very curious. I don't know what method was used to get such great support even after almost killing six main sequence masters."


Zhizong is quiet.


Just two words.

There are only two words.

"No answer?" Snow Queen asked.


Snow Queen's voice became even colder: "What do you mean? Look down on us?"


After the snow…

"Purple, among the new twelve seats, you don't know how many of the original members are left? I'm very curious."

"Haha, you are the Black Immortal Hell Bone."

"It's me, you didn't expect it."

"I didn't expect that the two parties fighting for life and death would actually join forces one day, let alone that you could survive until now."

Black Immortal Hellbone sneered, "I didn't expect you to survive until now."

Ji Shijuan sighed, "Everyone, if you have more suitable members, I would like to quit this old guy."

"What does purple mean?" Snow Queen asked.

"How many old friends are there? Come out and see." Black Immortal Hell Bone shouted.

"Old guy, I'm really tired..."

"You haven't answered me yet..."

Lu Yin listened to the chaotic sounds outside, how could it be more chaotic than when he started stirring up trouble after joining Agnostic?

The main sequence has the dignity of the main sequence.

The unknowable also has an unknowable background.

Adding a Black Immortal Hell Bone. Speaking of which, the Lord of Death actually let the Black Immortal Hell Bone be added to Unknowable. This is not messy enough.

The Black Immortal Hell Bones are not only a symbol of death, they also represent immortal feathers during life.

Time continues to pass, and we should be waiting for all the unknown to become known.

But so far, except for the old guy Hehe, no one from the original Anonymous members has spoken.

Lu Yin didn't plan to speak anymore, even if he had a conversation, he would talk to Ba Se.

Prevent being targeted by Su Xin Sect.

In this way, soon the outside world became more quarrelsome.

Snow Queen was very excited and was ignored here. As a main sequence, how could she have ever felt so aggrieved? Especially there was Su Xinzong who was sarcastic and sarcastic.

BaSe finally said, "Welcome to join Agnostic. I am BaSe. I am the only one who will introduce you to you."


Lu Yin listened quietly.

As long as Base is willing, no one can speak, and the outside world is quiet.

Lu Yin was quite disappointed. The more he listened, the more he knew. It was a pity.

The history of Bashijiang Agnostic from its inception to the present was roughly told, including the purpose of creating divine power and the previous battles with human civilization and the dead universe in the chaotic distance.

Lu Yin didn't know much of the history.

He joined Agnostic not long ago.

In the unknown history, many human civilizations have been destroyed. The three universes are not the first, nor the last.

However, these histories are only summarized. Although a casual sentence or two represents the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, Bose does not care about it.

In addition to human civilization, there were many civilizations that had been destroyed by the unknown in the chaotic space before, including the fishing civilization. Bashi mentioned these just to enhance the unknowable background. After all, the new ones added are all main sequence.

Every one of them is unruly.

No one expects these main sequences to be really obedient, they just want to complete unknown tasks as much as possible.

After Ba Se finished speaking, Zhizong fell into silence.

"So, divine power can already locate the anti-ancient point?" Xuehou asked.

Bashi responded, "Not bad."

Ji Shijuan lamented, "So that's it, there is nothing greater than the threat of the Anti-Ancient. Although the losses of the Main Alliance were too great due to the giant city and the residual sea, you didn't know that another wave would come, causing the Main Alliance to lose almost half of its powerful combat power." , but still can’t hold you accountable for your crimes.”

"I really admire the old guy."

The Black Immortal Hell Bone spoke sharply, "I didn't expect that the unknown person who has been fighting with my Death Universe for countless years would turn out to be just a failure."

Bashi slowly said, "There is no death universe anymore, there is only the Death Lord."

"Then we have been gathered into the unknown, and our mission is to help you deal with the anti-ancient ones?" Su Xinzong asked.

"Yes, this is your mission."

No one refutes, everyone knows what being against the past means to the Lord. They can have their own personalities and plans, but under the general trend of the Lord, they cannot refuse.

Lu Yin looked at the colorful light of divine power.

Through Chiyu and the others, he actually understood some of the main sequences, but it was impossible to understand them all.

Su Xin Sect had a duel.

After the snow, he understood something.

Not to mention the Black Immortal Hell Bone, the clone was almost killed by it.

And that Complete Explanation Volume may be too old and I have never heard of it.

In addition to them, minus the originally unknown members who were present, there are four others who have not spoken. These four are also in the main sequence.

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