Star Odyssey

Chapter 4833 What do you want to do?

"Why are there three anti-ancient people?" The unknown person yelled.

Lu Yin shrugged, "How do I know? You should ask Ba Se."

The unknown person stared at Lu Yin's position, took a deep look, and walked directly towards the portal leading to Zhizong.

"There is also a fourth anti-ancient spot, why don't you go?"

Aoshi didn't answer, entered the door, and left. .??.

Lu Yin followed closely behind.

As soon as I entered the trace, I heard the unknown person arguing with Baise. Baise said that it was almost impossible for several anti-ancient people to be together. I had never encountered it, but the unknown person said that they were at the anti-ancient point. A few times, the encounters were too few.

"The Dominator Clan has always been chasing the anti-ancient ones, and they have rarely encountered a situation where several anti-ancient ones could gather at one anti-ancient point."

"Then how do you explain this?"

"Are the first two anti-ancient points empty?" Base asked.


Bashi said no more.

The unknown person also fell silent, obviously thinking of something.

Lu Yin didn't care. This kind of thing was easy to figure out, but as long as it didn't violate the rules, it would be fine.

The bottom line of the rules is that no one must liaise with those who go against the ancients, and ensure that those who go against the ancients die by going against the ancients. This is an unknowable task, and it is what the master wants to do most.

Lu Yin felt confident, especially because even if such a situation occurred, it would have no impact on the unknown. After all, it was the Agnostic members who were tasked with eradicating the Anti-Ancient Ones. If one of them died, they could just be replaced, and the Agnostic itself would not change.

It is impossible to know that he can eradicate so many masters at once, which means he is ruthless.

And the main line doesn't matter. Time can make up for everything. As long as those who go against the past don't exist, the main line will be eternal.

Lu Yin waited for Ba Se's inquiry.

Bashi didn't ask a single word, but told the unknown person, "Eradicating Nigu is your task, and it is the master's instructions. Please carry it out."

Execution of these two words leaves the unknowable with nothing to say.

From the start they had no choice.

What about the main sequence? It is not necessary to obey the Lord.

"Old guy, what did I hear? Can those who go against the past gather together? This is troublesome." Ji Shijuan said, his voice full of fatigue. "Every one who goes against the past may not be the strongest, but they definitely have the means and perseverance, and strong Those who are against the past are in the majority, and it would be too dangerous to encounter those who are against the past."

"The ancient rebels can gather together, and we can also attack in groups of two or even three." Xuehou said.


"It's not impossible." Su Xinzong said.

Lu Yin raised his eyes. If this guy really belonged to the reflux camp, he must be planning something. To go with it is to seek the skin of a tiger.

It's not that he hasn't considered joining forces with Anonymous, but this kind of

The likelihood is not high.

First, each agnostic has his or her own affairs, and it is impossible to focus all your energy on the agnostic task.

Secondly, Ba Color cannot take the initiative to find various unknown members. They cannot gather at a certain time at the same time, and that time is still determined by Lu Yin. He can submit the Nigu Point whenever he wants.

Thirdly, these beings who have been able to cultivate to this point are full of ambition. In a place like the long river of time, if you are not careful, you will be submerged in the years and will never recover. Who dares to join forces with others?

Many possibilities make this unrealistic.

Pixel Xinzong's willingness to join forces makes others worry.

There is no value for discussion, and both sides gradually withdraw from sight.

In the following time, while Lu Yin was locating the anti-ancient point, he would also occasionally enter the trace. One time when he entered, Ba Color happened to be entrusting the task of hunting down the anti-ancient person, and he didn’t know who had located the anti-ancient point.

There are eight main sequences in the Complete Release Scroll, four of which can have divine power lines.

Being able to locate it does not mean that he is willing to take action, not to mention that locating the anti-ancient point and hunting down the anti-ancient person cannot be the same creature.

Lu Yin also refused, and he didn't want to take action.

God knows what kind of strength the positioned anti-ancient person has.

This is just the beginning.

And he also handed in four anti-ancient points one after another within a hundred years. Just like before, although the three were not empty, he threw a few from the immortal realm creatures he caught to fool him. Even though they were Foolish, but it is also the realm of eternal life.

He also has many divine envoys imprisoned there.

In the past, I was worried that I would be questioned by Ba Se if I used these divine messengers to fool me, and I had been thinking about how to make up for the shortcomings. But now I no longer think about it. I can see clearly their respective goals, and some things are simply insignificant.

There was indeed a divine messenger who said at the positioning point that he was not a rebel against the past, but was thrown over, and this matter even reached Ba Color's ears.

Lu Yin's explanation is, is there any evidence?

Four words, very easy.

There is a strong man of cause and effect who is investigating the past of the divine envoy. Lu Yin has already made arrangements to cut off part of the cause and effect with the Tao sword in advance. Although the time of that part of cause and effect is short, there is a blank time after all. No one can guarantee the time in this space. Definitely not going against the grain.

The distance from antiquity is not necessarily directly proportional to time.

As for whether the divine envoy has the strength to go against the ancients, it doesn't matter. It is on the point of going against the ancients, and that's enough.

In the end, the matter dropped.

Of course, at the last of the four anti-ancient points, there are four anti-ancient ones.

Those who rebel against the past gather

The more there are, the less afraid they are. If there are only one or two, they may have run away and left the time wave where they were located.

Some anti-ancient people actually regretted it after entering the Lord of Time. Lu Yin met one. It wanted Lu Yin to take it away and leave the Lord of Time. However, it is destined to be impossible.

Using impulse to replace will and embarking on a path that should have no regrets, but regretting it in the end, can only show that the will is weak and the will is insufficient. It is meaningless to bring it back. It can also easily cause threats and troubles to human civilization. On the contrary, it will bring people with Other anti-ancient ones will never run away when they gather together. Such creatures long to gather in groups to offset their fear.

One anti-ancient point, four anti-ancient ones.

The person who received this mission was the Black Immortal Hell Bone.

Before Lu Yin sent it to the river of time, it smiled strangely and said a lot of threats, saying that human civilization should be extinct, that there were many human skeletons in the dead universe, and that the ninth base of human ancestors were buried, etc.

However, when it returned, it brought curses.

The weird laughter is gone.

It experienced a relatively fierce battle.

Two of the four anti-ancient ones actually tried their best to explode with combat power that was close to complying with the laws of the three universes. Together with the other two, it was really difficult for them to fight. Many bones were broken, and the power of death was even more powerful. Quite a lot was wiped out and the loss was huge.

As soon as it came out, it wanted to slap Lu Yin to death with its claws.

But Lu Yin was not easy to get along with, and his explosive momentum made him fearful.

Eventually, the matter came to a head again.

It's rare for Black Immortal Prison Bone to feel so aggrieved. God knows where four anti-ancient people came from one anti-ancient spot. It is possible to gather one or two, or even four. Isn't this fatal? If there is a strong person among them who really conforms to the laws of the three universes, it may not be able to come back under the premise that teleportation cannot be used in the limited space of the inverse ancient point.

But just like before, Anonymous cannot provide justice or solution.

No one can explain the anti-ancient thing.

Although I guessed it was related to Lu Yin, so what, where was the evidence? Sometimes even if you see something, you must find evidence to prove it. The premise is strength.

Lu Yin has the strength and confidence to confront the Black Immortal Hell Bone.

He saw clearly the unknowable purpose, especially when the other party was the old enemy Black Immortal Hell Bone.

Presumably, if the Black Immortal Prison Bone died in the battle against Ni Gu, Ba Se would be very happy.

In the end, the incident went unsolved again.

But the incident also cast a shadow over other Anonymous members. No one wants to encounter so many powerful enemies when conquering the Anti-Ancient Ones.

But when it came to joining forces, except for Su Xinzong who was very positive, no one else responded.


Something that was good at first turned out to be like this inexplicably. Who is to blame? "Hehe, the old guy laughed.

Anyone who was on the trail and heard this knew who to blame.

Lu Yin was dissatisfied. What was this old guy talking about? It may not encounter this kind of thing.

As long as it is sure that it will never take action.

There are only two possibilities for those who don't take action. Either they have divine power lines that can locate the anti-ancient point, or they don't care about the unknowable rules at all and wait for the unknowable decision.

Locating the anti-ancient point for a hundred years is a task for members with divine power lines, while those without divine power lines have different requirements.

In other words, so far, at least four of the twelve unknown seats must have the task of killing the anti-ancient ones within a hundred years, and one of them will definitely encounter Lu Yin's gift of possessing several anti-ancient ones. Go against the grain.

In other words, within a hundred years, there will be an unlucky guy.

What we know now is that the ones without divine power lines are the Black Immortal Hell Bone and the main sequence who have not spoken to each other before and threaten to take away the three divine power lines. Who are the other two?

Of course, this is under the premise that the four extra divine power lines have already been mastered. If they are not mastered yet, then these eight main sequences may be the unlucky ones.

"Lu Yin, what do you want to do?" came the eight-colored voice.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean? Eight colors."

Ba Se slowly said, "Wangzhi has paid a lot to get to where he is today. He has been marginalized since he left the chaotic Fang Cun Distance from the beginning, and was even monitored by masters under the command of the Lord. In Fang Cun Divide The masters and living beings we met don’t care about the unknown, but they are dissatisfied with the reputation of being unknown. We have encountered a lot, and we can only endure it.”

"While enduring the injustice of the Lord, we must try our best to complete the feasibility of locating the anti-ancient point of divine power, and at the same time, we must investigate the major main sequence situations in the universe."

"Do you know how long it took to find those main sequences?"

"I have been searching since I left that square inch. White has never stopped. For this reason, I also let the unknown members disperse and secretly join each main team, and finally completed it."

"Use a series of layouts to complete the purpose of rebuilding the unknown, making the unknown become the most important force in the main force today, and use it to eradicate those who go against the past."

"It was a very serious matter, but it changed with you."

Lu Yin was dissatisfied, "I don't like hearing this, Base, what do you mean you have changed in me?"

"Did I turn in anti-ancient points? Did I violate the rules to save those who were anti-ancient? Did you eliminate many anti-ancient strongmen in my place? These are all true, right?"

"What I handed over is enough for you to give an account to the Lord."

Bashi was silent for a moment, unable to refute.

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