Star Odyssey

Chapter 4834: Going the wrong way

This is Lu Yin's method, achieving unlimited possibilities under limited rules, and making it impossible for you to refute.

As for the Black Immortal Hell Bones and the others being injured, that is because they are incapable of doing so, and they have nothing to worry about with others.

The fact that the other unknown members are afraid and do not go after the Anti-Ancient One has nothing to do with him. That is an unknown thing.

From the beginning to the end, he just brought four scattered anti-ancient people together, that's all.

The result of the explanation to the Lord was that the anti-ancient person was killed, it was that simple.

He was unambiguous in completing the task of completing a century-old anti-ancient point.

Ba Se is also speechless.

The only impact this matter has on Anonymous is to hunt down the anti-ancient ones, from assigned tasks to mandatory tasks. As for the life and death of Agnostic members, it doesn't care.

Talking to Lu Yin was just a warning.

Lu Yin would have crossed the line if he did anything just a little too much, but he happened to be stuck before crossing the line.

Of course, Lu Yin was not without cost.

His identity has been exposed.

Being exposed to the current unknowable twelve seats.

Of course, it is not the eight colors that are revealed, but the white that is agnostic.

The identity of human beings is very sensitive, and people who do not belong to the Wang family and Liuying are even more taboo.

In the past, Anonymous would not take the initiative to expose Lu Yin's identity, but now it is different. Taking on the task of locating the anti-ancient ones, Anonymous dared to kill several of the main sequencers, let alone assume Lu Yin's identity.

Lu Yin joined the Twelve Unknowables as a human being. He was unknowable and fearless, and at most he would be criticized by the Lord.

But Lu Yin is different. Those main sequences know very well what Lu Yin's identity means. They can choose between breaking the unknowable rules or solving Lu Yin, a human being.

It was tantamount to saying that Lu Yin was in danger.

Every hundred years, he will face at least one main sequence, and at most four.

How the main sequences he faces will treat him depends on what those main sequences think.

Lu Yin has also considered the consequences. There is no way. Everything you do will have a price, and he is no exception.

Decades later, the anti-ancient point was successfully located. Lu Yin followed the line of divine power and saw a creature buried in the soil.

Really dirt.

Why does soil appear in the long river of time?

Lu Yin looked at the stopped waves invisibly, and the appearance of the lines of divine power would inevitably cause the other party to notice.

After a while, the soil moved, and a tail emerged, then the whole body, and finally the head.

This is a pangolin-like creature. As it walks out of the soil, dust keeps falling off its body. Its eyes seem to be open, as if it can't see clearly. It took a while before it was fully opened.

"Who is it? I feel uneasy even when I die."

rather. "

Lu Yin stared at this creature and didn't feel any breath, but it was definitely not weak. He had this feeling.

The creature raised its head and faced Lu Yin's direction, "Huh? Did the main team succeed?"

Lu Yin was surprised and couldn't help but say, "What did you say?"

The creature made a rich but vicissitudes of voice and said, "Isn't this the power that the Lord wants to create to locate the anti-ancient point? How long has it been? I didn't expect that they were actually brought out by them. Now we are in trouble, those anti-ancient ones." It's going to be bad luck. But it has nothing to do with me, I'm going to die anyway."

Lu Yin stared at the creature, "Do you know the lines of divine power?"

"Do you call it divine power? It's really arrogant, but after all, it is the master's power. It covers the entire universe. Just be arrogant. No one can stop it anyway." At this point, it shook its head and prepared to continue burying it in the soil.

"Senior, wait a moment." Lu Yin persuaded him to stay.

The creature buried it in the soil and said, "Okay, I don't want to say anything, and I don't want to know anything. If you want to kill me, just kill me. I'm even less interested in your identity."

"Senior, why are you going against the past?"

"Wrong way."

Lu Yin? ?

The creature buried its body in the soil. "Maybe it wanted to disgust the Lord, guess what?"

"Has the civilization of our predecessors been destroyed by the Lord?"


"Senior is unwilling to give in and wants revenge?"

"There is no revenge."


"I just took the wrong path. After living for too long, I couldn't make it even if I wanted to die. I was numb when I wanted to live, so I wanted to find something new to do, so I went against the grain. Although it was disgusting, but in the end I gave myself up. It’s so disgusting. I really shouldn’t have come here. It’s too insensitive. The most painful thing in the world is not the long time, but the unknown time.”

"Look at the time all around. If I pause here, it will pause forever."

"This is called eternal life. You may die in the eternal world outside, but if you don't find the eternal life here, I will never die. Do you think it's disgusting?" The creature said a long paragraph and seemed to be buried in the ground. Here, it’s not like I don’t want to say anything.

Lu Yin looked at it, "Senior also wants to change the future by changing history?"

"It seems that I had this plan before. Oh, it was too long ago. I forgot about it. Now I just want to die. How about you kill me?"

"Why don't you, junior, continue to go against the past? Maybe you can really go back to the distant past." Lu Yin asked, this creature must be extremely powerful.

That creature is helpless"

I'm afraid, too. I'm numb here. Once I'm drowned in time, do you know what it feels like? It's like denying everything that has ever happened to you, and it's an infinite loop, where other people's lives are repeated in your life, but you can still see the ending. "

"I can't stand this feeling even more."

"You can't escape, you can't escape half-body. You can't die. In fact, I'm very happy that you can come. Just kill me. If you can't do it, go back and tell the guys from the main group and let them kill me."

Lu Yin frowned. He almost went against the grain at the beginning. If someone hadn't pushed him, there would have been no turning back once he was halfway into the mainstream. "Senior, do you really want to die that much?"


"The junior can fulfill the senior's wish, but the senior must also agree to the junior's conditions."

"you say."

"Tell the junior what the senior knows about the Lord."

"It can't be done."


"Because I don't know anything."

"What about this divine power?"

"I met an old guy from the life-dominating clan. He said, let's put it this way, I have never been inside the main trunk of the mother tree in my life. It's not that I don't dare or I can't, but I just don't want to."

Lu Yin frowned, "Because of the Lord?"

"Life, enjoy it while you're alive, and that's it after you die. You can come back anyway, because the substances that make up life will never disappear. Just enjoy your current life to the fullest. Why bother?"

"I really want to die. If you can help me, I will thank you for my eight hundred generations of ancestors."

"Senior, if you can go against the past and succeed, you may really see the 800 generations of ancestors of your juniors." Lu Yin said.

The creature was speechless. "You can handle all these words. You are quite boring."

"Just following what senior said."

"It feels like you are scolding me along the way."

"That's not what it means."

"Forget it, either help me, I want to die, or just leave and don't hinder my burial."

"Senior, have you ever heard of human civilization?"

"No no."

"I can help senior get out, and I will definitely be able to. But what can senior give me?"

The creature moved the earth, tilted its head and looked at Lu Yin, "I have been enjoying fun all my life. The reason why I want to die is because I can't feel the fun and want a new life."

"There is nothing left outside. As for what I can give you, forget it. My cultivation comes from myself, and I have not created any way for other creatures to cultivate. You can help me or not." After saying that, I fell head over heels. , buried.

Lu Yin said, "Then I have a request."

The creature said nothing.

"The juniors can let the seniors die as they wish, but the precondition is that they die in battle."

"Huh?" The creature raised its head from the soil and blinked, "Death in battle?"

Lu Yin nodded, "It can be regarded as the senior's respect for his current life cultivation, and he died in battle."

The creature thought for a while, "It's not impossible, okay, but I'm strong, so you can find someone powerful. The old guy before was pretty good. Over the years, I've also thought of its weaknesses. It's only half a year old, but you It may not be found."


"You're an old guy from the Life Master clan. He was originally named Mingbaizifan, but I don't know what he is called now. You know, the names among the Life Master clan will change as their cultivation level increases."

Lu Yin was shocked, eighty-two? This is an exaggeration.

You know, the life plan that he tried his best to avoid was only thirty, and the life Lu only had ten months, this eighty-two? This is not a simple difference in quantity.

It is definitely the most powerful existence of the life-dominating clan.

Weakness, half a year old? Lu Yin remembered it deeply and then left.

Before leaving, I vaguely heard the creature shouting something about not holding back.

For this creature, Lu Yin couldn't bring it together with other anti-ancient ones. He estimated that the probability of him winning might be low. Then, you can report directly to the unknown.

Thinking about it, I immediately went to find out.

Soon after, the unknown mandatory task was assigned. Coincidentally, it was the same main sequence who had threatened Lu Yin to demand three lines of divine power.

Lu Yin didn't know the identity of this main sequence, so he was considered unlucky.

"Are you a human? A human who does not belong to the Wang family or the Liuying camp?" The main sequence stared at Lu Yin, his tone full of inexplicable meaning.

Lu Yin admitted generously, "Not bad."

"Now let me ask you again, should I give you the three lines of divine power, or not?"

"Are you threatening me?"

"This time, it can be understood this way. With your status, you are dead and breaking unknowable rules, but you can make meritorious deeds with the Lord. I believe that the Lord clan can protect me."

Lu Yin didn't care, "I said it before, you can just grab it and give it a try."

"Hmph, you are very confident. Why? Is it because you are not in a state that conforms to the laws of the three universes? Or is it the so-called invincible skills of human beings?"

Lu Yin was surprised. His realm must have been revealed by the unknown, but the words "invincible skills" did not seem to come from the mouth of the unknown. This creature obviously knew part of Ninth Base's past.

Seeing that Lu Yin didn't speak, the main sequence sneered, "Let you think about it, if I don't give a satisfactory answer when I return, you know the consequences."

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