Star Odyssey

Chapter 4939: So unlucky?

Although he failed to obtain the prescription, Lu Yin did not want to waste his time, so he planted extraordinary secrets in every living creature he integrated into. As time goes by, more and more creatures believe in the extraordinary truth.

To believe in the extraordinary mysteries is to believe in Him.

It doesn't matter in the short term, but it becomes more useful over time.

One of the Four Extreme Sins, Violence, has integrated more than 5,000 parties in the True Self Realm. Such an incredible number shocked the Lord, and left countless creatures unable to figure out how it did it.

Lu Yin knew it.

The more firmly the creatures in the True Self World believe in the Snowy Mountains, the more they will be exploited by violence. Because Bao has a unique talent, he can confuse all living beings, but his understanding of the laws of the universe can reverse this power of bewitchment, making him more trusting the more he resists.

It uses the power of bewitching to make the creatures in the True Self World believe in it. Naturally, the creatures in the True Self World will not and are extremely resistant. So under the laws of the universe, the more they resist, the more they will believe in it. Eventually, countless people in the True Self World will believe in it. Creatures devote everything they have to it.

In fact, it has the same effect as Lu Yin using six points of the dice to integrate into the bodies of these creatures.

And Bao has been in the real world for too long, so he can get so many benefits.

If Lu Yin had stayed in the True Self Realm for so long and kept rolling the dice to integrate, he might have gotten more Fang than Bao, at least he wouldn't have to take action.

But it was impossible for Lu Yin to do this. It was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and he couldn't do it without firm perseverance.

The ability to do this violent thing must come from his own persistence in overthrowing the camp and his persistence in the four extreme sins.

Er Zhao actually betrayed such a creature, and Lu Yin didn't even think it was worth beating them up.

More than 5,800 square meters. Such a terrifying number. Once mastered, the power is released, which is equivalent to one-third of the True Self Realm. It can instantly kill the ordinary strong ones who comply with the three laws of the universe.


Time continues to pass, and more than a hundred years have passed.

Two hundred years had passed since he had spent thirty years in seclusion cultivating the power of life. Lu Yin had just obtained a side. This side was not directly integrated into the main body of the side, but integrated into the body of the side's descendant. That descendant was just one of the side's many descendants. Lu Yin After Yin merged into his body, he went directly to find him and captured the leader of the party, and then he got Fang Fang.

It's so hard.

This is already considered good luck.

Thinking of good luck, Lu Yin thought of Xiang Siyu. If he held Xiang Siyu's hand and blended in, would he be able to get a lot of help easily?

I've never done this before.

But not anymore.

There are practitioners of Qi Luck in the True Self Realm, but he can't borrow them, so he doesn't dare.

I don't even dare to use the word "luck" for fear of attracting lovesickness.

By the way, there is another way, not to be depressed.


There is no good luck, only misfortune. The reason it can join the Luck Master is to bring misfortune to the surroundings, resulting in the luck bag having nowhere to go and can only stay with it.

Since this guy has bad luck, can he turn his bad luck into good luck for himself with the help of the extreme ends of things?

Lu Yin pondered, it was not impossible.

It's a pity that if I had thought of trying it earlier, I don't know where this guy is now.

Since the destruction of the Unknowable Sacred Tree, there has been no more Unknowable news.

Unknowable has lost its usefulness. If the line of divine power is taken away by the Dominator clan again, it will probably not end well.

He shook his head and continued rolling the dice.

A huge mother tree, its branches extend for who knows how far away.

On a branch of a tree, there was a brown beetle standing with golden stripes, running quickly towards the Liuying Bridge. It's just not dark.

In the battle for the divine power line, Lu Yin smashed the sacred tree and ran away. At that moment, the whole Zhi trace was confused.

Immediately afterwards, Ba Color asked all the members of Wu Zhi to retreat, and the doors opened wide. Those Wu Zhi ran as fast as possible, and Ba Color even took away the lines of divine power and disappeared without a trace.

Now that Anonymous has completely disappeared, Base and other previous Anonymous members have become the targets of the main hunt.

The people responsible for hunting them down are the Time Master clan, and they are slaughtered by Shi Bu Zhan.

As for those who were ordered to join the unknown main sequence, the main sequence, naturally also participated in the pursuit. They never regarded themselves as unknown members, and joining was just a task.

Looking back now, that Lu Yin was really a ruthless person. He used a trick to drain the bottom of the cauldron and make the unknown and divine power lines useless.

That Bashi was ruthless enough, and he actually ran away. Shi Bu Zhan Zai took action after the divine power lines were taken away, but he was unable to suppress the guy, causing all the unknown members to run away, and not a single one was left.

In fact, these things have nothing to do with it. Although it did team up with Lu Yin and discuss killing Su Xinzong, it is a sequence of luck. However, in the end, it was blamed, saying that it was the one who brought the bad luck. Several dominant clan creatures are disgusted.

It's just a rumor.

Fortunately, Shi Bu Zhan was generous and not only did not hold it responsible, but also allowed it to enter the inner and outer heavens.

Having said that, why is Shi Bu Zhan Zaixia so generous? I vaguely heard something about harming the fate-dominated clan, but I must have heard it wrong.

Ahead, Liuying Bridge is coming.

It doesn't want to be so far away for a moment.

The only regret is that I didn't get to communicate more with Yun Tan. The same goes for Yun Tan. What are you doing so far away from me? It's better to find the nearest Yunting to rest first and see which realm we go to.

In a blink of an eye, Bu'an rushed across Liuying Bridge and entered Yunting.

And just after it entered the Yunting, the Inner and Outer Sky, a figure passed through the barrier and headed towards the branch, which happened to be the branch that entered the Inner and Outer Sky.

The figure raised his head and glanced at the barrier. It was really useful. He had many methods, and he was able to connect with the three-law creatures of the Karma Master family. This would be much more convenient in the future. Thinking about it, he stepped on the branches and headed towards Liuying Bridge.

Walk all the way through the branches, step over Liuying Bridge, and enter Yunting.

This is Keting, one of the forty-four courts. When the figure enters, the guardian of Keting immediately comes over and bows to greet him.

The guardian of the Cloud Court seems to always be the humblest, welcoming all creatures that enter the Cloud Court, regardless of whether the creature belongs to the dominant clan or the seventy-two realms.

The figure nodded and entered Keting.

There are many creatures in Keting, and several of them dominate the clan, with indifferent eyes and disdain for other creatures.

He only looked at it when he saw the figure.

Human beings are conspicuous everywhere.

In the far corner, I am not surprised, human beings? The person who can freely enter and exit Yunting must be a member of the Wang family.

It's teeth itched when it saw a human being. If it weren't for that Lu Yin, it wouldn't be blamed. Thinking about it, he got closer.

The figure looked at it with deep eyes.

Bu An looks at the figure, his perception is so keen, he is a master.

The figure looked deeply at Bu Di, then stopped and walked towards the seventy-two realms.

"Wait." A sudden voice sounded. From a dominant clan of creatures.

The figure didn't move.

"Where do you come from?" asked the dominant clan of creatures.

The figure's tone was deep, hoarse and hoarse, "Wang family."

"Are you from the Wang family?"


Several dominant creatures looked at each other. They hated human beings, but if they were members of the Wang family, they would not be in trouble. I originally thought that this person might be from the Liuying camp, just to relieve his boredom, but it's a pity.

Seeing that several creatures of the dominant clan stopped talking, the figures raised their feet and left.

Just at this time, a person appeared on the altar. He was a young man. He got off the altar, looked up, glanced at the creatures of the dominant clan, and nodded respectfully.

The creatures of the dominant clan looked disdainfully at the man, and then looked at the leaving figure. They recognized him. This man also came from the Wang family, and he had an obvious aura of the Wang family.

The man followed their gazes, saw the figure walking out, and subconsciously shouted "Stop."

If you don't look back, someone else will come?

The figure ignored it and continued to leave.

The man frowned and said, "I asked you to stop, didn't you hear me?"

Look at each creature.

The figure stopped, turned around, looked at the man, and his eyes darkened.

The Wang family is so unlucky to meet someone from the Wang family.

There are only two places where human beings can have reasonable origins, one is the Wang family and the other is Liuying.

People who walked out of the camp must have been taken out, and there must be support behind them, such as Liancheng and Jianwu. Such people are easy to distinguish. They have a natural sense of humility when facing the dominant clan of creatures.

This sense of humility comes from his background in Liuying.

Of course, there are exceptions. The experience in the Liuying camp made them want to take revenge on the Overlord clan, and even dreamed of overthrowing the Liuying camp. However, it is usually difficult for such people to be taken out of the Liuying camp, and the creatures of the Overlord clan would not let such people go out. Anyone who might be taken out has a unique talent and would have been watched.

Generally speaking, the human beings who can be taken out of the camp are almost all extremely talented and have no hostility towards the master clan. This can also mean that there is no hostility on the surface, so these people will be taken out.

They have a very obvious sense of humility.

The other type is the Wang family. Although they have a low status in the face of the dominant clan of creatures, they are not humble. They can only say that they are unwilling to provoke them. Among them there are also Wang family members who have taken refuge with the Lord Clan, but such people can also be seen at a glance.

When faced with the creatures of the dominant clan, the figure responded to questions neither humble nor arrogant, without any sense of humility, so it was unlikely that he came from the Liuying camp, and the identity of the Wang family was almost certain.

But at this moment, a real member of the Wang family came.

Ke Ting was silent, and all creatures looked at the human figure and the human man.

The human man stared at the figure "Who are you? Where are you from?"

The figure was silent for a moment, "Wang family."

The man raised his eyebrows, "Why haven't I seen you?"

"Can you know everyone in the Fantasy Realm?"

The man frowned, "Of course it's impossible, but you don't feel like the Wang family to me."

The figure snorted coldly, turned around and left, "Nonsense."

The man yelled, "Stop, what's your name?"

The figure ignored him and continued walking forward.

The creature that dominates the clan said, "Stop and tell me clearly, are you from the Wang family?"

The figure stopped. He could not care about the man's words, but he could not ignore the creatures of the dominant clan. Some people in the Wang family could do this, but those were famous people. If he did this, something would be wrong.

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