Star Odyssey

Chapter 4940: Ming Zuo

Several creatures of the dominant clan watched with great interest. Regardless of whether they were members of the Wang family or not, it was finally a fun way to pass the time.

"Hey, go lift his cloak." The creature who dominated the clan said to the man.

The man bowed in gratitude and walked towards the figure.

Bu An stared at the figure, and when he saw that the man was about to grab the cloak, the figure slapped the man away with his backhand, then said "bad luck", stepped out, and disappeared.

On the spot, the man was knocked unconscious by a slap.

The eyes of those dominant clan creatures changed drastically, "He is not from the Wang family, catch him, there is something wrong with this person."

The person in the cloak was naturally the old blind man. He didn't expect to meet someone from the Wang family. This was unlucky enough.

Bu An looked at this scene and backed away silently, having nothing to do with it.

In the True Self Realm, Lu Yin suddenly remembered something. Is there any method for the holy bow?

He has captured many masters, including the sequence, the main sequence and the holy bow that dominates a clan of creatures, especially the holy bow. As a master of a clan of creatures, and not an ordinary creature, he is considered a master when he has reached the point of conforming to the two laws of the universe. To say that there is no way within the seventy-two realms is unreasonable.

Thinking about it, he immediately released the holy bow.

As soon as the holy bow came out, he realized something was wrong, "Is this the inner and outer heaven?"

Lu Yin nodded, "I understand very well."

Sheng Gong looked at Lu Yin in surprise, "How did you get in?"

"What do you think?"

Sheng Gong's eyes flickered, remembering that Lu Yin had forced him to transform into a human form before. This taboo was only known to the dominant clan of creatures. At this moment, you can enter the inner and outer heavens again.

This person is indeed related to the master clan of creatures, and he is not an ordinary creature.

Because even if it is not qualified to allow this person to enter the inner and outer heavens, it can be carried with it, but it cannot give this person the qualification to directly enter the inner and outer heavens.

Lu Yin said, "Okay, now that you know this is the inner and outer heaven, you should understand what I want to do."

Holy Bow shook his head.

Lu Yin stared at it, "I want Fang, a lot of Fang."

Sheng Gong shrank his eyes and stared at Lu Yin. He wanted to say something, but was blocked by Lu Yin. "Don't force me to kill you here. You must be good at it, and there are many."

"Eighty-six, I only have eighty-six directions." Sheng Gong blurted out.

Lu Yin frowned, "So few?"

Sheng Gong bitterly said, "It's not that small. After all, I rarely participate in gambling in the camp, and the focus is not here. Otherwise, it would be impossible to cultivate to the current state."

"For many creatures, square is very important, but square is only important inside and outside. And even if it is important, as long as you don't participate in square wars and boundary wars, the difference is not big."

"Most of the time, it depends on my own strength. If I can cultivate

Refined to the level of three laws, one can withstand the bombardment of at least thousands of cubic meters, but it is difficult to possess thousands of cubic meters. What's more, the clan will also reward Fang at that time. "

"So I never focused on that."

Lu Yin was puzzled, "But I heard that the dominant clan tried their best to get more parties."

Sheng Gong explained, "That is a request for credit from the forces belonging to the Lord Clan. Of course, the Lord Clan itself also wants to get more resources to reward the clan. This is normal."

"In the Inner and Outer Heavens, there is a saying that applies to the dominant clan."

"What I can't get, you can't get either."

Lu Yin's eyes were strange.

Sheng Gong said, "Even if I can't get these prescriptions, I would rather dominate them and become ownerless ones than let you get them."

Lu Yin was so funny, it was almost as if he was talking to each other.

If you want to solve this problem, you can either make an agreement to dominate the clan and no longer own the party, or you can fight with each other.

And Fang is also the best resource for the forces under the dominant clan to claim credit.

There is nothing to say, Lu Yin naturally got the eighty-six directions of the holy bow. This holy bow really doesn't seem to care, maybe because it can't be refused.

Chiyu's masters were also released one by one for questioning, but none of them had Fang, which was a pity.

Lu Yin continued to roll the dice.

There are countless living beings in the true self world, so he has planted extraordinary secrets in the hearts of thousands of living beings. This is not acceptable. Although these tens of thousands of creatures are relatively powerful, after all, they are the ones he chose to integrate with, but there are too many creatures in the real world, and they will continue to increase.

If you want to respond to a hundred people at once, at least increase it to millions of living beings.

Based on his selection criteria for integrating into the light ball, millions of creatures account for the majority of the master cultivators in the entire True Self Realm. It is enough for these creatures to have a certain degree of dominance over the cultivators below.

In other words, it will take thousands of years to complete the first step.

Just thinking about it gives me a headache.

Lu Yin pointed out, the dice spun and finally stopped at six o'clock.

Now it's 6 o'clock and it's very calm, and there is no wave in my heart.

As the scene in front of you changes, huh? how come?

Under the clear sky, white clouds float, the colorful universe is above the head, and the calm sea is below. Stretching islands span the entire planet.

This is a very ordinary planet with a very beautiful environment.

There are islands all over the planet, and there are lives on every island. These lives have no cultivation at all and are all very ordinary.

And there is a huge statue on every island. The statue is the form of the life-dominating clan.

Just above an island, in the clouds, there was a creature of the life master family who opened its eyes and looked at it in confusion. This creature was named Ming Yue Zuo, and at this moment, Lu Yin was integrating into its body.

Lu Yin stared at the sky blankly, how could he merge into the body of a creature that dominates life? impossible.

If you want to integrate into other living beings, you need to cultivate the same power. This is a limitation.

He has integrated into too many living beings, but he never thought that he could integrate into the body of the dominant clan of living beings.

The cultivation of any creature of the dominant clan has been planned since its birth. It is impossible for it to absorb life force and practice stupidly like the creatures of the seventy-two realms. This does not exist.

But he can actually integrate into the body of such a creature, which means that this is how it cultivates.

The memories keep coming.

Lu Yin gradually understood and even sympathized a little.

This creature named Ming Zuo of the Dominator Clan is considered to be the least gifted creature in the history of the Clan of Dominators. This has been determined since the first practice after birth. There has never been a single dominant creature who could not even take the first step of cultivation, not one.

This incident became the biggest joke at the time.

Corresponding to this matter, is the dominant clan of creatures that were born and mutated at the same time as it.

It obviously has the same appearance as other creatures of the dominant clan, but it is earthy yellow, but this can be easily solved, just kill it and throw it away.

However, this creature with extremely poor cultivation talent cannot be killed. It has no mutation, it is just a creature with poor talent. Even the clan leader does not have the right to kill it.

So in the end, it was sealed. After a long time passed, the other dominant clans forgot about this joke, then unsealed it, and then threw it into any corner.

This is Mingzuo's experience.

Lu Yin looked at his left hands. Is his talent really that bad?

The mutated earth-yellow creature should be a non-hatred creature, which mutated as soon as it was born. The Life Masters killed it decisively and threw it away, but it happened to be picked up by Lu Tongtian, who gave it a destiny and brought it into Linlang. Heaven.

That was a long time ago.

This Mingzuo was actually born a long time ago, but it caused too much of a sensation at the time and became the biggest joke of the other Dominator clan. The Life Dominator clan already adheres to the principle of keeping a low profile, so it was specially sealed up until recently. Feng, threw it into such a corner of the real world, and ordered it never to leave this area to prevent the jokes from reappearing.

Ming Zuo did not receive any cultivation resources within the clan, and the only resource was his


No matter how poor its talent is and how much it is looked down upon by its own clan, no one outside would dare to offend it because of its status.

No matter how much you look down on it, you don't dare to do anything to it.

It's still relatively moist here.

There are ordinary creatures on these islands. It can be revered as a god with its very weak cultivation. Every island has its statue erected, which is quite satisfying.

Its life is actually very clear. As it gets older day by day, it will gradually grow old and eventually die. This is its life.

The only thing that records it is the history of these ordinary creatures on the island.

But these creatures may also disappear completely due to a battle between two random practitioners.

It can be said that Ming Zuo is probably the most common person to die in the history of the Dominator clan. As for not hating or sacrificing, he was not recognized by the life master clan at all, but even so, he died under the pursuit of Mingtong.

Even if Mingtong doesn't recognize it, it doesn't prevent it from knowing at a glance that it must be a mutated creature that needs to be eliminated from the clan.

Ming Zuo and No Hate No Sacrifice were born at the same time, so they are brothers.

Sitting high in the clouds, below, the island cheered, the ordinary creatures calling to it.

If Lu Yin hadn't integrated into his body, this life would have shown miracles at this moment, and would have been respected and worshiped by thousands of creatures on the entire island, enjoying the infinite happiness of a limited life.

but now.

The miracle is gone.

Lu Yin sat calmly, checking Mingzuo's memory.

Mingzuo has very little memory. He was only born not long ago before the seal was sealed. It has been a few years since the seal was lifted, but not that long.

In Ming Zuo's memory, he experienced emotions such as hatred, hatred, numbness, abandonment, and self-satisfaction. It had completely resigned to its fate and was just waiting for the day it would die of old age.

He doesn't have any friends in the clan, not even one who would cause trouble for him.

All the creatures of the dominant clan ignore it. If it were not restricted by clan rules, its name would not even appear in the family tree.

There has never been a person who ruled a clan of creatures without a moon.

If the fate is left, there will be no moon. It has not developed any power to dominate the life of the clan.

Lu Yin exhaled, this is interesting.

I didn't expect that the Dominator clan still had such a creature.

Even with the continuation of the Dominator's bloodline, there would be such creatures with extremely poor talents.

worthy of study.

He determined the location, exited the fusion, and then led Wang Chenchen directly to find it.

It's too easy to control the life left.

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