Star Odyssey

Chapter 875: Zhouyan Scripture

Lu Yin's consciousness faded, and he seemed to have turned into a rune, swimming in the starry sky, covering up the entire starry sky.

He saw a tall and majestic man. With a wave of his hand, the starry sky was replaced by boundless runes.

He saw a civilization that used strange technology to achieve communication, teleportation, combat, etc.

He saw the battlefield, and endless people moving up a large river.


His eyes changed, filled with star energy, and the pupils turned into a complex rune.

I don't know how long it took, but everything Lu Yin saw returned to normal. The sky was still the same sky, dim and seemingly endless, filled with endless runes, oppressing everyone.

All around, Hongying was dazed, and Hai Qiqi looked at him with wide eyes curiously.

Lu Yin's eyes changed and he rubbed them subconsciously, "How long has it been?".

"Five days," Hai Qiqi said.

Lu Yin nodded, closed his eyes, and rested.

Hai Qiqi couldn't help it anymore, "What did you see? After watching it for five days, did you realize something?"

Lu Yin waved his hand and said, "Let me rest first."

Hai Qiqi was very curious. She heard from her father that some people are gifted and may have a strange situation like epiphany. Lu Yin's appearance during those five days seemed very similar to that of epiphany.

Fortunately, the old woman from the Sixth Continent wasn't watching, otherwise the secret might have been exposed.

Lu Yin closed his eyes, his eyes were a little sore. This feeling was exactly the same as when he climbed to the star platform. At that time, he didn't know what happened. He only knew that his eyes were full of stars and he could see the rune numbers. At this moment, he knew .

The star boarding platform is indeed a legacy of rune technology, and it has only one function, to open eyes.

Fu Zu created rune technology, which was short-lived but extremely brilliant. He even led the Fifth Continent to counterattack the Sixth Continent. That brilliant but short-lived civilization caused heavy losses to the Sixth Continent. Lu Yin didn't know what the final result would be. He had been in the past. In the past five days, because of the celestial phenomena, I received the second inheritance, Lingming.

At the same time, he also learned about the supreme skill created by Fu Zu - Zhou Yan Zhen Jing.

The star platform can open people's eyes and initially see the rune numbers, and Lingming allows him to use the rune numbers.

The battle of rune technology is terrifying and mysterious. Just like the ascension platform and the suppression of celestial phenomena, it directly erases a person's existence. What it erases is not life, but the number of runes.

How much influence a person has on the universe will determine how many runes are generated. The Zhouyan Scripture allows those who learn it to erase the opponent's runes. The reduction in the number of runes also means that the power that the other party can exert is reduced. This It is both erasure and restriction.

This is what Fu Zu created, which shocked two continents, and can even be said to be something that even history dare not record - Zhou Yan Zhenjing.

Lu Yin didn't know how many Ancestral Realm experts had come out of the Fifth Continent, but he knew that Chen Zu was an existence that the history of the Sixth Continent dared not record, and Fu Zu was the same, or even worse, because the Sixth Continent's history did not dare to record it. Some people in the mainland have heard rumors about Chen Zu, but no one has mentioned the existence of Fu Zu. Only some people in the Fifth Continent know about the existence of rune technology.

The civilization founded by Fuzu reached its peak and ended quickly, as if it could not be contained in the universe.

Lu Yin remembered what Gui Hou once said, that rune technology is like one sky tampering with another. He now understood that this universe had been tampered with by Fu Zu, and the rune numbers he saw were all tampered with by Fu Zu. What was left behind by the Queen of Heaven, that is to say, the power of Fuzu remained in the entire cosmic sea.

Unless the power of the talisman completely disappears, at that time, the number of talismans will no longer exist.

Lu Yin took a deep breath, Fu Zu, how exquisite and beautiful must he be to create such a terrifying civilization? He himself is like a universe, replacing the original universe.

Not long after, Lu Yin opened his eyes and looked at a corner. In Tong Chou's memory, the spaceship would appear in that corner.

Granny Gui and others will definitely not allow him to discover the spaceship, but unfortunately, he already knows.

Looking up again, Lu Yin still wanted to comprehend it, but the possibility was slim. He could only receive the inheritance of the Zhouyan Scripture from Lingming. If he wanted to go further, he would need other opportunities.

A person like Fu Zu will definitely leave a legacy in the Fifth Continent. We should pay more attention to the legacy of rune technology in the future.

By the way, since the star boarding platform belongs to the Starry Sky War Academy, the Starry Sky War Academy may know something.

Another day passed, Hongying woke up, turned to look at Lu Yin, and looked into Lu Yin's eyes, "Are you awake?".

Lu Yin said with a smile, "We are leaving."

Hongying was confused, "Why go?".

Lu Yin grabbed Hongying and jumped out with Hai Qiqi, flying towards a corner of Haiwangtian.

Many cultivators on the Sixth Continent were shocked. The old man at the Enlightenment Realm immediately stopped in front, "Junior, you can't escape." He raised his hand and patted Lu Yin, his hands shining with black light.

Lu Yin shouted, "Don't you want this woman's life?".

The old man stopped subconsciously.

Lu Yin raised his hand and swayed out a bottle of ageless poison.

The old man's face changed drastically, "Avoid", he said, and was the first to escape.

Poison is very permeable, and no one knows what its toxicity is. No matter who comes into contact with poison, they will subconsciously avoid it.

The old man was right to hide. The number of poison runes in Wu Lao was very close to 200,000, which was enough to make him unlucky.

Taking advantage of everyone's opportunity to avoid it, Lu Yin dragged Hai Qiqi across the coast, snatched away the elder's body and put it into the Ningkong Ring, then rushed to the corner, where a spaceship was parked.

The spaceship has just arrived and is ready to take Granny Gui, Hongying and others to the Cangmang Continent.

Lu Yin was only a hundred meters away from the spaceship. He looked up and saw cultivators from the Sixth Continent in all directions.

Granny Gui sneered, want to escape? impossible.

Lu Yin raised his hand, and a needle appeared in his hand, shooting out in all directions.

Grandma Gui was shocked, "No, it's a shadowless needle."

The flying needles smeared poison and shot in all directions, with extremely strong penetrating power, and more importantly, it contained strange effects. More than a dozen hunting realm experts and dozens of sixth continent cultivators were shot, and all of them suddenly turned pale. Black, immediate death.

Granny Gui was so angry that she finally appeared, crossed the void, and grabbed Lu Yin with one hand, "Junior, you are seeking death."

Lu Yin blocked Hongying in front and said, "Old woman, if you come back again, I will rape her."

Granny Gui shouted angrily, without stopping. She sped up, appeared in front of Lu Yin, and grabbed it with one palm. Lu Yin's eyebrows jumped. It was the first time he faced the Sealer, even though the opponent's combat power was suppressed to less than 200,000. Next, but the sealer is the sealer, he does not dare to be careless, and his right hand condenses the star energy, "One Yang".

The scorching sun hit Grandma Gui. Grandma Gui did not dodge and held the sun with one hand. Lu Yin was in an unbelievable situation. His sun visibly dissipated until it completely disappeared. The whole process took less than a second.

Before he could react, Grandma Gui made a single palm seal and slapped Lu Yin.

Hai Qiqi quickly threw out a small blue shield, and the quicksand in Lu Yin's body also appeared, blocking behind the shield.

Granny Gui hit the shield with one palm, and the shield immediately fell into pieces. The force of the palm did not decrease, and it hit the quicksand of destiny. Fortunately, her combat power was suppressed below 200,000, so she did not break the quicksand of destiny immediately, but with one palm The power also passed through the quicksand, shocking Lu Yin until he vomited blood.

Lu Yin hurriedly sprayed the poison again in an attempt to force Granny Cui back and vomited blood, but Granny Cui was not afraid of the poison and slapped her palm again, with a fine needle in her palm, "Junior, when I was playing with poison, your ancestors had not yet born".

Lu Yin's scalp was numb, Yu Zi Mi activated, the fine needle disappeared and shot towards Granny Gui instead.

Granny Gui sneered, letting the fine needle shoot into her body, and a palm came down, "The secret technique is useless."

Lu Yin's pupils shrank sharply, and he struck out with the same palm. This time he did not use star energy combat skills, but purely with physical strength, "Thirty heavy - one hundred and fifty times - wave palm".

There was a loud bang and the ground cracked. Lu Yin grabbed Hai Qiqi and Hongying with his left hand. They were knocked back by a palm and hit the spacecraft, causing him to spit out blood.

Even if the sealer does not cultivate the physical body, his physical body is not comparable to Lu Yin's exploration level, and it is not on the same level.

No one thought that Lu Yin could fight Granny Gui.

But when Granny Gui appeared, everyone was shocked.

Granny Gui's right palm was bent, and she even took a few steps back.

How can it be?

Not to mention the people from the Sixth Continent, even Hai Qiqi is incredible.

Even if the sealer's combat power is suppressed to less than 200,000, it is not something that an exploration realm can deal with. It is not at the same level. Lu Yin had difficulty dealing with the enlightenment realm before, so how can he fight against Granny Gui?

There was a huge wave of panic in Grandma Gui's heart. Something was wrong, something must be wrong. The moment she put her palms together, her strength seemed to be declining rapidly.

Without allowing anyone to think too much, Lu Yin grabbed Hongying's shoulder and tore it apart suddenly. Suddenly, the coat of Hongying's right arm was torn open, revealing a large area of ​​white.

At this moment, Grandma Gui paused, as did all the people in the Sixth Continent.

Hongying screamed, "Stop."

Lu Yin's mouth was bleeding and he was breathing heavily. "Shut up." He just tore off the clothes on Hongying's right arm. It was no big deal, it was just an arm, but for Hongying and those cultivators on the Sixth Continent, This is shocking. If you can tear open the clothes of one arm, you can tear all the clothes.

Everyone immediately didn't dare to take action.

Lu Yin looked miserable, glaring at everyone, especially Granny Gui, with bloodshot eyes, "If you dare to take action again, I will kidnap her. She is going to die anyway, and I will let all of you be buried with her."

All the cultivators from the Sixth Continent looked ugly and did not dare to take action. The men all turned around.

Granny Gui also didn't dare to take action. Although the Tong family was overbearing and could pay the price regardless of Hongying's life, if Hongying was taken away, the face of Pegasus Villa would be greatly lost. This cannot be exchanged for profit, and may even affect The three regions attack the unity of the fifth continent. After all, wars often occur within the sixth continent. It is difficult to unite the three regions. Although she is the sealer, she does not dare to take action without authorization, otherwise she will become a sinner.

"What do you want?" Granny Kui shouted fiercely.

Lu Yin gasped, "I want to go to the vast continent."

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