Star Odyssey

Chapter 876 Dojo Layout

After hearing what Lu Yin said, Grandma Gui was stunned, "Cangmang Continent? Are you going to Cangmang Continent?".

Lu Yin narrowed his eyes and asked Hai Qiqi to board the ship. He stared at Granny Gui and said, "If you don't let me go, don't blame me for being mean."

Granny Gui stared at Lu Yin with twinkling eyes.

Hongying was extremely angry and said, "You are despicable, villain."

Lu Yin grabbed her and retreated into the spaceship step by step. However, the people from the Sixth Continent in the spaceship did not dare to resist at all, and were all thrown out by Hai Qiqi.

"Quick, let's sail!" Lu Yin shouted.

Hongying was furious, "You are delusional."

"Do you want to be ripped off?" Lu Yin threatened.

Hongying gritted her teeth and stared at Lu Yin.

"Don't worry, I promise you, I'll release you immediately when we get to Cangmang Continent," Lu Yin said, not only for Hongying to hear, but also for the ears of those outside.

The old man in the Enlightenment realm came behind Grandma Gui and asked, "Senior, what should I do?".

Granny Gui's eyes were cold, "Let them go. Most of the vast continent will fall into our hands. Where can they escape? Let them go."

Everyone in the Sixth Continent was helpless and watched the spaceship leave.

After a while, until Neptune was completely out of sight, Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, vomited out a mouthful of blood, and quickly took medicine.

Hongying was trapped and stared at Lu Yin, "One day, I will make you regret everything you did to me."

Lu Yin said bitterly, "Stop thinking about it, I won't remember you."

Hongying was extremely angry.

Hai Qiqi looked at Lu Yin worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Lu Yin shook his head and stood up with difficulty, "I'm injured. I just need to rest for a few days. By the way, how many days will it take to get to Cangmang Continent?".

"At the speed of this spaceship, it will take about ten days," Hai Qiqi said.

Lu Yin nodded and sat down to recover from his injuries.

Now there is no one from the Sixth Continent on board this spaceship, and due to the suppression of celestial phenomena, Granny Gui does not dare to pursue them without a spaceship. They are safe.

Lu Yin couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, he had understood Ling Ming and weakened the power of Granny Gui's palm. Otherwise, his arm would have been crippled by that palm, and he would not have been able to continue to hold Hongying hostage.

The sealer was so terrifying, with deep fear in his eyes.

Yiyang was actually resolved like that, how could it be done? Is it a combat skill? Kung Fu? talent? Or something else? He didn't understand that when the Sealer attacked him, not to mention his combat power was suppressed below 200,000, even if his combat power was suppressed below 10,000, he would still be crushed.

Moreover, Grandma Gui didn't even give him a seal of approval.

The more I think about it, the more chilling I feel. The war in the inner universe is by no means as optimistic as I thought before. Those with a combat power of 200,000 are not just the younger generation. The real top masters are still these terrifying and powerful men.

In the vast continent, there was a figure in a hot place. Just when Lu Yin and Hai Qiqi were escaping from Neptune Sky, the figure suddenly opened his eyes with excitement, "Is this, Neptune Shield? Qiqi is back."

The figure stood up suddenly, with an excited but uneasy expression on his face. He was the King of the Sea.

The blue shield that Hai Qiqi used to resist Grandma Gui contained his power. Hai Qiqi could feel that he was still alive, and he could naturally feel that Hai Qiqi had used the Neptune Shield.

Neptune clenched his fists and was determined to go out, but after struggling for a long time, he finally sat down and sighed. His mission did not allow him to leave. If he left, the hope of falling into the sea of ​​stars would be gone.

Hope Qiqi can survive.

In the same vast continent, a fierce battle is breaking out in a huge square. The seals of the sixth continent's cultivators are coming to suppress the inner universe cultivators. Looking around, there are seals and corpses everywhere.

Blood stained the square.

In the sky, three figures passed each other and collided with each other. One person had the image of the ancestor of the Tong family on his back, holding a feather fan, one person was holding a long knife, the sword light soaring into the sky, and the other person's body was filled with blue water vapor. The two of them joined forces to practice with the sixth continent. They fought against each other and could only barely hold on.

The sealer of the Sixth Continent holding the feather fan is named Mr. Da. He comes from Hongwu Domain and is the Lord of Jinghong Mountain. He is a sealer with a combat skill of nearly 600,000.

The two people fighting against them are both the masters of the seventy-two dojos in the Cangmang Continent, and their combat power exceeds 300,000.

The three of them suppressed their combat power to less than 200,000, and the aftermath of the battle was shocking.

The sword light fell down and tore the void. Mr. Da's feather fan passed through, preventing the sword light from advancing any further. As the feather fan tapped lightly, the sword light burst directly. On the other side, the master of the dojo, who was covered with blue water vapor, raised his hands high, and the blue water vapor filled the air. The entire square tried to change the surrounding environment, and what followed was an infinitely spreading field, gradually turning into an aura and forming water droplets falling towards Mr. Da.

Mr. Da frowned and said, "See you are talented people. I want to win you back, but you are stubborn. In this case, you don't have to live anymore." He said, catching the water droplets with one hand.

The drop of water comes from the master of the dojo who has a combat power of over 300,000. A drop of water can irrigate a starry sky and make the world sink. However, in the hands of Mr. Da, this drop of water actually seems to be just a drop of water, a drop of water that gradually turns into nothingness.

The master of the dojo, whose body was filled with blue water vapor, was shocked. It was rumored that a qualitative change would occur on the Star Envoy. As expected, any of his star energy attacks were useless.

Another dojo leader shouted, tearing the void, and slashed down with his long sword, without any star power.

Mr. Da shook his head, "You have no chance when using star energy, but even if you don't use star energy, it doesn't matter. You and I are on two levels after all." As he spoke, he turned the feather fan, pointed the fan tip towards the blade, and with a bang, the blade Cracking and finally shattering, the feather fan pierced through the void and hit the dojo master, sending him flying into the ground.

Then he turned around and appeared in front of the master of the dojo who was covered in water vapor. He stretched out one hand and said "thousand brush hands".

After the words fell, the blue water vapor in the sky disappeared directly, and the dojo master's entire body was exposed in front of Mr. Da. As Mr. Da fell with one palm, the dojo master spat out a mouthful of blood, roared and unleashed all his combat power, with more than three hundred thousand combat power reaching the sky. He got up and made the square boil. He wanted to die together with Mr. Da.

However, before he could take action, the master of the dojo disappeared, as if he had never appeared.

This scene made everyone's scalp numb, but they were accustomed to it. Anyone with a combat power of more than 200,000 would have their existence wiped out, no matter who they were.

Mr. Da looked fearfully and raised his head. Just for a moment, he was very close to the master of the dojo, and he felt an indescribable palpitation in his heart. This was the pressure of the ancestral realm.

In the distance, the remaining dojo leader suddenly roared, jumped up, slashed down layer by layer with his blades, and used his physical strength to perform slashes that tore the void. Not only did he attack Mr. Big, but he also enveloped the entire square.

The square was completely destroyed.

Mr. Da frowned and walked out slowly, "It's a useless struggle. Even without our Sixth Continent's natural suppression of you, and without the Yin Zhao and Wu Yin, the difference between our own realms is a world of difference. You can Go to hell." After saying that, the feather fan vibrated, and a phantom appeared across the void in front of the dojo master, passing through.

The corners of Mr. Da's mouth curled up. This was his exotic feather fan. It had the power of previous generations and could be transformed into a soldier.

The fierce fighting in the square soon stopped. Mr. Da raised his head and murmured to himself, "So what if you suppress your combat power? How many people in your fifth continent have a combat power of more than 500,000? I can kill them all in the three domains."

Underground not far from the square, a figure was lying down, breathing heavily. On his chest, a scar almost cut him in half. He was Zhang Dingtian. His combat skills and cultivation all came from the dojo just now. It was originally an abandoned dojo, but because of his rise, he attracted masters of sword skills, and even attracted a strong man with a combat power of over 300,000 to become the master of the dojo. It was the man who was killed by Mr. Da.

And that person finally attacked the entire square just to let Zhang Dingtian escape. Zhang Dingtian is the real successor of this dojo. They can die, but Zhang Dingtian cannot.

Zhang Dingtian's life is hope.

In the Falling Star Sea, Lu Yin leaned against the window and watched the sea currents passing by. Strange things appeared in the sea currents from time to time.

It is rumored that the source of Falling Star Sea often brings out some strange things, which may be exotic treasures, combat skills, techniques, or even original treasures, etc.

The Immortal Sutra is one of the most famous techniques that has ever appeared in Falling Star Sea, and there are many treasures similar to the Immortal Sutra. Because of these things, Falling Star Sea has attracted countless people from the inner universe to practice it.

Immortal Yushan and Immortal Zishan had experienced training in the Sea of ​​Falling Stars. The self-proclaimed immortal duo were thought to have obtained the Immortal Sutra. This led to Immortal Yushan being put under surveillance and all his ambitions of hegemony were interrupted.

Coming to the Sea of ​​Falling Stars, everyone dreams of getting the treasure and leaping over the dragon gate.

The closer you get to the depths of the Falling Star Sea, the more likely you are to obtain the treasure.

The vast continent attracts countless cultivators from the inner universe every year.

This situation has lasted for countless thousands of years, and the history of many forces in the universe has been cut off, but the Cangmang Continent has always existed. Perhaps because of this, the Cangmang Continent gradually formed a dojo structure.

"In the vast continent, there are seventy-two dojos, distributed throughout the continent. Anyone who is strong can establish a sect, recruit disciples, and recruit masters. No matter who they are, the strong are respected. However, the number of dojos is constant and must be seventy Two, if they want to become a dojo master, they must either challenge and replace the original dojo master, or destroy a dojo and re-establish it. Today, the strongest dojo in the vast continent is called Chongshan Dojo. The dojo master is the father of Shi Jue Lance, Chongshan Dojo. Occupying nearly half of the resources of the Cangmang Continent, the Lan family can also be regarded as the lord of the Cangmang Continent." Hai Qiqi introduced, letting Lu Yin understand the situation of the Cangmang Continent.

"The Lan family has been ruling the Cangmang Continent for many years. It is adjacent to our sea king, and Master Lan is also a star envoy."

Lu Yin understood. He didn't expect this to be the case in the Cangmang Continent. Zhang Dingtian was in the Cangmang Continent. He didn't know how he was doing.

"What's the use of talking so lively? Most of the seventy-two dojos in the Cangmang Continent have fallen into the hands of our Sixth Continent. The latest news is that the number of dojos you guard does not exceed fifteen. Even if you reach the Cangmang Continent, you will have no way to survive. Unless you don't use star energy for the rest of your life and live in a corner," Hongying mocked, looking at Lu Yin and Hai Qiqi with disdain.

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