Star Odyssey

Chapter 935: The ability to interpret words

Not long after, she left the garden, quite irritated. Even if there was Lu Yin on her head, now even Sohar, the bereaved dog, was here. She couldn't talk to anyone, and she felt aggrieved.

What was the purpose of the previous calculation? Wei Rong now also seeks refuge with Lu Yin, leaving her confused and without any way out.

Just at this time, Wei Xiner passed by and glanced at Delin without paying attention.

Delin was already angry, but seeing Wei Xin'er ignoring her, she immediately became angry and said, "Xin'er, come here."

Wei Xin'er stood there and looked at Delin, "What's the matter?".

Delin laughed angrily, "My teacher asked you to come here, can't you understand human speech?".

Wei Xin'er's tone darkened, "Master, please be careful with your words. You are the acting president of the Interpreter Research Association, not a shrew."

"You are so brave, you dare to insult my teacher" Delin was furious.

Wei Xiner sneered and walked away.

Since the last time she prayed to Delin to no avail, she has recognized this master clearly and refuses to give him even the basic respect. What's more, now that her eldest brother Wei Rong has taken office in the Daewoo Empire and has become one of the top officials second only to Lu Yin, she Not even afraid of Delin.

Delin was so angry that she was shaking all over, but she could only watch Wei Xiner leave.

Delin was angry at Wei Rong, but she was also very afraid of him. She got chills when she thought of Wei Rong's methods. Not everyone was qualified for Lu Yin to recruit and treat him as a guest. Wei Rong was able to plan the destruction of Taiyuan Star and split it. The Interpreter Research Society, this was the person she didn't dare to offend.

Seeing Wei Xin'er's back disappearing, Delin suddenly felt powerless. Acting President of the Interpreter Research Association, does it make sense? What did she get?

Delin was confused, she couldn't even get the respect of her own disciples.

There was a sudden sound from the personal terminal, which woke up Delin. She looked over, her face changed, and she hurriedly answered, "Leader Lu, this is Delin."

Lu Yin was at the headquarters of the Interpreter Research Association at the moment. He saw what had just happened, but did not come out. "President Delin, please send some original treasures to the Interpreter Secret Room. I will be at Shui Ling Star soon."

Delin was shocked. Lu Yin was coming. Sohar would not be discovered. She hurriedly responded, "Yes, Alliance Leader Lu, don't worry." After saying that, she hurriedly hung up the communication and found Sohar.

Sohar didn't expect Lu Yin to come, so he immediately restrained his aura and went into Delin's own secret room to hide.

Half a day later, Lu Yin appeared at Shui Lingxing Space Station, pretending not to know what was happening here. In front of him, Delin greeted him respectfully, "Leader Lu, welcome to Shui Lingxing."

Lu Yin nodded, "President Delin is living well here."

Delin didn't know what Lu Yin meant, so she could only say, "Leader Lu Lu is worried."

"If you have any difficulties, just ask," Lu Yin said casually.

Delin's heart skipped a beat and she whispered, "The Secret Room of Interpretation is ready. Since the three original treasures all have murderous intentions, they are divided into three secret rooms that can be connected to each other. Alliance Leader Lu, please come here."

Lu Yin followed Delin towards the original treasure secret room at the headquarters of the Interpreter Research Association.

The Interpreter has a special original treasure secret room. Although Shui Lingxing has not been the headquarters of the Interpreter Research Association for a long time, these infrastructures have been established, and the materials used are Qiansi Lingjing.

It has to be said that the Interpreter Research Association has a profound foundation. Even with Lu Yin's current power, it is not easy to find the Thousand Silk Spirits who built many secret chambers. The Interpreter Research Association has stocks.

"I won't disturb Alliance Leader Lu. If you need anything, please give me your instructions directly," Delin said respectfully. Her original authority as the acting president of the Interpreter Research Association was lost in front of Lu Yin, not only because of Lu Yin's current power, but also because of Sohar is on Shui Lingxing, and she really has no qualifications to show off her majesty.

A dignified acting president of the Interpreter Research Association, who can't even control his own disciples, Delin has fallen into confusion.

Lu Yin knew exactly what she was thinking. This woman was ambitious, but did not have the matching ability and mentality. She was no longer suitable to be the acting president.

Slowly walking into the first secret room, the air was filled with sharp edges, and sword-shaped shadows flashed across from time to time, tearing the void apart. This was the murderous intention of the original treasure, and its power was by no means lower than the cruise level level.

The original treasure itself is like the hilt of a sword, not big. It is inserted straight into the box of Qiansi Spirit Spirit. Sparks emit from the surrounding void from time to time, and occasionally there is the sound of the sword spirit chirping.

Lu Yin was surprised. He could tell at a glance that there was something in this original treasure, and it was also a three-star palm intermediate original treasure. Delin was actually willing to take it out, which surprised him.

Could it be that the Interpreter Research Society’s original treasures are running out?

As he approached Yuan Bao step by step, the sword-shaped sword beside him flashed with murderous intent, and it swiped across Lu Yin's coat from time to time, but he could easily block it with his star energy.

Each original treasure has its own rules. At the elementary level of Bright Eyes, interpretation of language relies on the understanding of star energy. A language interpretation weapon can often increase the speed of language interpretation several times or even dozens of times, and to reach the intermediate level of Palm Control, many Interpreters also do this. For example, Lu Yin himself relied on the Tianxing Gong and modified his binoculars to interpret the interpreter weapon. But in fact, a long time ago, the examination for mastering the intermediate interpreter was not as simple as it is now.

If you want to reach the level of controlling an intermediate interpreter, you must be able to observe the pattern of the formation of the original treasure in front of you, which is the direction in which the surface energy solidifies.

After reading Gu Yue's manuscript, Lu Yin realized that nowadays only Haoran's advanced interpreters can do this, and only a few intermediate interpreters can do this.

At least in the inner and outer universe, Lu Yin has never heard of this statement.

Staring at the sword-shaped original treasure in front of him, Lu Yin gradually figured out the context based on his experience of absorbing the gray mist in the ruins of Daoyuan Sect to observe the ancient interpreter of the language and Gu Yue's handwritten notes. This original treasure has energy from bottom to top. Gradually solidifies. During the solidification process, the energy inside gradually penetrates, causing murderous intent.

Now he can even see the highest destructive power that these murderous intentions and solidified energy can achieve when combined.

Lu Yin stretched out his hand, held down the sword-shaped original treasure with one hand, and began to try to decipher the words.

Since I can see the context of the formation of the original treasure, it is naturally easier to interpret the language. I thought that the third eye of the Giant Emperor appeared in my hand, which made it easier. It would also be good to speed up the interpretation of the language.

Just as Lu Yin was explaining his words, the area around Zhenyu Star was sealed off, and the mainland auction house's boutique auction officially began.

The highlight of this auction is naturally the new route within the Dongjiang Alliance.

These routes can speed up the internal transactions and transportation efficiency of the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance, including military support, material transfer, etc. Any new route is enough to speed up the development of the region involved several times or even higher.

The universe is too big, and the biggest obstacle between civilizations is not language, but distance. Once the distance is shortened, the process of civilization exchanges will accelerate.

If the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance's current military structure score is five, then by using the new route, the military score can at least increase to seven. This is the role of the new route.

Endless Shipping has mastered new routes, and many people know that if they hadn't had various exploration teams, they might not have been able to keep it.

Even so, a new route is released every once in a while to appease the outer universe.

There are currently so many routes in the outer universe, some of which are released by Endless Shipping.

Now Lu Yin is going to auction a lot of new routes at once. Although the new routes he picked have nothing to do with the military, they are all new routes that are beneficial to people's livelihood transportation and speed up exchanges between civilizations, but others don't know about it.

The news of the new route auction has caused a sensation for nearly two months, attracting countless people to come to Zhenyu Star, and now the auction is finally about to begin.

Mainland auction houses were not that easy to get into before, and now it is even more difficult.

Outside Zhenyu Star, the Mabis Bank spaceship is traveling back and forth, transporting star energy crystal marrow.

Luxurious spaceships are parked at the Zhenyu Star Space Station. If Zhenyu Star explodes at this time, the influence of the dead people will be enough to involve half of the powerful powers in the outer universe.

The Royal Court Team 13 was ready, and Ye Gui also came out to sit on the space station, just in case.

In fact, their worries are unnecessary. The outer universe is now almost transparent. Wherever there is a threat, Lu Yin has long known it and has already let Aegis monitor it. Coupled with the intelligence of Qianyan and Purple Jade Trading Company, it is impossible for anyone to infiltrate Daeyu. Empire, what happened when those killers attacked Zhenyu Star will never happen again.

Shui Lingxing and Lu Yin looked relaxed and their eyes were calm. Under their hands, the solid energy outside the sword-shaped original treasure turned into cracks visible to the naked eye and gradually disappeared.

Now his speech interpretation speed is more than twice as fast as before. Finding the context formed by the original treasure is enough to double the speech interpretation speed. This is the ability that those who master the intermediate language interpretation should master.

He can now even affect the coverage of Yuanbao Murder through the language interpretation process, which is something he could never figure out before.

With a bang, the explanation ended, and the solid energy outside the original treasure completely disappeared. In front of him, a broken sword fell into the Thousand Silk Spirit Box.

Lu Yin picked it up slowly and applied a little force. The sword body was not damaged, but the hilt was cracked.

The sword body is made of unknown materials and is very tough, but this sword has no sharp edge. It has toughness but no lethality.

Put away the sword, wait until the dice rolls to two, and disassemble it directly. You should be able to get something good.

After finishing the explanation of the first original treasure, Lu Yin pushed open the door to the second secret room, where there was the second original treasure. Today he was going to solve three original treasures to increase the level of explanation.

Now he is a one-star intermediate interpreter, and his true interpretive ability, according to the current era, should reach the level of a five-star intermediate interpreter. The experience of the Ancient Moon Notes and the ruins of Daoyuan Sect has made his The ability to interpret language is far beyond that of the current era, and the perspective is different.

But if placed in ancient times, his speech interpretation ability would probably be at the intermediate level of two-star palm control, or at most the intermediate level of three-star palm control.

Time passes, but the times lag behind.

The second original treasure also had murderous intent. Lu Yin's face became more solemn. The air he saw in front of him turned into stone flakes from time to time, seeming to be solidified. This was the power of his predecessors.

The power of Yuanbao's murderous intention seems to be similar to that of its predecessors, but its power is different.

One is produced by the fusion of internal objects and solid energy during the solidification process, and the other is intentionally left behind by predecessors.

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