Star Odyssey

Chapter 936 Pace

Lu Yin could see through the strength of the people in front of him and could easily avoid it, but he didn't. He raised his feet and approached Yuan Bao step by step.

Suddenly, rock solidified on the surface of his fingers, and then his entire body was gradually solidified by the rock, completely turning into a stone and standing there.

In the distance, in the secret room under the garden, Sohar suddenly stood up, his eyes ecstatic, and Lu Yin was petrified.

The original treasure has been kept in the Outer Universe Interpreter Research Association. He once tried to interpret the language, but he was afraid of the power of his predecessors and did not take action. The power left by his predecessors reached a level close to the enlightenment level. Even if he took action without authorization, May be petrified.

This time Lu Yin asked for the Yu Yuan Bao, Sohar asked Delin to send three Yuan Bao with murderous intent, just to give Lu Yin a try. Now, he has finally been petrified.

Sohar was in a state of excitement, and Lu Yin was like a thorn in his heart. He wanted to pull it out now, but he quickly calmed down, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

On the other side, Delin also noticed that Lu Yin was petrified. She was confused and didn't know how to deal with it.

The day passed quickly, and Lu Yin was petrified, unable to move.

But Sohar did not take the opportunity to take action. After thinking about it in the secret room for a long time, he became silent and no longer excited. He seemed to have figured out something.

Two more days passed and it was still the same.

The fine auction of Zhenyu Star Continental Auction House has ended. Bei Qing was so excited that he wanted to take off. The proceeds from this auction were the highest ever, a total of 450,000 cubic star energy crystal marrow. The major forces took them All the money from the bottom of the box was taken out, which gave the mainland auction house a transformation and set a new record for the outer universe auction house in the past. From now on, the mainland auction house can be recorded in the history of the outer universe.

And his name, Bei Qing, can also be recorded in history.

The outer universe does not use star energy crystal marrow at all, but his auction house sold it for such a sky-high price, which is enough to bring glory to the ancestors.

Bei Qing has found a career that he can work on for a lifetime. What he looks forward to most now is the surprise every time Lu Yin gives him a high-quality product.

Shui Lingxing and Lu Yin were petrified for five days, while Sohar and Delin did not make any move.

It wasn't until the sixth day that Lu Yin's body turned to stone and cracked. He came out with a strange look in his eyes, but he didn't take the opportunity to attack him. What on earth was Sohal thinking?

In front of his eyes, the original treasure was still releasing the power of his predecessors in the petrified surroundings. Although this power was enough to make even the strong men in the Enlightenment Realm fearful, it was easily avoided by Lu Yin. With the explanation, this power gradually faded and finally disappeared. , all that was left was a bloody palm print on the stone.

He picked up the stone and looked at the bloody palm print carefully. With a bang, the stone shattered.

Lu Yin regretted that the explanation was too late. If it had been tens of thousands of years earlier, the stone would not have been shattered. Perhaps the blood in the bloody palm print could have been extracted and used for other purposes.

Lu Yin clapped his hands, stone chips falling from his palms, and raised his feet to go to the third secret room.

The third original treasure was not very deadly, and there was no strange phenomenon. Lu Yin spent most of the day to decipher the language successfully. It was empty, and he was not disappointed. Most of the original treasures had evaporated because of too long a time. This was very strange. normal.

Three intermediate-level Palm Control original treasures, including a four-star one, are enough to raise his interpretation level to a three-star Palm Control intermediate level. For the time being, it is enough. If he wants to upgrade to a five-star Palm Control Intermediate level, , we must explain the Five-Star Palm Intermediate Original Treasure, let’s talk about it next time! It doesn't seem like a good idea to empty out the Interpreter Seminar all at once, so today is just a practice session.

Walking out of the secret room, Delin was already waiting outside.

"Take me to see Sohar" Lu Yin said calmly.

Delin was shocked and turned pale. She didn't expect Lu Yin to know that Sohar was here.

"Let's go" Lu Yin urged.

Delin responded quickly and led the way. Soon, the two of them arrived at the garden.

Lu Yin looked towards the ground and slowly sat on the stone bench.

Ahead, Sohar tore through the void and walked out. He looked at Lu Yin calmly and said, "Leader Lu, please excuse me."

Lu Yin made a gesture to sit down.

Sohar sat down without any politeness.

"Actually, you and I have no grudges. It's not me who is targeting you on Taiyuan Planet. I just happened to meet the situation," Lu Yin said calmly.

Sohar nodded, "I know, it was Delin who wanted to replace me, Temple was the one who betrayed me, Wei Rong and the Ghost Sword Sect were the ones who planned to destroy Taiyuan Star, and Alliance Leader Lu just did what a bystander should do. thing".

Lu Yin smiled lightly. He took away a lot of things from the Understanding Speaker Research Institute and stole the original treasure and true solution in Kirlov's secret room. However, he also kept the Understanding Speaker Research Institute. "I did what a spectator should do." But Mr. Sohar is different. You must have sent Mr. Jun to assassinate me."

Sohar nodded without denying it, "The other box in President Kirlov's secret room is probably in the hands of the Alliance Leader."

"The person who targeted me during the assessment was also Mr. Sohar," Lu Yin said calmly.

"The one who threatens the Migration Research Society to come to the Canglan territory while the research society undergoes major changes is the leader of the Lu Alliance." Sohar showed no sign of weakness.

The two looked at each other, then chuckled.

Both did something that was right for them.

Sohal sighed, "From the beginning to the end, I was led by the nose. I thought I had everything under control, but I had already lost the opportunity and fell behind step by step, leading to the situation where I am now."

Lu Yin smiled lightly, "In my opinion, Mr. Sohar did the right thing. He wanted to become the president of the Interpreter Research Association, and he wanted to get the true explanation of the original treasure and go further. These are all right. The only fault is that you failed. ".

"Yes, I lost." Sohal's eyes were filled with sadness. Even if he broke through to the Enlightenment Realm, his original failure could not be undone. He had already lost the hearts of many Interpreters and could no longer become the president of the Interpreter Research Association. He , even less qualified than Delin.

He had said at the beginning that his identity had not been stripped away by the Inner Universe Interpreter Research Society and he was still the vice president. However, this was just psychological comfort. How could he still be the vice president after losing the support of many interpreters.

"The Interpreter Research Association had internal disputes and encountered external pressure. The unlucky one was the vice-president. In my opinion, it was unfair to Mr. Sohar. When the dramatic changes in Taiyuan Star began, Mr. Sohar proposed that people guard the True Interpretation Palace. There were too many reasons for the outcome of that battle, and Mr. Sohar should not be entirely blamed," Lu Yin said.

Sohal's eyes flashed and he looked at Lu Yin, "What does Alliance Leader Lu mean?".

Not far away, Delin heard it and looked at Lu Yin with a panicked expression.

Lu Yin smiled lightly, "I would like to ask Mr. Sohar to come back and continue to lead the research meeting."

Sohal was excited, but quickly calmed down, "Can Alliance Leader Lu do it?"

Lu Yin looked at Delin and said, "President Delin, I need to trouble you again."

Delin's eyes were complicated and she was stunned for a moment. She didn't know how to react. She had worked hard to get the position of acting president, but now she was removed by Lu Yin with just one word. She should have been so angry that she lost her mind, but she relaxed for some reason. , so that my thoughts are complicated and I don’t know how to answer.

Sohar looked at Delin with majestic eyes, "Delin, can you do it?".

Delin was startled, looked at Sohar, then looked at Lu Yin, slowly lowered her head and said, "Yes."

Lu Yin looked at Sohar with a smile, "Look, it's that simple."

Sohar has always dreamed of returning to the seminar. He was also expelled at the beginning, and one of the people who expelled him was the person in front of him. Now it is this person who has recruited him back.

This is the so-called turning one's hands into clouds and one's hands into rain. This person is completely different from what he was back in Taiyuan.

At the beginning, he could not care about this person and even sent someone to assassinate him, but now, he has to obey this person's orders.

"Leader Lu, I want to know why," Sohar asked.

Lu Yin thought for a while, "The greatest value of the Interpreter Research Society is interpreting language, but the people who can protect the Interpreter are the senior leaders in the research association. I offended many people at the beginning, and the reason why I was not killed is Because I am also a interpreter, I hope that other interpreters can also get this guarantee. Delin obviously cannot do this, only Mr. Sohal can do it."

Sohal frowned, he didn't believe it was that simple.

"Of course, Shui Lingxing is part of my Daewoo Empire. I hope there will be someone who can hold up the situation and not let others come in and out at will," Lu Yin said, with a hint.

Delin immediately thought of the box that was stolen during the border war. This was punishment. The box was stolen. Not only did she not admit her mistake, but she ran away from it, which made Lu Yin dissatisfied.

If Lu Yin hadn't been at the border back then, he would have been responsible for this incident.

This made Lu Yin see Delin's incompetence.

At first, he needed an incompetent person to guard the Interpreter Research Institute for him, but now as his ability improved, Delin could not keep up, and Sohar happened to be able, so she was given up.

The universe is so cruel. If you can't keep up with the times, you will have to be abandoned. No one can escape it, including himself, Lu Yin.

Of course, Delin was only deprived of her position as acting president. Her status within the Interpreter Research Society remained unchanged. She was still second only to Sohar and one of the assessment instructors.

Sohar returns to the Interpreter Research Association. Delin can convince many interpreters, but there is one person who must be convinced by Lu Yin personally, and that is the strong person.

Although Cai Qiangqiang is not a senior member of the research association, he is special. He is the guardian of Shuiling Star and the only person who can threaten Sohar. Moreover, Cai Qiangqiang is currently on Shuiling Star.

Since the wedding of the Zi family, Lu Yin and Cai Qiangqiang have not met again.

Zirong is one of the few strong friends. Including him, the three of them fought and drank together. They all liked each other, but in the end they ended up like this.

Lu Yin did not blame Lu Yin for being strong. It was Zirong who did the thing. He was just in a low mood. Who would have thought that the friend he recognized was a despicable villain. He not only cooperated with the New Human Alliance, but also threatened women to marry in despicable ways. This kind of It's embarrassing to say it.

"Still thinking about Zirong?" Lu Yin asked.

Opposite him, Cai Jianqiang shook his head, "I always felt that he wouldn't do such a thing."

Lu Yin sighed, "When we first met, he asked me to stab him. That stab showed me his perseverance in cultivation. I don't believe he is that kind of person, but the fact has happened. Let's be more open-minded."

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