Star Odyssey

Chapter 937 New Captain

Cai Jianqiang raised his head and looked at the starry sky, "The New Human Alliance is the darkest organization and the mortal enemy of mankind. Why would he cooperate with this organization and actually practice the corpse king transformation? And", at this point, he looked at Lu Yin said, "Zi, I'm sorry about Bai Xue."

Lu Yin laughed, "It's not you who did it, why are you apologizing?"

"I didn't believe you," Cai Jian apologized.

He is very upright, Lu Yin and Zirong, he chose to believe in Zirong, and the final result proved that Lu Yin was right. He felt regretful and always felt sorry for Lu Yin.

Lu Yin likes to be friends with this kind of people.

"Do you have any wine? Let me have a drink with you," Lu Yin said.

Cai Jianqiang waved his hand, and more than ten jars of unopened wine appeared on the table, which was exactly the kind that the three of them drank together. "This wine is a tribute to the generous friend back then," Cai Jianqiang shouted.

Lu Yin raised the wine jar and said, "Okay."

The two drank it all in one gulp, feeling very comfortable.

There wasn't much wine, but the two of them drank all night. Until the next day, they were both a little dizzy. They didn't resolve the alcohol. This feeling of being tipsy was good.

Cai Qiang held the stone table and swayed, "Forget about the past, I know why you are looking for me. Come back as soon as you come back. During this time, the status of the Interpreter Research Association is indeed not as good as before. Your identity is destined to It is impossible to always favor the interpreter."

Lu Yin nodded, "Thank you."

His appearance can be hidden from ordinary people, but not from the strong.

He didn't intend to hide it from anyone when he met Sohar. It was not surprising that he was strong enough to know.

Only when Cai Jianqiang agrees can Sohar truly return to the Interpreter Institute.

Lu Yin's purpose has changed. He does not intend to completely control the research association. Sooner or later, the inner and outer universe will be restored. Everything he does will be found out to unravel the terror of the Whisperer Research Association. If he goes too far, it may be very troublesome. .

What he wants is not an enemy, but a friend.

When Sohar returns to the seminar, he will be responsible for everything in the past, and this does not affect Lu Yin's control of the Outer Universe Interpreter Seminar.

Sohar himself knows it, but he has no choice. Otherwise, when the inner and outer universes are connected, he will face the pursuit of the Interpreter Research Society. Not to mention that he is in the enlightenment state, even a star envoy can't bear it.

"Sohar is back, so there's no need for me to stay on Shui Lingxing," Cai Jianqiang said complexly.

Lu Yin's heart moved, "Brother Cai, you don't have anywhere to go in the outer universe, how about you help me?".

Cai Qiang was confused, "Help you? What can you do to help?".

Lu Yin smiled, very sincerely, "Of course, I was assassinated a few days ago, and Zhenyu Star has been facing crises. As you know, the Dayu Empire is now a big business, and the Eastern Xinjiang Alliance is attacked from both sides. My life is very difficult. ".

Cai Qiang was confused, "How can I help you?".

Lu Yin looked forward to, "Join the Royal Court's Thirteenth Team, become the captain of the Thirteenth Team, and help me protect the Daewoo Empire."

Before Cai Jianqian could answer, Lu Yin patted him on the shoulder, "Brother Cai, help me. You don't know that the captains of the Royal Court Thirteenth Team are not all there yet. I have to step in for everything. Come on." How about helping me, not having to obey orders, just being a friend?"

Cai Qiang opened his mouth and was about to speak.

Lu Yin picked up the wine jar and stuffed it into his arms, "That's it, thank you, Brother Cai. Come, pay homage to your generous friend."

Cai Jianqiang was so stunned that he couldn't say a word and was forcefully dragged away by Lu Yin.

In fact, he didn't intend to refuse. He really had nowhere to go, and Shui Lingxing wasn't suitable to stay. He and Sohar didn't like each other, and they couldn't look down on a gloomy person like Sohar.

Lu Yinke was so excited. He asked Sohar to return to the seminar and he didn't even think about it until Cai Jianqiang said he wanted to leave.

This is an unintentional thing. He is a strong man but is at the peak of the Hunting Realm. He is only one step away from breaking through to the Enlightenment Realm. It’s not that he doesn’t want to break through, but he is accumulating the foundation. When he accumulates success and breaks through the Enlightenment Realm, he will not be an ordinary Enlightenment. A strong person.

With the addition of such a person, the Daewoo Empire will have one more powerful person in the Enlightenment Realm.

There are also A Dun and the old smoker, who can compete with the Enlightenment Realm. There are also Sister Leng and Yan Yan, who are not far behind.

The strength of the Royal Court Team 13 is gradually increasing. Even if several Enlightenment Realm experts join forces to attack, they may not be able to defeat these people.

Unknowingly, the strength of the Daewoo Empire has increased so much. Who would have thought that ten years ago, Huo Qingshan was the strongest member of the Royal Court Thirteen Team, but now, Huo Qingshan is not even ranked in the top five.

Cai Jianqiang left, and Sohar breathed a sigh of relief.

The person with the most complicated mood is Delin, but now no one cares what she thinks. It's not that Lu Yin didn't give her a chance. She is useless and can't blame others.

As if afraid that Cai Qiang would regret it, Lu Yin quickly took him back to Zhenyu Star, eager to confirm the fact that he became the captain of the 13th Imperial Court Team.

The dark starry sky is always so unfathomable, no one knows what will happen.

Right between the Zhenyu Star and Shui Ling Star, a very ordinary large spaceship was parked in the starry sky, with flames shooting into the sky and the sound of explosions coming from time to time.

There were many people in ordinary clothes wailing inside the spaceship.

In the corner of the spaceship, dozens of realm-exploring cultivators pushed away the crowd. Behind them was a tall and round man who put on the space armor and jumped into the starry sky. Then, those realm-exploring practitioners all jumped into the starry sky wearing the space armor and relied on inertia. Fly towards a distant planet.

There are only so many space armors on the spaceship. If the spacecraft crashes, only those wearing the space armor can escape, and the rest can only stay on the spacecraft to wait for death.

"Boss, these people won't reveal this matter," someone asked through a personal terminal in the starry sky.

The leader, the tall and round man, said, "No, the rescue team can't come so fast. By the time the rescue team arrives, these people will have been reduced to ashes." As he spoke, another explosion came from the spacecraft behind him. He looked back, All eyes were filled with despair.

But the boss didn't care. These people were just the cheapest casual cultivators, hired by him to be deployed on local war battlefields. It didn't matter if they died, they would just lose some money. "It's a pity, it's a waste of time. Let's go back and hire another group." .

"Yes, boss".

The universe is vast, and often an empire covers such a vast area that it is unimaginable for ordinary people. It is impossible for most people to complete it in their lifetime, let alone the Daewoo Empire that covers an entire territory.

The entire Canglan territory belongs to the Daewoo Empire. The population is too large to be counted, and the number of casual cultivators is unimaginable, which gives many people the opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes.

The casual cultivators often hired by big businessmen were not registered with the empire at all, so that no one knew about it even after they died. One spaceship, tens of thousands of casual cultivators, was not even a drop in the ocean for the Daewoo Empire, and no one would care at all.

And this is too normal in the universe, not only in the Daewoo Empire, but also in the entire universe.

The universe is far more cruel than ordinary people see.

There are no wars in the Daewoo Empire. That is because many small wars will not attract attention at all, such as national wars on a certain planet, etc., which will only attract attention if they reach at least a regional war.

Some businessmen took the opportunity to hire casual cultivators to participate in the war and make a fortune.

Tens of thousands of casual cultivators can only wait to die in the spaceship. Every year, more than tens of millions of casual cultivators die in this way. These people will not attract attention at all, and the empire will not care about these casual cultivators participating in the war.

To some, these men are the equivalent of executioners.

The spaceship continued to explode, and the casual cultivators were completely desperate.

Just when they thought they would turn into cosmic dust, the flames of the explosion suddenly went out. The spacecraft seemed to be controlled by a big hand, and all functions stopped running, as if suspended.

On the spaceship, many desperate people were confused and didn't know what happened. After they were sure that the spacecraft did not explode again, they all cried with joy. They finally didn't have to die.

Behind the spaceship, Lu Yin and Cai Qiang sat in the folding spacecraft and watched the scene quietly.

"It's strange that there is no matching space armor on board a large spaceship," Lu Yin said.

Cai Jian glanced at him and said, "They were abandoned."

"Give up? What do you mean?" Lu Yin was surprised.

Cai Qiang is over a hundred years old and has experienced much more than Lu Yin. "These casual cultivators should have been hired to participate in local wars. The spacecraft had an accident on the way. The people who hired them and the bodyguards all fled, leaving them here." Waiting to die".

Lu Yin's eyes widened, "Waiting to die? No one cares?".

Cai Jianqiang laughed and said, "Who cares? These people's purpose is not simple, and their motives are not allowed by the empire. They are lucky, a rescue team comes across and saves them, but bad luck, they can only wait to die."

Lu Yin frowned and looked at the spaceship ahead. He originally thought it was just an ordinary spaceship failure, but he didn't expect it to be like this. Since you are participating in a war, you must be aware of death!

But this also exposed him to local wars and learned another cruel fact in the universe!

For a moment, he thought a lot. Unknowingly, the field was released, covering the spacecraft, and he heard many people talking.

"Father, the spacecraft did not explode. We survived. We can go back to see our mother."

"The sky has eyes. We can still survive. I hope the rescue team will arrive soon, but even if we are rescued, we may still face scrutiny."

"Brother, when will the rescue team arrive?".

"I don't want the rescue team to arrive yet. If we can survive, we will live. If we can't, we may be imprisoned."

"I just want to make some money and don't want to be locked up."

"Brother, hold on, your injuries can be treated as soon as the rescue team arrives."

"Ahem, don't comfort me. Even if the rescue team arrives, how can I have money for treatment? The boss has run away and no one will pay for us."

"The empire will help us with treatment, but the scrutiny we face will not be simple."

"never mind,".

"If we can go back alive this time, we will definitely expose those black-hearted businessmen and report to the regent, so that the regent will know the faces of those businessmen."

"In that case, we ourselves will be unlucky. We have participated in more than one local war and cannot escape scrutiny. Moreover, those businessmen have good relations with the media, and no one will help us."

"The worst we can do is file a complaint. We know the location of Zishan Palace. I still don't believe that those businessmen dare to attack us in front of Zishan Palace."

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