Premise: Not too slow, but not too fast either. No knives, only one female lead, mind the mistake.

The first part can be read as a fanfiction, there will be tasks and other plots of the male lead, and of course there will be interaction.


The corpse would make a dull sound when it fell to the ground.

Even with a silencer installed, the sound of the pistol was still very harsh.

He had been familiar with these things since he was a child, through repeated life and death experiences.

The man walked out of the darkness, the dagger in his hand stained with sticky blood.

He lowered his head, and the front end of the dagger sank into the throat of the corpse on the ground, cutting a narrow bloody incision in the throat that had not yet changed color.

"There are no survivors, let's check it one last time."

A hoarse voice came from the headset. The man raised his head, looked around, walked towards the rooms he had not checked yet, and opened the doors of each room one by one.

"This place is so big... You are indeed a rich man. Huang An, is your house half as big as this one?"

The person in the headset seemed to be muttering leisurely.

The man did not respond silently and patiently checked every corner.

Under the bed, in the closet, and even every piece of clothing.

He pulled out the clothes, tore them into pieces and threw them on the ground, then stretched the cuffs of a men's short-sleeved shirt with the back of his hand and threw it heavily on the ground.

Huang An raised his hand and took out a sealed plastic bag from his pocket.

The plastic bag contained some slightly curly hairs.

He carefully took out one, picked up the short-sleeved shirt that he had just thrown on the ground, stuffed the hair into the armpit of the clothes, and then threw the clothes on the ground again.

He didn't seem to worry at all that all this would be discovered by possible trace inspections later.

"The condom is too thick."

The observer's voice was a little bit amused.

He carefully put away the plastic bag and carefully checked whether there was any hair left around. Then he raised his head, stepped heavily on the ground, pushed the door open, and walked out quickly.

He walked to the last room.

There was no one in the last room - it was a baby's room.

The child was lying on the bed, with his eyes closed, his mouth shaking unconsciously, and sleeping soundly.

Huang An watched for a few seconds.

He turned around again and checked the corners of the room.

There was nothing.

He walked back, pulled up the quilt, folded it into two layers, and covered the baby's face.

"Wow, that's cruel."

The door was open, so it's not surprising that an observer could see it.

Huang An turned and left.

The baby couldn't possibly break free from the blanket.

"You don't have to do it, Huang Xiao will watch it."

The observer said with a smile:"The mission is 90% completed. Don't forget to take back the signal jammer. It's new and hard to get."

Huang An walked to the door.

This was the only clean place he left.

Looking at the blood stains on his boots, Huang An put on his boots, opened the door and walked out

"After you come out of here, walk to your right. There will be a river. There is a community a few kilometers away from the river. The car is on the other side of the river. The person who will pick you up is waiting for you in the car."


The man uttered the only word

"I'll leave those things to you. I have to stay here and wait for Huang Xiao and the others to come."

Huang An ignored the observer. He walked out of the courtyard in his boots, leaving a series of bloody footprints.

He walked a long way, crossed the river, and walked forward for a while before he saw the off-road vehicle parked on the side of the road.

Two people were squatting on the side of the road, and the other two were leaning against the car, looking at the wheels and the fuel tank, their faces full of worry.

Huang An's face was still stiff. He put his right hand into his pocket and walked up quickly:"Hey, buddy, is it out of order?" The four people's eyes were cast over at the same time, and the man leaning against the tire responded first and nodded:"Yeah, it broke down."

"Can I help you?"

Huang An squatted down and checked the tire.


He stared at the wheel hub and said this sentence inadvertently.


The man answered immediately.


Huang An nodded.

The man turned and pointed at the car door:"Get in the car."

Huang An took his hand out of his pocket, stood up, and his expression returned to silence.

He opened the door and got in the car.

The engine made a not-so-loud noise, but if this car entered the community, it would be a nuisance to the residents.

The leader sat in the driver's seat, and the other three got in quickly, sandwiching Huang An in the middle.


Huang An raised his head.

"Feng Yue."

The man in the driver's seat responded:"This car is not very good, just make do with it."

"What kind of nice car can criminals afford?"

Huang An responded expressionlessly.

Perhaps it was difficult for people like them to be so talkative, and no one spoke on the way to the community.

The sound of the engine was particularly harsh in the dark night, but this was the effect they wanted.

Soon, dissatisfied complaints and curses were heard all around.

The moment he heard the curse, Feng Yue nodded:"Your mission is completed, someone will pick you up ahead"

"What about monitoring?"

"This neighborhood has experienced a serious accident recently, and many surveillance cameras are broken. Although most of them have been repaired, there are still a few blind spots. I will drop you off there."

Feng Yue looked in the rearview mirror and quickly parked the car in a corner.

"open up"


Feng Yue showed a stiff smile:"Well, the mission was successful, and the next task is ours."

"Everything went smoothly."

Huang An said something that seemed to be an instruction, and got out of the car with the person next to him.

"Go in this direction, it's safe."

The man pointed to Huang An in a direction and got into the car.

Huang An took a step and disappeared into the darkness again.


"open up"


After answering this question for the nth time, Huang An turned around, listened to the sound of the car going away, and walked towards the dilapidated factory in front of him.


The sound of water drops falling to the ground was accompanied by a faint musty smell. Huang An looked around.

He had to stay here until everything was over.

He grabbed a protruding thick steel bar and climbed to the top of the steel frame.

It was a good place to sleep.

The phone rang twice and then hung up.

Huang An ignored it. After a few seconds, the phone rang again, rang three times and hung up again.

It was as if the other party didn't want to call him at all, but was just teasing him.

Huang An finally climbed to the top of the steel frame, and he took out his phone.

The phone rang for the third time. When it rang for the third time, Huang An's dark eyes shook, and he picked up the phone.

"open up"


How many times has this happened today? Huang can't remember clearly.

"Well...ah, simple codes are the easiest to remember. So many complicated codes are too deliberate."

The man's voice soon came from the other end of the phone, with a bit of briskness:"The main reason is that the education level here is too low. Do you think I should send you to high school for further study? Or a community college?"

Huang An did not answer.

He was used to this person talking endlessly.

"Okay, no more nonsense, you have to stay here for another week or so"

"Will it take a week?"

Huang An frowned.

"What? Is the mask stuffy? You should take a good shower when you get home."


"Are you getting used to it? You still have food, right?"

"I won’t starve to death."

Huang An’s answers were always brief:"Do you have a next target?"

"In peacetime, why would there be so many people to deal with? If this person hadn't caused too much trouble, we wouldn't have had to make a big fuss."

The man chuckled:"How did you feel when you dealt with that baby?"

"How did you feel when you dealt with those children?"

Huang An did not answer his question, but asked back

"It's so sad, so sad, these children may be the pillars of the organization in the future, who made them the target, pitiful, so pitiful."

The man said with a smile:"Besides, I am not going after the children, they are just accessories, I don't want to, but you know, it is too difficult for children from such a family to maintain their values. There is no other way, I take money and help them get rid of disasters."

"If nothing else, hang up."

"Well, it's nothing. Someone will pick you up when you go back. I'll let you know when to go back."


Huang An hung up the phone, put the phone into the inner pocket of his clothes, and zipped it up.

After doing all this, he leaned against the steel frame and closed his eyes.

He sorted out everything today. He hasn't regressed.

If he hasn't regressed, it's not the time for him to be eliminated.

Huang An folded his arms and leaned back.

A businessman can make his family rich by doing business well.

Involved in politics and pleasure.

Maybe he has been staying in such an environment. He knows why, but he doesn't understand.

Because he will never be exposed to such a world in his life.

He closed his eyes again.

Go to sleep.

The more sleep he gets, the less hungry he will be.

The mask on his head made his scalp ache, and he raised his hand to loosen it.



Hearing the sound of his feet stepping on the muddy water, Huang An opened his eyes.

But he did not move.

His position was in the shadows, very hidden no matter day or night, normal people could not find it at all.

Moreover, there were always passing truck drivers who were in a hurry and ran in to defecate and urinate. After staying here for a while, Huang An had already gotten used to it.


A woman's voice.


Huang An frowned.

The steps were too cautious.

Cautious and slow.

When you can't hold back your urgency, your leg muscles and buttocks muscles will tighten together. Even if you walk slowly, it won't be like this.

He tilted his head slightly.

It was a white-haired woman.

An old man?

No... an old man wouldn't walk like that.

And the hair was too white.

How could such pure white hair be dyed with current technology?

The clothes she was wearing were also strange. Was that armor?

Huang An took out a dagger.

Kill that woman before she finds herself, and the organization will help collect the body.

Huang An stared at the woman's hand.

The woman held a long sword in her hand.

Half of the sword was pitch black, and the whole sword was flawless. The tip was covered in scarlet, like the scarlet eyes of a hungry wolf in the dark night.


Huang An narrowed his eyes.

The sword was sharpened.

He looked around cautiously, but when he passed by, he was able to avoid the feces and urine hidden in the shadows under his feet.

He has a foundation, and may be very strong.

He couldn't see any more clearly. The upper half of the woman's body was hidden in the shadows, making it difficult to see clearly. He couldn't see the movement of her muscles.

Huang An tilted his head and hid in the woman's blind spot.

As the moonlight flashed, a dark spot appeared on his left hand.

There was no one outside now, and with the silencer, even if the sound was still harsh, it would not travel far.

Moreover, the silencer could distort the sound of the gun into another sound, making it difficult to judge.

Of course, it is best not to kill. It is much easier to deal with no body than to kill someone.

Except for the faint sound of the wind, nothing else could be heard. Huang An's body was raised a little, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the woman's head.

With a move of his fingers, the head exploded.

Huang An's breathing merged with the sound of the wind.

""Who is it?"

The moment the cold voice came out, the woman turned around instantly and swung out an ice-blue sword energy.

The sword energy instantly cut through the steel bars and smashed on the roof.

The bricks shattered instantly, and a huge hole was destroyed on the roof.

Huang An leaned in the shadows, his pupils dilated.

What is that?

How could it be...

Huang An didn't dare to stick his head out again.

What is that?

That's not a bullet...

Sword energy?

How could it be?

Huang An gritted his teeth and didn't dare to stick his head out again.

""Get out, you evil creature."

A cold voice echoed in the factory:"I know you are there."

Another sword energy swept past Huang An.

There was another hole on the roof of the factory.

"Down���This time, I won't miss again."

A woman's voice came from behind.

Huang An narrowed his eyes, put away his dagger and gun, raised his hands, and poked his head out from the darkness with some helplessness, his voice was filled with some fake panic:"Lady, spare me!" She wouldn't be lying to him.

The two attacks brushed past him, and there was only this corner where someone could hide. If the woman didn't know where he was, she would be a fool.

He was just a mortal body, and the sword energy could cut a steel bar in two, so it wouldn't be difficult to cut him in two.

Even if the woman tried casually, he would die.

Jing Liu narrowed his eyes, raised the long sword in his hand, and pointed it at Huang An. In Jing Liu's eyes, it was a middle-aged man with a dull face, with a face that was indistinguishable from the crowd. The kind of man who would not even be noticed when passing through the crowd.

"Where is this?"

Jing Liu asked coldly.

She still hadn't figured out what was going on. She was practicing sword skills well, opened the door of her house, and stepped on empty air as soon as she walked in.

She felt a sense of falling, and when she opened her eyes again, she was already here.


Huang An was stunned for a moment.

He swore that he was not trying to be clever, he had never heard this question in his life.

You speak fluent Chinese, stand on the land of Xia Country, and then you ask me where this is?

"I asked you where this is."

Jing Liu frowned and said,"You are not a rich man."

"What are the rich people?"

Huang An adjusted his expression with great effort, wrinkled up the human skin mask, and showed a bitter expression:"I am just a homeless person, I just live here."

"Homeless man?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows:"Can a homeless man climb that high?"

Although she didn't know where this was, she was not a fool.

"It's too dirty down there, take a look."

Huang pointed to the ground and said,"There are always people who urinate and defecate here. That's where I climbed up."

He pointed to the protrusion on the wall behind him, then climbed down there clumsily and faced Jingliu again.

Jingliu's sword was always pointed at him:"What's your name? Which fairy ship are you from?"

"What kind of boat is this?……"

Huang An frowned.

Where did this ancestor come from? It was beyond his common sense, right?

"This is Xiaguo, Xiaguo South City, not some fairy boat."

"Not a fairy boat?"


Jingliu's body trembled noticeably, and the sword in her hand also trembled.

Her muscles softened, and Huang An could see it.

Right now!

Huang An raised her hand instantly.




The sharp voice echoed in the factory.

Three shots were fired in succession.

One shot to the heart, one shot to the neck, and one shot to the forehead.

After firing three shots, Huang An turned and ran, his movements were extremely fast, without stopping at all.

He did believe in modern technology before.

Now... Damn, the sword energy has come out, he still believes in it.

Huang An turned over.

There was nothing around.

Thinking of the sword energy, Huang An was wise enough to hide in the deep grass outside the factory.

Huang An rubbed his ears and frowned.��


The sense of crisis of death came over Jing Liu, and she saw the man turn around and run away.

She didn't have time to chase him, and the sword in her hand turned bloody.

The bullet exploded on the blade, and then exploded to both sides. The flying fragments cut off a section of the hair on the side of Jing Liu's ear.

Although the other two bullets were also cut, the fragments did not hit her.

The three bullets were cut in half in an instant.

Jing Liu's pupils dilated slightly.

The time when the thing was shot was obviously separated, but it arrived in front of her almost at the same time.

And even if it was split, it could still cause such a terrifying impact.

What is this thing?

Jing Liu frowned.

The man ran away.

Would a homeless person have such a powerful weapon?


Or in other words, this place is extremely dangerous.

A planet ruled by Jinmiehuozu...

From here until now, Jing Liu's brows have never relaxed.

It was no wonder she was confused. It was already strange to step on empty space when she opened the door at home. Then she opened her eyes and found herself in a place she was not familiar with. Anyone would be dumbfounded.

The first person she met was trying to kill her.


Jingliu narrowed her eyes.

She had to find that man.

Whether she killed him or asked him for information about this place, she had to find him first.


Actually, regarding the issue of silencers, silencers cannot completely cover up the sound of gunfire. The reason for that in the game is that the background sound is very loud, coupled with the choice of weapons and equipment, plus the exaggerated elements of the game, it is possible to avoid being discovered.

Thanks for your support.

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