"Does that count as disguise?"

Jing Liu frowned, standing at the door of the factory, looking at the weeds in the distance.

Normal people would definitely not be able to see it.

Even if it is placed in the fairy boat, there must be many cloud cavalry who can't see it.

Of course, this does not include Lord Luofu Swordsman.

When Jing Yuan just worshipped her as a teacher to avoid training, he also hid in the bushes like this stupidly.

No... this man's hiding skills are much better than Jing Yuan's.

Jing Liu frowned and raised his sword to point at the bushes.

The wind blew, and the bushes swayed, but there was no unusual movement. He is really patient.

But Lord Swordsman doesn't tolerate these problems.

She raised her hand and swung out a sword.

"Hey hey hey……"

Huang An had no choice but to stand up from the bushes and avoid the sword energy.

The aftermath of the sword energy cut a narrow cut on his palm.

But no blood flowed out, instead another layer of skin of a different color was exposed underneath.

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows:"Disguise?"


Huang An looked at his palm.

How could that ghost thing be so scary?

Fortunately, the layer below was also a leather cover.

Huang An felt that his values of more than 20 years were being impacted - even though he had not established any decent values.

"Bullets can't kill?……"

The smile on Huang An's face gradually disappeared. He muttered something under his breath and put his hands in his pockets.

It was indeed tiring to smile through the human skin mask, and the man in front of him was not a good person.

"I’ll ask you one last time, which fairy boat is this?"

"I will answer you one last time, this is Xia Country, Nancheng, not Xianzhou."

Huang An really wanted to ask the organization for help right now.

But if he made such a move, he would most likely be split in half by the woman in front of him.

Moreover... even if the organization came, it was not certain whether they could defeat this person who could emit sword energy.

He just shot three bullets at this person without any injury.

Most importantly, if this person was someone the organization could not deal with and caused too much damage to the organization, even if this woman died in the end, the organization would deal with him together.

Huang An did not have a strong desire to stay alive. For his condition, life and death did not matter.

But this matter was fundamentally of no benefit to him.

"Xia Country...Which planet is Xia Country?"

"What planet? Xiaguo is Xiaguo, on the blue planet."

"Blue Star? Is this Blue Star?"

Damn, I met someone who doesn't understand what I'm saying.

But people who don't understand what I'm saying will get angry.

"Uh...cell phone...do you have a cell phone?"

Huang An took out his cell phone and shook it at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows:"Yu Zhao?"

"Ah, yes, yes, Yuzhao."

Huang An gave up resistance. He just wanted to go along with the woman and let her go back to where she came from.

Could it be a planet that cooperated with Xianzhou?

Jing Liu frowned slightly.

It shouldn't be. Xianzhou that can reach a cooperation with other planets, especially when it has transported something like Yuzhao, is 99% likely to be Luofu.

How could she, the Luofu Sword Master, not know about this...

And this man speaks the same language as her.……

"Then this hand... Yu Zhao, you know how to use it, right?"

Huang pointed to the phone in his hand.

"Of course."

As he spoke, Jing Liu took out a mobile phone from somewhere.

Isn't this also a mobile phone?

Huang An raised his eyebrows. It looked better maintained than his.

Xianzhou... couldn't it be some unknown area? He didn't know there was such a place in Xia Country.

Huang An picked up his phone and checked


No such place

""Which boat is the one you mean by 'the boat of immortals'?"

Huang An looked up at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu blinked, a thoughtful look flashed across his eyes:"It's the boat that goes through thick and thin together."

Oh, it turns out that I typed it wrong.

Why doesn't this sound like a place name in Xia Country?


【(Strategy) (Organization and Research) Take you to know the history of Xianzhou Luofu】

"Xianzhou Luofu?"

Huang An looked at Jing Liu again.

Jing Liu nodded.

Huang An clicked into the search box.

Although he had not been to many cities, most of them were for missions... but he had never heard of the name Xianzhou Luofu.

【Xianzhou Luofu, game crash: Star Dome Railway……】

? ?

? ? ?


A hint of human emotion gradually appeared in Huang An's dark pupils.

He raised his head and stared at Jing Liu blankly, then lowered his head and looked at the introduction on his phone.

No, huh?

Huang An narrowed his eyes and held the pistol in his special deep pocket with his right hand again.

Is he being targeted by someone...

It's fine to find such a person, but they have to set up a special webpage for this?

Is there such a force in the world... that can send waves?

""Hand, take it out."

Before Huang An could make any move, Jing Liu raised the sword in his hand again.

Huang An sighed helplessly, took her hand out of her pocket, and threw the phone to Jing Liu:"Look for yourself."

Jing Liu caught it and looked at it carefully.

She saw the words"Xianzhou Luofu" written on it at a glance.

What does the guide in front mean?

A travel guide?

Until she looked down, a trace of surprise flashed in Jing Liu's red eyes.

Huang An admired her very much. If she encountered such a situation, at least she would not be able to keep her expression so well.

It can be seen that the woman was shocked, but she still had that expressionless look.

"This is impossible."

Jing Liu threw the phone back and said coldly

"I originally thought it was impossible, but now that you are here and what you did today, I feel that everything is possible."

Everything that happened today has already tested Huang An's ability to bear. He has been a killer for nearly 20 years, and he has seen everything - but this is the first time he has seen this.

"I suggest you use your own hands... Yu Zhao will understand the situation again."

Huang An quickly returned to her original cold look:"I can't kill you, so I don't plan to try again. You can go wherever you want. It has nothing to do with me."

Jing Liu didn't care about Huang An's attitude. She picked up Yu Zhao.

After a minute, Huang An noticed that Jing Liu's face was getting anxious.

"What's wrong?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows.

"My jade sign...can't be used anymore……"

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment, then looked up and said to Huang An



"I'm going to stay here for a long time, and I need Yu Zhao to have electricity, do you understand me?"

Huang An leaned against the steel frame at the back, looking at Jing Liu who was checking his mobile phone carefully.

He didn't have any family, and couldn't understand the confusion and pain of leaving home suddenly.

He had no empathy, let alone sympathy.

The only thing he was thinking about now was when his mobile phone would be back in his hands.

It was unrealistic to rob him, and he would be cut in half by a sword energy. If he shot, his mobile phone would probably be useless, and there were only four bullets left in the magazine.

If four shots didn't kill the woman, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't be killed cleanly while he was changing bullets. Split in half.

Three shots didn't cause any damage, so he couldn't guarantee that four bullets would have any effect.

And after what happened before, this woman would definitely be on guard against guns.

He didn't believe that someone who could emit sword energy and had such concentration would not have body skills. It shouldn't be unrealistic for a game character to dodge bullets.

But he was glad that the woman in front of him was at least not an ancient person who traveled here without knowing how to use anything. At least she could use a mobile phone.


Huang An looked at Jing Liu's fingers sliding rapidly on the screen.

She might use it better than he did.


"Thank you."

Jingliu put down the phone and handed it back.

She didn't throw it over. This is inside a factory. If she didn't catch it, there would be nothing clean underneath.

"You're just going to stay here?"

Jing Liu sniffed, smelling the disgusting stench and frowned.

"To survive."

Huang An answered briefly. He put the phone back into his pocket without any intention of taking it out to take a look.

Jing Liu's brows relaxed a little.

It's not that she is not used to this kind of feeling. When she is alive, she adapts to everything.

Jing Liu's judgment of the current situation is extremely accurate.

This is not Luofu, or even any fairy boat.

She doesn't know any way to go back now. The person in front of her doesn't even know the fairy boat. She is standing here and still thinks she is a game character.

So Jing Liu just got a general understanding of the content of the fairy boat. More importantly, according to Huang An's previous words, she searched for everything she could think of about this so-called Xia country.

Then she opened the map and took a look.

"If I remember correctly, in Xia Country, it is illegal to carry a gun."

Jing Liu crossed his arms and said lightly.

Huang An raised his head.��"You don’t even know where this place is, and you know that carrying a gun is illegal?"

"Your jade sign... the phone was in my hand just now."

Jing Liu shook her jade sign to indicate.

Of course, she had to search for the main power of this world to judge where her ability stood in this world.

"So what?"

Hou An's eyes were dark, staring at Jing Liu's red eyes.

"I don't understand this world"

"I can't be your guide."

Huang An shook his head:"I'm busy"

"Busy breaking the law?"

Jingliu frowned.

Perhaps because she was a member of the Cloud Cavalry Army and the Sword Master, Jingliu was quite resistant to breaking the law.

But she also knew that there was a dark side in every world.

Doing good deeds yourself is called good deeds, and forcing others to do good deeds is called moral kidnapping.

Besides, if you don't know someone's experience, you'd better not persuade them to reform and return to the right path.


Huang An was silent again.

After a while, he slowly said,"Just tell me what you want to know. There's no need to beat around the bush."

"I only have one request."

"Do you trust me?"

Huang An laughed softly.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not, you can't kill me."

Jingliu shook his head:"There should be so-called civilians in your world. I can't force them to be my guides with a sword. My force has just suppressed you. There is no need to go to the trouble of looking for others." A far-fetched but flawless reason.

It's just a little hurtful.

Huang An's mouth twitched.

Jingliu looked at him.

Even in the Immortal Boat, foreigners need to be registered. Foreigners who enter the Immortal Boat without permission and immortals who leave the Immortal Boat without permission will be punished.

The same is true for Xia Country.

Jingliu naturally searched for this problem.

It's very troublesome.

She doesn't even have something to prove her identity. It seems that she can't do anything without this thing.

To be honest... She is also breaking the law in this world now, just like Huang An.

"Lawbreakers suppress lawbreakers, and black eats black. There is no need to get involved with others."

Jingliu held the scabbard in his arms to prevent it from falling:"Agree or disagree?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Currently, no"


Huang An tilted his head, put his right hand into his pocket and held the handle of the gun, and pointed the gun at Jing Liu next to him.

But contrary to his expectations, the woman was not angry because of his attitude, but seemed relieved.

"Jingliu leaned against the steel frame and gave his name.


Huang An closed his eyes, but the gun in his hand still did not move away.

"Shouldn't you give your name?"

"I don't have a name"

"You don’t have a name?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows, as if he didn’t believe that there would be people without names in this world.


Huang An frowned:"I will stay here for a while, you can do whatever you want during this time."

Hey... Wait, it's the organization's people who came to pick him up.

Huang An opened his eyes again.

If the organization saw this woman named Jing Liu, it would inevitably���If you have other ideas, such as joining forces with people from other organizations and bringing foreign enemies into the organization... you may still be eliminated.

"Are you fast?"


Jingliu frowned. Why did he ask her this question?

Huang An admitted that he did think about the possibility of letting Jingliu chase the car.

"Because we will be picked up and dropped off when we go back."

Huang thought for a long time and decided to tell Jing Liu the truth:"Normally, there are only two seats for me and the driver."

Jing Liu crossed his arms and thought for a long time.

With her personality, she couldn't say something like"you get off and I get on."

"What should I do then?"

Jingliu frowned:"Can you drive?"

"I advise you not to attack the driver, otherwise we will both be ruined, ah... mainly me."

Huang An frowned:"Wait a few more days."

Jing Liu didn't know what Huang An meant, but she didn't think of asking.

She just waited for the final result.


At night, Jing Liu and Huang An opened their eyes at the same time.

The breathing of the man and woman was particularly clear in the empty factory.

"Damn... it's disgusting."

The man cursed with a bit of dialect.

The locals

"Let's go to Wa Mian Ka... it's too dirty here."

The woman's accent was very heavy, with a strong sense of disdain.

"Outside? Live broadcast?"

The man spat and dragged the woman inside.

When they got to the innermost part, the man found some newspapers from somewhere and threw them on the ground, and began to take off the woman's clothes.


Huang An looked at it and looked away in boredom.

He was used to it.

There are indeed people like this, although it is hard to meet them.

Jing Liu was obviously not used to it. She quickly looked away and tensed up:"Rogue……"

Huang An glanced at her.

The moonlight fell, and Jing Liu's cheeks were slightly red.

It was rare to see such an expression.

Huang An retracted his gaze and shrank back:"Normal, it is possible that they are a couple."

"Husband and wife can't...can't……"

You can't have sex outside.

Jing Liu frowned. She was very upset about this kind of planet.……"Culture", some people cannot accept

"There will be such people, and there will be people who break the law, just like there will be people who break the law in your hometown, but most people are not like this."

Huang An's voice was very low.

Jing Liu closed his eyes.

But the moaning sound below began to come out.

Damn it.

There are only a handful of men around the sword master who has lived for hundreds of years.

I have never seen such a scene in person.

She has not received any education about sex and emotions in Cangcheng. After being rescued to Luofu, she concentrated on practicing swords and martial arts, and was even further away from such things.

The people on this planet are really... open.

Master Jing Liu closed his eyes tighter.

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