Fortunately, perhaps because of overwork, the man was not in a good condition.

The woman complained all the way, and the man excused himself for his poor condition, and the two left.

Jing Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang An ignored her reaction and looked at his phone.

He needs to keep an eye on the news.

Killers are not like what most people today imagine, that they can kill people and hide the body without anyone finding out.

Times have changed.

Especially for targets with high value and large numbers, it is more difficult to deal with.

This is the job of the hired person.

The person who hired them needs to prepare everything, submit proof, intelligence, and the number of people. After the organization's review, the appropriate person will be sent to perform the task, and even the scapegoat needs to be prepared by the hired person.

They only need to be responsible for everything after the action.

After killing, no matter where you throw it, there will be traces, unless there is a plane, and the body is poured into a cement barrel and thrown into the Maya Trench.

Do you need to send a transport plane for a family murder case? Are you afraid that no one will know?

Of course, if there is a mistake in the intelligence, and there is a possibility of not reporting it after the organization's review, then... the

Huangtian organization has no blacklist, only new targets.

Before long, when those scapegoats come in handy, he will be able to go back.

The case has already been exposed.

There are no specific photos, but it is indeed outrageous.

That's how it should be.

The angrier the netizens are, the greater the emotional cohesion. When the time comes, if a celebrity becomes a hot topic, the transfer will be particularly fast.

Huang An sighed and looked at Jing Liu next to him.


Jing Liu closed his eyes, breathing evenly, hugged his arms, and clamped the scabbard, but the strength had relaxed a little. He should have fallen asleep.

Huang An's hand reached into his pocket again and grasped the pistol.

Falling asleep... should be possible.

A deep light flashed in Huang An's eyes.

Black stripes... like the pattern on bronze ware...

Huang An's eyebrows jumped.

What the hell are you looking at?

"What's wrong?"

A cold voice came from the side, and Huang An's body froze.

Is this woman asleep? She can even detect her sight?

A monster, right?……


Huang An pretended to know nothing, and his dark eyes swept across Jing Liu:"Can't you keep your balance?"

"I can keep steady."

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows:"Do you think I am unstable now?"

"Then I suggest you put your legs down."

Huang An turned his head and said,"Armor with skirt, what's the match?……"

He had wanted to say this for a long time.

Jingliu raised his eyebrows and looked down.

What's wrong?

From this angle, she could only see the white and tender legs curled up, and nothing else.

But Jingliu still put her legs down. The steel frame was wide enough, and as long as she didn't stretch her body, her whole body could fit inside the steel frame.

She was not actually asleep.

She was not used to being too loose in front of strangers.

In this position, if the man made any unusual movements, she could immediately draw her sword and cut him in half.

It was normal to be on guard, just like Huang An.

He looked like he was sleeping soundly, but he was actually awake all the time, and the pistol in his pocket was always pointed in the direction of Jingliu.

With both hands in his pockets, a dagger in his right hand and a pistol in his left hand.

These two people... the trust between humans was completely abandoned by them.

It's no wonder that Jingliu was alert, anyone would be alert.

After all, the man opposite had shot her in the head before, and shot her three times in total.

Huang An was also alert, because the other party almost chopped him into a bamboo pole with a sword before.

The first sword energy was very accurate, it was not a test at all, and most people could not avoid it.

If he had not reacted quickly enough, he would have been a corpse hanging on the ceiling.

The result of such a stalemate for a whole night was that neither of them had a good rest.

But it didn't matter to them.

Huang An was used to it, and Jing Liu was even more so.

When fighting against the evil creatures of abundance, they often had no time to rest when studying tactics and maps.

The two of them sat here, occasionally saying a word or two, but most of the time they were still on guard against each other.


Huang An looked up at the sunlight pouring in through the hole on the roof of the factory building and frowned.

He took out two compressed biscuits from somewhere and shook them in front of the mirror."Pick one."



Huang An shook it:"Choose a piece, and then I'll eat it for you to see."

Jing Liu narrowed his eyes:"Right hand... the one on the left hand."

She stared at Huang An's eyes.

Huang An's eyes did not change, this thing should be fine.

Throwing the left hand piece to Jing Liu, she opened the piece and started eating.

Jing Liu watched him eat, and after watching for a long time, she didn't find any adverse reactions from him.

She also followed his example and opened a piece and took a bite.

It was a little sweet, and the biscuit was hard, like something paste put together.

This thing will definitely fill you up.

Jing Liu only ate a small half.

She herself didn't have much desire for food, just enough to sustain herself.

Huang An ate half a piece.

He brought a few compressed biscuits, although not much, but it could last until the day he returned.

This was the original situation.

Now that there is an additional Mirror Flow, the food supply must be halved and then planned.

He is just too lazy to go out for fear of causing trouble, it is not that he cannot go out. If there is really no food, he can go out and buy some himself.

But if the person on the opposite side gets so hungry that he stabs him with a sword, it will not be worth it.

He only has a dagger, and he cannot fight against such a powerful swordsman. If his gun is useless, he will be helpless, and he will not be able to run away.

Huang An took another look at the news.

He only watches the news once a day, plus the power bank he brought with him, which is completely enough, and the rest of the time he waits for notification.

Some people may ask: Do killers still carry power banks? Why?

Answer: Because there are things like power banks in today's society

"So, what are you going to do after I get back?"

"I don't know."

Jingliu shook her head in confusion.

She didn't know how to get back to the Immortal Boat.

If she said that this was a prank by a certain star god, it would be too much.

Moreover, she had not had any contact with other star gods, except for Emperor Gong Siming. But Emperor Gong Siming would not do such a thing, he was serious and single-minded.

Moreover, Jingliu was very worried now.

Bai Heng was from the fox clan, Ying Xing was from the short-lived species, and even if Dan Feng was from the Chiming clan, his life span was not like her, the long-lived species.

Especially Ying Xing, his life span was less than a hundred years at best.

How long would she stay here?

What would happen to these close friends when she went back?

Jingliu held the Zhili Sword given to her by Ying Xing tightly, and the uneasiness in her heart became stronger.

Although Jingliu and Ying Xing did have some differences in their attitudes towards life and work, she had to admit that the long-lived species and the short-lived species had different concepts of cognition of things. Although there were differences, they were still very good friends.

Just like Yingxing thought, there were only a few decades left, so enjoy life while you can, He enjoys settling scores and taking revenge.

He enjoys himself in any free time. He can throw away unimportant work and drink, but he can also be absorbed in forging, forgetting to eat and sleep and being silent.

Jingliu is different. She goes to foreign lands to conquer rich evil creatures for decades sometimes. Decades are too short for her. In her opinion, Yingxing should do something meaningful in these short days.

For example, he should make progress in his relationship with Bai Heng as soon as possible, so that the fox won't be flying around the world all day.

But when it comes to this matter, the usually gentle but stubborn Yingxing becomes cowardly again, hesitating and unable to say anything.

Thinking of those close friends, Jingliu sighed.

They will be worried about him now that he has traveled here, right?

But Jingyuan is older now, and he should be able to take care of their emotions.


The phone kept ringing. Noticing Jing Liu's eyes were focused on her, Huang An glanced at her.

"why do not you answer?"


Huang An still waited until the phone rang twice and three times before answering.

"open up"


"Well, did you see the news?"

"I see."

Huang An said, turning his head to look at Jing Liu:"Are there any other dangers?"

"Well... that's it. This matter was handled well, especially the armpit hair you left and the clothes on the floor, plus the testimony of the residents, which has confirmed those scapegoats."

The man smiled and said,"You really should go online and see the overwhelming scolding from netizens."


Huang An didn't respond:"I want to apply for a solo trip, don't let anyone pick me up"


The man's smile softened a little:"The reason"

"No reason, tell me whether I agree or not"

"Huang An, do you have a girl you like? Is she in Nanshi? Want to meet her?"

Huang An's mouth twitched, but he couldn't see anything through the human skin mask:"Whatever you think, you know what I'm doing anyway."

Huang An didn't care where he went, because he couldn't get away from those eyes.

Besides, he was one of the three leaders of Huangtian, with such power

"My idea is, don't delay them."

The man chuckled:"The road is different."

Huang An didn't say anything.���He shouldn't talk.

""Okay, okay... I know you have a stubborn temper, I approve it."

The man chuckled:"Don't be too extreme, you know, I'm not talking about that girl."

Huang An did not answer.

The organization will keep an eye on him, he is not that free

"In addition, someone will meet you at your home within two days."

"What are you responding to?"Huang An asked

"Huang Yu sent you something, please keep it. Also, you haven't been home for a few days, and your house is a little dirty. I couldn't stand it, so I cleaned it up. Don't be too surprised."


An's voice became a little colder:"I don't remember allowing you to enter my house."

"Don't be so cold, cracking a lock is not a big problem for me."

Huang Ming smiled and said,"You won't be needed in the future. Live well and keep in touch. In addition, you must go home within two days."


Huang An hung up the phone.



Huang An did not intend to answer Jing Liu's question specifically:"Where are you going next?"

"Do you have a home?"

"I have a house.

He has no home.

"Take me there."

Jingliu stood up holding the Zhili Sword and stood firmly on the steel frame.

"……You should just become an illegal resident."

"Will I be caught?"

"Do you have money?"


"That would be the case, unless you don't eat, drink or sleep, or beg on the roadside. Without an ID card, you have no place to live."

Jing Liu sank his eyes:"I will save money to pay your rent. I need a place to stay now."

She is familiar with this process. After all, there are inns in Xianzhou.

She needs a place to stay in this world.

Huang An stroked his chin.

Where she goes has nothing to do with him.

But if such a person comes to the city, there may be bloodshed.

Guns can't stop her.

When she becomes a target, RD will definitely be handed over to me to solve.

Because the most suitable person for such a task in the Phoenix Organization is myself.

Nothing is impossible, there is a precedent.

The world is so coincidental.

Killers are a rare profession, and those rare things almost all happen to them.

In the Phoenix Organization , that's how the two Phoenix-level killers, Huang Xiao and Huang Zhan, came from.

So leaving that child to Huang Xiao is a pure psychopath.

If it weren't for Huang Ming thinking that the two brothers were good seedlings, maybe they would have died at the hands of Huang An, or Huang An would have died at the hands of the two of them.

After all, the clients of the Huangtian Organization are not just merchants and some entrepreneurs...

Huang An closed his eyes.

After a moment, he stood up and climbed down the steel frame lightly, without the clumsiness he had when he confronted Jing Liu before. After landing on the ground, he looked up at Jing Liu who was still standing on the top steel frame:"Aren't you going? Why are you still standing there? Come down."

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

She didn't say much, and jumped down from the steel frame.

At a height of more than ten meters, Jing Liu landed lightly on the ground.

It was really a very correct decision that he didn't pull the trigger at her these days.

Huang An's brows jumped, and he turned and walked out of the factory.

The moment he breathed in the fresh air, Huang An felt like he was alive again.

"how to get to?"

"Buy a ticket... Can you put away your sword? It's not allowed on the train."


Jingliu raised his eyebrows:"The train of Lord Youyun?"

"What Heavenly Sovereign?"

Huang An frowned and said,"We don't have a Heavenly Sovereign here. We are going to take the train, but you can't take your sword up there.""


Jing Liu frowned, raised his hand and waved it.

Under Huang An's astonished gaze, the sword turned into dots of light and disappeared into the air.

"Mirror Flow"


"Promise me you won't do this in front of anyone but me."


Jing Liu frowned.

Isn't it normal for a destiny walker to store his weapons in the destiny space?

"Ah, yes."

Jingliu seemed to remember something.

This planet didn't seem to have received any blessing from any star god, and there was no destiny walker.

It was really strange.

Could it be that this was a planet cursed by a star god? How could it still develop?

Jingliu decided not to think about it.

How could she understand the decisions of the star god's level?

Just like in the book, Changle Tianjun asked a Nobles insect to be his messenger, they couldn't guess the thoughts of the star god.

"Also, the armor on you……"

"This is not armor, this is the design of the clothes."

Jingliu looked at his clothes and explained, then took off the arm armor on his wrist:"Gone." The arm armor turned into a spot of light and disappeared in her hand.

Seeing that she made the armor disappear, Huang An was surprised again for half a second.

He turned and walked forward:"Anyway... take a taxi, go to the train station, buy tickets, all of these should be counted in the general ledger."

Jingliu nodded.

It doesn't make sense to use someone's things and money and not return them. He stopped a taxi and Huang An got in first:"Train station"

""Okay!" the driver responded.

Jing Liu followed him in and didn't ask him what it was.

She looked up the information and found out that it was a car.

But its speed was much slower than that of Xingcha.

Jing Liu sat next to Huang An, leaning against the door on her side.

"Big brother, your daughter looks exactly like you."

Huang An, who was wearing a human skin mask:...

Jing Liu, who was mistaken for someone else's daughter for hundreds of years:...

If you can't speak, you don't have to say anything, thank you.

Jing Liu didn't respond.

"Hey, Nizi, how did you dye your hair so beautifully? My daughter also wants to dye her hair"


"I dyed it in Beijing, there is a good hair dye shop over there."

Huang An interrupted Jing Liu and explained to the driver

"Ah, Beijing, what a great place, the hair dyeing technology is so good, but I don't know when I can make enough money to take my family there for a trip."

The driver laughed twice:"As expected, the times have progressed, these girls are prettier than one another, your daughter is like this, is there a lot of little boys chasing after her?"

Jing Liu:...

She can be the ancestor of Huang An.

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