After much difficulty, he said goodbye to the overly enthusiastic driver.

Before getting off the car, the"kind" driver had to remind Jing Liu:"Nizi, your hair looks good, but dyeing your hair is not good for your hair roots. We understand your hobbies, but we have to control them."

Jing Liu:...

There is not even a Destiny Walker on this planet, but there are many"kind people".

She turned her head and stared at Huang An dimly.

Huang An's associative ability was a bit excessive.

He kept thinking that he had just been regarded as Jing Liu's father. When Jing Liu was verbally attacked by the driver, should he smile or make some explanations to argue for his temporary"daughter" role to be more like a father?

In this way, would he be able to adapt to more similar tasks.

And is his sense of humor too high? Should he smile more when dealing with such advice from ordinary people? This way of getting along with ordinary people can also facilitate the acquisition of mission intelligence.

From just now, to the method, to the mission, and to what may happen in the future.

Huang An frowned and thought, but it was not obvious through the human skin mask - after all, he pulled the mask loosely to make his scalp more comfortable.

In Jingliu's eyes, he was just in a daze.

This guy was a bit dull... but occasionally he was surprisingly smart.

Jingliu just remembered that there seemed to be no one on this planet who was born with different-colored hair.

He subconsciously wanted to say that it was born that way.……

"Is it time to go?"

Jing Liu abandoned the thought in his mind and asked


Huang An turned around and took out a mask from somewhere and handed it to Jing Liu.

"do what?"

"Your appearance is too eye-catching, don't draw unnecessary attention."

Huang An raised his chin and said,"Put on"

"I have another question."

Jing Liu frowned:"I can't even deal with my sword, what about your gun and dagger?"

Huang An glanced at her:"I dealt with them before I left."

"Hmm? When?"

"When I decided to go with you."

Huang An left this sentence and turned to leave.

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows and followed.


"Why don’t you go in?"



Jingliu frowned, not knowing why this person suddenly stood in front of the train station.

She was still thinking about seeing the so-called train in this world and what the difference was between it and the train of Youyun Tianjun. It had been many years since Youyun Tianjun's train had come to Xianzhou, and Jingliu had only seen pictures of it in books.

The train and the Starry Sky Train... should be similar, right? Except that it can't travel in the starry sky.

"I'm used to being alone, and I forgot you exist."

Huang An frowned:"Without an ID card, you can't buy a train ticket."

Jing Liu was also stunned.

Of course she didn't forget this.

But she thought Huang An had a way to solve it.

After all, in this world, Huang An seems to have a lot of power.

He has a gun and kills people at will, as if there are people who can handle it for him.

Huang An lowered his head and touched his chin.

If he looks for Huang Ming, it can be solved, but it will definitely involve a lot of problems.

A woman without an ID card is with him, and the organization will definitely investigate.

If the investigation has no results, the organization will most likely intervene violently, and then a bunch of problems will come one after another.

After all, in their world, there is no such thing as convincing people with virtue.

Or maybe, guns are virtue.

In countless possible futures, he will either be split in half by sword energy or shot to death.

He is not afraid of death, not that he doesn't want to live, this is not a contradiction. It is impossible to apply for a temporary ID card, Jing Liu doesn't even have a household registration book

"It seems that the train can't be taken."

"What should I do then?"

Huang An thought for about half a minute, then looked down at Jing Liu:"Are you carsick?"



In today's twists and turns, the only thing Huang An was thankful for was that he was not short of money.

In today's society, even a penny can make a hero fall.

He was not short of money, but it was a bit troublesome.

He suddenly wanted to throw Jing Liu away again.

Thinking of a series of consequences... forget it.

If the Huangtian Organization was destroyed because of this, he would be a sinner for all eternity.

He could kill Huang Xiao.

He couldn't kill Jing Liu.

If it went further and alarmed the country, with the current temper of that person, he would have to wipe out the Huangtian Organization and Jing Liu together.

That person could leave room for everything. He could also do everything to the extreme.

He was a killer, no matter how strong he was, he didn't have the ability to hide this woman and make her disappear.

If Jing Liu really caused any big trouble, that person would definitely push the matter to them.

After all, it was impossible to solve it by nuclear pacification, and the people had to be considered.

The result would be that they were all finished.

The assassin organization can't hide completely in the dark...

Forget it, he has nothing to lose anyway. Bringing such an unfamiliar woman into the house will make the neighbors' impression of him more stereotyped, which is a good thing and beneficial to the mission.

Three thousand yuan, two people, from Nancheng to Lianshi.

Excluding gas and tolls, the driver can probably make nearly two thousand yuan.

It takes about twelve hours.

Most of these bachelors who drive black cars are rootless, so he can go to Lianshi together and run around the surrounding areas.

""I'll put it on the account."

Huang An only left three words to Jing Liu, and then got in the car.

Both of them sat in the back seat.

Huang An sat directly behind the driver out of habit, and Jing Liu leaned against the window on the other side.

"Are you from Lianshi?"

The driver asked, glancing at Huang An from the rearview mirror.

After more than twelve hours of driving, the driver must have been very talkative.


Huang An nodded.

"Is this...your daughter?"

"My niece went to college in Lian City"

"Ah, why didn’t you take the train?"

"The little girl insisted on taking a chartered car, saying she wanted to try a long-distance trip. Look, she became listless as soon as she got on the car."

Huang An tried his best to add a hint of smile to his voice - this was indeed a bit difficult for him.

Jing Liu stared at the scenery outside and didn't respond.

She only needed to respond when she was asked.

"It's normal, it's a child."

The driver laughed and said,"Lianshi is a good place, but the housing prices are a bit expensive in the north."

"Fortunately, there are expensive houses everywhere."

Huang An responded, thought for a moment, and added:"It's cheaper than the capital."

"That's right, there's one in Shanghai and one in Beijing, every inch of land is really worth a lot of money."

The driver said,"I went to those two places with my friends before, damn, the prices were……"

"Big city, normal."

Huang An said, supporting his chin.

After driving for about half an hour, the car slowly stopped at a traffic light.

The driver looked back at Jing Liu and said,"Girl, can you smell the smoke?"

Jing Liu was silent for two seconds and nodded,"Yes."

"Isn’t it too hot to wear a mask today?"


Jingliu nodded again.

The driver probably saw that Jingliu didn't like to talk much, so he didn't talk to her anymore. He opened the car window, lit a cigarette, and then handed the cigarette box to the back:"Want one, big brother?"

"No, I'm trying to quit smoking recently."

Huang An doesn't smoke outside, especially when there are girls around, he stays away from tobacco.

He does smoke, because he has to learn it.

Some tasks require him to


The driver took a deep breath, and the white mist he exhaled was pulled into a long line by the wind:"Quitting smoking is a good thing, and it can only be done by people with perseverance."

"Okay, it'll be a little hard at first."

"Hi, I tried to quit smoking once before, but when I was on a long trip from Beijing to Tianjin, the passenger was a heavy smoker and I couldn't help myself and started smoking again."

"It's hard to quit smoking in a job like yours, just smoke less"

"That's right, haha."

The driver chatted with Huang An casually, threw the cigarette butt into the bottle sandwiched in the middle, and screwed the lid on.

Jing Liu glanced at it.

She couldn't see the lower half of the bottle clearly, and thought it was for drinking.

The car arrived at the first service area, the driver said hello to the two people behind him, and got off the car to go to the toilet.

"Aren't you going?"

Huang An glanced at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu shook his head:"No need"

"Like this."

Huang An nodded:"It's quite convenient"


Huang An found that Jing Liu's personality was really cold.

At least the two of them had been together for almost five days.

Although they were not familiar with each other, they could be considered acquaintances.

However, except for the questions and answers about the world view, their current conversation ended in silence.

But it was also true... Jing Liu probably didn't want to chat with her now, her mind was probably full of ways to go home.

When Huang An said this, she didn't realize that she was also that cold.

The driver bought a bottle of water and came back. After greeting Huang An, he stood by the car and smoked a cigarette before getting in.

The car started again.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you before we started, if you encounter a traffic police check, you have to cooperate with me"

"How to cooperate?"

"Just say you are my buddy and this is your niece. What are your two names?"

"Jingliu said two words.

Huang An was silent for a while:"Huang An."

Jingliu glanced at him.

"Brother, your surname is really rare. This is the first time I’ve seen someone with the surname Huang. Is it the Huang in Emperor’s surname?"

"No, it's the"huang" in"fenghuang""

"Hey! That's even rarer."

The driver laughed and said,"Your surname is yours."

But the journey was smooth, and there was no sign of a traffic policeman until the next service area.

The driver got off the car again.

He must have drunk a lot of water since he kept talking all the way.

Drinking too much water makes you want to go to the toilet.

Jing Liu glanced at the driver who was going away, then looked at Huang An:"Didn't you say you don't have a name?"

"Huang An is my code name."

Huang An said indifferently.

There are four levels of assassins in the Huangtian organization.

Huang, Feng, Luan, and Que.

Normally, the Phoenix level is brought up by the Huang level.

The previous Huang level was also a Phoenix level.

But in the Huangtian organization, there are several Phoenix levels that are different from others.

For example, Huang An, Huang Xiao, and Huang Zhan.

These three people were all picked by the leader and pulled up.

Not only did Huang Xiao and Huang Zhan survive from Huang An, they even caused harm and trouble to Huang An, which was worthy of Huang Ming's attention.

Huang An is different. He and several other Phoenix levels were picked by the previous Huang Ming, trained since childhood, and then handed over to the current Huang Ming.

Huang Ming is a code name, a proof of the leader.

It is said that this Huang Ming ascended to the position of leader after wiping out the previous Huang Ming.

Of course, all this Huang An didn't care. He didn't care about how the old Huang Ming who"took care" of him when he grew up died, nor did he care about his past stories.

He only cared about when he would live and when he would die.

This Huang Ming was a person who looked kind, but was actually a bit cold-blooded and ruthless.

Huang An was injured after dealing with Huang Xiao and Huang Zhan. He took Huang Xiao and Huang Zhan under his command and punished Huang An severely.

Huang An didn't care about these things, because Huang Ming was indeed worthy of his trust in most cases. Except for being cold-blooded and ruthless when serving the public, they were at least friends in private.

Punishment is the rule, he understands.

And now Huang Zhan and Huang Xiao are not a drag.

Retracting his thoughts, Huang An glanced at Jing Liu who turned away, thought for a while, and added:"I really don't have a name." Jing Liu turned his head to look at him, and then cast his gaze out the window


After a few seconds of silence, Jing Liu said for no reason:"This code name is pretty good."

Huang An glanced at her.

This girl was not only cold, but also a little dull.


It took them nearly thirteen hours to reach their destination.

"Goodbye, big brother, take care!"

The driver eagerly said to Jingliu:"Study hard, university is the ladder of life.……"

Jing Liu:...

No wonder Bai Heng always says she's nagging.

So she's like this.

What a shock...

Huang An dealt with the driver and turned to look at Huang An:"Where is he?"

"This way."

Huang An opened his black windbreaker and took out the key card from it:"The security guards should be on break at this time."

Huang An took Jing Liu into the community.

The building was so tall.

Jing Liu looked inside the community.

The environment was not bad.

Normally, the people who live here should be very rich.

"Welcome home."

A soft female voice sounded as the gate opened.

Huang An swiped his card through the gate, and Jing Liu followed him in.

"Building No. 6, 19th floor, remember it."

Huang An said calmly:"If you want to go out by yourself in the future, don't forget where your home is."


Jing Liu was stunned for a moment, nodded, and then realized that Huang An had his back to her and couldn't see her, so he uttered another word:"Yeah."

After the unit door was opened, Huang An asked Jing Liu to wait in the hall.

"I'll be right back."

Huang An walked into the stairwell on the side.

Less than a minute later, Jing Liu turned around and saw a young man standing behind him.

Jing Liu was stunned.

His dyed white hair collapsed due to the pressure of the human skin mask, making him look a little lifeless.

His handsome face with sharp edges and corners was in sharp contrast to the dull-faced middle-aged uncle just now.

He was handsome and a little evil.

Perhaps the only flaw was the pair of eyes under his sword-like eyebrows.

It was like a black hole dug out from the starry sky, without any light, as dark as the abyss. Jing Liu couldn't even see his own reflection in those eyes.

This should be a face that looks like a landscape when smiling, but there is no expression at all.

The body is not as bloated as before, and has lost a lot of weight, but the pocket is bulging, as if something is stuffed.

Jing Liu was not stunned by this appearance, but by this familiar clothes.

"Come back to your senses."

Huang An glanced at her, turned and walked towards the elevator:"Follow me."

The tone was cold and there was no emotion.

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

It was him.

She followed him:"Were you wearing a mask before?"


Simple communication is the behavioral habit of these two people, and neither of them spoke again.

Huang An looked at his hands.

The leather gloves on his hands have not been taken off yet.

It was past three in the morning, and it was almost dawn.

Huang An sighed.

Jing Liu looked at the elevator.

It seemed that there was really no such fully enclosed elevator in the fairy boat, at least in Luofu and Cangcheng.

After opening the elevator, Huang An walked out first and quickly looked to the side:"Hey, Aunt Chen, are you still not asleep?"

""Ah? Xiao An."

Chen Xiangmei raised her head and looked in the direction of the elevator. After seeing that it was Huang An, she smiled and said,"I'm old, I sleep less and get up early. I helped you clean up the door these two days. It's a bit messy. Young people, don't be busy with work all the time. Pay attention to rest. It seems that your friend came a few days ago and sent you a box.……"

"Thank you, Aunt Chen."

Huang An nodded and interrupted Chen Xiangmei's instructions.

He knew Chen Xiangmei's action time and trajectory, otherwise he usually went to her house.���Take off the mask and disguise

"Hey, who is this?"

Chen Xiangmei finally saw Jing Liu who walked out with Huang An.


Huang said indifferently.

Jing Liu glanced at him.

"Oh, good, good.

Chen Xiangmei nodded:"That's great, at least I have someone who can take care of each other, don't blame me for nagging, I will nag a little when I get older."

Mirror Flow:...

This young girl who is hundreds of years old looked at the old lady who is almost 70 years old, and her expression was a little complicated.

Yes, she was also accused of nagging.

"Xiao An has a cold temper, please bear with me."

Chen Xiangmei is a warm-hearted person, she nodded to Jing Liu, turned around and walked into the house:"I won't disturb you, you should go to bed early, ah."

Chen Xiangmei closed the door, Jing Liu sighed, looked at Huang An

"It's a good excuse to avoid so many troubles."

Huang An said, turned around expressionlessly and walked towards the door:"Especially... it can make her talk less for a while."

Chen Xiangmei cares about this young man living alone, but her emotional intelligence is not low, and she knows when to avoid him.

However, when they meet alone, they really talk endlessly.

The concern of the elders……


Jing Liu replied with one word.

The door was opened.

Huang An sniffed and frowned:"Draw the sword."

Jing Liu quickly entered the door and closed it. The Zhili Sword flashed a cold scarlet light in the dark space.

Huang An raised his hand and pressed twice on the door, and a secret compartment appeared.

He opened the secret compartment and took out a short knife.

Jing Liu glanced at him.

If this man came to the Immortal Boat, he would either join the Cloud Cavalry Army or be arrested by the Diheng Division.

Huang An didn't care, just sniffed, and quickly locked his target on a small cardboard box at the door.

Wait... Why does the small cardboard box have such a bad smell?

Huang An frowned and turned on the light.

The cardboard box had been opened, and the things inside were revealed.

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