"Master! Master!"

Jingliu raised his head and watched the gate of Jianshou Mansion being pushed open.

Jingyuan rushed in hurriedly, and the moment he saw Jingliu, the panic in his eyes dissipated a lot.

Jingliu looked confused:"What's the hurry?"


Jing Yuan rushed over, squatted beside Jing Liu, and looked at her eagerly:"Master, tell me the truth, I know everything."

"Know what?"

Jingliu raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of confusion.

"Master's affairs……"

Jing Yuan sniffed and said,"I don't know... Master, please don't think too much."


Master Jianshou has never been so confused in his life.

"What are you talking about?"

Jing Liu's mouth twitched:"What am I upset about?"

"It's Master... I was wondering why I didn't see Master... I……"

As Jing Yuan was talking, his eyes turned red.

"Your master went out for something."

Jingliu rubbed his back teeth and said,"Who told you what?""

""Ah? Out?"

Jing Yuan blinked:"You didn't lie to me?"

"Why would I lie to you about Yuanming?……"

Jing Liu rubbed his brows helplessly:"Who said anything to you?"

"I... because you rarely praise me... I think it's... quite strange... and it also has a bit of a show-off meaning, right? I talked to Danfeng about it."

Jingyuan scratched his nose:"Danfeng said that the master seemed to have fought with other star gods……"

"Is that all Dan Feng said?"

"That's all I have to say"

"Then what are you thinking about?"

Jingliu grabbed Jingyuan's ear and said,"Jingyuan, are you cursing your master?"

"I didn't! I didn't... I just think it's very strange that you praised me. I always feel a little...……"

Jing Yuan's eyes wandered, hesitating and not knowing what to say.

"What is"

"It's like... entrusting my affairs to you……"

Jing Yuan quickly closed his eyes, fearing that Jing Liu would hit him.


My little apprentice's senses are sometimes too sharp.

Maybe it's because she gave too many instructions.

"What image do I have in your mind?……"

Jing Liu sighed:"You have indeed trained hard enough, and I will not be stingy with praise."


Jing Yuan coughed twice awkwardly:"So...I was wrong?"

"Don't use questioning."

Jing Liu was quite helpless:"So you rushed in in a hurry because you were worried that I would commit suicide?"

"Master, I don't mean to curse you, but……"

""No buts, shut up Jingyuan."

Jingliu smiled kindly, which made Jingyuan feel cold on the back.

Jingliu sighed.

She was already worried to death, and there was a troublesome apprentice here who added to her worries.

"Go train quickly."

Jingliu didn't mean to blame Jingyuan, he patted his head and let him go.

"Oh...oh...okay, Master, you must……"


"I'm leaving! I'm leaving now!"

Jing Yuan turned around and ran away


"Lord God's Envoy, the main force of Luofu's Cloud Cavalry has already set out, and the Yaoqing Immortal Boat has not yet approached."

"Well, very good."

The rather shrill voice said:"Action now"

"Lord God's Envoy... You said before that you felt the fluctuations of the order on Luofu.……"

"It's probably because of Teng Xiao. Now that he's gone, Luofu no longer has an envoy, so there's nothing to worry about."

The figure in the dark laughed shrilly:"I will do it myself."


There was a hint of enthusiasm in the answer.


An unexpected guest arrived in Jian Shou Mansion.

He was a man in a black robe, and it was hard to tell whether he was a man or a woman from his voice or figure.

The robe seemed to be engraved with a sea of stars, bright and ethereal.

"I have heard of your great name for a long time, Lord Sword Master of Luofu, the messenger of the Chaos Star God."

The man bowed to Jing Liu.

Jing Liu waved his hand and dismissed the surrounding secret guards.


Jingliu glanced at Qinglu.

Qinglu understood and waved his hand, then disappeared into Jianshou Mansion with the surrounding secret guards.

"The harbinger of disaster, Quines."

The man said,"I came to Luofu to convey the prophecy of my god to you."

"The final star god?"

"That's right."

Quines seemed to have let out some kind of strange laugh:"The sudden chaos is about to come. Before the Yaoqing Immortal Boat approaches, Luofu is troubled by internal and external troubles."


Jingliu whispered the name, and a flash of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly... he finally appeared in front of her.

"In this battle, you can kill Shu Hu and avenge Cangcheng."

Quines said slowly:"Everything is an interpretation. My god will transform into the phantom of the god of destruction. Bai Heng will temporarily withdraw after this interpretation."

Jingliu took a deep breath:"Jin destroys the ancestor of disaster?"


Quines nodded:"But please rest assured, Bai Heng will not be harmed, and all this will not appear in front of Jing Yuan."


"Then will be the beginning of the Moon Drinking Rebellion. The specific process can be kept as originally planned."

"But there is another part about you after the Yinyue Rebellion."


"My God will simulate the state of demonic Yin for you"

"You want Jing Yuan to kill me."

Jing Liu narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, but Jing Yuan will not fall into the devil because of this, and my god will plant the power of the end in Jing Yuan, so that in the future, when the Chaos Star God removes the devil in Jing Yuan's body, it will be much smoother."

Quines bowed:"Please believe... I will never lie to you, this is all a sign of the future"



The flames that covered the sky rose up, and Jing Liu tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword.

Here comes the God of Plenty.

Countless coalition forces of Plenty fell from the sky.

"The rest of the Fengrao people will be left to you."

Jingliu turned around and said to the four people behind her,"Leave Shuhu to me."

She could hardly suppress the murderous intent in her heart, and the ground around her was covered with ice.


Bai Heng glanced at her and said,"Jing Liuliu, be careful."

Jing Liu did not respond and disappeared instantly.

"Jingyuan, I'll leave the front line to you."

Yingxing patted Jingyuan's shoulder and said,"Leave the rest to me."

According to common sense, Yingxing was not supposed to go to the front line.

But now he has the power of an envoy - if he doesn't go, who will?

""Okay, be careful."

Jing Yuan knew that he could not help in such a situation. He nodded and turned to rush to the edge of the battlefield.

They had already blocked the Fengrao coalition outside Luofu, and the rest depended on themselves.

I don't know if Yaoqing has received their support.



Jing Liu looked at the person in front of him who was indistinguishable as a man or a woman.

Suddenly, his whole body was almost made up of golden branches, with scarlet flesh and blood showing through the gaps between the branches.


Jingliu took a step forward:"Do you still remember me?"

Her voice burst out from between her teeth, with deep hatred

"Luofu's sword head?"

Suddenly a voice that sounded like a man or a woman said,"Have we met before?"

"I am from Cangcheng."

Jingliu narrowed his eyes and said,"I will avenge Cangcheng today.""

"Cangcheng...ah, Cangcheng."

He suddenly laughed:"So it's you...so it's you...I was saying...at that time, besides the general, I also heard someone calling my name. That person was you, right?"

"Cangcheng... should have been crushed by the abundant divine power by now, right?"

Suddenly he looked at Jingliu, and a stiff smile rose on his almost unrecognizable face.

The flesh was twisted, the branches were surging, and it was almost impossible to tell that it was a smile.

"In fact, you should thank me. I gave them a new life form, stronger... instead of living a mediocre life as a mortal."

"I remember the appearance of every person who died at my hands. That baby... can you remember it? Do you remember how many people of Fengrao died at your sword? Luofu's sword head... oh no... the orphan of Cangcheng."The string that Jingliu had been holding back in her head was completely broken.

She instantly appeared in front of Shuhu and slashed him with a sword.


What kind of sword was that? The stars faded and the starry sky twisted.

That was the ultimate of Jingliu swordsmanship.

It shattered time and space.

But both of them were Lingshi, even if Jingliu was indeed stronger than Shuhu.

But Shuhu's reaction speed was at the same level.

He dodged, but still inevitably had his arm cut off.

Golden blood gushed out.

Shuhu's voice finally took on a hint of panic.

"You are also an envoy?"

Jingliu was in no mood to waste time talking to him.

She rushed out suddenly, and the long sword in her hand rushed towards Shuhu like raindrops.

With just that sword, the Fengcao coalition behind Shuhu was completely crushed, and the earth was cut into a bottomless and boundless rift.

Twelve ice-blue flying swords emerged from behind her, blocking the space around Shuhu.

Shuhu dodged, but it was useless.

In just a moment, the ground was covered with golden blood, forming puddles one after another.

Shuhu was only concerned with dodging, and he couldn't even get close to Jingliu.

The speed at which the wounds on Shuhu's body regenerated flesh and blood could not keep up with Jingliu's cutting. The speed of crushing him.

He was finally angry.

The sharp roar was like a wail that shook the sky, the stars trembled, and the boundless scarlet enveloped the earth.

Shuhu's body expanded rapidly, the golden branches around him quickly dissipated, and the scarlet flesh and blood devoured every inch of space.

Jingliu watched coldly.

Torture him, and then kill him in despair.

This is what she has always wanted to do.

Learning sword, killing enemies... all for today.

Shuhu's body expanded to a certain limit.

The vague voice was full of anger, and Jingliu could no longer hear what Shuhu was saying.

He could only hear the roar that shook the world.

Jingliu raised his hand and shaved off the flesh and blood on Shuhu's body layer by layer.


"The Blood Hell cannot absorb your life……"

Jing Liu did feel some kind of terrifying power trying to devour her.

But that power covered her body and was swallowed up by the surging power of chaos and destiny in her body.

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