The sudden power is useless against the mirror flow

""Shu Hu!"

Jing Liu finally roared out the hatred and anger that she had been holding back for nearly a thousand years.


Everything about her was destroyed by Him without reason.

The weak have no right to survive?

Then now you are a weak person.

Shu Hu, go to hell.

Shu Hu screamed and increased the scope and intensity of the Blood-stained Hell Realm.

From the corner of his eye, those Feng Cao coalition forces that had not yet entered the battlefield were like dead trees with nutrients sucked out, turning into dry corpses.

Regardless of friend or foe, Shu Hu himself almost merged into the Blood-stained Hell Realm.

The next second, Shu Hu's figure suddenly stopped.

【【Remember, the awakening of a star god】

The boundless and ethereal voice sounded in his mind.

In the void behind Jingliu, a pair of golden eyes slowly opened.

Cold, violent, murderous, and terrifying pressure made Shuhu unable to move.

In just a moment, Jingliu's figure was like a giant thorn of the stars, restraining all the light and instantly piercing through the mass of flesh and blood.

It was a sword with almost no power, no dazzling light.

It was the sword that the orphan of Cangcheng swung at his nightmare.

Steady and resolute.

The sword, three feet and seven inches long, was as light as nothing.

Jingliu stood firm and looked back.

The mass of flesh and blood slowly dissipated, dissipating along with the shadow that had entangled her for a thousand years.

Jingliu suddenly softened.

As if she had lost some kind of support, there was a moment of absent-mindedness in her eyes.

Shuhu was dead.

The god of abundance who created her thousand-year nightmare and supported her hatred was reduced to ashes under her sword.

You should have seen it, right?

I killed Shuhu.

You all... should be able to see it, right?

She suddenly wanted to cry.

She wanted to cry in Yuanming's arms.

Ah... Yuanming...

That's right, Jingliu.

You have a new concern now.

It's not over yet.

Jingliu stood up straight.

It's not over yet


After that shocking sword strike, all the sounds on the battlefield seemed to be extinguished.


Everyone didn't even have time to relax, the piercing sound swept across the entire battlefield in an instant.

"What is that?"

The Cloud Cavalry looked into the distance in panic.

They couldn't even tell the direction from which the sound came.

"It's time."

Bai Heng and the others looked at each other and rushed towards Jing Liu.


The last king still had some brains.

He did not let Nanook's phantom appear directly. After all, it was too ridiculous. No matter how crazy Nanook was, he would not take direct action in the face of such a situation.

He chose to transition.

When Feng Feng was thrown over, his mind was probably confused.

He fought with four messengers in a daze, and then when he turned around, his own god suddenly appeared. It was clearly the appearance of Lord Nanook... But from that phantom, he could not feel any response from destiny.

Then, with a shrill laugh, Feng Feng was thrown out again.

Ah ha, no matter where he was thrown, just don't stay here.


Bai Heng"died".

Jing Yuan locked himself in his room for the whole day.

The other three?

Of course they had to pretend to be sad on the surface.

After all, they still had to prepare for the next scene.

【Invincible Flyer: Have you all returned to Luofu? 】

However, the deceased who was mourned by everyone has now recovered from the sadness of parting and is chatting happily in a separate group chat of four people.

【Dan Feng: I've returned.

Bai Ye: Where are you now?

Invincible Flyer: I'm at the tavern of the Joyful Star God. He told me to drink as much as I want and wait for Yuan Ming to come and let him pay.

Invincible Flyer: No more nonsense... There's nothing I can do about the future. Take good care of Jing Yuan.

Dan Feng: Can you keep looking so sad until the evening?

Invincible Flyer: We'll see each other again in the future. There shouldn't be anyone dead this time except me, right?

Dan Feng: No, except you, there are only wounded in the Cloud Cavalry, no dead... It should be said that the power of the envoy helped a lot. I saved a lot of people.

Yuan Ming: You didn't see how depressed Jing Yuan is now.

Invincible Flyer: When can we meet again?

Yuan Ming: Soon, I will be the last to arrive.

Invincible Flyer: That's a pity. To be honest, the wine in the tavern of Changle Tianjun is really good.

Dan Feng: Enjoy it. Ying Xing and I will be there soon.

Invincible Flyer: Ying Xing, come here, come here! The wine here is really good.

Baiye: Although but... I always feel that this statement is so strange.

Danfeng: Same as above.

Invincible Flyer: Anyway, I'm waiting for you here to come over and comfort Jingyuan.

Baiye: I'm worried now... Will Jingyuan beat us up if he knows the truth of all this.

Danfeng: If it were me... I would.

Invincible Flyer: Oh! Lord Longzun cares about us so much?

Danfeng:... Of course.

Danfeng: Although Jingyuan will not have any problems in the end, and there will be no other problems... But I still feel sorry for Jingyuan.

Invincible Flyer: Of course I'm sorry for Jingyuan, but how should I put it... Is this the so-called... uh, future?

Baiye: The future... To be honest, I have never thought about it before.

Jingliu: I haven't thought about it either. Yuanming

: @Jingliu, where are you now?

Jingliu: Does A Liu miss me?

Yuanming: Yes.

Jingliu: Well... I have to go to Ah Ha's tavern to see Bai Heng first, or at least meet Ah Ha, and then I can go back to the fairy boat... But I can't be seen by Jing Yuan when I go back to the fairy boat.

Yuanming: Why?

Jingliu: Because it will be very troublesome. If I am there, the logic of the subsequent interpretation will not make sense.

Baiye:... Makes sense.

Jingliu: Speaking of which, Jing Yuan should not know that I have exorcised your evil evil

, right? Danfeng: I don't know. In order to prevent Jing Yuan from being psychologically unbalanced, I have never told him.

Baiye: But with Jing Yuan's brain, maybe he can guess it. Jingliu:

Let the last king think about the future. He will provide the script and cooperate.

Yuanming: Then can you come back today? Jingliu:


Yuanming: Okay.

Putting down the jade omen, Ying Xing sighed.

"What? You become like this after not seeing Bai Heng for a day?"

"How difficult it is... We still don't know what the situation is."

Ying Xing shook his head:"Fortunately, time is tight and there is no time to hold a 'funeral' for her, otherwise I am worried that I won't be able to cry."

"Don't think too much."

Dan Feng shook his head:"The next part is ours."

Ah Ha also told them the consequences of going against the future.

"……Well, let me think……"

Ying Xing leaned against the dragon statue behind him and gently closed his eyes.


Without Bai Heng, the relationship between the five heroes of Yunshang seems to have changed.

Just as Yuanming said, Jingyuan is not able to contact the other three of the five heroes of Yunshang.

Jingliu locked himself in Jianshou Mansion every day, and Danfeng and Yingxing stayed together.

They seemed to have stopped interacting with each other all of a sudden.

In other words, everyone was trapped in the shadow of Bai Heng's death.

Of course, the above is limited to Jingyuan's perspective.

What is the truth?

Privately, the Yuluo group has hundreds of chat records every minute.

The"dead" who is missed by everyone pays attention to the situation of Luofu in the group chat every day.

Jingliu rarely speaks, after all, she is still in Jianshou Mansion, and there are dark guards and cloud cavalry around her.

But Yingxing and Danfeng are much more idle, and they chat with Baiheng every day to relieve boredom.

The battle between Yuanming and Obolos ended quickly, after all, the two star gods did not kill each other.

Obolos was torn off half of his body and left this universe.

But Yuanming only came back for one day.

Because he had other things to deal with.

Jingliu also knew the importance of the matter, so he didn't stick to him at this time.

After Yuanming left the fairy boat, Jingliu began to get busy preparing for the next"play".

【Invincible Flyer: Let's talk about the next part of the script... Hey, if I really die, you two...

Baiye: Bai Heng.

Invincible Flyer: I know... I'm not saying bad things, I just want to ask.

Baiye: I can't imagine it...

Danfeng: I can't imagine it either, but if we hadn't become the envoy, maybe all of us would have died at the hands of Shuhu.

Invincible Flyer: Shuhu... Yingxing, do you have some of Shuhu's flesh and blood left in your hands?

Baiye: Well, should I say that the power of Shouwenhuozu is too weird... Even after being killed like this, Shuhu's flesh and blood still has vitality.

Yuanming: Really... I will kill him again. Baiye

: Well, there will be a chance. When the time comes, just use this thing and mix it with some of Danfeng's power and the blood left by Bai Heng, and you can create it, right?

Danfeng: Yes.

Invincible Flyer: Lord Longzun, are you happy to retire?

Danfeng: Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?

Invincible Flyer: Of course it is... a lie.

Dan Feng: I am not happy at all.

Invincible Flyer: Hahahahahaha.

Dan Feng: To be honest... I am still a little worried. After all, you are not the only one who needs to incarnate. Abandoning the power of Dragon Lord and dividing it into two parts to pass on to the incarnation and the new creation... that is, the next Dragon Lord, I am a little worried. Can the Dragon Lord without the complete power of Dragon Lord protect Luofu?

Invincible Flyer: Lord Dragon Lord, you worry too much.

Dan Feng: Maybe it is true... But I am really worried, maybe because Jing Yuan has not grown up in my eyes?

Yuan Ming: Jing Yuan has grown up, he can take on the responsibility of Luofu in the future.

Bai Ye: Look, Jing Liu said... Speaking of Jing Liu, what are you going to do with the secret teachings of the King of Medicine?

Yuan Ming: What do you mean?

Bai Ye: Stop talking nonsense, that was induced by you to produce those evil believers of Feng Yu.

Yuan Ming: I was discovered.

Bai Ye:... It's obvious.

Yuan Ming: Really?

Yuanming: When they develop to a certain point, catch them all in one fell swoop.

Baiye: Sting enforcement is shameful.

Yuanming: But it is very practical.

Danfeng: To be honest, it is true. This way Jingyuan can feel more at ease after taking charge of Luofu.

Baiye: Then, there is another thing that puzzles me - the Chaos Order falls into the devil's shadow... is this reasonable?

Danfeng: Why is it unreasonable? The Seven Heavenly Generals of the Imperial Bow will also fall into the devil's shadow, but their power is stronger, and their physical reinforcement is thorough, so they can resist it a little.

Yuanming: It depends on the arrangement of the Doomsday Star God. Maybe he can simulate it.

Invincible Flyer: Of course he can. You see the phantom of Jinmiehuozu, it scared me, I thought it was real.

Danfeng: Jingyuan... it's time for him to grow up on his own. 】

Jingliu gently put down the jade omen and sighed.


It's time for you to grow up yourself.


I didn't go into too much detail about the Shuhu Rebellion and Bai Heng's death, because most people know that writing about it would just be copying the book again, attributing all the disasters to Nanook's phantom and Fenfeng, and then Bai Heng destroyed Nanook's phantom with the self-destruction of Suihuang, and Fenfeng escaped.

The same is true for the Yinyue Rebellion, or especially the Yinyue Rebellion, which was a complete civil war in Luofu, without more forces, and the fight between the five heroes on the cloud. There is no need to write too much about it.

To be honest, I don't really want to kill the five heroes on the cloud, because the things in the plot are already messy enough. If I want to make them like that, why would I let Yuanming become a star god and interact with so many star gods?

So basically, they will reunite in the end, and reunite as they remember.

The five heroes on the cloud, never said goodbye.

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