Fifteen days.

Fifteen days...

Fifteen days!

When Huang An felt the water rushing on him, he finally showed his first emotional fluctuation in a while.

He looked in the mirror.

There was a very long wound on his back, from a little below the back to the middle of the waist. He almost lost his kidney.

But he could finally take a shower.

Huang An washed himself, turned around, picked up the new sheets that he had changed in the past few days and the garbage that Jing Liu had not taken away, wrapped them together, and walked out of the bedroom.

Jing Liu glanced at him.

"Go downstairs to throw away the garbage, and then your household registration booklet is down, we will go get it after I come back."

Huang An frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he said nothing.

Being judged as abandoned, Jing Liu's information needs some backup at the police station, and when his parents come to look for him, they can screen the information.

This is not the case with Jing Liu, so she can rest assured.

Of course, Huang An still had to use some connections.

Huang Yu actually helped a lot, and I have to thank him for this time.

Now Jing Liu's identity is probably that she was abandoned by her parents who favored boys over girls in a poor mountain valley, and she had nothing. She was picked up and raised by an old beggar. The old beggar died when she was half grown up, leaving Jing Liu alone to struggle for survival - this is probably such a story. A standard protagonist template.

But this fucking The world doesn't need Long Aotian.

Huang An stuffed the garbage into the trash can, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

Household registration booklet... and then go through the ID card procedures. It will take some time for Jing Liu to get his own ID card.

During this time, he will buy her a mobile phone and register it with his real-name information.

This can be regarded as a layer of identity insurance for himself.

Then buy her two pieces of clothes... Although she said that her clothes are the same and she changes them very frequently, at least they live under the same roof. Huang An's eyelids twitched when he saw it.

Although she is an immortal species and not an ordinary human being, but... psychologically unable to accept it.

Huang An exhaled white mist from his mouth and looked in the direction of the sky.

The sky is really vast.

Huang An put out the cigarette butt on the trash can, turned and walked into the gate


"Wear a mask"


Jingliu raised her eyebrows. She seemed to be asked to wear a mask every time.

"Because you are so beautiful, you will attract a lot of unnecessary attention when you go out."

Huang An handed her the mask:"I will wear it too."

Strange man.

Jing Liu took the mask and put it on:"Do you want to take Xiaobai with you?"

"Go, I'll take it to the pet store on the way, give it a bath and check it out. I remember the staff said last time that Alaskans are prone to illness when they are young, and the mortality rate is very high. I have to go and check it out."

Huang An replied while packing up his things.

"Ah... let's take it over to have a look."

Jingliu frowned, bent down and picked up Xiaobai.

The little thing struggled twice in Jingliu's arms, but finally calmed down in the soft embrace and stopped moving.

"Go check it out."

Jingliu patted its head and said soothingly.

"It was a simple process. I went downstairs to send Xiaobai to the pet store for a checkup, then gave him a bath, and then got his household registration booklet and applied for an ID card, because it would take two months to get it approved after the application. Then I bought clothes, had a meal, and went home. That was it for one day."

Huang An turned to look at Jing Liu:"Are there any problems?"

Jing Liu did a simple calculation:"Do you want to start practicing swordsmanship today?"

"No, tomorrow"

"Tomorrow and tomorrow, how many tomorrows there are"

"Where did you learn this?"

"The books in my room"

"It's not that I go running in the evening to see how my body is moving now."


Jingliu nodded and said nothing more.

"Let's go then."

Huang An looked at Xiao Bai behind him and picked up the leash beside him.

"Do you still need to hold hands?"

"Well, are you planning to hold it all the time? Even when you come back?"

"……Is it not possible?"


"……You're not afraid of dogs, are you?"

"Not afraid, but dirty"

"It won't be dirty after taking a shower."

"Then put some clothes on it, so that it won't be stepped on here or there."

Huang An took out a set of small pet clothes and handed it to Jing Liu.

Jing Liu took it, squatted down and gently put it on Xiao Bai, then pinched its little paws and put on the small shoes for it.

These days, Jing Liu has become very familiar with this step.

"Let's go."

Huang An nodded, looked at Jing Liu who picked up the dog again, turned around and walked out of the house.

Jing Liu followed behind him.

"Xiao An, are you going out?"

Chen Xiangmei walked out the door and saw Huang An and Jing Liu waiting for the elevator.

"Well, let's go out and get something to eat, and take this little thing to the pet store for a bath."

"Hey, this puppy is great, you two are having fun"

"Aunt Chen is going out?"

"Don't go out, don't go out……"

Chen Xiangmei took out the broom behind her and shook it:"Clean up the door."

Even if it is not dirty, Chen Xiangmei is still used to cleaning the door twice a day.

According to her, cleaning the door is convenient for welcoming guests, or even welcoming gods.


Huang An smiled stiffly:"Then the two of us will go first."


Chen Xiangmei responded.

The elevator door slowly closed, and Jingliu glanced at him.

Huang An returned to his expressionless look.

Apart from dealing with official business, she had never seen this man smile.

Huang An didn't play with his phone, didn't talk, and didn't feel awkward standing here.

Jingliu teased Xiaobai in his arms, and didn't mean to talk.

The environment of the community is still very good.

Jingliu also sighed at the style of the entire area where the pet shop at the entrance of the community is located.

How was such an uneven style built...

Jingliu didn't understand.

Huang An was used to it, and walked directly into the pet shop.

"Mr. Huang."

The clerk greeted with a smile:"Welcome."

Huang An made way:"I'm taking a shower. I'll leave it here for now. Can you help check it?"

"Of course."

The clerk smiled and said:"We have the ability to do so. How long do you want to store it?"

"Until I come to collect it, the money can be directly deducted from the card."

Huang An said, turning to look at Jing Liu:"Give them the dog."

Jing Liu tapped Xiao Bai's nose, picked up Xiao Bai and handed him to the clerk.

Xiao Bai was unwilling to leave the hostess's arms, and his little paws pulled at Jing Liu's sleeves:"Woof woof!"……"

The voice was pitiful, and the little thing tried to act cute in exchange for Jing Liu's reluctance.

Being looked at by those watery dark eyes, Jing Liu took a deep breath and looked at Huang An.

"There won't be any problem, just take a bath and check up."

Huang An touched Xiao Bai's head for the first time:"Be good, I'll come back to pick you up later."

But the little cub didn't recognize Huang An's comfort, it just stared at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu:……

"Be good."

The cold voice seemed muffled because of the mask:"I'll come back to pick you up later."

She touched Xiaobai's head.

The clerk was used to clingy puppies and said with a smile:"You have a good relationship with it."

"well enough……"

Jing Liu blinked and said,"It's troublesome."

"It's okay."

The clerk still picked up Xiaobai and walked into the back.

Xiaobai's cry was automatically blocked by Huang An:"Let's go."

Jingliu took another look at the pitiful Xiaobai:"How... do they give their pets a bath?"

"Very gentle.

"Don't think about it. I can't let you wash it."

As he spoke, Huang An had already walked out of the pet shop. Jing Liu looked at it once, then looked again, and then turned around and followed him.

"Do you like that little guy?"

"Well, there aren't that many pets on the fairy boat."


"Because pets don't live forever, they can only accompany you for a dozen years at most. When they die, it only adds to the sadness and increases the danger of the evil spirit. If it is a certain immortal pet, it is lucky to meet a good owner. Most of them are brought here by foreigners and sold."

The creatures in the caves on the fairy boat... are not comparable to cute little guys like Xiaobai.

Jingliu thought about it.

Jingyuan seemed to have kept a pet before.

He always thought it was a raccoon, but in the end he found out that it was a lion.

The lion lived for a long time, but it obviously didn't live longer than Jingyuan.

Jingyuan went on expeditions frequently at that time, and he and the lion were separated for more than a few months, and each time he left for a few months, and as many as a hundred years. Even if the lion was a fox-man, it couldn't live that long.

When Jingyuan came back from one of his expeditions, the lion had died.

Jingyuan cried very sadly at that time.

But he adjusted his mentality very quickly, and he recovered in a short time.

"So that's it……"

Huang An touched his nose.

He always felt that this immortal was a little fragile.

But it was hard to say. If he lived like this for a thousand years, he might also be very fragile.

He now felt that it was a miracle that he could live to almost thirty years old with a healthy mentality.

So, was his mentality considered healthy?

"Therefore, in the immortal boat, even in terms of making friends, the immortal species will generally choose to associate with the same immortal species."

Jingliu said softly.

Maybe she was an accident.

Except for Jingyuan, the few close friends around her did not have immortal species.

The fox people, the Chiming tribe, and even a short-lived species.

Before the marshal came to Luofu for inspection, he saw her sitting with Yingxing and others drinking and chatting, and he specifically asked about her situation. He focused on"taking care" of Yingxing.

The lifespan of the short-lived species is too short, and they will even age and die after a hundred years of life.

The marshal repeatedly warned her not to have a relationship between men and women with Yingxing.

Danfeng can live for at least five or six hundred years.

The Luofu sword master with a bright future must not fall into the devil's body because of a short-lived species.

At that time, Jingliu explained that Yingxing liked Bai Heng, and she would not She didn't develop feelings between men and women. In fact, she didn't plan to find a partner in this life. She planned to live a free life alone.

After a lot of explanation, the marshal believed it and left Luofu.

Thinking of this, Jingliu rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

In fact, he was still a little worried.

Among that group of people, she was most worried about Ying Xing and Bai Heng.

The lifespan of short-lived species and fox people is too short.

To be honest, she has always been cold just to be alone and prevent others from approaching her. Including the influence of the past, she felt that she should pursue unrivaled power alone.

Even the power to kill gods.

At the beginning, it was okay when she only knew Dan Feng, but later there came Bai Heng, Jing Yuan, Ying Xing... …

When these people began to gradually enter her heart, she found that she couldn't remain indifferent.

But she couldn't push these people away.

People said that Ying Xing, Bai Heng, Dan Feng and Jing Yuan were all extremely courageous people. They dared to make friends with the cold and indifferent sword master, and they really succeeded.

However, few people knew that Jing Liu was willing to open his heart to these people, and he also paid an extraordinary courage.

They are all successful people in their own world.

Although they have not yet made a name for themselves, Ying Xing is also a genius craftsman, Dan Feng is the Moon Drinking Dragon Lord of the Chiming Clan, Bai Heng is a free explorer, and Jing Yuan's family also has a deep background.

But she is different, she is a wanderer who has lost everything.

She is not an iceberg, she is just Ming... Remember all the expectations everyone had for this young child of hers when the Cangcheng giant ship was falling.

Remember how they pushed themselves to the other side of life with their corrupted hands, remember the expectations each of them had for themselves - even if that expectation was too heavy for a child.

She survived, she wanted to become a top swordsman, she wanted to let other immortal boats know that the bloodline of the Cangcheng immortal boat had not been extinct, and that the Cangcheng immortal boat was still striving.

With this heavy expectation, carrying countless undead souls on her back, she raised her sharp sword to her comrade who had fallen into the devil's body with trembling hands and gritted her teeth.

She had to move forward, she couldn't stop.

Every time she was too tired to get up, all that echoed in her mind were those desperate voices.

"Jingliu, Jingliu, you have to become stronger! Don't let us down."

She knew that the world is unpredictable and the situation is cruel, so she didn't dare to open her heart.

She knew that if she became the sword master, if she stood on the top, the Cangcheng Xianzhou would not be forgotten. If she was still a wanderer, the existence of those undead would be forgotten.

Those dark and corrupt hands pushed her forward, regardless of her fear, just pushing her forward.

You can't stop, Jingliu, if you stop, the Cangcheng Xianzhou will really be gone.

She is still a girl, she is too afraid that someone will go around in her heart and then die miserably in front of her, or appear in front of her with that ugly appearance and be cut down by her sword. But these people... Even if they are at risk of falling into the devil's body.

Even if they may suffer pain, the pain of falling into the devil's cramps and marrow extraction.

Even if all their efforts are in vain, they will be killed by the devil. Everyone hated her and she was pointed at by thousands of people.

She also wanted to be with these people.

Even listening to the bickering between Ying Xing and Jing Yuan was particularly interesting.

Perhaps the marshal was right. If these people really passed away one day, it would be a heavy blow to her.

In fact, if there really was an elixir of immortality without side effects, she could ask for it for Bai Heng and Ying Xing without caring about the cost, even if she had to rob it. Her only concern was these four people and the fairy boat. Apart from that, she didn't care much about giving up anything.

But it didn't happen. Those elixirs would only turn them into monsters.

Time will continue to move forward, and she will eventually become an orphan of time again, left behind, watching her close friends go away.

But she made a choice.

She chose to cherish the present time.

There is no way back, right? Jing Liu.

But she never regretted it.

Jing Liu lowered his eyes and chuckled.

"……Are you laughing?"

Recovering from her thoughts, Jing Liu raised her head and looked at the man in front of her.

After a few seconds of silence, she nodded honestly:"I guess so. I remembered my best friend."


Huang An turned his head and thought about it.

After all, the two of them were walking side by side. Wouldn't it be a bit strange for passers-by to not say a word?


Smile more, you look very pretty when you smile.

"My son Liuer looks so cute when he smiles. If he smiles at his dad more every day, his dad will live another thousand years."

"If I smile at my dad a hundred times every day, will he be able to live forever?"

"Okay, okay, then you have to smile at your mother a hundred times, and our family should live forever together."

A family, together..."

Jing Liu was silent for a moment, and said lightly:"I am wearing a mask"

"……I have X-ray vision."

Jing Liu looked at the expressionless man, and a charming smile suddenly blossomed between her eyebrows.

But it was fleeting, and she turned her head away again.

"In fact, you should smile more often. You will look better when you smile.���It will be like a painting


Huang An glanced at her and said,"Forget it."


"There is no such emotion"

"Everyone has emotions, it's natural."

"Then don't treat me as a human being."

Huang An still had no expression on his face when he said this, but Jing Liu had a feeling that he might be joking.

"Were you just kidding?"

"You're one of the few people who can tell I'm joking."

"Is there anyone else?"

"There are two."

Huang An still had no expression on his face.

"There is a saying on Xianzhou: A smile makes you ten years younger."

"Well, I shouldn't laugh."


"There's no point in living that many years."

"Why is it meaningless?"

"In my current job, it doesn't make sense."

"So when do you plan to retire?"


Jing Liu felt that she seemed to have talked a lot more today. She looked at Huang An and repeated,"I say, when do you plan to retire?"

"Next Life"

"……Were you kidding again?"

"Objectively speaking, yes"

"Why objectively speaking?"


Did you take the wrong medicine today?

"No, I'm just in a good mood."

Jingliu shook his head.

Although it was impossible to tell from her expressionless face whether she was in a good mood or not.

She was in a good mood.

Jingliu felt that such communication was already very cheerful for her.

Huang An also felt so.

Only the two of them felt so.

But passers-by who saw the two of them with expressionless faces and cold voices might not think so.

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