[Jingliu, the former Sword Master of Xianzhou Luofu, fell into the evil spirit in 7380 of the Star Calendar. The Five Warriors of the Cloud fell apart. He was given the honorific title of"Wuxian Feiguang". He fought against the Cloud Cavalry who came to attack him at Xingcha Sea. His whereabouts were unknown after the battle. Since Jingliu's disappearance, Luofu has no more Sword Master.】

【My sword, whoever wants to learn it, I will teach. 】

There is also a picture of Jingliu below, but it is a bit blurry...

Huang An frowned.

To be honest, the real person is much better than the picture.

Mo Yin... Jian Shou... Xingliu... Yunshang Wuxiao... Xingcha Hai... Yunqijun...

What the hell?

Xingliu, Jian Shou, Yunqijun are all barely understandable. Xingliu is the unit of time in their place, Jian Shou is the one who is the best at using a sword, and Yunqijun is the army there.

Xingcha Hai can also be explained as a place name...

What is this Mo Yin?

Huang An's head hurt after seeing it, and he reached out and rubbed his eyebrows.

He has never played mobile or computer games in his life, that is, the only"game" he played was the task assigned by the previous Huang Ming.

Either win or die.

The previous Huang Ming called it a game.


In fact, this information is of no use to Huang An. He just took a look because he was too bored lying here.

【The fate of the immortal species of the Demonic Yin Body can be simply understood as that people have lived longer, from a hundred years to thousands of years, but the memory space of people has not increased, and the memory will still gradually fade away. In the end, after thousands of years, only the memory of pain and despair remains in the mind, because such memories are the most profound.

For example:"Put a toothpick into the big toe cap and kick it hard against the wall.

" If such a memory has happened, you will remember it for a lifetime.

Similarly, happiness will gradually be forgotten, but pain will not.

Pain will only become more thorough with the polishing of time.

According to the classics of the Immortal Boat, between eight hundred and one thousand years old will be the stage when the emotions of the Immortal Boat people reach their peak.

That is to say, at that time, the memory of the Immortal Boat people has been worn out, and the remaining pain and despair have accumulated to that time.

Just like a fuse, the Demonic Yin Body is the explosive that will turn people into irrational monsters.

According to the plot, it is simply speculated that in the eyes of the Demonic Yin Body, except for himself who is a normal person, everyone else is a Demonic Yin Body, all are monsters, so people who fall into the Demonic Yin will kill.

But Dian Dao Ge seems to have maintained his sanity well. This will be explained in the game plot.

The demonic Yin body is divided into five types (note that it is five types, not five stages):

Injury: It means that the body will suffer serious damage due to external violence, and must be repaired through self-healing ability for a long and painful period.

Contamination: It means that after the immortal body is infected with some tenacious extraterrestrial viruses or bacteria, it will coexist with them for a long time.

Anger: It means that the state of mind of resentment and harming others begins, and the emotions begin to fluctuate between extreme sorrow, joy, resentment and anger.

Transformation: It means that the body begins to produce mutated organs and can no longer maintain the stable state of human form.

Unconsciousness: It means that the human heart will be occupied by an inexplicable sense of emptiness and fall into a state of confusion.

In the Immortal Boat, the most common demonic Yin body we have seen is the"transformation", which is the kind with grass all over the body.

Of course, according to unpopular classics (I forgot which one), it is pointed out that the transformation is not just about growing grass, and it is even possible to make other races have other racial characteristics, such as the fox man showing the characteristics of the vidyadhara, but I forgot and I dare not confirm it.

However, if it is just speculation, if such a situation exists, then the fox man among the five heroes on the cloud can be explained, and everything can be explained - that is, Bai Heng.

Speaking of this, I also talk about my speculation about the Yinyue Rebellion.

Brother Diandao went to study Jianmu in order to revive Bai Heng, which may have triggered something. It is probably nothing more than the intervention of the Lord of Extinction (I don’t believe that Huanlong is the fairy boat that has been targeted recently), the mischief of the Envoy of the Order of Abundance, and Danfeng’s rampage, etc.

I am actually more inclined to believe that the vidyadhara egg was destroyed by Danfeng’s rampage, or there may be other reasons. I am just guessing.

In short, Yingxing resurrected Bai Heng's body, and in fact, the soul was also Bai Heng - but it was not Bai Heng who dominated the body at that time. Here we have to explain a misunderstanding, which is actually a speculation. After the main plot, we all subconsciously regard the demon body as a human form, but I think that the existence of the demon body, especially related to the star god, should not be limited to this.

Then here we have to mention one more point, who is the beloved? Who is the beloved? Bai Heng is almost certain. So Danfeng and Yingxing, in fact, anyone who carefully watches the plot can see it, right?

Don't look at what the Internet says about internal testing or not, whether the news is accurate, and the internal testing signed an agreement not to be spread outside.

Why are there so many internal tests? Just for your own subjective thoughts, you keep scolding and infecting others.

It's really disgusting.

There is no need to believe so many insiders.

Lao Mi's internal ghosts for so many years have revealed that the characters are correct.

Which one is right? Before the original god revealed that Barbatos knelt down to his mother Baalzebu, there were really fools who believed it and rushed to Thor.

The ones who can reveal the exact pictures are all given by Lao Mi. What about the water god? Which one has been revealed?

Lao Mi plays this game. I can only say that 12+ is really mixed. The psychology of that group of people is controlled by Lao Mi. They have all become tools, and they have to lead others to become tools.

It's still closed beta, 1.3 hasn't been released yet, and they have finished playing the 1.5 closed beta. Do you really believe this?

When 1.2, the characters and skills of 1.3 were almost designed. At that time, they revealed the contents of 1.4 that can be revealed, because some skills of the mirror flow were ready at that time.

But at this stage, the plot of 1.5 has been made for you... Do you really dare to believe it?

No way, no way? Lao Mi's employees are really treated as slaves.

Don't make the original? Don't design the three hoko? Don't make the post-hoko. Don't make other games. Hoko makes money, but a company that relies on a game to survive is useless.

Mission is running non-stop, and 19 is finished and 20 is entered.

Look at those Lao Mi employees who really showed up, each of them was more tight-lipped than the other.

What is this for? To guide you to read the"revelations".

Now you see the group of"fans" on the Internet, there are four stages: guessing by yourself - combining materials for analysis - guessing by everyone - revelations by insiders.

This is not a diversified coexistence, it is an evolutionary process. At the beginning, it was speculation, and after finding that no one believed it, they said that they read the revelations by insiders. It is to capture the psychology of players.

Otherwise, there are always people who accuse this of being a dog-raising factory.

Many people say, isn't there an insider?

That is a fart insider, it is just another official account of Lao Mi.

Isn't Dan Feng's personality easy to analyze?

He is dissatisfied with Yingxing, his attitude, he is used to life and death, the people of the Chiming tribe take life and death very lightly, people can't empathize with him, no matter how good a friend is, there is no need to think about empathizing with his attitude towards life and death.

Isn't the dialogue obvious? Yesterday someone was arguing heatedly in my comment area.

I'm just wondering, if we really want to talk about it, shouldn't we talk about what favor Dan Feng owed Ying Xing to allow him to enter the Scaled Abyss Realm for research?

If we want to talk about it again, it's just about what Ying Xing did. Maybe he found what he thought was the right way at the time and let Dan Feng join in.

Otherwise, it would be contradictory to those phantoms.

If not, if Lao Mi forced a backstab, it would be a bit clownish to be honest. Assuming that Bai Heng is really Dan Feng's true love, think about it yourself.

How can we still talk about this?

Regarding the relationship between Ying Xing (that is, Dian Dao Ge) and Bai Heng, I was quite happy when I mentioned this true love - damn Lao Mi finally stopped being gay. What can I understand is... girlfriend fans? Is that what it is? I understand their thoughts, hoping that the character they like can have a position of their own fantasy around them.

But if they have it, then they have it. If you like a person and the character doesn't accept it, what else do you like?

They say that they consider everything from his perspective, but in reality, they stop being fans when they know that he has a lover, and they are so upset that they even want to erase the existence of his lover, and they even scold him for this.

I'll peel off Dian Dao Ge's face and give it to you, he can still grow anyway.

Now there are some people who like Blade, which is similar to the people who like San Bing and Mo Zhi in the original.

【Mirror Stream Killing Blade, no regard for the old times, I'm so annoyed with her】

【Jing Yuan's attitude towards the blade, he was holding someone else's weapon, shameless】

【Danfeng did all those things, and he even abandoned the past without any feelings. 】

Ah, this.

There is no right or wrong in the world, but if you have to make one, from the perspective of the people in Xianzhou, to be honest, I really think Jingliu and Jingyuan are not wrong at all.

And to be honest, few people consider the harm suffered by Jingliu and Jingyuan.

They are not cold-blooded.

It's not just Ren and Danfeng who are hurt, it's all the Five Warriors.

From Ren's perspective, his beloved passed away, and I want to revive him. This kind of love is precious. I understand him and admire him for daring to do those things in the face of death.

But... well.

The most outrageous but also the most widely seen comment I have seen is what I said above.——【Can you please read the 1.5 plot before you speak? The insider has revealed the secret (sweaty soybeans). That is Dan Feng’s true love. Can’t we let Ren Dumei be alone? I really can’t stand it if I push it alone. Speechless (sweaty soybeans)]

My evaluation is——《"The Face" does not consider other people's feelings. What you call a single push, Danfeng will also have a so-called single push. They will not feel comfortable seeing this.

And to be honest, it may be vague. I think it is unlikely to confirm the love, otherwise how can Lao Mi make money. For

12+ games, it is rare for the controllable game characters to have a normal love between men and women.

In short, Bai Heng was controlled by some force, turned into a monster, and was killed. Ying Xing was not strong enough, and Danfeng went berserk (Danfeng did not help, which is why I guessed that Danfeng went berserk. He may not have the consciousness to pay attention to the situation here. That is the so-called dragon transformation method, which is also the bond between Bai Heng and Bai Lu).

So, who killed Bai Heng?

Here we have to mention a legendary figure of their time-Jingliu.

Jingyuan held Yingxing-Jingyuan should be a young man at that time, and Jingliu killed Bai Heng who became a monster-it was mentioned in the phantom of the Scale Abyss Realm. Jingliu felt guilty, but she was the sword master of Luofu. Between Luofu and her best friend who lost consciousness and turned into a monster, she chose Luofu.

In conclusion, the five heroes on the cloud who were originally in love with each other fell in love and hatred in the Linyuan Realm.

So, this is also the reason why I said that there are other people who participated in the Yinyue Rebellion - Ying Xing's method of resurrecting Bai Heng, I speculated that it came from the"Dragon Pan Qiu Yue"’——Do you remember this medicine? It was the one that almost turned the protagonist into a demonic Yin body. It is the only known elixir that can actively turn a person into a demonic Yin body.

Who gave this elixir to Yingxing, a virgin in the Industrial Manufacturing Division?

So I have two guesses above - Huanlong and the Abundant Order Envoy who blessed Brother Diandao, Shuhu.

In fact, I am more inclined to Huanlong - look up what Huanlong has done and his abilities, as well as Tingyun's crooked head killing.

But it is also possible that the Yinyue Rebellion and the Shuhu Rebellion are the same thing. In short, the Yinyue Rebellion is 85% caused by Shuhu.

(Of course, it is also possible that this matter is related to Danfeng, and it is also possible that Danfeng gave his power to Baiheng - that is, Bailu. These are all guesses)

Jingliu is not an order envoy. Note that Jingliu is not an order envoy. She is a fate traveler, a genius and gorgeous swordsman, but she is not an order envoy. (Note that the boss said that the fate of the game characters has nothing to do with the plot. Although the game revealed that it is destruction, Jingliu and Jingyuan both have the fate of hunting.)

So she is very powerful. She is not a Lingshi but can surpass Luofu - with a sword.

Jingliu cannot beat Lingshi, so he fell into the evil spirit - it is not known what great help the evil spirit has at present. I guessed it based on the three times stronger blackening. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Jingliu fell into the evil spirit because he killed his best friend with his own hands and had a psychological breakdown.

This possibility is the greatest. Jingliu came again in the phantom later.

After all, it is not only my brother Diandao who was hurt because of this incident. Lovers and family, no one has less feelings than anyone else.

Some people say that Bai Heng died because of Jingliu and Danfeng.

This insider revelation that is too close is credible, but please note - that is the reason for Bai Heng's death, not what happened in the Yinyue Rebellion.

Many people say that the theory of longevity makes Yingxing irrational. Actually, I don't quite agree with it. I think if Danfeng and Yingxing caused such a result just for Baiheng's death, it would be a bit too... childish? It's not right to say that, but it does not fit the image of the five heroes on the cloud.

Especially Yingxing himself is a short-lived species, he should be able to accept such a thing.

This is the most consistent point. If there is a way, Danfeng certainly wants to revive Baiheng for the sake of his debt and guilt. Yingxing found that way, whether it was the dragon coiling and the dragon leaping, or some kind of dragon transformation method, in short, Baiheng was really resurrected in the end, but he became a monster.

Think about it this way-Baiheng is Yingxing's beloved, and died to save Danfeng. This may be the source of Danfeng's debt to Yingxing: [Shut up, Yingxing, go in and do your best to study, I don't owe you anything], I don't remember it clearly, but it's about the same meaning.

It is even more logical for Jingliu to fall into the evil spirit. Her best friend died because of her (psychic crit +1), her best friend was forcibly resurrected by two other best friends and turned into a monster (psychic crit +10), and her best friend was killed by her own hands (psychic crit +10086).

So to be honest, Jingliu has a grudge against Yingxing, and she is not much better with Danfeng.

But maybe it is not just because of Bai Heng.

Think about it from another angle. From the perspective of Jingyuan and Jingliu, it is like their best friend betrayed the country they love.

For Jingliu, this is one of her few friends.

Too many people seem contradictory when analyzing. I think it is because they neglect to analyze Jingliu's personality and experience-she came from the swallowed Cangcheng.

But she escaped.

Without relatives, friends, and climbing to the top of the sword alone on the fairy boat-the personality of such a girl can be thoroughly analyzed.

Her happiest life is the days with Yunshang Wuxiao and these people.

But it is also these people who destroyed her best days.

This is from Jingliu's perspective.

The angle between Yingxing and Danfeng has been analyzed to death, so there is no need to mention it again.

Jingyuan is also conflicted. He has a good relationship with Yingxing and everyone in the Yunshang Wuxiao.

But everyone has seen the final result. Baiheng, Yingxing, Danfeng, and Jingyuan all participated. In the end, only he was left. Jingyuan has a lot to take responsibility for.

You can take a closer look. Jingyuan's smile always looks like a tired smile, both in the PV and in the game.

Is Jingliu contradictory? Contradictory, but she swung the sword.

In Jingyuan's eyes, the master strode forward and could still swing the sword for his best friend - she walked too fast, leaving Jingyuan without support, but Jingyuan understood that he was the same as the master. He knew what was important in his heart, so such a contradiction would turn into confusion and emptiness. When he swung the knife at the master, the contradiction reached its peak.

Then there was Yanqing.

To put it bluntly, Yanqing's most important task was not the sword head.

It was Jingyuan's preparation for suicide.

Ying Xing and Dan Feng almost abandoned the past. When they met again, it was as if the time when the five of them drank and had fun had never existed, which made him confused.

The only person he could rely on was Bai Lu, who was very likely the reincarnation of Bai Heng, but Bai Lu didn't remember him.

Many people said that it was at least a comfort.

I tell you, it's not.

This can only cause greater harm to Jing Yuan and torture him all the time.

It seems that Dan Feng and Ying Xing are the sinners of the other three among the Five Warriors of Yunshang. There is no need to be so subjective, because from anyone's point of view, no one is wrong.

Dan Feng wants to revive his best friend, Ying Xing, as a short-lived species, dares to love and hate and wants to revive his lover, Jing Liu, as the Luofu Sword Master and the long-lived species, can treat it rationally, and Jing Yuan is the same.

The only one who suffered is Sister Bai Heng.

I don't want to mention it, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

In the end, the Five Warriors of Yunshang fell apart, Bai Heng died, Jing Liu fell into the evil spirit, suspected to be one of"anger" and"ignorance", Ying Xing (that is, Dian Dao Ge) did not say which kind of evil spirit he fell into, it is estimated that it is also one of anger and ignorance, and he did not have a good ending.

He forgot a lot of things, his white hair faded and dyed black, and he became the current Dian Dao Ge.

Yin Yuejun Dan Feng had half of his scales peeled off, perhaps he was saved by Jing Yuan, and was taken to prison, and finally reincarnated into the cold-faced little Qinglong Dan Heng, one of the three losers.

The originally beautiful Five Warriors of Yunshang fell apart, some died and some scattered.

Think about the five brave warriors of Yunshang in the past.

There is Yinyue Longzun Danfeng, who is cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

He is cold to outsiders but gentle to his best friends.

There is Yingxing, a genius craftsman from the Gongzao Division, who has a gentle personality and has made exclusive weapons for everyone.

There is Jingliu, the leader of the five brave warriors of Yunshang, who never gives orders under normal circumstances and always looks silly and cute, but makes decisions at critical moments and everyone obeys.

There is Bai Heng, a traveler in the sea of stars, who always brings wonderful stories back from every trip.

She will tell them to her best friends with a smile, and laugh at the longing looks of the other four.

There is Jingyuan, who is full of youthfulness, who always bickers with Yingxing, but is so trustworthy on the battlefield.

Think about them sitting around the table, drinking and talking happily, never having grudges, trusting each other, and fighting side by side in life and death. Those were the most beautiful five brave warriors of Yunshang in the past.

But now there is only Jingyuan left. He smiles at people and hides the painful memories of the past.��(It is hard to imagine how Jing Yuan survived.)

So, is all this settled?


After everything was over, the Chi Ming Clan found a Chi Ming egg in the Linyuan territory (no mark was given to indicate whether it was new or not, after all, no one was present, so who knew whether it was new or not).

The Chi Ming egg contained the power of the Dragon Lord - there was only one Dragon Lord in each generation (on each immortal boat).

I tend to think that Dan Feng was not the first incarnation, but existed after"several generations" (just a guess).

Luofu Dragon Lord Dan Feng did not die, but had a new Dragon Lord - Bai Lu, who contained the power of the Dragon Lord.

I don't know what happened in between, but Bai Lu's sudden appearance, including what Bai Lu said after boarding the train, including what Bai Lu sent in the message, she said that she had galloped beyond the sky and soared into the sky in her dream - this seems to be inseparable from our great traveler Bai Heng. There is still a lot of information that is not made clear, such as the grudge between Dian Dao Ge and Jing Liu who fell into the devil's shadow.

My guess at the moment is that Dian Dao Ge is entangled by the power of the Order of Plenty, and Jing Liu has no ability to think in the state of Demon Yin. Perhaps he thinks that Dian Dao Ge betrayed Xianzhou and betrayed the past to join the camp of Plenty, so he attacked him. Of course, these are still unclear, and we have to wait for the later plot to explain.

Of course, there are still people who speculate based on Jing Liu’s new lines and Dian Dao Ge’s story (after all, the voice of the galaxy said that a woman found the blade and taught him swordsmanship). At that time, Ying Xing asked Jing Liu for swordsmanship, and Jing Liu knew that he would not die, and fell into the demon Yin and was too lazy to tell him that this was her way of teaching, so the two of them became enemies.

But I think it’s a bit nonsense, or the first one is more in line, otherwise why would Jing Liu chase Dian Dao Ge to the Xianzhou?

Of course, I don’t know either, because the fog on Jing Liu’s character is too deep.

I always have a feeling that if Jing Liu’s story is clear, the story of Yunshang Wuxiao will be almost the same.

The betrayal of a close friend is more hurtful than an enemy. I hope the boss can give a better ending, although this game is indeed named Collapse.

There are five people in Dian Dao Ge’s group. This is interesting. I feel like it’s a code because Jing Yuan never showed any doubt from the beginning to the end. He seemed to understand it from the beginning, including the things about Dan Heng. He went forward alone, but just now he had a fight with Dian Dao Ge and became Yin Yue Jun. Jing Yuan arrived immediately.

There are five people (the Five Warriors on the Cloud) and three costs (I interpreted it as the grudges between me, Jing Liu and Dan Feng, otherwise I can’t connect to the next sentence).

Jing Yuan, you are not one of them (you and I have no grudges, and we are not enemies).

Because this sentence is a bit too riddle-like, I analyzed it carefully. For this reason, I didn’t jump to the plot.

Remember, Dian Dao Ge said that I have done everything.

Jing Yuan had no emotion at all: Well, it’s over.

Then they dispersed directly, and Jing Yuan captured Yin Yue Jun without any twists and turns.

Jing Yuan and Ren said a few words in total, but you will find that everything is ready.

Remember, there are no twists and turns.

Including the loss of signal, it seems that few people have doubts about this.���, we seem to have deliberately forgotten another star core hunter in this mission, Silver Wolf. Only she can do this. Once Dan Heng mentioned some important information, the signal was gone. It was probably because of this.

Maybe Elio predicted this, or maybe the star core hunter and Jing Yuanyuan had talked it over, because this sentence refers to the Five Warriors on the Cloud. Yan Qing didn't understand, and the cloud riders present didn't understand either. He wasn't born in the era of the Five Warriors on the Cloud. There was not even Fu Xuan at that time. Fu Xuan said it himself. Fu Xuan said that she wasn't born in the era of the Five Warriors on the Cloud.

The name of the former best friend has become a taboo in the Immortal Boat, and the former hero has become a wanted criminal.

Jing Yuanyuan's psychology should be quite complicated.

Then, when Huanlong finally thought that everything was done and he had played the train crew around, he suddenly found that Yin Yuejun appeared.

One of the Five Warriors on the Cloud was enough for her, let alone another one.

Of course, I guess Kafka didn't know, because according to the plan, Kafka was going to Taipusi for trial. If she knew all this and was seen by Fu Xuan, once there was a traitor among the people present (even including Qingque and those cloud riders), Huanlong knew about it. If she guarded against Yinyuejun or ran away directly, then all her efforts would fail - after all, Huanlong's ability was too strange and hard to guard against, and this was not her real body.

Jingyuan was very careful. He set up defenses for everyone, even Yanqing and Fu Xuan. This is what it means to have a surprise force - not just the train group, but the only one he didn't guard against was those foreigners who no one expected - the nameless guest, and even the star core hunter.

In this incident, his"soldiers" were never people from Luofu.

It can be said that he used them, and it can be said that he was smart.

But if my guess is true, Jing Yuanyuan deserves the title of General Shen Ce.

Shen Ce is not a plan that has no omissions, but a gamble and a risk. Jingyuan even thought about the consequences - he asked Fu Xuan to try to control the military power.

Don't mention how many people died. This is already good. Not so many people died. This is a war. Even the Lord of Extinction participated. How could it be possible that no one died?

Maybe, the Five Warriors on the Cloud never fell apart, and they will reunite one day.

But they will not be the same as they used to be.

It depends on how the boss arranges it. Everything is speculation. Comments are welcome. Everything is based on the plot. Please don't send knives, please, my unforgettable, miserable and beautiful Five Warriors.

In addition, I have a guess. It is said that the demon body is the peak of despair when the emotional threshold reaches the peak of despair. But if two immortal species love each other and accompany each other, if they can avoid the emotions of despair and pain, can they avoid the demon body? But it has not been confirmed yet, so it can only be regarded as a guess.

Finally, let me talk about my views on the game circle. It is a digression and can be skipped.

When the game circle was clean before, there were a group of two-dimensional otakus, and we were happy to call ourselves otakus.

What are the shortcomings of Xiaguo games and how to correct them? Although we can't do anything, we can only discuss.

Which foreign game is good, but what is not good about it, everyone happily said, hey, let's go, let's play a game together.

Let's go!

You can curse, but it doesn't involve players, and there won't be any extremes.

If you have any questions, everyone will discuss it. Yes, this is not allowed.

Otakus are otakus, everyone is calm.

It's just a joke, everyone laughed it off, no one cares.

Didn't we still curse together when we got divorced, because we all knew that we had to raise questions.

Now you see, when you say that a character is good, there are a lot of things like design, how real it is, and so on. If it's not good, it's"I don't understand, why say he's not good, he's just a paper man, how unhappy you are in real life?" You ca n't raise opinions or curse.

There was no such thing as this fan and that fan at the beginning? This one is a single pusher and that one is a single pusher.

These people didn't come here for the game at all.

They came here to fall in love.

Of course, to be honest, most of Xiaomi's games are a bit otaku-friendly, even if I like them, there's nothing I can do, after all, they became popular because of this group of people.

On the one hand, they shouted"Don't be too popular, don't let the current fans find out", on the other hand, they were looking for a sense of superiority in the otaku circle, acting as a"current fan" in various senses.

They are just like in love. I love a character so much, and I love him/her so much. But one day, I don't like him/her anymore. To be honest, I think this person is so-and-so.

The smog in the gaming circle is caused by these idiots.

OP, OP is not just scolding those brainless fans.

But this group of ancestors is unaware of themselves and is still promoting their views in a big way, thinking that they are too righteous.

Our group has been disbanded for a long time because the current environment is too bad.

They are not allowed to talk, and the original discussion can only turn into a quarrel because of them.

When I like someone, I call him/her my treasure, and when I don't like him/her, I call him/her your fucking self.

You will find that where did this atmosphere come from?

From another circle that is called a toilet, which is so smelly and disgusting that it can't be more disgusting - the fan circle.

I will be scolded a lot tonight if I post this, but I really can't stand it.

They are swallowing up the last living space of the otakus, and they are still holding up the banner and shouting the name of being on the same path as the otakus.

Haven't you noticed that such people have gathered together?

Look at this year, why are the reputations of Li Shiya, Bone King's Dance of Destruction of the Nation, and Nakano Miku so bad?

Especially the anime of Li Shiya, to be honest, it is just a normal love anime, the quality is average, occasionally toxic, a bit nonsense, on the whole, throw away the brain and watch it for fun, it is an alternative instant noodle, I even think it can be watched as instant noodles. If this group of people continue to do this, works such as Attack on Titan will become bad.

No, it should be said that it has already begun to become bad.

Now a group of idiots mention Attack on Titan and say it has a bad ending. If you don't say it has a bad ending, you are a cloud.

Look at the original, isn't that the most vivid example?

At the beginning, everyone was happy, Wendy was cute, and the boys were okay.

Now you open your mouth and say that you play the original instead of the abyss. Don't say that you play the original.

The current planning of the original is problematic, it is not good, the copywriting, dialogue options, and even the design of the gods are more than a big gap from the previous ones, and it has been going downhill since Inazuma.

Although the plot of Inazuma is a bit far-fetched, at least the characters of Thunder God and Fox are still able to hold up.

Especially the sharp contrast between the appearance of Thunder God and the previous two gods really attracted the players at that time.

Later... they were not allowed to say anything. As long as they raised opinions, a bunch of fans would start to scold.

From the beginning, the game was just a game.

Those bloggers just wanted to have fun, talking about the ninth art, everyone had fun, and it was over.

Because everyone knows that games are still games.

But you see, now everyone is talking about the ninth art. It is a sin not to know the ninth art.

To play a game, you have to know the developer, you have to know 3a, you have to know that domestic games are bad, and you have to know and agree. If you don't agree, you are a cloud kid, a mobile game waste, and a fake fan.

Do I need to know how wide the little B of Nie Ma is for me to know you? Or do I need to know how short your father's enoki mushroom is?

The ninth art is your ancestor? What does the game have to do with you? Did you invest money in the developer?

At most, we spend money to buy a game. If you are in love, do you need to know the names of his parents?

We can't say anything about the game we bought with money, and we will be scolded and quarreled if we make some suggestions. The domestic game environment has been despised to what extent.

For example, when Wukong came out, there were people asking why Sun Wukong had a stick.

Don't you ask why your father has a stick? Instead of a stick, you use Nie Ma's coffin to fight monsters? Can Nie Ma's coffin increase laceration?

Sekiro players increased by millions overnight, and old Miyazaki was so amused. After checking, I found that these idiots didn't even have Steam. Did someone cyber-cremate your ancestors and put them in your computer? The developers didn't use any file tools to make games, but used your ancestors' cyber-ashes to make games, right?

Of course, this has nothing to do with those who discuss the development of previous games, or those who simply like this style and want to understand it.

Let's discuss it normally, such as this company's games are all in this style, I like it, this art is very good, it doesn't matter, and it's very good.

I'm talking about those who think they are noble and know that knowing the developer is great, and if you don't know the developer, I have to scold you, you don't deserve to play games, I'm talking about such people.

The most important thing is that this group of people don't know themselves, they think they are on the same path as everyone else, they think they have made no mistakes at all. Are we wrong? We are like this and like that, and now we are like this and like that, is there anything wrong? Then I have nothing to say.

I just want to say.

Fan circles should get out of the second dimension as soon as possible and crawl back to the toilet. Douyin has become a toilet now.

That's all.

That's about it. Everything is subject to the game plot. In the next issue, I will choose one of the following two questions to discuss: the relationship between 'Hunting' Lan and 'Abundant' Pharmacist; and discuss Jing Yuan. You can vote below, and I will choose the question with the highest number of votes to analyze.

See you next time.

Bye! 】

Huang An read the whole article with his head clenched, and put his phone aside with some helplessness.

In short... the demonic body is similar to... losing reason? Turning into a monster?

But Jing Liu's current state seems to be quite normal... I can't tell what kind of demonic body it is.

"Mirror flow?"


Jingliu's voice was accompanied by the footsteps outside, and she pushed open the door:"What's wrong?"

"Was it the 7380th year of the star calendar when you came?"

Huang An blinked.


Jing Liu blinked:"No."

"Well, it’s okay. Can we have beef noodles tonight?"

"Well... OK."

The topic changed so quickly that Jing Liu was a little slow to react.

After a few seconds, she nodded, turned around and left, closing the door.

Very good, not a madman.

Looks quite normal.

Huang An sighed.

Demon Yin body... I didn't expect them to have such troubles. I can't understand it. It's better to think about when the injury on my back will heal.

But... killing a friend...

Huang An rubbed his brows.

"Huang An...are you really going to shoot me?"

"We are different, A'an, A'yu, you will never understand me, and you should never understand me.……"

"Phoenix Dark, Execution"


"I said, execute it."

There was a sharp pain in his head, and Huang An frowned. He seemed to have mentioned the past too often recently.

Huang An threw his phone aside and lay down on the bed to sleep.


A week later, Huang An was able to walk normally. Of course, he was not very fast and could not touch water to take a shower, but at least he could clean up.

The most important thing was that he finally did not have to sweat profusely when going to the toilet. Walking that short distance was really painful.

Although he wiped his body, he still felt very dirty.

Especially he could not take a shower.

"No need to do that, there is no smell."

Jing Liu looked at Huang An who was sniffing the clothes and said softly,"It's hard to imagine someone like you would have mysophobia."

"Don’t you?"

"I'm just used to being clean, but I don't have a mysophobia."

It's common to be stained with blood on the battlefield, and there are even more serious things...

Jing Liu rubbed his eyebrows, not wanting to recall such memories.

"It's been almost half a month, your household registration book should be almost ready."

Huang An frowned:"I will be able to take a bath in less than a week. If I receive a notice that it is ready, I will go to get the household registration book, apply for an ID card, and buy two pieces of clothes."

"What are you buying clothes for?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

"Are you planning to wear this dress for the rest of your life?"

"Of course not, there are many clothes in my destiny space."

Jingliu replied:"It's just exactly the same"

"It seems that he can't accept it."

Huang An always speaks his mind:"Speaking of which, you can't work part-time. When I get better, teach me how to practice swordsmanship to pay off the debt."

"It will take some time for you to fully recover and practice sword, right?"

Huang An is actually quite suitable for sword practice. Others are not suitable because they did not lay a foundation since childhood, and their muscles are hard and difficult to adjust, but Huang An has been training since childhood and has never fallen behind, so he has no problem learning sword.

Besides, Jing Liu never skimps on his skills.

Whoever wants to learn her sword, she will teach.

Of course, it has to be someone who can get started.

Wu Xian Fei Guang's sword skills are too terrifying and complicated, and it is useless for her to teach those who can't get started.

In fact, Jing Yuan's sword skills are not that good, but his tactical mind is valued by Jing Liu. If someone who can become a great man in the future and can add a huge boost to the Immortal Boat wants to worship him as a teacher to learn sword, Jing Liu will certainly not disagree

"It doesn't matter, I have a strong physique."

Huang An shook his head:"Ah... I heard that sword masters can't easily teach their swordsmanship to others. If you are the same, I apologize for my presumptuousness."

"It doesn't matter."

Jing Liu shook her head.

She looked at her palm and whispered softly:"This is what I promised."

It was the moment when the sky-shattering destruction engulfed her that her father said to her.

"Liu'er, you must remember that the real sword is the swordsman himself, not the sword and swordsmanship."

"You have to pursue the sword in your heart desperately if you want to succeed, but if you meet the right talent one day, remember that a true swordsman never hides his skills."

At that time, she was only crying and did not answer her father's last words.

The strongest swordsman, the strongest sword, is herself.

She trained desperately and became the strongest sword.

A true swordsman

"Never keep anything to oneself."

Jing Liu raised his head and looked at Huang An.

"My sword, I will teach anyone who wants to learn it."


This analysis is not from MiGames, it is really my own speculation. I wanted to post it in MiGames, but the old scholars there insisted on factual evidence, which was too troublesome. I just wrote it directly for you to see, hahahaha.

Especially the one with five people, you can pay special attention to it. After I finished the analysis and read it carefully, I thought it made sense.

The following words are a bit extreme. I intercepted the words that an old brother complained to me before. It is indeed quite reasonable. Of course, I don’t agree with all of them.

The fan of a certain character, the single pusher, etc. are actually a way of expressing love.

This old man was attacked by someone at the time, and he was really angry, but I think some of his words are indeed reasonable, so I told him to copy it here.

Everything has two sides, there is no absolute right or wrong. Games are just for your own enjoyment.

What I agree with more is the current environment problems regarding games, especially those of Mi Games.

How should I put it... Games are for yourself to play, not for others to play. You can play them the way you like. I am quite tired of those who want to influence others with their own ideas.

The middle paragraph is my own feeling. I was a casual gamer at first, playing everything. At the beginning, the Genshin Impact community was really good.


I won't comment.

Play your own game and walk your own path. It's normal to discuss some characters' personalities, even if you are serious about it, but it's unnecessary to defend them mindlessly. I think it's even more unnecessary to maliciously give nicknames for your own emotions. Anyway

, that's about it.

Of course, what I want to say is that everything is subject to the plot.

This chapter has more than 10,000 words. I really burst out my primitive power hahahaha.

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