Huang An opened his eyes.

Without the human skin mask covering his face, the light feeling made him feel a little unreal.

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the pillow. He should be lying on the bed.


Huang An squinted his eyes.

The blur in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he could see the figure in front of him clearly.

Huang Yu sat on the chair beside the bed, frowning and staring at him.


"No thanks, you should thank me for not shooting you in the leg. If I had shot you in the leg and then stabbed you, you wouldn't have been able to escape."

"……In fact, if you had hit me on the leg, I wouldn't have been stabbed."

"But disabled"

"Then you still shoot?"

"I predicted the direction you would come in from, and I thought there was no other way."

"Won't you wait till I come out?"

"Your belt camera is real-time. When it was turned off, those people took action. If you came out at that time, you couldn't even run away. You had to become a close friend of Song Qinglin in prison."

"Men and women are separated"

"Close friends behind the wall"


Huang An was too lazy to pay attention to him and raised his hand:"Where's the phone?"

His phone was left with Huang Yu early in the morning.

"What are you doing? You're still playing with your phone when you're still seriously injured?"

Huang An frowned,"This isn't a hospital."

"But I'm a doctor"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Huang An spread his hands expressionlessly.

Huang Yu helplessly put the phone in his hand.

Huang An opened the dial and quickly pressed a few numbers.



"Huang An?"

Somewhat cold female voice came from the other end of the phone.

Huang An took a deep breath:"Mission completed, organize a meeting."

After a pause, he said:"Go home after the meeting."

"……Um, what do you need me to do?"

"can you cook?"


"Then wait until I get back and eat some bread to fill your stomach."

Huang An hung up the phone and threw the phone aside.

"I'm curious about who the hidden beauty is. Can I meet her?"

Huang Yu said with a smile


Huang An's face was still expressionless:"Where is Huang Luo?"

"You're sleeping in the next room. Help me save your life all night."

"Thank her too."

Huang An never hesitated to express his gratitude:"So, what happened?"

"It's a little different from what I imagined, but it's pretty much the same."

Huang Yu crossed his arms and said,"The person in charge of this matter at RD is a little ambitious and wants to use this to catch both us and the target at the same time, but he got it wrong. RD promised to give us an explanation and a reasonable result. Now the explanation has been given, but the result is missing."

"A little difficult"

"It's not difficult. If he thinks he is too noble, he needs a knife."

Huang Yu sighed:"Fortunately, as a knife, at least we can still live well now."


Huang An sighed:"How long will it take for the back to heal?"

"Take care of it, and take care of it at home. I know you can't stay here for too long."

Huang Yu frowned and said,"Live well. You are the only ones left who grew up with me."

"Don't worry."

Huang An nodded and raised his hand to take the phone again.

"I asked, when did you find a girlfriend? Why do you like her so much? You can't even leave her for a while?"

"Can't cook, order takeout for her"

"You can’t even order takeout…right?"

"How can she get an ID card so quickly? She doesn't even have a cell phone now."

"Okay, okay, you’ve been supporting your wife since you were young, right?"

"If she's not my wife, she might leave at any time."


Huang Yu opened his mouth wide and looked at Huang An in disbelief, as if he didn't believe that he would help others.

"I've recorded the account. She can do whatever she wants, but she has to pay me back."

And he did want something from Jingliu.

Huang An ordered pumpkin porridge, pickles and steamed buns at a breakfast shop near his home.

Jingliu probably couldn't eat much, so Huang An took a look and deleted the buns.

It was almost done, so he placed the order and called Jingliu again.


"Are you back?"

This time the call was answered faster.

"No, it will be open for a long time. Don't wait for me. I'll order takeout for you."


"It's the delivery man. After a while, you hear a knock on the door. You hear him calling for takeout, so you open the door, say thank you, and close the door. It's that simple."

"Hmm... I'll remember it."

Huang Yu's expression twisted as he listened to the conversation.

Wasn't this really raising a daughter? Teaching her how to walk?

He understood being abandoned, and he also understood not having a cell phone, and using a landline was also OK...

Picking up trash on the street, she must have seen a delivery man before, right?

From Huang An's explanation, he didn't even know what a takeaway was?

"Are you sure this isn't one of your illegitimate daughters?"

Huang An glanced at him and ignored his stupid question.

"Are there still people in this world who don’t even know what food delivery is?"

Then there are more food delivery riders on the streets than homeless people, right?

"The world's great wonders"

"There are indeed all kinds of things, and I have finally experienced it today."

Huang Yu shrugged:"Just keep it here, even if you have a strong recovery ability, it is impossible for you to walk around immediately, so stay here."

"I didn't hurt my leg."

"Why don't you try walking for a while?"

Huang An didn't believe it. He just stood up, and the muscles on his back pulled the wound, causing a sharp pain.

He lay on the bed again.

"I didn't feel it at that time……"

"You were numb at the time, it would have been strange if you could feel anything. Just be glad that your internal organs were not injured. The knife was long, thin and sharp. Fortunately, your pistol was stuck so you were not cut all the way through. Otherwise, you would have lost so much blood... Why look at the Tiger's Mouth Waterfall? Just look at you."

"What about the gun?"

"Put it away and take it back to the organization. Why, you still want to keep it?"

"I did have an idea"

"If you have any idea, go and apply to Huang Ming. I am not responsible."

Huang Yu shrugged:"If they want to leave, will you be reluctant?"

Huang An shook his head:"No"


"Just like I wouldn't be sad if that dog died."

"Cold Blooded"

"Everyone has their own path, and she's not really my girlfriend."

"So you don't want to find a girlfriend? A woman staying at your house will affect your chances of finding a girlfriend."

"Why don't you find a girlfriend?"

"Why should I delay others? If a bullet explodes me into tofu pudding one day, will I go back in my dreams?"

"Then why are you asking me?"

Huang pointed to the wound on his back, lying on the pillow, and said

"" long has Huang Yue been dead?"

Huang Yu stared at the narrow and hideous wound on Huang An's back and suddenly asked.

Huang An was silent for a few seconds:"I can't remember...about ten years?"

Huang Yu looked at Huang An's back.

Above the current wound of Huang An, away from the back, there was another scar. It was the work of Huang Yue.

They used to be close friends who grew up together.

Huang Yue died at the hands of Huang An. should be... died at the hands of him and Huang An.

Huang Yu's eyes darkened.

"Go see her some other day?"

"I don't think she wants to see us."

"Can you lend me your WeChat on your phone? What’s the password?"


Huang An knew that Huang Yu would not look at other


Huang Yuzhen simply opened WeChat and tuned to their chat interface, sent a voice message, listened to it himself, and then deleted it:"What does this password mean?"

"The age of my first target"

"Really… How old was your first mission?"

"14 years old"


Huang Yu locked the phone and put it aside


Until the evening, Huang An still hadn't recovered enough to walk. After ordering takeout twice for the one at home, Huang An frowned:"When can I go back?"

"You got stitches, do you think you sprained your ankle?"

Huang Yu's mouth twitched:"Stay still, I'll drive you back home the day after tomorrow to rest, or you can just lie in bed and not get up.""


Huang An closed his eyes.


After ordering takeout, Huang An never called home again.

This job requires too much sleep, so he should take good care of himself during these few days.

Lying on the back seat of Huang Yu's car, Huang An frowned:"How long do I have to lie like this?"

"Do you want to see your face? It's whiter than a female ghost."

Huang Yu said without turning his head:"I will call you when the day comes."

He helped Huang An upstairs and took the elevator.

"You'll take me here."

In front of the elevator, Huang An stopped Huang Yue's curious steps.

"No way? I've been a driver for so long, and you don't even let me go upstairs? Is it necessary to protect it so tightly?"

Huang Yu made a joke, looked at Huang An's dark eyes, and finally didn't say anything else.

"Don't take your body lightly, take care of it."

Huang Yu frowned and said,"You won't have any missions recently.���Ming knew you were injured, and I kept blocking him from coming to see you. Now he's busy again."


Huang An stood at the stairs, frowning.

He forgot that he didn't bring the elevator card when he left. Fortunately, he didn't bring the key card, otherwise he would have to use up the key card on this trip.

"You go now."

Huang An waved his hand.

Huang Yu, the doctor, was still worried and left after repeated instructions.

Mo Ji was like an old mother.

Huang An sighed and picked up the phone to call

"came back?"

"Go out and press the elevator"


Huang An hung up the phone.

Jing Liu always acted quickly and decisively.

Ten seconds after hanging up the phone, the elevator door slowly closed.

Huang An gently held the elevator handrail and took a deep breath.

The elevator door opened, and the white-haired figure stood outside.

"Long time no see."

Huang An had no idea how ugly his face looked.

"You are injured.

Jing Liu frowned.

"It's obvious."

Huang An shrugged, holding on to the handrail and trying to come out, almost stumbled.

But he couldn't stumble...

Huang An held his body.

Seeing him stand up, Jing Liu silently retracted her outstretched hand.

After thinking about it, she still held Huang An's arm:"Is it serious?"

"It's not serious, it will be fine after a few days of rest."

Huang An still had no expression on his face.

But he was pale now and looked a little fragile.

Jing Liu opened the door and kicked it to drive away Xiao Bai who was coming to meet him.

"It's OK."

Huang An pulled his arm out of her hand and walked towards the house:"We have to eat takeout for a few days. I didn't ask you about your diet these days. Is there anything you can't eat?""

Now is not the time to ask this, right?

Jing Liu looked at his back:"No, I eat everything. You should rest now."

"I know."

Huang An walked into the room, took a step forward, and fell on the bed.

It was really tiring to walk this way.

Huang An picked up his phone and ordered lunch.

Jing Liu ate lunch at noon, and he drank liquid food.

Jing Liu ate dinner at night, and he drank liquid food.

It would be like this for a while in the future.

Huang An sighed.


Xiaobai outside the house may have smelled a familiar scent and wanted to come to see his owner whom he hadn't seen for a long time, but was stopped by another owner in the house.

"He is recovering from his injuries, so we can't disturb him."

Jing Liu looked at Xiao Bai and shook his head.




The two white-haired creatures, one big and one small, looked at each other. Finally, the big white-haired creature bent down, picked up the little white-haired creature and sat down on the sofa:"Wait a few days. He is not a destiny walker. It will take at least a few days to get better."

Jing Liu frowned, touched the little white-haired creature's head, and leaned on the sofa. She still hasn't figured out the relationship between the fairy boat and this world. They are probably in the same universe, but the locations may be very far apart.

As for the game... maybe it's the bad taste of a star god. Or maybe there are pioneers on this planet who have entered the universe and recorded all the things they saw in the outside world, including what they saw and heard in the fairy boat.

���Later it was made into a game.

As for games... at least there are none on Luofu.

But someone did propose something about... what was it called?

It was called a fantasy play, right? There is indeed such a concept, but it has never been realized due to technical reasons.

Jingliu sat on the sofa and thought of his close friends again.

Yingxing might be drinking with Danfeng again. Yingxing has only been in the fairy boat for a few years. According to the short-lived species, he should not be very old. I don’t know why he is so greedy for alcohol. I don’t know what

Bai Heng is doing now... She should be traveling in the star sea again. When I go back, I may hear a lot of new stories from her - those are her experiences.

Jingyuan... he should not be lazy in training, right? Yingxing will not leave him alone.

That kid has a good brain, but it’s a pity that he is a bit lazy when he comes up occasionally.


Jingliu closed his eyes.

When can I go back?

Huang An is not an immortal species either, and the nature of his work...

Jingliu frowned.

He should be older than Yingxing, but he may not live as long as Yingxing.

Jingliu remembered that Huang An said that day that he was 27 years old.

Yingxing... How old was Yingxing?

Jingliu gently pinched Xiaobai's ear.

As an immortal, she really couldn't remember things like age.

She only remembered the date of Yingxing's birthday, but not the specific year.

Immortals are immortals, but their memory is still at the level of normal people.

She couldn't even remember her own age and birthday, she only remembered that she was several hundred years old.

But she could still remember the birthdays of those four people

"Mirror Flow"


"Beef rice for lunch"


No more movement.



"Thank you."

I don't know if the delivery man responded or not, anyway he turned and left in a hurry.

Jingliu turned around and took out the beef rice and put it on the table.

After a while, there was another knock on the door.

Jingliu asked again:"Who?"


Jingliu opened the door again:"Thank you"

"You're welcome."

When I opened the door, the delivery man was already turning around.

I don't know why they were so anxious.

Life was pressing.

Jing Liu walked to Huang An's house with the takeaway and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Jingliu pushed Xiaobai aside, pushed the door open and walked in:"Your takeaway is here."


"Why does the room smell so good?"


"What's the point of lighting the aromatherapy?"

Jingliu raised an eyebrow, put the takeaway on the bedside table, took out the box and helped him open it.


Jingliu didn't say anything, turned his head to look at Huang An, his eyes fell on the new sheets under him:"Did you make the sheets yourself?"

"Who else could it be?"

Huang An took the porridge and said,"I can't take a bath or touch water for more than ten days. I can't stand it. I turned on the aromatherapy and laid new sheets. I threw them away after I got better."

"Take some rest."

Jing Liu looked at his back.

He was wearing clothes, so he couldn't see anything.


Huang An responded, lowered his head and drank the porridge in big gulps.

He ate very quickly, and this thing was no different from drinking water to him.

After putting away the box and wiping his mouth, Huang An packed the garbage and handed it to Jing Liu:"Thank you for your help."

"It's okay."

Jingliu picked up the garbage and walked out of the house.

The door was closed, and Huang An lay on the pillow again.

He never thought that one day he would be taken care of like a disabled person.

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