
"Miss White Apple."

Huang An and Song Qinglin confirmed their identities and walked inside.

""Huang An, the window inside is closed, and I can't see what's going on inside if the door is closed. Be careful."

Huang Yu's voice came from the headset.

Huang An nodded, without even looking in the direction of the window. He just stared at Song Qinglin's smooth back exposed from her dress.

At this distance, he could give Song Qinglin a chill in the heart with one knife.

"I know what you are thinking. Don't act rashly. Don't do anything. Now that we have the money and the goods, we can take the photos. Our mission is complete. We can retire now."

"In addition, the target may want to recruit you, you decide for yourself, my suggestion is to agree."

Huang An frowned, stretched out his hand and tugged on the belt buckle:"Damn... the broken belt makes me uncomfortable."

Song Qinglin turned his head, his fox eyes swept across Huang An's lower body, revealing an extremely charming smile:"It seems that Mr. Bai has a lot of capital."

This is already considered teasing.

Huang An frowned:"You know I'm older, but you still give me this thing, I have to teach them a lesson when I go back."

"You are about to disappear from my coverage. I can no longer cover you. I can only remind you of the changes in the periphery, but I will help you watch the outside."

"Huang Yu, if necessary, I can temporarily paralyze the power supply of this hotel."

Huang Luo's voice reached Huang An's ears.

"Not needed for the time being, wait for the opportunity, believe in Phoenix Dark"


There were eight people in the room.

Except for Song Qinglin, the other seven were bodyguards.

They stood around the room and even in front of the window.

No matter which direction the bullets went, they couldn't get into Song Qinglin's head.

"I think Mr. Bai is wearing light clothes."

"Isn't it the same for Miss Song?"

Huang An chuckled and leaned back on the sofa as if relaxed:"You know, these two things can't be brought in, because those people outside have nothing to do with our transaction."

This action was not relaxing for Huang An. He had to tighten his butt so that the belt could record something, and he had to appear relaxed.

"You are also a straightforward person."

Song Qinglin raised her hand, and the bodyguard who had been standing in the corner of the room immediately came up and handed over a black and gold bank card:"Let's complete the transaction first, and then slowly tell each other the story."

Song Qinglin smiled:"Let's use the most traditional way."

She took out a POS machine from somewhere.

Pressed a few times, and a series of numbers appeared on it.

"The card is also here, you can check it out."

Song Qinglin handed the card to Huang An, then leaned back on the sofa at the back, looking at Huang An with a smile.

"No need to check, no problem, I have checked her card several times."

Huang Luo's voice sounded.

Huang An blinked and put the bank card away:"Doing business, especially such a business, integrity is the basis, I still choose to trust Miss Song"

"I have to thank you for your trust, so... where is the goods?"

""Miss Song, it seems you don't know anything about this."

Huang An sighed and shook his head.

He saw Song Qinglin's movements stiffen from the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, this woman was pretending.

She didn't know anything at all, so she could only pretend to be mature and only talked about the areas she was good at - money, transactions

"The simplest reason is that I can't drive a big truck to deliver the goods to you."

Huang An shrugged:"I believe that with your strength and connections, it is not difficult to find me and my family. You can naturally get those arms, but I think our transaction should not be just about money, right?"

"Mr. Bai, there is no need to rush."

Song Qinglin waved her hand:"I would like to ask you first, how is the health of the president of the Bai Zhou Club recently? I have something for the president, please help me take it."

Song Qinglin smiled and waved her hand. The bodyguards behind her brought up several large boxes of supplements and food that looked expensive.

"Big brother is in good health, thank you Miss Song for your concern."

Huang An frowned quickly, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Song Qinglin's smile deepened.

She wanted to recruit Bai Yi.

The president of the Bai Zhou Club did things his own way and liked to concentrate power in his own hands.

Although he was the second in command, Bai Yi could not turn over at all. He was suppressed too much by the president of the Bai Zhou Club.

There was a reason why the president concentrated too much power - this person was too cautious.

Logically speaking, it would be difficult for such a person to become a president-level figure of the Bai Zhou Club - but he caught up with the tide of the times.

Born in poverty and with a narrow vision.

Maybe he was daring and hardworking before, otherwise he would not have been able to establish the Bai Zhou Club.

But after having wealth and power, especially with a rebellious vice president like Bai Yi, he became cautious.

Because of this , the person who came this time was Bai Yi.

Bai Yi was courageous, had ideas, and was quite smart. It was hard for such a person not to make the superiors cautious.

Huang An took a look at the gift in front of him.

The information did not say whether Bai Yi had the intention of rebellion - he and the president of the Bai Zhou Society, as well as all the members of the Bai Zhou Society, were either dead or already in prison and would never be able to get out.

In fact, Song Qinglin did not plan to take down Bai Yi this time.

If Bai Yi could not even pass this test, then there was no need for her to recruit Bai Yi, because he would be a wolf that could not be tamed.

This also meant that Song Qinglin would not do much better than the president of the Bai Zhou Society.

People like them could give 1,000 yuan to each of their subordinates if they had 100,000 yuan in their hands, but they would never give 50,000 yuan to those around them.

They would say, 100,000 yuan Let's spend it together.

Huang An leaned back.

He needed time.

Although Song Qinglin didn't know much about trading, she was in that position after all.

The reason why she was flustered before was because this was a field she had never imagined before.

This field is indeed a bit dirty, and with the exclusion of these major media companies, their living space is very small.

The popularity of media and film and television in the north is actually not very high. Those students who have passed the art exam with their faces can't open up a path in film and television or other fields.

As for Internet celebrities? Internet celebrities are the most fragile jobs.

If you are not careful, you will fall from grace.

In the past, most of the Internet celebrities in the north were flamboyant in a social style, which had an extremely bad impact on the regional reputation.

Later, the higher-ups took action, and those Internet celebrities returned to mediocrity. The higher-ups don't take action often, but they will... Accumulate for a period of time, and then take action when the netizens' emotions reach their peak.

It is difficult to be an Internet celebrity now. You can't make it big if you are ordinary. Gossip news will be outdated sooner or later. The social style will be rectified sooner or later. Those who are big and strong on the positive side have long been targeted by those big companies.

In particular, the one at the top now hates this kind of thing very much.

Very much.

No one dares to touch that person's bad luck.

Huaquan is already in a critical moment.

They are unwilling to transform, because other fields have greater exclusion, more powerful pioneers, and require more powerful technology, which they can't get.

For example, the game field is the cleanest in the entire industry - compared with all fields.

There are no other participants, and the top few fight each other, mostly relying on the fans below, and the verbal battles of public opinion - these are the things that games are most afraid of.

But look at the top giants of game companies.

Xiaguo Games is a bit tilted now, but there are still countless fans, mostly PK between fans, and those are not even ants for game companies.

And in other fields, those that really touch other people's property and rice bowls are really likely to see blood.

If they rashly set foot in the unknown, they will die even more miserably.

But the media is really dirty.

This is the only way.

The only way to prevent them from falling from a high place and returning to their original mediocre life.

Song Qinglin met Zhang Mingtai, but the power of the Qingye Society is useless outside Ning Province.

She has to take risks and continue to be rich. She has to take risks.

Risk losing her head.

But Song Qinglin doesn't know that she has no chance to continue.

The moment Huang An walked out of the hotel, it was the end of everything.

Huang An smiled:"Ms. Song, I will pass this on for you. Now, should we complete our last transaction?"

Huang An's eyes flashed with imperceptible impatience.

Song Qinglin stared at his eyes for a moment and nodded:"Of course."

She was still a little satisfied in her heart. Bai Yi was indeed a little dissatisfied, but she didn't mention it too clearly, and Bai Yi didn't show it too much.

At least this is a person with a sense of propriety.

As long as she has the strength, she can completely bring Bai Yi under her command.

As for the chairman of the Bai Zhou Society, his fate after the Bai Zhou Society was annexed had nothing to do with Song Qinglin.

"Just two packets?"

Huang An frowned as he looked at the white powder in front of him.

"Of course not, the goods are in the car below."

Song Qinglin picked up a bag and weighed it:"Snow White gave you Snow White, Mr. Bai, this is my gift to you"

"How about it? Do you want to check the goods?"

Song Qinglin picked up a bag and pushed it in front of Huang An.

"We have received the image and sound of the mission target, confirmed, Song Qinglin's money has also arrived, we should retreat, Huang An."

Huang Luo's voice sounded

"Mr. Bai, do you want to inspect the goods?"

Song Qinglin asked with a smile.

"What? Miss Song wants me to go crazy here for you to see?"

Huang An narrowed his eyes, seeming very unhappy.

"Mr. Bai misunderstood."

Song Qinglin's smile froze:"I mean, these two bags are extra for Mr. Bai, please help me make an extra trip.""

"No trouble."

The video is in hand, the money is in hand, everything is in hand.

There is no need for Huang An to stay here any longer.

"If there is nothing else, I will leave first. Miss Song, please do as you please. As for the goods, we will not break our promise."

"I'll see Mr. Bai off."

Song Qinglin smiled and stood up.

"There is no need to refuse. The transaction went smoothly. Don't cause any more trouble."

Huang Yu's voice sounded in his ears, and Huang An stood up.

"Sorry to bother Miss Song"

"No trouble."

Song Qinglin stood up and glanced at Huang An's belt:"Mr. Bai's belt doesn't seem to fit him well."

"Well, not feeling well."

Song Qinglin smiled with narrowed eyes, her charm coming out.

""Mr. Bai, take care."

Song Qinglin sent Huang An to the door and stretched out her hand to Huang An's lower back.

Huang An turned away and smiled,"Miss Song, I hope we can still have time to cooperate next time."

Song Qinglin's smile froze, but she still nodded,"Okay, Mr. Bai, take care.""

"Well, Miss Song, please do as you please."

Huang An closed the door of the room, took out Bai Yi's mobile phone, sent a message, and walked towards the elevator.

"Don't relax, it's not over yet, I see you, just head for the elevator, don't relax"


Huang An replied in a low voice, stretched out his hand and pressed on his belt to turn off the camera.

"The Phoenix Mask also began to retreat. You two should be able to meet in the elevator. Don't communicate. It will seem to others that you don't know each other."

No response

"Bai Yi!"

Huang An had just walked to the door of the hall when a scream suddenly came from behind.

Huang An turned around and frowned:"Miss Song."

Everyone looked over.

Song Qinglin's eyes were red:"Come here, it's urgent."

She took a deep breath, at least she still kept her sanity, turned around and walked back to the house quickly, opened the door of the room, as if waiting for Huang An to walk over.

Huang An was stunned for a second, then took out his mobile phone and quickly sent a message, frowning and walked back

"What's going on? Huangluo!"

Huang Yu's voice was filled with anger:"Huangmian, evacuate first!"

"The image is real-time���It's said that RD is quick to act! Damn it!……"

Huang Luo's voice was a little panicky.

"Relax, there is no great danger for the time being. The other side does not have hot weapons, so you have to be careful."

Huang Yu seemed to curse in a low voice, and gave the next instruction to Huang An:"What are you going to do?"

"Don't go downstairs! Choose another way! We're surrounded outside!"

Huang Mian's voice suddenly sounded in the headset:"Huang An! Choose another way to break through! They are searching everyone!"

Huang An frowned.

You can't hide guns and knives here. You may be discovered wherever you throw them.

"I saw... it was RD's people."

Huang Yu was silent for half a second:"We have been abandoned. There is no time to look for Huang Ming now. They are probably in more danger. Song Qinglin's side is your way out. The garden and forest garden behind this hotel can let you escape. You must take action. There is no chance."

Under the human skin mask, Huang An's face was still expressionless.

The keys and key cards were given to Jing Liu, she knew how to use them.

Xiaobai would not die as long as he had dog food. Jing Liu also knew the name of the pet shop, and he deliberately did not tear off the trademark on it.

There was a thank-you money left for Aunt Chen next door under the landline for helping him. I don't know if Jing Liu can find it. If he can't find it, then forget it.

He has nothing to worry about.

The next step is to fight for his own survival as much as possible.

"I got away. I have nothing on me. Damn, luckily the mask is tight. They also checked the human skin mask.……"

Huang Mian's breathing was a little rapid, and it was obvious that he had not yet reacted:"There are several black cars behind, and the people in them haven't got out yet, Huang An, you still have time to escape now."

"Huang An, try your best."

Huang Yu's voice sounded in the headset:"I won't leave."

Huang An was stunned for a moment


He walked into the house and closed the door.

"Bai Yi! Did you leak the news?"

Huang An was surrounded by three bodyguards as soon as she entered the room, and the rest of them were guarding Song Qinglin.

Song Qinglin's eyes were red, staring at Huang An's face:"My family has been arrested!"

Not long after Huang An walked out of the house, Song Qinglin received a call from her son.

"Mom... Dad was pinned down on the table by so many people, and my sister was also taken away... From what they said, it seemed like my grandparents were also taken away... Mom, I'm hiding in the closet... I'm so scared, when will you come back?……"

The sound of her son crying rang in her ears, and the strings in Song Qinglin's head broke.

The joy of the successful transaction had not yet subsided, and anger surged up. She could only think of Bai Yi

"Miss Song, this matter has nothing to do with me, how could I leak the news? I haven't made a single call or sent a single message since I came in."

Huang An took out his mobile phone, unlocked it and handed it to Song Qinglin:"Look for yourself, you know how long it takes to delete a single message, right?"

Song Qinglin took the phone and opened the top few WeChat messages.

This is Bai Yi's phone.

After the Huangluo was cracked, Huang An deleted the fingerprint and changed the password.

There was nothing, Song Qinglin put down the phone, the expression on her face became a little fragile:"Then what should I do?……"

"Let's think of a way to leave here first."

Huang An frowned:"I couldn't contact my elder brother just now. He should be staring at his phone waiting for my message at this time."

Song Qinglin looked at his phone again.

Sure enough, there was a message just about the time he went out. He told his elder brother that the mission was over.

About two or three minutes later, when she called him, there was another message saying that she had stopped him.

Song Qinglin weakly returned the phone to Huang An:"Then let's go……"

"You go downstairs and leave first."

Huang An frowned:"We two can't go together."

As soon as the voice fell, a bodyguard pressed a hard object against Huang An's back. There was a slight pain and a piercing feeling.

It was a knife.

A very fast knife.

Huang An straightened his back and looked at Song Qinglin with a stiff face:"Miss Song, what are you doing? Putting a knife against my back, is this your sincerity?"

"Bai Yi, you are right, we can't go together."

Song Qinglin narrowed her eyes:"Now, you go downstairs and leave."

The other two security guards beside her also took out their knives.

Song Qinglin just checked Huang An's phone, and no one informed him that the downstairs was blocked.

She had to fight for her life.

"Miss Song"

"I'm telling you, go downstairs and leave. My bodyguard will escort you downstairs."

Song Qinglin's eyes turned cold.

"Huang An, get ready to fight."

Huang Yu's voice rang out from the headset:"Be prepared to get hurt."

"Huang Yu! There is no surveillance in this room, don't shoot rashly!"

Huang Luo growled:"You will hurt Huang An"

"The knife is against his back. Unless he is a superman, he will die.

Huang Yu's voice gradually became smaller:"I won't beat him to death.""

"If you agree, don't say anything. If you disagree, call me Miss Song."

Huang An did not respond.

Huang Yu did not hesitate either.

A sharp voice faintly sounded in the headset.

There was a muffled sound from the door panel behind him, and the bodyguard next to Huang An shook his body and fell directly to the ground.

His knife was originally against Huang An's back, and now it directly cut a long and narrow bloody wound on Huang An's back.

Huang An cooperated and fell forward.

Half of the bodyguard's calf had been broken, with only a trace of flesh and blood left.

He looked at the blood splattered on the ground and let out a heart-wrenching scream.

The faint smell of burning and blood spread, and Song Qinglin's face turned pale in an instant:"Gun..."……"

She hadn't finished her words yet, because she couldn't finish them.

This is the magic of the Glock 18.

Huang An pulled out a pistol from his waist.

Several bloody holes appeared on the chests of the two bodyguards beside him in an instant.

Huang An turned over and pointed the gun at Song Qinglin and others.

If Huang Mian hadn't considered it and turned the gun to full automatic, he might have been stabbed to death by the other bodyguards one by one.

The knife was too fast, and it was enough for him to suffer if it was thrown at him.

The back was still bleeding.

The knife cut very deeply.

Many injuries on the back could be fatal. Huang An didn't dare to delay and fired in the direction of Song Qinglin without restraint.

Song Qinglin's scream was strangled.

When the magazine was empty, Huang An let go, stuffed the replaced magazine into the inner pocket of his clothes, and replaced it with another one.

Turned to semi-automatic, and shot at the bodyguards beside him again.

When passing by Song Qinglin, he was stunned for a moment, but still didn't shoot again.

Her head was about to be split open. If she could still stand up again, it would be too unscientific.


Huang An suddenly thought of the white-haired man who had been sitting on the sofa at home.

After hesitating for a second, he turned around and fired two shots at Song Qinglin's heart.

What the hell is science or unscientific?

""Huang An, RD's people are going up, they have weapons, you evacuate immediately! Quick!"

Huang Yu's voice was a little anxious.

Huang An didn't hesitate any more, turned over, kicked open the window next to him, and flipped out.

Of course, he couldn't jump off the building, he was not Jing Liu.

The backs of such hotels are very artistically designed, with protruding marble and the like, which looks very artistic in the garden.

This means that the difficulty of climbing is greatly reduced.

But it is still a challenge for Huang An now.

The wound on his back is still bleeding, and every time he moves, he will feel numb again.

The coldness like a corpse penetrates his limbs from the wound on his back.

"Huang An, did you jump down?"


Huang An landed on the ground, took a deep breath, and quickly walked towards the park.

"You are hurt?"

"Um...don't talk to me, tell me where to run"

"I can track your location, you get out of here, Huang Yu……"

Phoenix said

"I'm already moving, send me his location, I'll pick him up."

Huang Yu's voice was still filled with the sound of the wind, and it sounded like he was moving quickly.

Huang Yu is so reassuring...

It's so reassuring to hear someone coming to pick me up at this time.

Huang An's body swayed, and he forced himself to stabilize his body and walked forward.

I can't fall here, you've come this far...

What kind of knife is that? How can it be so fast...

Huang An began to force himself to think of something else.

That woman can't do anything. If I can't go back, she will die sooner or later.

Xiaobai will die with her.

Can you bear to have two corpses at home?


Huang An shook his head and said,"I can't stand it.……"

He began to cross the woodland.

""Huang An, I'm almost there! Where have you been? Talk to me!"

Huang Yu's voice was unstable because of running.

He was quite fast.……

"He's not even halfway there yet, you have to pick him up, Huang Yu, I'll be there soon."

Huang Luo said hurriedly, and then there was no more movement.

"Huang An! I spent a lot of money to buy that dog. If you don't go back and the dog dies, I will fucking kill you!"

Huang Yu rarely swore, and his voice was panting.

Huang Yu didn't know where he was, but from that observation angle, he should be quite close to here.

"I saw Lin Yuan! Stand still, you hear me?���

"I heard it. It's so noisy.……"

Huang An took a deep breath.

He felt as if he had a moment of last breath.

Damn, what are you thinking?

Huang An bit his tongue tip, but he didn't feel any clarity, just more pain.

"Phoenix darkness? Phoenix darkness can you hear me?"


Huang An opened his mouth, his voice was already hoarse.

But he heard Huang Yu's voice, not far away

"I'm here! I'm coming in!"

Huang Yu's voice was accompanied by the sound of the swaying grass and trees.

Huang An took a deep breath, but still couldn't control the blackness in front of his eyes.

The scenery seemed to fade away little by little, and at the last moment, he still saw Huang Yu's figure.

Huang Yu rushed over, grabbed him in his arms, and then dragged him outside with force.

""Huang Yu! Get out of here quickly!"

It was Huang Luo's voice, accompanied by the harsh sound of the vehicle's sudden brakes.

"Give me a hand! Hurry up!"

Huang An only felt his body fly up in the air for a moment, and then was put down again.

Face down

""Open it! Hurry up!"

It's so noisy...

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