Maybe because there is a hotel across the street, this small hotel is not crowded.

The phone vibrates.

Huang An takes out his phone.

【Huang Ming: Wei Yue.

Huang An: You Yang.

Huang Ming: Yes, we are at the door.

Huang An: Yes. 】

Huang An looked up and looked outside.

Two people with hoods on their heads stood outside the door.

Huang An opened the door:"Are you here?"

"Oh my god! Lian City is so damn hot now, I came all the way here."

Huang Ming laughed and walked in.

The moment the door was closed, the smile on Huang Ming's face faded a lot, and his voice became a lot smaller:"It's been a long time since we last met face to face?"


Huang An walked a few steps back and said,"Give me the things."

"Wait, let's talk about the past first."

Huang Ming took off his mask and hood.

Huang Ming was taller than Huang An and looked to be about thirty years old.

To be fair, Huang Ming was not bad looking, but the scar on his neck that connected to his chin did look very hideous.

The man behind him also took off his mask, revealing the face underneath.

"Huang Yu?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows:"You came directly here?""

"Yes, otherwise I could have stayed there for two more days. I didn’t expect you to be so efficient."

Huang Yu smiled softly, his eyes shining:"How's the puppy?"

Huang Yu's appearance is much softer than Huang Ming's. His willow-leaf eyebrows are neatly horizontal, which makes his expression soft.

Huang Yu is different from them. Huang Yu doesn't do much. His code name is his job - he is a doctor.

So Huang Yu's eyes are different from Huang Ming and Huang An. His eyes are bright, not the lifeless abyss.

He saves people in places like this.

Not with those medicines, but with his eyes to save those people whose hearts are dead.

So he is called Huang Yu.

So Huang Yu can only be him


Huang An shrugged:"Well taken care of."

"I knew you could do it."

Huang Yu smiled.

Huang An looked at Huang Ming:"Where is the equipment?"

"Hey, you are so nice to him, but so cold to me."

"I want to know as soon as possible"

"Okay, okay... Here you go."

Huang Ming handed the equipment in his hand to Huang An:"Wei Yue"



"Just a joke."

Huang Ming laughed and let go, letting the bag fall into Huang An's hands.

"Who came up with this password?"

"Am I not poetic? I even chose the antithesis on purpose."

"I'll change it next time. If I really meet someone who knows this, it will be easy to be discovered."

"Got it, got it. I'll try something different next time."

Huang Ming watched Huang An open the bag and take out the things inside:"Bai Yi's human skin mask, Bai Yi's general information, the target's location, the contact person's location, and even the chat records between the person in charge of the Bai Zhou Club and Bai Pingguo."

"How can the insider get things in?"

"Don't worry about it, he has his own way."

"who is it?"

"The phoenix mask and the phoenix network went in together"


Huang An was relieved.

There was no need to worry about the Huang face, and even less about the Huang network.

"Huang Mian will go in early, and when you go in, the security will patrol more strictly, because that is when the White Apple will appear, you have to pay attention."

Huang Ming didn't care whether Huang An would answer or not, and said to himself:"The information of the person disguised by Huang Mian is also on it, and there are pictures, you can recognize it when the time comes, but even if you can't recognize it, Huang Mian can recognize you, he has Bai Yi's picture"

"What about during the day?"

"RD helped to level it out, rest assured, it was done in secret, and it is still kept secret."


"White Apple has never had a direct conversation with Bai Yi. Remember, in White Apple's eyes, your code name is 'Dwarf'.’"

Huang An raised his eyebrows:"Bai Yi and Bai Pingguo……"

"It doesn't matter, I checked it, you can look at the rest yourself. In addition, there are not many ammunitions this time, and I will equip you with the ones that are convenient for you, but you have to be careful, after all, there are not only poisons in it, but also fire."

Huang Ming whispered:"You just need to find all their evidence, the equipment is available at the Phoenix Surface, and it will be automatically uploaded when you take a photo. You should know what to shoot."

"RD needs above board action?"

"It's just his usual style."

Huang Ming nodded and said,"Try the equipment, just be prepared. Bai Yi is usually very flamboyant in what he says and does, but he is also very cautious at critical moments. You have to pay attention. Bai Yi is poisonous, so be prepared."

"What if you let me suck?"

"No, you should be able to see that the target and Bai Yi need to exchange secret codes. This gathering is just a cover-up. They probably won't take out the poison directly, as there is a risk of exposure. Besides, the poison is just an accessory. The important thing is the fire, and you are the seller."

Huang Ming shook his head:"If it really comes to that, everything will be subject to Huang Yu's instructions."

Huang An nodded.

"I'll leave soon."

Huang Ming stood up and said,"When you guys start, we need to send some people to help RD deal with Qingye Society."


Huang An nodded:"Be careful."

Huang Ming was stunned, then raised his mouth:"You would say such a thing?"

Huang An was also stunned.

He remembered that when he left, the girl sat on the sofa and told him to be careful.

Huang An nodded.


Huang Ming smiled, put on a mask and hood, and turned to leave.

"Then, please give me your guidance."

After sending Huang Ming out, Huang Yu stretched out a hand and smiled at Huang An.

Huang An nodded and shook his hand:"Hmm"


"I'm going out, help me watch."

Huang An raised his hand and patted Huang Yu's back, put on a human skin mask, and wore a white suit that had been changed long ago.

The two of them were not in the hotel, but at a distance from the hotel.

"It will take me about 40 minutes to get there. According to the agreed time, you will arrive at the venue gate in 20 minutes. I will do it as soon as possible, including the time you need to meet up and get the equipment."

Huang Yu pressed his ear:"Confirm the micro headset"

"No problem."

Huang An nodded:"This won't be discovered, right?"

"No, Phoenix is watching."

"Wei Yue."

As he was speaking, a somewhat cold female voice sounded in the headset.

Huang An and Huang Yu looked at each other and responded:"You Yang"

"Well, I am Huangluo, you can hear my voice here, and at the same time establish multiple connections with Huangmian, Huangyu, and me. White Apple has entered the hotel, and the body search is very strict now."


Huang An nodded to Huang Yu.

Huang Yu carried a black box that looked like a guitar case, turned around and ran away quickly, disappearing from Huang An's sight in a few seconds.

"Keep going forward and go around the back of the building. You can see your car at the intersection. Be careful, there are spies everywhere."

Huang Luo's voice sounded in the headset:"I'm watching your position here. You just need to go forward and I will tell you where to turn."

Huang An nodded, tightened the human skin mask on his face, and walked forward slowly.

There was plenty of time, he had to leave time for Huang Yu to get in position.

When passing the gap between the two houses, Huang An glanced in the direction of the hotel.

The lights were bright, and various luxury cars were parked in front of the hotel, and bodyguards were patrolling everywhere.

It was a bit unrealistic for him to wipe it out.

So this mission can only succeed, not fail.

Failure means death

"There are so many people, don't be nervous."

Huang Luo's voice sounded:"In front, do you see that public toilet? Go in and come out from inside."

"What a good plan, Phoenix Network"

"I know you have a bit of a mysophobia, so just bear with it for the mission."

Huang An just said this, raised his hand and climbed out of the huge window of the public toilet.

Fortunately, the window was big, otherwise he couldn't climb in wearing a suit.

Not bad, his skills didn't decline. Huang An clapped his hands and checked around.

Only his palms were dirty.

A white sports car was parked not far from the public toilet.

"Bai Yi’s favorite car, Aston Martin DBS Convertible, can you drive it?"

"Even if you don’t know how to do it, you have to learn...where is the handbrake?"

"Look behind the steering wheel."

Huang Luo's voice was tinged with helplessness:"Don't you know how to drive?"

"But I've never driven such a high-end car."

Huang said indifferently, turning his head to look:"Will he ask me to compensate if the car breaks down?"

"Do you think there are ghosts in the world?"


"Then it won't work."

Huang Luo taught Huang An how to drive the car.

Huang An finally started the car and felt the wind on his face.

Now, he is Bai Yi.

The sports car stopped in front of the venue, opened the door, threw the car keys to the security guard who came over, Huang An straightened his suit, and strode into the venue.


"Huang An, I'm in position. Which floor are you on now?"

"I will take the elevator to the fourth floor. I will follow your instructions from now on. I will not respond unless necessary."


Huang An took the magnificent elevator to the fourth floor.

After opening the door, Huang An blinked:"There are so many people.……"

He seems to be talking to himself

"Of course, in order to conceal their presence, this is an upper-class gathering in the eyes of others."

Huang Luo's voice sounded in the headset:"Huang Mian can hear your voice now"

"Damn...I have to eat that shit……"

Huang An gritted his teeth and tightened his legs. He turned his head with a grim look on his face and asked the waiter standing behind him,"I need to go to the toilet. Where is the toilet?"

The waiter bowed respectfully and said,"The nearest toilet is at the entrance of the hall."

"The entrance to the hall... Shit, it's so far away……"

Huang An tightened his legs, as if he couldn't hold it any longer, and walked stiffly towards the toilet.

He walked with his legs stretched straight, and stopped after two steps, straightened his back, squeezed his buttocks, and continued to move forward after a while.

There was no one in the toilet. These so-called upper-class people seemed to avoid going to the toilet outside, for fear that they would miss meeting certain people during this period of time. After about two or three minutes, Huang An sat on the toilet lid with an expressionless face, and heard the sound of the toilet door opening.

A person came into the next cubicle.

""Wei Yue."

The man's voice was low and rough, and he seemed to be drunk, so it was almost inaudible."

"Youyang." Huang

An replied


The drunk stretched out his voice, which was very rough, and with the harsh sound of him opening and closing the toilet, almost no one could hear Huang An's response.

After a few seconds, a pistol with a silencer was handed over from under the cubicle, along with a switchblade, and then four magazines.

"Glock18, you know what its advantages are, but the disadvantage is that after installing the silencer, the feeling of the sight will become blurred and worse, and your aiming accuracy will be greatly reduced. Avoid long-range combat. The switchblade has been modified, the lock is very tight, and it is more sensitive. Use it with confidence, pay attention to safety, and don't cut off your fingers"

"The magazine has been lengthened, and with the magazine inside the gun, there are less than 170 rounds of bullets in total. You can manage them yourself. However, as a comrade, I still hope that you don't have to use them until the end."


Huang An responded

"Your trousers are specially treated, and the belt is solidified. You can find a place to hide the gun and knife in your clothes. Your special suit has enough space. Of course, the silencer is another matter. In addition, your belt is the most hidden camera. You can start recording by flipping the buckle. You decide the specific timing yourself."

Huang An didn't respond again, and stood up.

"The last thing is money. This is not given on the spot. It is impossible to pay so much on the spot. Go find the white apple first."

Huangluo said:"I will take care of the rest for you. There is a bank card in the top inner pocket of your suit. The amount in it is enough for you to maintain confidence, but remember, you are the seller, not the buyer."

"I designed a system. All the money transferred out from here tonight will be transferred to us. This is the reward given to us by RD, and RD will also cooperate with us."

Huang Luo said with an uncontrollable smile in his tone:"Hehehe... make a lot of money, I can buy a house in Beijing soon."

Huang An did not move, but heard the drunk man next to him yelling two words:"Bullshit!"

Huang An:... put away the weapon, opened the compartment door, and glanced at the side.

A middle-aged man walked out from the side, his face was normal, and there was no sign that the drunken sound just now was made by him.

He looked Huang An up and down:"Quite handsome, what a pity"


Huang An ignored Huang Mian's teasing.

He knew that Huang Mian was talking about the dead Bai Yi.

It couldn't be him.

Huang An walked out of the bathroom and headed forward.

As he walked forward, a flamboyant smile gradually appeared on his face.

This was Bai Yi's usual smile.

He saw Song Qinglin.

Song Qinglin was standing in the middle, holding a glass of red wine and chatting with a few people.

Huang An casually took a glass of red wine from the tray in the hands of the waiter next to him and walked over.

When he got closer, Huang An's mouth twitched.

He knew why this woman's code name was White Apple.

If she doesn't know how to make up, she doesn't have to put on any. The paint on her face is stronger than the paint on Da Bai.

In fact, Song Qinglin's makeup skills are not bad. Maybe she is relatively white, and with the flash of the light... the whole spotlight has become a spirit.

"Miss Song."

Song Qinglin smiled and squinted her eyes to deal with the question of the man in front of her, and suddenly heard someone calling her.

Song Qinglin raised her eyebrows.

Her appearance was naturally charming, and her eyes were full of the unique charm of a wife.

Of course, this does not include Huang An.

Huang An only saw her as a corpse.

When the woman walked towards him, a flash of the picture flashed through his mind.

If this woman had bad intentions and discovered his identity, and stabbed her to death, where would he run?……


Huang An was about to draw up a route map, but was interrupted by the woman in front of him.

He paused, realizing that this was the target he wanted to contact.

Don't think about it, you have a mission, and this time it's not a massacre.

From Song Qinglin's perspective, the man in front of him with a somewhat ostentatious look on his face leaned on the table behind him, gently shaking the red wine in his hand.

Song Qinglin raised her eyebrows:"Is there something you want to call me for?"

"I just want to meet you. Miss Song is a promising young woman with a long-standing reputation. I am just an admirer."

Huang smiled darkly:"Speaking of which, Miss Song's makeup today is quite unique."

Song Qinglin smiled politely:"I will take it as a compliment to me."

"Of course I am complimenting you. I wonder if you have ever heard the story of Snow White when you were a child? Your makeup reminds me of Snow White... Oh, I am so ashamed of myself. Standing in front of you, I look like the dwarf."

Huang An felt physically uncomfortable after saying this.

This code is really...

It would be better to change to someone who is better at talking than him.

So embarrassing.

The smile on Song Qinglin's face instantly faded, and she swallowed.

This woman is scared.

Oh, he said, no wonder her face is so pale, nervous.

Huang An took a sip of red wine and stared into Song Qinglin's eyes.

The man behind her dared to let her out for the first time. He is very brave.

But it doesn't matter.

Huang An stared at the red wine in the glass and shook it again:"Miss Song?"

This is easier to control.

Song Qinglin's face turned pale, but then she put on a forced smile:"This... So, please follow me to talk in detail."

She took a deep breath.

Don't panic, don't panic.

This is your chance to gain a foothold in both the black and white worlds.

With the cooperation of Huaquan and Qingyehui, plus these goods, after annexing Baizhouhui, it will not be so difficult to develop outward.

The future will all belong to her.

Song Qinglin put it in front of her and squeezed her wrist tightly.

Don't panic, Song Qinglin.

You will have those things soon.

You will turn around and look down at the group of people.

For the future, for the past.

She turned her head and smiled:"Follow me."

After that, she turned and walked forward.

Huang An raised his eyebrows and raised his feet to follow.

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