A piece of cake, most of it went into everyone's stomach.

The rest basically ended up on everyone's face.

Yuanming smiled softly and gently wiped Jingliu's face:"Don't move."

Jingliu pinched his nose and tilted his head to let him wipe more comfortably.

"If we can't win the snowball fight, forget it, brothers."

Ah Ha wiped his face and sat on the table beside him:"Why can't I just spread the butter?"

"Because there is a traitor!"

Ying Xing held Jing Yuan's head in his arms:"Huh? Jing Yuan, you are the traitor!"

"No... I call this great love."

Jing Yuan apologized with a smile:"Besides, you two have never fought before, have you?……"

"We tried hard, but you didn't even get the cream on Yuanming's face.

"Why are you so determined to defeat my master? Isn't there another Star God?……"

Jingyuan glanced at Aha

"Jing Yuanyuan……"

Ah Ha smiled dangerously:"Don't blame me here."

She pinched Jing Yuan's ear:"I am on the same side as you. Besides, it wasn't me who defeated you more than 800 years ago."

Jing Yuan begged for mercy, and Ah Ha let him go:"I will be back in two days, you can have fun now."

"Ah? Are you going back now?"

"You don't want to be General Shen Ce anymore?"

Ah Ha crossed his arms and said,"There are other things going on in Luofu. Just wait and see."

"Please don't... Let me have a good rest after returning to Luofu."

Jing Yuan sighed.

He was too comfortable because of the unscrupulous late sleep in the past few days.

Ying Xing let go of Jing Yuan and looked at Aha:"Have the matters between the company and Beloberg been settled?"

"Well, it's almost done. Sangbo reported to me that we will play here for two more days and then set off back to Luofu. Before that, we have to say goodbye to everyone in the train crew."

Aha chuckled and said,"Let me see where those two little girls have gone. I haven't seen them in the past few days.""

"You didn't look for them either."

Jing Yuan shrugged:"Then the schedule is finalized. Let's go find the two people from the Starry Sky Train to explain the situation. We'll be there for two days and then we'll leave."

"No, no, no, the other way around."

Aha pinched his fingers and said,"Play first, then tell them two."


Most of Beloberg's problems have been solved.

"I say, don't you feel guilty at all for leaving such a mess for Bronya?"

"I really don't know anything."

Kokolia sighed:"Those are all old things, and I can't even find them in the classics."


Xiluwa chuckled and threw the screwdriver in her hand to her:"Look over there... Actually, I'm still curious, how did you survive from the star core?"

"Didn't I explain it to you?"

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Xiluwa glanced at her and said,"Star God, how could such a being help you?"

"Who knows, maybe the two star gods were entrusted by someone"

"Who can pray to the Star God?"

"……Shiluwa, I want to correct you. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

"Don't want to say it"


Kokolia's mouth twitched.

These days, no one believes the truth.

Kokolia did not argue, even though what she said was true.

Shiluwa was sometimes a bit stubborn.

But... who cares?

This kind of life might not be bad.


After bidding farewell to the Starry Sky Train, everyone returned to Luofu.

The starry sky of the universe was bright, and the golden passageway unfolded.

"Wait, Yuanming."

Ahha waved her hand, signaling Yuanming to stop.

She turned her head and looked into the distance, squinting her eyes slightly:"Taiz Yuros……"


Yuanming also looked over.

In the distant starry sky, there were patches of scarlet light flashing, which looked ominous and terrifying.

Moreover... Yuanming felt the endless power of destiny from it.

That power was different from the power of the pharmacist.

The power of the pharmacist was gentle and endless.

But this power revealed the vitality of hardness and devouring.


Yuanming narrowed his eyes and looked at Ah Ha:"If I remember correctly, He should have fallen."

"Who knows... And this is not even at the level of a Star God."

Ah Ha chuckled:"It's probably his original swarm of insects, not all of them died out."

"Do you want to deal with it?"

"It doesn't matter if we leave it alone, at most it will just devour a few planets."

Aha shook his head.

"Anyway, it's something that can be crushed at will."

Yuanming shrugged his shoulders, raised his hand and gently pinched the distance.

Invisible waves spread out, and the terrifying vitality was crushed in an instant, and there was no life anymore.

"Are they the remnants of the locust ancestor?……"

Jing Yuan frowned:"It actually still exists in the universe……"

"Well, it's not clean. Reproduction is the destiny of splitting from immortality. Maybe one day, a breeding star god will be born among these insects, or maybe...……"

Aha chuckled and said,"Maybe it was Taiziyuros himself."

"Then I seem to gradually understand...your actions back then."

Yuanming looked at Ah Ha

"Well, this is the only way to kill him completely."

Aha looked into the distance:"Well... it seems that we have encountered a lot of guys on this road."

Yuanming turned his head and looked. The next second, he hugged Jingliu and Jingyuan next to him.

The difference is that Jingliu was hugged in his arms, and Jingyuan was held by his arm around the neck.


Jingliu hugged Yuanming, somewhat puzzled.

Ah Ha held Danfeng with one hand and Baiheng with the other, and the red power also grabbed Yingxing

"What This Does……"

Jing Yuan blinked:"Master?"

"Hey! Pharmacist!"

Aha shouted,"What are you doing?""

Plenty Pharmacist?"

Yuanming felt the evil spirit surging around him in an instant.

"Calm down, calm down."

He was somewhat helpless:"You can't kill her, don't be so murderous."

Bai Heng was usually cheerful, but he hated Feng Rao.

Even she gritted her teeth and stared at the golden star god in the distance.


A soft voice sounded:"If you have something to ask for, I will come to answer it."

"Don't destroy this planet."

Ah Ha chuckled and said,"I just saw you coming and said hello. It's okay, you can go now."


The pharmacist nodded to Yuanming, then turned to look at Aha and said,"These people are the messengers of Chaos, but they have the fate of hunting."

"Good eyesight."

Ah Ha put one arm around Dan Feng's neck and pulled Bai Heng and Ying Xing:"Lan didn't catch up?"

"The hunting patrol has not arrived yet.

The pharmacist shook her head.

She quickly stepped forward and kissed Aha on the cheek.

"Hey, what a friendly way to greet, if I were a male star god I would definitely be moved."

Aha chuckled:"But stay away from Hun Dun, the one in his arms is his wife."

The pharmacist was silent, this was an overly pure star god.

She didn't care about the murderous intentions of the little envoys beside her, turned around and disappeared.

Yuanming then let go of the two people beside him:"You can't kill her, why do you have such a strong murderous intention towards the star god?"

"I don’t understand it either, but the creation of the creature of abundance is indeed inseparable from the pharmacist."

Aha let go of the few people around him:"But to be honest, it is not rational for a messenger to have such a strong murderous intention towards the star god. Even for me and Yuanming, it is difficult to kill the pharmacist."

We are all star gods. Taizi Yuros was beaten so badly by Krippo that year. The first reason was that the creature itself was not good at main combat. He relied on his own swarms of insects. The second reason was the suppression of other star gods.

The power of abundance can bring the dead back to life, and it is not easy for the pharmacist to die.

Although the pharmacist is unlikely to fight back.

But killing an immortal star god is just a waste of one's own strength.

For the pharmacist, as long as she does not go against her destiny, she will not die completely.

"You have been the envoys for more than 800 years, you should have a basic understanding of the universe."

Aha shook his head:"Your courage is commendable, but if it were any other star god, this would be too stupid."

Everyone was silent.

"I don't mean to blame you... but don't do this without me and Aha by your side."

Yuanming shook his head:"You are not afraid of death, but we are afraid of your death."

If Nanook was here, he would throw them all into the furnace of war.

"I see……"

Jing Liu pinched Yuanming's fingers.

It was indeed irrational.

But the people from the Xianzhou had an indelible hatred for the pharmacist.

There was no way, national hatred and family hatred. Jing

Liu's family died at the hands of the Fengrao Order.

Jing Yuan lost countless people because of the Fengrao Order.

Ying Xing's family was made into nutrients for flesh and blood weapons by the Fengrao Order.

Dan Feng and Bai Heng were in the same situation.

If they did these things, Yuanming would also be regarded as a public enemy by the universe.

"I won't do that next time."

Jing Liu said in a low voice.


Yuanming sighed:"If it was Nanook just now, you would all have to go into the furnace of war."

"And you, Jing Yuan."

He turned around and patted Jing Yuan's head:"You are General Shen Ce, treat these things more objectively and calmly, and don't let the anger in your heart control your brain."

"……I understand, Master. I'm sorry."

Jing Yuan lowered his head.

It would be strange if Yuanming wasn't scared.

With the way they were doing, what if he wasn't there one day?

These people dared to charge at Nanook...

Then they would be thrown into the furnace of war by Nanook, and when they came out, they would be a bunch of empty soldiers with their memories wiped out.

No one would remember anyone, and then they would be crushed into pulp by unknown enemies in an unknown war...

Yuanming's aura trembled for a moment, like a tsunami that rose and subsided.


Yuanming looked at Aha.

Aha looked at him:"Do you think you and I are thinking the same thing?"

"I think so"

"But he can't move."

Ah Ha shrugged:"He is still useful"

"It's rare that our thoughts are synchronized."

Yuanming frowned:"Come to think of it, isn't it because you called her first?"

"She has seen me and is coming over. There is no place for me to hide even if I want to."

Ah Ha shrugged. The pharmacist had already seen her and was coming over. Even if he pretended not to see her, it was impossible for him not to see her when she was right in front of him. Yuanming narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. He turned his head again and held Jingliu's wrist:"Go home." The golden light surged again, and everyone disappeared into the starry sky.

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