Luofu was still peaceful.

It seemed that Jingyuan's clone was quite capable.

Yuanming carried Jingliu back to his room to sleep.

According to him, it was really tiring to go around and it was time to take a rest.

Jingliu's struggle was completely useless, Yuanming carried her and left.

Jingliu could only kick her feet to express her refusal.


Jing Yuan went straight back to the Shen Ce Mansion. The clone automatically dissipated and merged into Jing Yuan's body the moment it touched Jing Yuan.

Qing Du and Yan Qing on the side seemed to have seen nothing and continued to do their own things.

The master's methods are indeed amazing.

Jing Yuan blinked. He really deserves to be the Star God.

This trip out is really a rare experience. After becoming the Shen Ce General, he has never slept so comfortably and leisurely.

The memory of the clone flooded into his mind.

Jing Yuan closed his eyes and took it in.

This memory, which was obviously smoothed by the master's power, did not make him feel uncomfortable.

"I see……"

Jing Yuan muttered and nodded.

Due to the influence of the star core, there were many disturbances in Luofu, but most of them have been settled.

In addition, the little ferryman named Ting Yun is really capable, so Ting Yun can still manage the business group's affairs very well.

Minghuo Chamber of Commerce has been trying to become bigger and stronger recently...

Jing Yuan stroked his chin and turned to look at Yan Qing:"Yan Qing, I have a task for you."

"Yes, General.

Yan Qing turned his head and said,"

"Go to Tianbosi and tell Yukong that the trade of Minghuo Chamber of Commerce has been temporarily reduced recently, and ask Tingyun to help deal with the flow of people in Jinren Lane."

The problem between Jinren Lane and the company has been solved. Jing Yuan has not thanked the girl named Xing on the Xingkong Train for this matter.

But Jinren Lane still needs some help, such as the adjustment of the flow of people.

Jinren Lane is like a very hungry person with a weak stomach. A large number of people suddenly poured in. The merchants in Jinren Lane have not yet fully restored the frequency of purchases, and they are still somewhat unable to cope with it.

Yukong probably trained the girl named Tingyun as his successor, and these things can be handed over to her gradually.

With Tingyun's brain, I believe she can also distinguish the priorities.


Yan Qing nodded and turned to leave the Shen Ce Mansion.

Yan Qing was obedient and agile, but he was a little stubborn about some things.

For example, sword fighting.

It was because the master was not in Luofu these days, otherwise Yan Qing would probably come to visit every day.

"Qingzhu, pay attention to the situation in Suiyuan these days.

Jing Yuan thought of what Fu Xuan said to him before he left, and turned to remind Qingzhu.


Qingyu nodded.


"Why are you angry?"

"How can you tell that I'm angry?"

Ah Ha shrugged:"If we were really angry, we wouldn't have that expression. What we said at that time was to make you more rational and keep a low profile when you meet a star god in the future. Chaos and I still have enough face, except for those stupid people."

Dan Feng looked at her:"The expression on your face at that time, I thought you were angry"

"If it was Nanook, you guys would all be useless now."

Ah Ha pouted and said,"Go do what you need to do, get out of here!""

"Look, you're still angry."


Ah Ha frowned:"You seem to be full."

Ah Ha rarely spoke like that.

Dan Feng sighed:"We won't do that next time."

Ah Ha didn't respond, still smiling, and continued to walk forward without paying attention to Dan Feng's words.

"I'm really not angry."

After a long while, Ah Ha said again:"Don't let the Star God miss you, there will always be a time when we are not here."

"We are not angry about whether you are right or wrong in hating the pharmacist, but about your attitude towards stronger people."

Aha shook his head:"If you are targeted by a persistent star god, like the greedy one who fought with Yuanming before, when Yuanming and I are not around one day, you and the Xianzhou Alliance will become Oboros's food."

"……I know."

Dan Feng smiled good-temperedly.

They all knew that Ah Ha and Yuan Ming were not angry at them for their hatred for the pharmacist.

They were all ants in front of the Star God. If they were really targeted by the Star God, none of them would be able to escape. When

Yuan Ming and Ah Ha were around, it would be a war between gods.

When Yuan Ming and Ah Ha were not around, it would be a massacre.

"Behave yourself... We are the only friends we have."

Ah Ha curled her lips.

Dan Feng looked at her and chuckled,"I remember, Master Ah Ha."

Ah Ha didn't say anything else, but his pace slowed down a lot.

"Danfeng, do you want to go back to the Chiming tribe?"

Ah Ha glanced at him and said,"I also want to meet the tribe member you mentioned before who always falls in love with the same immortal species in his reincarnation."

"……They are no longer together."

Dan Feng shook his head.

He discovered this when he went out that day.

The immortal rejected the love of the vihara.

"Maybe you are right."

Dan Feng shook his head:"That kind of love is really painful for the immortal species."


Ah Ha chuckled:"Have you figured it out?"

"I have figured it out. In the eyes of the Chiming Clan, after reincarnation, they are two completely different individuals from the previous life. However, in the eyes of the Immortal Clan, they just changed their appearance and personality, but emphasized that they are not the same person. This process keeps repeating, which is a kind of torture for the Immortal Clan."

Dan Feng smiled helplessly:"I thought they would always be together, but I didn't expect that..."

"Lifespan is limited, I think those immortal species are only suitable for living by themselves."

Ah Ha glanced at him:"But now I have some doubts... You said that if you really love someone deeply, such torture may not be a big deal, right?"

"Who knows."

Dan Feng was not interested in such things.

He did not have such a strong sense of emotional resonance.


Ah Ha paused halfway through her words.

She narrowed her eyes and turned her head to look towards the sky.

"What's wrong……"

Dan Feng frowned and turned to look at the silent Ah Ha.

"It's really haunting.……"

Ah Ha frowned:"Or should I say that my guess is absolutely correct?"

She turned her head and glanced at Dan Feng:"Go find them and stay together. I'm going out for a while."

She disappeared on the spot without even giving Dan Feng an explanation.


Aha was not the only one who felt the pressure of the approaching enemy.

Yuanming narrowed his eyes and gently put Jingliu, who was sitting on his lap, on the sofa beside him.

"What's wrong?"

Jing Liu looked at his eyes which suddenly glowed with a terrifying golden light, feeling a little uneasy.

"Ah Liu, stay here."

Yuanming patted her head, looked up at the sky, and whispered softly:"This time, I will definitely kill her."

His eyes flashed with terrifying and violent murderous intent, and even the surrounding air was distorted by his eyes like the scorching sun.

Jing Liu frowned:"Husband……"

Yuanming turned to look at her and said,"Go find Bai Heng and the others. I'll be back soon. Ah Ha is here, so nothing will happen."

Jingliu felt a little relieved. She squeezed Yuanming's hand and said,"Be careful."

"I'll be fine."

He turned around and instantly turned into a beam of light and disappeared on the spot.


"Well, you are here too. It seems that I am not old and my perception is correct. Ah Ha smiled at Yuan Ming and turned to look at the scarlet meat mountain in front of him.

The meat mountain and the giant snake overlapped, and in the center, the body of a woman showed them a strange smile.

"It seems that you have the raw materials for your wine this time."

Yuanming said lightly, the blood color on his skin gradually faded, turning into a smooth white color like white jade.

"I have a plan."

Ah Ha chuckled, with a scarlet aura surrounding him:"I'll kick her out, and then we'll kill her together."

Of course they won't fight in this universe.

"I agree."

Yuan Ming smiled.

Ah Ha disappeared into the starry sky.

She appeared in front of Tan Tao and kicked the center of the scarlet meat mountain.

Tan Tao flew out.

"Follow the team!"

Ah Ha rushed out first.


"So... what are they doing?"

Bai Heng touched Jingliu's head and asked softly.

Jingliu thought about what Yuanming said and said,"Probably... the gluttonous star god"

"Star God?!"

Bai Heng and Ying Xing looked at each other, then turned to look at Dan Feng:"Aha is there too?"


Dan Feng nodded, his face not looking good.

"I say... don't worry so much."

Bai Heng was also worried, but the two people beside her were obviously more worried than her, so she had to comfort them:"They are both very strong stars.���, don't you think so?"

As Yuanming's wife, Jingliu must be very worried.

But Danfeng...

Danfeng and Aha's relationship is a bit complicated.

"They will definitely come back happily.

Bai Heng patted them and said,"Don't worry, don't worry."

"Yes, Master, Danfeng, Master is so strong, have you forgotten that he told me last time that he tore off half of the leg of the Greedy Star God?"

"It's strong, but I'm still worried."

Jingliu sighed.


Yuanming and Aha returned in the early morning of the next day.

The strong smell of blood on their bodies could be smelled through the door.

Jingliu was the first to rush over:"Are you two okay?"

"I'm fine."

Yuanming shook his head and turned to look at Ah Ha:"Ah Ha, what's wrong?"

"Hey, I'm fine too."

Ah Ha waved his hand.

"Bullshit, you've been dressed like a star god's meat skewer"

"Isn't that because of that guy's sneak attack?"

Ah Ha curled his lips and said,"He ran fast... Never mind, at least I have new brewing materials."

"Are you injured?"

Dan Feng also came forward and frowned.


"Well, it's a serious injury."

Yuanming pointed at Ah Ha's belly and said,"The big hole hasn't healed yet, has it?"

Ah Ha glared at him and said,"That's no problem for me!"

"I will heal you."

Dan Feng frowned and said,"Let me take a look at the wound."

"That's not necessary."

Yuanming shook his head:"Your power can't heal her wounds, which were left by the Star God, but it won't kill her. She will probably be well by tomorrow morning."

"You see?"

Ah Ha smiled at Dan Feng:"Well, I am touched that you care about me."

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