"Well... this should be okay, right?"

Huang An looked at the huge gift box in his arms.

This thing should be a surprise.

So, how should he prepare this surprise?

Such a big box, unless he goes back and blinds Jing Liu with a knife, there is no way she will not find it.

Blind someone's eyes on a birthday? It's a joke. Besides , if he dares to take out a knife in front of Jing Liu, it won't take a second for Jing Liu to chop him and his knife in half.

No, no... It's someone else's birthday now, you can't think like that.

Huang An stood downstairs holding the huge box.

Well... Jing Liu should go downstairs on time at three o'clock every afternoon to walk the dog and run, especially when he is not at home.

He can even remember the daily routine activities of Chen Xiangmei across the street, so Jing Liu can certainly do it too.

Huang An sat downstairs, put the huge box on the bench next to him, and lit a cigarette.

The smoke was lingering, covering Huang An's face.

White hair hung down to the side, and the smoke in his mouth drifted, blowing towards his face with the wind, with a rather decadent and cold beauty.

""Handsome guy?"

Huang An glanced at him.

A girl with short hair and a white dress was bending over to look at him:"Can you give me my contact information?"

"Sorry, I have a girlfriend.

Huang An shook his head.

"Ah...Is that so?……"

A trace of disappointment flashed across the girl's face, and she turned and left.

Huang An looked at his phone.

It was 2:42 in the afternoon.

There were still 18 minutes.

Why was Jing Liu so punctual? Why couldn't he come earlier...

He hated being exposed outside for too long, which made him feel uneasy.

"Handsome guy, one……"

Huang An frowned:"I have a girlfriend."

This time he didn't even raise his head

"Ah... sorry."

He only saw a pair of high heels passing in front of him.

Eighteen minutes, Huang An sat in a position where she could see the door and waited for exactly eighteen minutes.

Three o'clock.

It took less than a minute for Jing Liu to go downstairs.

Not long after he put down his phone, Jing Liu came out of the gate with Xiao Bai.

She walked away with Xiao Bai, and Huang An picked up the box and walked towards the gate.

Finally, there was no need to continue waiting in vain.

Changing shoes, closing the door, putting the gift box in the innermost, Huang An began to clean up.

Jing Liu's energy is too strong. In order to accommodate Xiao Bai and achieve the effect of training, her training time will be unusually long.

Huang An cleaned up the house inside and outside, sat on the sofa again, and carefully looked at tomorrow's schedule.

The restaurant is fine, and the cake has been ordered.

That's all.

He put his phone aside.

Speaking of which, Jing Liu seems to never Put the Disintegration Sword outside.

As long as Huang An finishes training, Jing Liu will put away the Disintegration Sword.

Huang An took off his thin shirt, walked aside and started doing push-ups.

Daily exercise is very important.

Although he is not yet completely accustomed to the burden on his muscles caused by swinging the sword ten thousand times, it is much better than at the beginning, and he can even lift his arms.

Push-ups, sit-ups, Huang An finished his exercise, took a shower, and sat on the bed for a long time before the sound of the door opening was heard outside.

Huang An stuck his head out and took a look.

Jing Liu put his boots outside, walked in wearing slippers, and held Xiao Bai in his arms.

The hair on Xiao Bai's head was lifted up, but it seemed very excited, sticking out its tongue, and almost cried out.

Jing Liu took off Xiao Bai's clothes and shoes and put them away before walking in and nodded to Huang An.

"I don't recommend you walk the dog before your wound has healed."

Huang An frowned:"Leave Xiaobai to me temporarily before your wound heals."

Jing Liu looked at her arm - there were still several circles of bandages wrapped on it.

Although she thought it was unnecessary, it seemed to reassure people around her, and it would not affect her movements, so she simply gave up and let it stay on her body.

She nodded:"Okay... but I have to take it out several times a day."

"I'm not that resistant to going out, I'll just go wherever I want."

Huang An shook his head and said,"Go and have a rest."

"Ah, almost there.……"

Jingliu put Xiaobai on the ground and said:"We also need to train it to go to the toilet at a fixed place."

"Oh, right."

Huang An came out and said,"I'll learn it too."


Jing Liu suddenly looked away, his ears reddened:"Tie your clothes first.""


Huang An looked down at himself.

Ah, he forgot to bring his clothes in, and he just put on a bathrobe and sat on the bed for a while. When he heard Jing Liu coming back, he came out and forgot about the clothes.

Fortunately, the bathrobe was tight.

Huang An sighed:"Fortunately, my figure is still acceptable, otherwise I would be laughed at."

"I'll go change my clothes, wait for me."

Jingliu took another look.

The chest muscles were so firm that they couldn't be considered acceptable...

Huang An didn't seem to care at all. He turned around and went into the house to change clothes.

Less than a minute later, Huang An came out wearing a black short-sleeved shirt and shorts.

His outfit couldn't be simpler.

Jingliu took another look, lowered his head and greeted Xiaobai, then turned and walked towards Xiaobai's room.

Huang An followed her.

"The book says that this is how to teach a puppy to go to the toilet at a fixed place……"

Jingliu looked at it and said:"It's almost time for it to pee."

"Isn't this still peeing outside?"

Huang An frowned and watched Xiao Bai peeing on the side of the squat toilet.

"It's still young, so it's good enough to train it to realize that this is the place to go to the toilet, so give it some encouragement."

Jingliu took out a handful of dog food, touched Xiaobai's head, and fed it to him in a gentle voice.

"Great, great, I'll go a little further next time."

Xiaobai ate the dog food in small bites. Huang

An leaned against the door frame with his arms folded.���, Jingliu squatted in front of him, coaxing the little fur ball in front of him in a gentle voice.

It looked unusually harmonious.

"How can I tell when it goes to the toilet?"

"Now you don't need to look at it, it is almost conscious, and whenever it wants to go to the toilet, it goes to this room."

Jingliu said:"But it is still small, and it says that puppies may not be able to hold their urine, so you have to be considerate of it."


Huang An nodded, walked behind Jing Liu, bent down, and lifted Jing Liu's long hair.

"What's wrong?"

Jing Liu's body stiffened and he turned his head slightly.

"Don't move."

Huang An frowned:"Your hair is dragging on the ground."

"It's okay. I'll take a shower in a while."

"do not move"


Unexpectedly, Huang An's technique was quite skillful. He removed the strand of hair above Jing Liu's head.

Jing Liu's original hair tie was like a piece of armor. After tying it, the hair would be bound by the armor. I don't know if it is comfortable, but it will definitely not move or spread out.

Huang An tied up his long hair again, and the fragrance entered his nose. Huang An blinked.


Huang An stood up straight, and Jing Liu's long hair was tied into a bun.

"Quite skilled."

"Well, I used to have long hair."

Huang An looked at the hair tie carefully:"This hair tie is quite exquisite."

"Xianzhou specialty."

Jingliu shook his head, then lowered his head and patted Xiaobai's head:"Keep working hard next time."

Huang An stood up straight.

So that's it... It looks quite simple.

But he understood that this was the result of Jingliu's hard work. If he did it himself... He didn't have the patience to let Xiaobai have the concept of toilets.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Huang An nodded:"Leave it to me for the next two days."

""Yes, that's troublesome."

Jingliu nodded.

Xiaobai ran between them and used his claws to grab Jingliu's socks.

Its claws could really grab a ball of wool.


Huang An frowned and picked up Xiaobai:"If the socks are torn, use your fur to mend them."

Xiaobai wilted.

The look in the eyes of this real owner was really a bit scary.

"If you don't want it to be afraid of you, don't scare it."

Jingliu stood up and took Xiaobai away from Huang An's hands:"It's all wilted."

Huang An actually liked Xiaobai very much, but he didn't know how to get close to him, even for a pet.

Huang An looked at Xiaobai nestling in Jingliu's arms, and a sentence somehow emerged in his mind.

A loving mother often spoils her child.

Huang An curled his lips:"You have to set some rules for it, otherwise it will be like this every day and not be afraid of you at all."

"Why should it be scared?"

Jing Liu was not worried at all. To be honest, she still liked the feeling of having a little thing that was not afraid of her at all.

She didn't care whether she could establish her authority in front of such a weak creature.

Perhaps it was because she was too powerful.

Huang An didn't care either, but his obsessive-compulsive disorder about certain things was too serious.

Jing Liu raised the corner of his mouth:"I know you actually like it very much���Come, hold me."

Huang An took Xiao Bai from Jing Liu.

Xiao Bai turned his head carefully and looked at him.

Huang An was not in a bad mood.

He just didn't know how to smile, and he didn't know how to coax Xiao Bai in a soft voice like Jing Liu.

He hadn't received that kind of education.

So these things were a little difficult for him to handle.

But Xiao Bai was still a little afraid of this real owner.

Huang An held Xiao Bai, his arms were a little stiff

"Hold him gently, I'm going to take a shower."

Jingliu patted his stiff arm, chuckled, walked towards his room and closed the door.

Huang An lowered her head and looked into Xiaobai's eyes.

Little Baimao and...

Oh, I forgot, he is also a white-haired person.

Little Baimao and another big white-haired person looked at each other without making a sound. After taking a shower, Jingliu came out with his long hair loose. What he saw was Huang An holding Xiaobai in her arms and walking back and forth in the kitchen like coaxing a child. With a slight smile on his lips, Jingliu did not disturb them. He turned around and sat on the sofa, took out the Zhili Sword and wiped it.

For this sword, she took the best and most careful care.

A subtle noise came from beside him. Jingliu looked up. Huang An had put the sleeping Xiaobai back into the cage.

He turned his head and looked at the Zhili Sword in Jingliu's arms:"This sword is very good."

"Well, very good."

Jingliu nodded:"It was made by the most talented craftsman I have ever seen."

"He must really love blacksmithing."


Jingliu nodded:"Yingxing must have a bright future, this will not be his greatest work."

Jingliu has always believed in this, and they all believe it.

So they made the greatest efforts to help Yingxing climb to a higher level.

Huang An lowered his eyes.

He suddenly remembered that the man he saw that day said that Jingliu had killed Yingxing countless times, making Yingxing's hands unable to forge again.

And Yingxing did something that destroyed everything between them.

Huang An looked up at Jingliu, who even had a smile on his brows when he mentioned his best friend.

Why... did it turn out like that?

"Mirror Flow"


"Do you value those friends?"

"Of course."

Jingliu nodded.

That was her only support now.

"Can you... tell me about it?"

Huang An blinked, sat in front of Jing Liu, and looked up at her.

Jing Liu blinked, and was a little uncomfortable with Huang An looking at her like this.

"You...sit opposite me."

Jing Liu held down the edge of her skirt, and her ears felt slightly hot.


Huang An stood up, and seemed to realize that his position was not appropriate. He stood up and walked to the sofa beside him and sat down.

"Why did you suddenly want to get to know them?"

"I always hear you mention them, so I want to know more about them."

Huang An said seriously:"Now you have been influenced by them. I think they may be very interesting people to be able to become friends with you back then."

"Hmm... He is a very interesting person."

Jing Liu raised the corner of her mouth.

She always smiled when she mentioned her best friend.


Strictly speaking, Bai Heng was the first to know Ying Xing. Jing

Liu was the first to know Dan Feng.

At that time, Dan Feng was the Dragon Lord of Luofu, and Jing Liu was a slightly famous swordsman in the Cloud Cavalry Army.

Dan Feng and Jing Liu actually disliked each other at first.

Dan Feng was a person who looked a little cold on the outside, but was actually arrogant and unruly on the inside.

It was normal. At that age, he succeeded the Dragon Lord, and had such strength. Who wouldn't be proud?

Jing Liu was just cold-tempered. At that time, she didn't care about her life or death, nor did she care about who was stronger or weaker.

The meaning of her swinging the sword was to die.

But Jing Liu's talent was there, and no one could give up on her.

A swordsman with excellent talent can nurture four flying swords in his back acupoints.

Such a person can become a small general.

Six flying swords can be called a peerless genius, with the talent of the commander of the fairy boat.

Eight flying swords are already a talent of a generation.

And Jing Liu has a full twelve flying swords in his back acupoints.

Twelve, what a concept?

The so-called-unparalleled.

Such talent is limitless.

When the Cloud Cavalry were drunk and boasting, some even thought that Jing Liu could open up his destiny with the sword, and even challenge the Star God.

But Jing Liu knew that it was just boasting and should not be taken seriously.

But there was a wandering Taoist who said that with her talent and strength, one day, she could reach the level of a envoy without the blessing of the Star God.

Although Jing Liu did not completely believe it, she was looking forward to it.

When she reaches that height, she will take revenge on the Envoy of Abundance who destroyed everything for her.

Suddenly, she remembered the name of a lifetime.

Dan Feng couldn't stand her hopeless swinging of the sword. No matter how strong she was, there was no soul and no hope.

A sword that kills for the sake of killing.

"Your sword does not have the faith to protect the Immortal Boat, nor the hope for the future. You kill for the sake of killing. Forget about becoming the Sword Master. You can't work with me."

Dan Feng once said to Jing Liu bluntly.

"Do you want to try my sword? The Dragon Lord of Luofu."

Jingliu was leaning against a tree at the time, his cold eyes swept over him, but did not reflect his figure.

Danfeng frowned:"Your powerful talent has not been developed, you are not able to compete with Chiming, so you should stop talking nonsense."

"I don't care what you think, and I don't care about working with you."

Jingliu stood up from under the tree:"Shut up and do your work, don't cause trouble for the Chiming tribe."

She walked away with her sword.

If this sentence was spread, it would cause her a huge trouble.

With Jingliu's reputation in the Cloud Cavalry at that time, it might even cause a conflict between the Cloud Cavalry and the Chiming tribe.

But at that time, Danfeng looked at her back and said nothing, and didn't tell anyone what he said today.

At that time, her eyes had no hope, no future, like a scarlet abyss.

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