The second time I met Danfeng was when I was training Jingyuan.

"As a Cloud Rider, you must not let your weapons drop from your hands or let your body become unfocused."

She imitated the woman who taught her and said to the white-haired boy who was swinging his sword vigorously in front of her.

She said these words every day.

The moment Jing Yuan stopped swinging his sword, she frowned:"Why stop?"

He only needed to swing his sword a thousand times, not even ten thousand times. In her opinion, this was too easy.


Jing Yuan looked at the entrance of the martial arts training ground and said in a timid voice.

Jing Liu turned his head and saw Dan Feng leaning against the wooden stake beside him with his arms folded.

Seeing her turn her head, he stood up straight and summoned a somewhat old spear.

"Fight me."

He said.

When the cold blade was on the neck of the young dragon master, she saw the unconvinced look in his eyes. The young hand tugged at her skirt.

She suppressed the anger in her heart, turned her head without saying a word, shook off Jing Yuan's hand, and took him back to continue practicing sword.

There was no challenge.

The boring fairy boat.

The boring world.

The boring universe.

The boring... sword.

She thought that the overly strong dragon master would never appear in front of her again.

The second day, the third day, the fourth day...

Jingliu couldn't remember, Danfeng seemed to have been here for a year. He came to spar almost every day.

During this year, the two of them sparred almost every day.

The long sword and the long spear separated.

She looked at the still unconvinced young dragon master in front of her and picked up the long sword.

Their sparring was about to end for a while.

She was going to go to war.

But these were nothing to them with extremely long lifespans.

The young dragon master wiped the blood from his nose.

"Wait for you to come back, and continue."

She did not refuse.

Five years.

When she came back, she saw the same Jing Yuan.

And the same Long Zun.

When she saw the young Long Zun, she picked up the sword.

But he shook his head and threw a jar of wine to her:"Celebrate."

She did not refuse.

Sitting in the courtyard, looking at the fake cold moon, she saw the man following the Long Zun.

"Ying Xing."

The white-haired man laughed wildly:"Short-lived species, the best craftsman in Luofu in the future."

Short-lived species, delusion of becoming the best craftsman in Luofu.

She did not laugh, she chose to respect the ideals of this short-lived species.

Who can say for sure?

They always use decades or hundreds of years to measure success, who can say for sure what this short-lived species will do in the future.

They sat under the cold moon and drank, listening to the short-lived species bragging.

She did not feel irritated.

She could see that there were deep scars hidden in the eyes of the short-lived species, stubborn and lonely, guarding the defense line in his heart.

But he was able to cover up his past with a smile.

He is very powerful, surpassing herself in this regard, she thought.

She put down the wine glass

"My name is Jingliu."

When she said her name, she actually felt a little strange - she hadn't said her own name for many years.

After that day, the short-lived species began to often pester the young Dragon Lord, and her.

After leaving Cangcheng, she experienced for the first time the feeling of someone running up from behind and patting her while shopping.

The short-lived species and the young Dragon Lord sparred with her, two against one.

She won.

When the short-lived species was obsessed with forging, he had no concept of day and night.

The young Dragon Lord carried the mission of the Chiming Clan and protected the Chiming Clan.

She ascended to the position of the sword master in the fight along the way.

Then another person came.

A fox man.

In the afternoon after the enthronement ceremony, holding the Zhili Sword given to her by Yingxing in her hand, she heard others discussing

"Have you heard? This sword master comes from Cangcheng"


"Yes, it is the immortal boat that was swallowed"

"That's amazing!……"

That night she suddenly broke down, holding the Zhili Sword and crying under the cold moon, but without making any sound.

She didn't cry, she just shed tears.

Did her father and mother see it?

Did her friends, neighbors, and the Cloud Cavalry who saved her life see it?

She thought about it until the sky was covered by the Star Raft.

The Star Raft slowly descended and landed in front of her.

"It's not like me to make a beautiful girl cry."

The girl jumped out of the star raft and stood in front of her with a smile:"What's wrong?"

She stared at her in a daze until her furry ears blocked the moonlight in front of her eyes.

"I can provide a shoulder."

Her name is Bai Heng.

An unknown person wandering in the sea of stars.

She did not confide in this unknown person, but she suppressed her sadness under her amusing words.

"My name is Bai Heng."

That night, the two of them chatted for a long time.

Bai Heng did most of the talking, and she seldom responded.

The Milky Way, the distant stars, those were places she had never touched, and she didn't even dare to think about.

She was confused.

With such a life, why did she come here?

Why not enjoy her freedom?

"Oh, right! I see you holding a sword, are you a Cloud Rider? Do you know Jingliu?"

She was stunned and looked at the excited girl in front of her.

"I came here just for her. I heard that she is a genius who has never been seen before and will never be seen again. I really want to meet her!"

In the girl's expectant eyes, her heart, which had been silent for a long time, began to beat tentatively.

Admiration, curiosity.

About her.

She opened her mouth, but finally shook her head.

She could see the excitement in the fox girl's eyes.

They must be curious about the high and mighty Luofu Sword Master.

Not a little girl who hid in a corner where no one could see her in the dead of night and shed tears silently.

But she didn't expect Bai Heng to drag her onto her Star Raft.

She didn't refuse.

The Star Raft soared in the sky, and the strong wind blew her hair.

Not for fighting, not for dying.

But to experience the scenery that can only be experienced by being alive.

"Did you hear that? This is the joy of freedom!"

Bai Heng, who was sitting in the front, laughed.

""By the way, what's your name?"

Bai Heng asked her.

She didn't want to tell her her real name yet, nor did she intend to break her fantasy.

Dan Feng was too well-known.……

"My name is... Ying Xing."

She was silent for a while before she responded.

Xing Cha suddenly stopped, she was stunned, and looked at the fox girl in front of her with some confusion.

"Why did you tell me a fake name?"

That day, she knew what embarrassment was.

It turned out that Bai Heng knew Ying Xing.

"Ying Xing... This is the first time I met him……"

Bai Heng stroked his chin:"He is still a child."

Bai Heng told the story of her and Ying Xing.

She listened attentively.

"Ah? You are Jing Liu?"

She remembered that night, she seemed to be so drunk that she revealed her identity.

When she told her her identity, Jing Liu felt embarrassed for the first time.

But she didn't show disappointment as she imagined.

"Ask me why? I came here for you, not the sword-head you, not the fragile you, but you yourself."

"You are you no matter what you look like. It's better to say... you look quite cute like this. I feel much closer to you all of a sudden."

Bai Heng approached.

It was the first time that Ying Xing saw the embarrassed look on the face of this arrogant craftsman when she met Bai Heng.

Bai Heng walked in.

They ate together, drank together, talked together, listened to Bai Heng tell her story, listened to Ying Xing talk about his work, and listened to Dan Feng talk about the dragon masters who gave him a headache after getting drunk.

Then, their eyes focused on themselves who had been listening and drinking.

It's your turn, Jing Liu.

Open your heart to your friends.

Even if it's just drunken talk.

"I can even chop down the stars in the sky!"

That was her drunken boast, her first time being arrogant, and one of the few times she revealed her true feelings.

I can even chop down the stars in the sky.

She had blurry eyes, hugged the fluffy fox tail, rested her head on her best friend's legs, and stared at the cold moon above her head.

"I have known her for such a long time, but this is the first time I have seen her like this."

Dan Feng's voice rang in her ears.

She stared at the night sky, thinking of the approaching evil star.

That star.

She would eventually cut it down.


She took a sip of water and nodded to Huang An:"Sorry, I can't stop talking."



"You met some very good people and made friends with them. You worked very hard."

Huang An looked at her, and there seemed to be a soft light in his abyss-like eyes:"Thank you for your hard work."

Jing Liu took a deep breath


She heard her own trembling voice.

Jingliu...what's wrong with you... but it was the first time that someone understood her so firmly.

It's not that Bai Heng didn't understand her, but...this was different. A big hand covered her head, and Jingliu grabbed the hem of her skirt.

"At least you have new friends in this world."

Huang An whispered:"I am one, right?"


Jingliu nodded.

"That's good."

Huang An stood up and took back her hand:"Go wash your face."

Jing Liu stood up and walked into the house.

The cool water splashed on her face, and Jing Liu took a deep breath.

She couldn't understand the emotions surging in her heart. She couldn't figure it out.

What was this?……


The next morning, Jingliu washed up and walked out of the house.

The house was filled with an appetizing aroma.

""Are you up?"

Huang An walked to the dining table with two bowls of noodles and glanced at her:"Happy birthday."

His voice was calm, which was Huang An's usual tone.

Or rather, this was his tone after trying his best to be cheerful.

"Um...thank you"

"Wait a moment before eating."

Huang An waved his hand and walked into the house.

"I don't know if you like this gift, and I haven't given anyone a gift before."

In their organization, few people celebrate birthdays.

Huang An came out holding a big box that was almost as tall as a person:"Anyway, happy birthday."

He handed the big box to Jing Liu.

Jing Liu was stunned for a few seconds, then slowly reached out to take it.

She stared at the huge box.

Huang An looked at her, and suddenly a feeling of uneasiness came over him.

He really had never given anyone a gift.

Would she not like it?……

"Can I open it?"

Jing Liu winked at Huang An.

"Of course."

Huang An nodded:"A gift for you."

Jing Liu carefully placed the box on the carpet and squatted down to open the bow.

Huang An also squatted down to look.

Inside was a huge puppy doll.

It was really a super big dog.

The Shiba Inu was lying down, and it was the kind of cute style.

Jing Liu took the dog out.

It was still a little heavy, but for Jing Liu, this weight was nothing.

"Um... do you like it?"

Huang An asked

"Thank you, Huang An.

Jing Liu hugged the doll tightly, raised his head, and showed Huang An a charming smile:"I like it very much."

Huang An was stunned for a moment.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I like it."

He stood up and said,"Put the doll back and have dinner."


Jingliu responded, stood up holding the doll and walked towards his room.

"My first birthday in this world."

Huang An handed Jing Liu a pair of chopsticks and said,"This is the custom here, longevity noodles, but I don't have that kind of skill. It should be a whole noodle. Knife-cut noodles are the best I can do."

"I don't care."

Jing Liu smiled:"That's good."

Her face was so beautiful when she smiled that it made people lose their minds.

So Huang An felt that he was not a human. When such a scene fell, he could not feel what he felt.

But the trembling in his chest just now was not false.

He understood.

That kind of beauty really touched his heart at that moment.

"I didn't prepare any gifts…��Today is your birthday too."

Jing Liu suddenly felt a little embarrassed:"Happy birthday, Huang An... I'm sorry."

Not many people on her side had birthdays, so she had no intention of preparing any gifts.

"It doesn't matter."

Huang An nodded and sat down:"Let's eat."

The egg was soft-boiled, and the sweet taste flowed into his mouth. Jing Liu finished the whole bowl of noodles without leaving any.

"I thought I cooked too much."

Huang An put down his chopsticks and said,"Just finish it. There is no lunch, so we will go out for dinner tonight.""


Jingliu nodded.


"That... although it's not the right time to say this now."

Jing Liu stood beside Huang An washing dishes, raised his head, and looked serious:"But you still can't stop practicing swordsmanship."

Huang An's mouth corners rose and fell quickly.

"You just laughed, didn't you?"


"Obviously laughed"


"Isn't it a natural smile?……"


Huang An didn't answer again, put away the dishes and chopsticks, turned around and walked behind him:"Practice sword."

Jing Liu washed his hands and handed the Zhili Sword to Huang An as usual:"Ten thousand times"


Huang An weighed the sword and said,"Maybe I've practiced too much, now I feel that this sword is quite light."

"That is partly the reason, but more of it is because the power of my destiny controls the Fragmented Sword."

"What would happen if you took back the power of the Disintegration Sword?"


Jingliu stroked his chin and said,"You will probably sink into the ground with the Zhili Sword."

"Is this sword so heavy?"

Huang An glanced at her.

"Well, the Zhili Sword weighs three thousand pounds.

Jingliu nodded and said,"If I didn't use the power of destiny to control it, you wouldn't be able to pull it."

"A bit hit……"

"Is that so?"

Jingliu folded his arms:"But your body has indeed adapted to the sword. I will gradually reduce the control and the weight of the sword will gradually increase."

"Does this have any effect?"

"When you touch a light sword again, it will become extremely light and easy to use."

Jingliu said.

She now used an ordinary sword of the Cloud Cavalry, and the force of her swing could directly break the sword into pieces.

"Well, that's good."

Huang An nodded and continued to swing the sword.

It weighs three thousand pounds...

Huang An looked at Jing Liu's overly thin arms.

Why isn't she a muscular woman...

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