"Let's go and have dinner."

Huang An looked at Jing Liu who had just finished taking a shower:"Wait until you are completely dry before going out."

Even though it was their birthday, the lives of these two people remained unchanged. They exercised, ran, practiced swords, and did not take a break for any of the necessary routines because of their birthdays.

"I won't catch a cold."

Jing Liuzhen felt like he was being treated like a child on his birthday.

"Where's Xiaobai?"

Jingliu looked at Xiaobai.


Huang An answered very concisely.

"Yeah." Jingliu wiped his hair.

"Blow dry."

Huang An turned and walked into the house, took out the hair dryer and handed it to Jing Liu:"Do you know how to use it?"


Jing Liu shook his head and took the hair dryer.

"Use it like this."

Huang An showed it to Jing Liu, pressing two buttons to demonstrate to Jing Liu.

If Huang Mei was here, she would definitely say that he had a head like a piece of wood.

Isn't this the perfect time to go up and blow the girl's hair?

He just took the hair dryer and went straight up to blow the girl's hair.

Still teaching?

What the hell are you teaching?

Huang An didn't have this kind of consciousness at all.

Jing Liu was originally considered a half-modern person, and he used some things better than him.

He learned quickly.

Huang An taught her once, and she could do it herself.

Watching Jing Liu blowing her hair, Huang An turned around to tease Xiao Bai in front of the cage.

Since the last time she held Xiao Bai, Huang An's relationship with Xiao Bai seemed to have improved a lot.

Jing Liu looked at it, and a little relief emerged in his heart.

This feeling is like seeing Ying Xing and Jing Yuan not quarreling for a day.

It is gratifying

"Let's go after we blow dry."

Huang An stood up and went into the house to change clothes.

Jing Liu thought about it and also went into the house to change clothes.

The two of them came out at the same time wearing the couple's clothes they bought that day.

"Well, it seems we have the same idea."

"You wear couple outfits and I don't, isn't it awkward?"

Jing Liu tilted his head.

"Why are you embarrassed?"

Huang An also tilted his head.

He had no such awareness at all.

He knew even less about dressing.


Jing Liu shook his head.

Anyway, both of them wore

"Let's go then."

Huang An turned around, picked up the key card, and threw one to Jing Liu, and the two of them went out.

At this time...

Huang An looked at his phone.

It was Chen Xiangmei's time to bask in the sun on the balcony, so she probably wouldn't go out.

Very good, one less useless social activity.


That restaurant is a combination of Chinese and Western styles.

Of course, Huang An didn't care what kind of combination it was, he just thought that the restaurant was very quiet.

At the beginning, Huang Mei gave him a suggestion.

If the girl is more introverted, maybe she can go to Haidilao.

But... although Huang An is a little out of touch with modern society, he still knows about the things about Haidilao.

For example... the grand treatment for birthdays.

Although he and Jingliu are friends, their personalities... are really not suitable for such occasions.

Imagine a group of people holding light signs and surrounding them, neither he nor Jingliu would be able to stand it.

"Good afternoon, both of you."

The waiter opened the door for them and bowed to them.

"Have reservation"

"What is your last name sir?"

"You don’t need to use the surname Huang."Huang" in"Emperor". After all, Huang An himself didn’t even know if there was a surname like Huang. Usually when leaving a name outside, he would change"Huang" to"Huang".

"Okay, wait a moment."

The waiter smiled and turned to the bar.

"Have you made your reservation?"

Jing Liu looked at him.

"Well, I ordered it yesterday."

Huang An nodded:"Let's go in and order the dishes later. Today is your birthday, I will listen to you."

Jing Liu raised his mouth:"Okay."

The waiter came over quickly and bowed to Huang An:"Hello, I will take you to the room upstairs, please follow me."

The two followed the waiter.

The innermost box on the third floor

"Here is the menu."

The waiter bowed and turned to leave.

The menu here is an electronic screen. After ordering, it will be automatically transmitted to the bottom. There will also be a reminder before the dishes are served.

This is to prevent couples from falling in love.

Of course, few people who come here to eat are impatient.

After all, this is the style of this restaurant.

Huang An nodded:"Come on, order."

Huang An leaned back, with no intention of moving

"What do you eat?"

Jing Liu looked at him.

"I'll order later."

Huang An said.

Jing Liu opened the cover of the electronic screen according to the instructions on the table.

The electronic screen lit up, but it was upside down.

Facing Huang An's side

"Press this."

Huang An raised his hand and pressed the icon in the upper right corner of the screen, and the screen turned around.

"Do you know what I’m thinking?"

"What are you thinking about?"

"Why don't you order the dishes when the screen is facing you


He really hadn't thought of that.

"What do you know? This is called a sense of ritual."

Huang said indifferently, explaining his behavior.

Jingliu looked at him and said,"Are you sure it's not because you did something stupid just now?"


Huang An crossed his arms and said,"Order quickly." Jing

Liu lowered his head and clicked on the screen.

"Steak...medium rare?"

"Choose what you want to eat"

"But if you don't eat meat, I won't be able to finish it."

"There isn't much, and I can't possibly eat a piece with you."

Huang An supported his chin.


Jingliu nodded and pointed at the steak:"Medium rare...what does it taste like?"

"Most of them are raw"


"At least that's how I understand it."

Huang An responded:"You can try it."


Jing Liu frowned and raised his hand to cancel the steak option:"What about medium rare?"

"Slightly raw, more cooked, relatively tender"

"Well-done, right?……"

Jing Liu couldn't accept it:"You are quite... wealthy... why do you still eat raw food?


"Some people use this as a tool to show off their status."

Huang said indifferently:"In fact, few people can understand how to taste it. They just do it for the sake of face."

"So that's it……"

Jing Liu touched his nose and ordered the steak well done.

Huang An still only ordered vegetarian dishes.

"Ask you something"


"Didn’t you celebrate your birthday before?"


"Looks like I'm the first one."


Huang An nodded and looked at Jing Liu who suddenly laughed across from him:"What are you laughing at?"

"I feel very lucky."

Jing Liu raised his lips and said,"I can also be the first in things related to friends."


Huang An supported his chin and said,"Then I am still quite lucky. In a way, I am the first."

"What do you think you are number one?"

Jingliu raised his eyebrows.

"I can make you the number one."

Huang An leaned back and yawned. He got up early in the morning to make noodles. He was busy all day and had basically no rest.

Jing Liu didn't have it either, but he had the power of destiny, and the excessive spirit

"Your dish has been served."

After a while, a prompt sounded from the electronic screen, and the two looked at the door at the same time.

After about a minute, the waiter came in with the dish.

He put the steak on the table:"Well-done steak"

"Uh... use this to eat?"

Lord Jianshou always asked when she didn't understand. She held the knife and fork and looked at Huang An.

She really didn't know how to use it.

"There are chopsticks.

Huang An put the chopsticks in front of her.

"Ah...then this knife and fork……"

Jingliu pointed to the knife and fork in a rather bewildered manner. The waiter bowed and said,"Madam, the knife and fork are just utensils for western food. How to enjoy it depends on your wishes. I wish you a pleasant meal." He turned and left. Jingliu touched his nose and said,"The knife and fork are just utensils for western food.


"Do whatever you like."

Huang An shrugged:"If you don't like it, throw it aside."


Jingliu put the knife and fork on the paper towel beside her and picked up the steak with chopsticks.

It was indeed not big, but it was really difficult for Jingliu to put it in her mouth.

She took small bites.

Huang An supported his chin and watched her eat.

"Do you really not eat any meat at all?"

"In order to maintain the functioning of the body, I will still eat some, but not much."

Huang An responded:"You eat."

Jing Liu bit off a piece of meat.

These are not the highlights.

Huang An looked at the time, then looked at the dishes on the table, and stood up:"I'm going to the bathroom, you eat."

He turned and walked out of the room.

Jing Liu watched his figure disappear outside the door, then turned around and continued to eat.

It's delicious.

If only... they could also eat it.

Bai Heng and Ying Xing's personalities will definitely allow Huang An to integrate into it.

Jing Liu lowered her eyes.

Whenever she experienced the beauty of this world, she would think of her best friends.

If only they could experience it too...

Just thinking about it, the door was pushed open and the lights were suddenly turned off.

Jing Liu stood up abruptly, and the Zhili Sword appeared in his hand.

Just a second later, the lights were turned on again.

Jing Liu held the Zhili Sword and looked at Huang An.

Huang An was holding a big cake in his hand

"I forgot to light the candles before turning off the lights."

Huang An looked at the sword in Jing Liu's hand and said,"Did I scare you? Sorry... I haven't celebrated anyone's birthday before."

"It's okay."

Jing Liu put away the Zhili Sword:"It's a subconscious action."

"Try to control yourself, there is no danger here."

Huang An put the cake on the table and said,"If I can let someone with a weapon that can threaten you walk up to you, I guess my body will be cold."

"I told you not to talk like that."

"I'm telling the truth."

Huang An unwrapped the cake and said,"Take a look. How is it?"

The cake seemed to be decorated with a sea of stars, and in the sea of stars, a huge ship was engraved.

Jing Liu was stunned.

"This is……"

"I have never seen what your hometown looks like. I looked for some pictures but couldn't find a specific one.……"

Huang An pushed the cake forward and said,"Take a look."

Jing Liu looked at the huge ship and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Well... it's a bit cruel, but this giant ship is made of chocolate shell, you have to eat it."

Huang An crossed his arms:"But as a substitute, I have a second gift here."



Huang An took out the candles and said,"First finish the cake, blow out the candles and make a wish, then open the gifts."

"I didn't prepare any gifts.……"

Jing Liu seemed a little embarrassed, holding onto the edge of the table.

"It doesn't matter."

Huang An put the candle in place and asked:"How many immortal boats are there in total?"

"There should be six now..."

"Now? What about originally?"


"Then light nine candles."

Huang An put the candles in place and took out a lighter from his pocket to light them.

"This is……"


"Is this for lighting cigarettes?"

Jing Liu looked at Huang An:"Do you smoke?"


Huang An lit the candle.

"Smoking is bad for your health, especially for you who have no destiny."

"So it's just occasionally."

Huang An walked over and turned off the light.

Only the warm light of the candle remained in the room.

Jing Liu was still looking at him.

"Close your eyes and make a wish. It's time to sing the birthday song."

Huang An took out his cell phone:"I'm not very good at singing, please bear with me."

Jing Liu retracted his gaze and closed his eyes.

Huang An's singing voice slowly sounded.

At this time, Jing Liu knew why he said he couldn't sing.

When he sang, his voice had no emotional ups and downs, it was flat and there was no tone at all.

This is not good... This is not good... Jing Liu...

Jing Liu tried hard not to laugh, just closed his eyes and made a wish.

She didn't know what to do next, so she simply kept her eyes closed and recalled every wish.

Huang An sang the birthday song twice, which took half of his life, and Jing Liu didn't even open his eyes.

Okay, okay, you make a wish like this, right?

Huang An put the phone aside, sat on the stool, and looked at the girl opposite who was embraced by the light in the dark. He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Suddenly, he felt that the distance between the two of them seemed very far.

Huang An raised his hand and stretched it forward.

It wasn't very far.

The sharp pain from his fingers brought him back to his senses.

He raised his hand expressionlessly and looked at the wrinkled fingertips.


After a short while, a layer of oil and water seemed to fill up between the outer skin and the inner layer of tender meat, making the outer layer of skin look abrupt and transparent.

Huang An looked at Jing Liu who hadn't opened his eyes yet, lowered his head, and tore off the layer of skin expressionlessly.

It was just a small piece.

He threw it into the trash can beside him, collected his thoughts, leaned back in his chair, and waited for Jing Liu to finish making a wish.

Jing Liu finally narrowed his eyes:"Um... when should I open my eyes?"

"After making a wish, you can open your eyes and blow out the candles."

Huang An stood up and walked to the button at the door to turn on the light.

"Ah, OK."

Jing Liu put down his hand and blew out the candle in one breath.

The lights came on, and Huang An clapped his hands:"Happy birthday, this is a gift."

He took out a small box from the paper bag on the ground and pushed it in front of Jing Liu:"Well, this should be very vivid."

"To be honest, I didn't plan to prepare this at first, but when I ordered the cake, I suddenly thought that this might be good, so I ordered it and sent it with the cake."

Huang An raised his chin:"Unpacking is good news."

Jing Liu swallowed his saliva:"Thank you."

She opened the gift box.

Inside was a miniature Luofu fairy boat.

Although it was not very vivid, it was more like a large ship that forcibly added a sense of technology than a fairy boat.

"Well, it's not very vivid, just bear with it."

Huang An nodded, and was actually quite satisfied.

After all, he didn't know what the fairy boat looked like.

"Thank you, Huang An."

Jing Liu looked at the shrunken fairy boat in her hand with some surprise, but then she seemed to realize something and put the fairy boat aside.

She stood up and said to Huang An:"Close your eyes first."


Huang An raised his eyebrows.

""Be obedient and close your eyes."

Jing Liu waved his hand and walked towards him:"Stretch out your hand."

Huang An closed his eyes and stretched out his uninjured hand.

He felt a little cold hand holding his wrist.

Then there was the sound of silk rubbing against each other.

His wrist was clamped by something.


Jingliu's voice sounded in her ears, and Huang An opened her eyes.

There was a bracelet made of blue ribbons on her wrist, which was delicate and elegant.

Huang An raised her wrist and looked at it.

This is one of the hairbands that Jingliu used to tie his hair.……

"You gave me two gifts, but I didn't prepare any gifts... I don't know what you like. This ribbon is made by Luofu's top tailor with the top fabric. I give it to you. I'll make up for your birthday gift."

To be honest, Jingliu didn't take Huang An's words seriously before.

In her opinion, this person didn't even have himself in his heart. Maybe it was just a joke because of the topic of friends at that time.

Even if it was a birthday, Jingliu didn't expect him to prepare a gift.

Birthday gift... Jingliu had a vague impression of this thing.

After all, the people around her didn't celebrate their birthdays.

Bai Heng didn't care about birthdays. Ying Xing and she didn't want to mention birthdays because of the past. Jing Yuan was still young and rarely celebrated his birthday with them, and Dan Feng was even more the same.

She didn't have such a habit... But today she received a birthday gift for the first time, and she received two.

Both gifts made her so happy


Huang An raised his head:"Thank you"

"Happy birthday, Huang An."

Jing Liu raised the corner of his mouth, turned around and walked back to his original seat.

Happy birthday.

Huang An was stunned for a few seconds, looked down at the bracelet on his wrist:"Well, thank you."

The corner of his mouth was about to disobey again.

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