The first birthday gift in his life.

Huang An touched the"little ears" on the bracelet and said softly:"Thank you, Jing Liu"

"I will cherish it"


Jing Liu smiled and nodded:"It's our common birthday, you and the little girl who picked up the garbage."

After saying this, she picked up the cup to drink tea, leaving only a pair of red eyes still staring at Huang An


Huang An touched his nose and said,"That's just talk, don't take it seriously."

"Oh, really?"

Jing Liu smiled and drank up the tea.

Huang An nodded and picked up the food with chopsticks.

The pain in his fingertips continued to flow out because of the pressure of the chopsticks.

But Huang An's face was still expressionless.

This kind of minor injury will heal by itself in time.

It doesn't matter.

He has experienced things that are a hundred times more painful than this.

Generally, it's just so-so.

Jing Liu expressed a high degree of approval for the cake.

Huang An didn't ask if Xianzhou had such a thing.

If not, then there would be no topic to talk about next. If the other party is psychologically sensitive, it is likely to affect the mood.

If there is but the other party has never eaten it, it will be even more This might even remind the other person of their unhappy past, further affecting their mood.

If there is, and the other person has eaten it before, then there is no way to extend the topic.

Does Xianzhou have cake?

Yes, but it's not as delicious as the one here.

Yeah, I see.


This is the most likely conversation to happen based on their personalities.

Huang An didn't intend to bet on any of the options.

The two of them ate the cake in small bites.

Jing Liu hesitated, but finally ate the piece of chocolate shell that looked like Xianzhou.

Huang An kept the hand with the bracelet on his leg, which seemed a bit awkward.

He was afraid of getting it dirty.

He explained it this way


On the way home after dinner, Huang An was still carrying the cake, and Jing Liu was still holding the fairy boat toy, looking left and right.

"There is another benefit of living here."

"What's the benefit?"

Jing Liu looked at Huang An.

"No one will recognize your identity."

Huang secretly said:"If there are people who play games, you would have been exposed long ago."

Few people who live here play games, and even if they do, they play the so-called masterpieces that cost money, such as 3A.

Because everyone has their own things to do, few people have time to play competitive games that require seriousness.

Moreover, few people who live here live alone. Most of them live with their families and are busy with family affairs.

These things drag down their spirits, and they certainly don’t have time to play games.

If they live in an ordinary community, or a place with a little more students, Jingliu will probably make the headlines tomorrow. Even if these people don’t think of the game characters crossing over, it will definitely be news like

"Super Jingliu cosplay appeared on the streets, the similarity is 99%, and it is a hundred times better looking than the original character?"

"We have been living together for almost two months. You should have realized that I am not a character in a game, right?"

Jing Liu looked at him and twitched his brows.

"So what do you think about that game?"

"Maybe someone on your planet has been to the Immortal Boat, and he made this game based on what he saw and heard in the Immortal Boat, or maybe it was a fun game for a star god with a bad taste when he was bored."

Jing Liu shook his head:"I can't figure it out, the considerations of the star god... I'm not even an envoy."

"Is Star God so idle?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows.

"Well... not really."

Jing Liu shook his head:"Star Gods have their own concept of destiny, they cannot escape from their destiny."

"If there is such a thing……"

Jing Liu couldn't help but think of the star god he had seen in the classics when he was in Zhu Ming.

A star god who could give insects power when he was in power.

It was inaccurately heard that Changle Tianjun gave the insect more destiny power than the envoy.

I don't know where such a nonsensical star god came from...

The phone vibrated, and Huang An took out the phone to unlock it.

【Phoenix Fate: The Great Wall.

Phoenix An: Star Sinking.

Phoenix Fate: Yeah, I heard about it. Although I didn't help much, I completed the mission very well.

Phoenix An: To be honest, I can't imagine why they want to find us. They don't intend to let us intervene in many things.

Phoenix Fate: It's normal. After all, we are not an organization in the open. Although I know you don't have much emotion, I still have to say, happy birthday, An.

Phoenix An: Thank you.

Phoenix Fate:?

Phoenix Fate:! Phoenix

Fate: You said thank you?

Phoenix An: Why is it this reaction? I said thank you to you many times, right?

Phoenix Fate: I just think it's strange. Normally, you should only reply me with one word.

Phoenix An: Yeah.

Phoenix Fate: Yes, it's this cold and ruthless word.

Phoenix Fate: What, finally realized that you are not human, so you decided to change yourself?

Phoenix An: No, after all, you are blessing me.

Phoenix Fate: How is the puppy?

Phoenix An: Not bad.

Phoenix Fate: Um... hehehehe.

Phoenix An: What are you laughing at?

Phoenix Fate: Nothing, I thought of something interesting.

Huang Ming: Anyway, happy birthday. 】

Huang An put the phone in his pocket.


He looked at the blue ribbon bracelet on his wrist again.

It was pretty.

There was almost no free talk between the two of them, and they basically ended with interjections like"oh" and"hmm".

But neither of them had the concept of embarrassment.

When they got home, Xiaobai had already fallen asleep, curled up in the cage.

Jing Liu walked in first, and Huang An walked behind and closed the door:"What else do you want to eat tonight?"

"there is none left……"

Jing Liu touched his flat stomach and said,"I ate too much."

"Well, I'll take a break first."

Huang An looked at his hands and walked into the house.

He had to put the Band-Aid on.

After all, he planned to take care of Xiaobai's affairs today to prevent him from getting infected again.

Huang An was confident in his own cleanliness, but he had no confidence in Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was still young and couldn't even hold his poop and pee now.

He had just put on the Band-Aid when the sound of Xiaobai's claws scratching the cage came from outside. He couldn't stay idle for a while...

Huang An opened the door helplessly and met Jingliu's eyes who had just walked out.

Jingliu looked at him and tilted his head:"Leave it to you?"


Huang An nodded, opened the top of the cage, and carefully checked whether the kid had defecated or peed in the cage.

Very good, no.

Be obedient.

Huang An picked up the kid upside down.

"your hands……"

Jingliu pointed at his finger wrapped in a Band-Aid and said,"What's wrong?"

"It's ok, just a scratch"

"Then I'll do it. It's inconvenient for you."

"It's okay."

Huang An shook his head:"I think I can take care of it."


Jingliu nodded.

Huang An carried Xiaobai to the toilet.

After sleeping for such a long time, he must want to poop and pee, right?

Huang An put Xiaobai on the floor of the toilet and pushed its butt:"Go to the toilet."

He turned around to get dog food for Xiaobai as a reward.

By the way, can a puppy be fed right after waking up?

It's better not to feed it...

But Xiaobai has formed some habits. He turned around and squatted on the edge of the squat toilet with his hind legs bent.

Huang An stood by and watched it.

He finally didn't have to worry about this little thing pooping here and there at home.

After Xiaobai finished pooping, he wagged his tail and looked at Huang An expectantly.

But today there was no reward it expected.

Because its biological mother was not there.

Huang An squatted down and patted Xiaobai on the head:"Great."

When he said"great", he used the same tone as"go to hell", and there was no compliment in his tone.

Xiaobai rubbed Huang An's palm.

On the other side, Huang An grabbed a few pieces of paper to wipe its butt.

So this is what Jingliu is usually responsible for...

Huang An threw the paper ball into the trash can and touched Xiaobai's head.

Xiaobai was of course happy for this master who suddenly became close to him. He looked at Jingliu standing behind Huang An, and his tongue wanted to fly up and lick both masters up and down thoroughly.

""Okay, get up."

Huang An finally patted Xiao Bai's head.

This little heartless kid was just enjoying Huang An's touch. Huang An patted it, and the little calf stood up and rushed towards Jing Liu.


Huang An raised her eyebrows and turned to look at Jing Liu behind her.

Jing Liu's smile was a little awkward, and Xiao Bai had already pounced on her instep.

"It's fat again."

Jingliu bent down and picked it up.

"I'm jealous of you"


"I spent more than ten minutes cleaning up, and this heartless little thing just jumped into your arms"


Jing Liu shook Xiao Bai in his arms, held it upside down, pinched its paws and waved at Huang An.

Huang An's face was still expressionless, but... a lot more lively than before.

"Sometimes I feel that you have changed a lot since coming here."

Huang An washed his hands carefully and said softly


Jingliu looked at Xiaobai in his arms and said,"This is not bad, right?"


Huang An nodded.

He picked up the face towel beside him, wiped his hands, and threw it into the trash can beside him.

Being too interesting is not a good thing.

But he didn't mind.

"You have no conscience."

Huang An nodded at Xiao Bai who was nestling in Jing Liu's arms and said,"You will clean your own ass from now on."

"Why bother with it?"

Jing Liu smiled.

"You are much more cheerful than when you first came.

Huang An glanced at her.

"Well, I've become more familiar with you."

Jingliu nodded:"If I leave those three guns behind, I think I'll be more familiar with you."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Huang An's speechless eyes sweeping over.

Jingliu chuckled:"Just a joke."

Huang An shrugged and ignored her.

Jingliu walked out holding Xiaobai.

The phone vibrated.

Continuous vibration.

This is an incoming call.

Huang An frowned, turned his head slightly, and met Jingliu's gaze.

"Another mission?"

"I don't know."

When the phone rang for the third time, Huang An picked up the phone and answered it.

"Great Wall"


Huang An glanced at Jing Liu and motioned her to go into the house first.

"Well, don't worry, nothing will happen this time."

Huang Ming's voice was full of smiles:"Let's have a meeting to discuss some things."


"old place"

"There are many old places."

Huang An frowned.

"Huang Yue then."

Huang Ming said.

Huang An was stunned for half a second, and his brows relaxed:"When?"

"Let's go now. We'll start when we all arrive."


Huang An hung up the phone and turned to look at Jing Liu:"There is no mission this time, go to the organization's base for a meeting"

"Be careful."

Jing Liu nodded.

Huang An didn't know why, but he gradually got used to reporting to the girl who told him to be careful before going out.


Huang An nodded.

He walked towards his room.

It was his habit to carry weapons when he went out.

The door closed and Huang An disappeared outside.


Huang Yue's cemetery is very remote, even on the edge of the city.

It is a little far from Huang An.

When Huang An arrived, the people there had already gathered.


Huang Ming sat in front of the tombstone and waved at him.

Everyone saw it.

The man with long black hair standing at the edge was Huang Yuan.

He nodded to Huang An:"Long time no see"

"Long time no see."

Huang An also nodded.

Huang Yuan glanced at him with some surprise.

Huang Cai is a well-proportioned young man who looks about 25 years old.

Of course, it's just an appearance. Huang Cai is already 34 years old.

He often calls himself an ageless male god, which does make sense.

Maybe it's because he takes good care of himself.

He wore a friendly smile on his face and waved to Huang An:"Long time no see"

"Long time no see."

Huang An nodded.


Huang Cai raised his eyebrows.

Huang Ming and Huang Yu looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.

Huang Ming patted the place next to him:"This."

Huang An walked over and stood there.

The dark abyss faced the man opposite.

Huang Zhan stood there with a smile on his face.

Huang Zhan's handsomeness was gentle, which was very different from his style of doing things.

The one next to him was Huang Xiao.

Huang Xiao's appearance was completely opposite to Huang Zhan's style, flamboyant and arrogant.

Huang An stared at Huang Zhan expressionlessly.

Huang Zhan whistled:"The bracelet is nice."

Everyone's eyes gathered.

Huang An looked down at the blue ribbon on his wrist.

Forgot about this matter. I never wear anything on my hands, and I thought it was covered.……

"This fabric is pretty good."

Huang Ming smiled and said,"Stop prying into other people's hobbies."


Huang Zhan waved his hand:"I'll listen to you."

"Oh, first of all, I have to announce that we have completed our tasks very well recently."

Huang Ming supported his chin and said,"Old White Bear gave us a lot of money."

"So what, boss? Wanna treat us to a meal?"

"Well... I'll think about it."

Huang Ming smiled at Huang Mei and said,"You made a lot of money last time, didn't you? This time, RD gave you a lot too."


Huang Mei responded in a good mood:"What about Huang Yuan, how is the mission?"

""It went smoothly."

Huang Yuan said calmly:"Compared to these, I want to know the purpose of this meeting."

"Well, the main purpose is to gather you together and see what you are like now."

Huang Ming smiled and said,"Then, let's discuss the future."

No one responded, and everyone looked at him.

"The recent mission has been generally smooth."

Huang Ming narrowed his eyes and said,"Here, Huang An, take a look."

Huang Ming handed over a piece of paper, and Huang An raised his hand to take it.

"This is the result of the person in charge's handling of the time when you were injured. Are you satisfied?"

Huang Ming looked at him.


Huang An put down the paper:"You can't do anything more extreme"

"If you are not satisfied, you can go even further."

Huang Ming crossed his hands and placed them on his legs:"How about it?"

"That's all."

Huang An folded the document and stuffed it into his inner pocket.

"Then, the next question is about RD."

Huang Ming narrowed his eyes and said,"The international situation has not been harmonious recently. As you all know,"


RD and I both agree that we should refuse any overseas missions in the near future.

"Raise your hands if you have any objections."

Huang Ming smiled and said,"We will make decisions democratically."

After a few seconds of silence, Huang Zhan raised his hand.

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