"Misunderstood, I have no other opinion."

Huang Zhan smiled and said,"Aren't we controlled by RD in this way?"

"Huang Zhan, you have to understand that we can sit here because the one above allowed us to exist."

Huang Ming shook his head:"We are not Superman, we will die if one person shoots us."

"All special organizations in all countries are because the country allows"

"This is Xia Country, not a small border country in the Middle East, not a country that can easily allow terrorist organizations to grow bigger and stronger and divide and fight."

Huang Ming said indifferently:"What we want is to survive, make money, and let the Huangtian organization continue, not to go against RD."

"Huang Zhan, grow some brains."

Huang Xi smiled strangely:"Don't always pretend to be cunning, you have to have some brains."

Huang Zhan's face changed, and he turned to look at Huang Xi.

Huang Zhan and Huang Xiao had never experienced the past like them.

Old brands like Huang An and Huang Ming, who had grown up in such an environment, didn't even have emotions, but had experience.

But Huang Zhan was different. He and Huang Xiao were both new members. The two were beaten up by Huang An. Although it did cause damage to Huang An, fundamentally speaking, if Huang Ming hadn't interrupted at that time, both Huang Zhan and Huang Xiao would have become corpses on the street. They do n't have such a strong ability to control emotions, but working with these people, they can pretend to be like that.

Huang Zhan He doesn't have that much brain, he's just learning to be like that.

Huang Xiao has brains, but it's hard for him to control his behavior.

So until now, Huang Zhan has been on a mission with Huang Xiao.

Huang Zhan's skills are really good. He can be considered outstanding in the Phoenix level.

Of course, there is still a little difference from the peak.

Huang Yu looked at the"peak" on the side.

Huang An stood aside without saying a word, with no expression on his face.

From the first day he met him, Huang Yu understood that this was a pure killer.

Huang Xi doesn't like Huang Zhan.

The reason is very simple, Huang Xi is a pure person.

He doesn't like those who pretend.

""Okay, okay."

Huang Zhan smiled, but he wasn't angry at all.

"Do you have any other opinions?"

Huang Ming raised his head with a smile and looked around:"If not, the others can disband. Huang Mei, Huang An, Huang Yu, and Huang Yuan will stay, and the others can go home and rest."

"Okay, let's disband!"

Huang Zhou stretched and turned to leave.

After everyone dispersed, Huang Mei smiled and said,"I was thinking of coming here with Huang An in a couple of days."

"You should stay away from others in the future."

Huang Ming looked at Huang Mei with a smile and said,"Keep your distance."

"Ah... why?"

Huang Mei blinked and asked in confusion.

"Just listen to what I say."

Huang Ming raised his hand and placed it on Huang Yu's shoulder, winking at Huang Mei.

Huang An looked at the bracelet on his wrist and said nothing.

"Oh, right."

Huang Yuan came over and said,"You have changed a lot."

Huang An said nothing, but stood there expressionlessly, looking at Huang Yue's tombstone.

"Ah An...you will meet someone who can change you."

Yes, I did.

Huang An stared at Huang Yue's tombstone.

The tombstone had already turned cold.

"Come on, the old rules."

Huang Ming stood up, took out a bottle of white wine and five small cups from behind the tombstone, and handed them out one by one:"Have a drink, go back and continue your life."

"Are we living a good life?"

Huang Yu chuckled,"Alive, alive, it's really good, I'm still alive."

"Just live."

Huang Mei shrugged and filled the small cup in her hand with white wine:"I haven't drunk white wine yet."

"How about having a drink first?"

Huang Ming raised his eyebrows.

"Ah An can't drink."

Huang Yu said helplessly.

"Just say one cup and it'll be fine."

Huang Ming chuckled.

"If he can't practice it, there's nothing I can do."

Huang An was somewhat helpless.

Alcohol tolerance is something that is innate.

He just can't practice it, there's nothing I can do.

"Do you want to drink?"

Huang Ming raised his eyebrows.

Huang An looked at the drink in the glass and gently closed his eyes.

"Who should I pay tribute to?"

""Cheers to Huang Yue."

Several of the oldest assassins in the Huangtian organization, even the leaders, gathered together to toast a traitor.

But no one said anything.

""Cheers to Huang Yue."

Huang An raised his glass and drank it first.

Okay, I'm excited.

Huang An narrowed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath.

He seemed to be a little... intolerant of alcohol?

Of course, Huang An was not allergic to alcohol.

He had a very poor alcohol tolerance because he almost never drank.

If he was just drunk, he would not have any adverse reactions. He drank a glass of wine, and toasted Huang Yue.

Then they went back to their own homes and continued their own lives.


Huang An frowned.

His mind was a little fuzzy.

Why did Huang Ming choose such a big cup...

Swipe the card, go upstairs, change shoes, open the door.

Well, at least he is still rational and sober.

Jing Liu was sitting on the sofa, holding Xiao Bai. When he saw him come back, he held Xiao Bai's paw and waved at him.

Huang An also waved

"Have you been drinking?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows:"Your face is red, how much did you drink?"

"One cup."

Huang An yawned:"A small cup."

He walked into the house and rubbed his head:"It shouldn't be……"

His poor alcohol tolerance may also be due to the fact that he often stays up late to carry out missions as a killer, and does not get enough rest. His liver is not in good condition, so his ability to metabolize alcohol is poor.

Their health is good, but not good either.

Due to work, they cannot be as healthy as the elderly shown on TV.

With injuries and staying up late, it would be strange if their health could be good.

And hearing, their hearing needs special training, otherwise they will become deaf if they are tortured by gunshots.

"A small cup of wine made him drink like this?"

Jingliu blinked.

She originally thought that her alcohol tolerance was not good.

She didn't expect that there were people in this world who could drink worse than her.

She touched her nose:"Well... go and have a rest?"

Huang An nodded and walked into the house.

Can a man's alcohol tolerance be so poor?

Jingliu looked at his back.

"If only I had the power of destiny."

Huang An's whisper reached Jing Liu's ears:"It wouldn't be like this."

""The power of destiny doesn't care about drunkenness."

Jingliu said somewhat helplessly, watching Huang An walk into the house, then turned to the kitchen, thinking about making a bowl of soup for Huang An.

She would still make sobering soup.

If you ask why, it's because... she doesn't drink much, so she always makes it for herself.

Huang An wasn't that drunk, but the feeling of his head being dizzy made him uncomfortable.

Maybe it's because he was usually too rational and sober, and he didn't like the dizzy feeling.

He closed his eyes.

When the door was knocked, Huang An opened his eyes:"Come in."

He sat up.

It seemed like he had slept for a while... Jingliu walked in with a bowl of soup in his hand:"Drink some soup, there is not much food at home."

A bowl of hot tomato soup.

Huang An blinked and raised his hand to take it.

Feeling the warmth of his palm, he came back to his senses and nodded to Jingliu:"Thank you"

"It's okay."

Jing Liu shook his head:"I've tasted it... it should taste okay."

Huang An took a sip.

There was more water and less salt.

In summary, it was very bland.

Of course,���It was his taste feedback.

Most people who can cook will analyze the problems of the dish when tasting it.

It can be regarded as a kind of self-correction.

Just like how to add some ingredients depends on the chef himself, the best way is for the chef to taste the taste first, so that he knows which ones can be added and which ones cannot be added.

Huang An still drank up the bland soup:"Thank you."

The first bowl of soup cooked by someone else for him.

The first time.

Huang An handed the empty bowl to Jing Liu:"It tastes good."

"That's good……"

Jing Liu seemed to be relieved.

Her hands were for fighting... She really had no confidence in these things.

Maybe it was because of the alcohol, Huang An observed Jing Liu.

Jing Liu's face was different from those icy faces.

She didn't like to laugh, and when she didn't laugh, she looked like she was angry.

Maybe it was because her beautiful eyebrows were always wrinkled.

When she smiled, it was a beautiful scene of spring flowers blooming.

When she didn't smile, people dared not approach her.

But in fact, if the eyebrows were relaxed, it should be a very gentle face.

Well, face.

Huang An lowered his head and smiled gently.

People don't lose consciousness when they drink.

Instead, they can be aware of what they are doing and what they say, but they will lose the ability to control themselves.

"You smiled?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

"Come here."

Huang An waved his hand.

Jing Liu moved closer.

"Come closer."

Jingliu moved closer

"Come closer, are you afraid of me?"

Huang An tilted her head.

Jing Liu raised the corner of his lips.

This drunk man was inexplicably a little... cute.

She moved closer.

A pair of big hands were raised, gently pinched her face, and pulled it to both sides.


Jing Liu felt a buzzing in her head, she took a few steps back, feeling the warmth at the base of her ears, she covered her face with one hand:"What are you doing!"


Huang An always had a blank expression even when he was drunk. He fell back on the bed:"You are so good-looking, why do you always frown? Aren't you afraid of getting wrinkles?"


Huang An, as the person involved, was silent after saying this.

He seemed to have fallen asleep.

Jingliu breathed a sigh of relief, put down his hands that were covering his face, and walked over to take a look.

Huang An closed his eyes, turned over and curled himself up into a small ball. There was a hint of tenderness between his brows, without the usual coldness that kept people at a distance.

Jingliu put the bowl on the bedside table beside her and stared at his sleeping face. She wanted to touch him for some reason.

Jingliu acted immediately. She stretched out her hand and poked Huang An's face. Unexpectedly, as soon as she touched it, Huang An's dark eyes suddenly opened.

The abyss without any light stared at her.

Jingliu's body froze.

But within a few seconds, the abyss was rarely stained with a trace of fatigue.

"What are you doing?……"

Huang An muttered and closed his eyes again.

Jing Liu smiled and stopped teasing him.

She picked up the bowl and turned to leave.

When she opened the door, she also picked up Xiao Bai and held her in one hand.

Jing Liu held Xiao Bai in one hand and held the bowl in the other.

Xiao Bai lay in her arms like a child, sticking out his tongue and enjoying it.


When Huang An opened his eyes, it was already late.

He rubbed his head and sat up from the bed.

He had completely recovered, and now he was a 100% excellent young man.

It was a rare good night's sleep without dreaming about those bad things in the past.

Huang An rubbed his face and picked up his mobile phone to take a look.

It was half past six in the evening.

The sound of news was ringing outside.

When Huang An walked out of the door, the warm lights were on outside. Jingliu was sitting on the sofa holding Xiaobai and watching the news.

Just like an old man.

That's right, this place itself is hundreds of years old.


The feeling of home.

Huang An was stunned for half a second, turned his head and looked at Jingliu.

"Wake up?"

Jingliu raised his eyebrows.

"Um, you finished your workout?"


Jingliu nodded and patted Xiaobai in his arms:"Xiaobai is tired, but he has indeed grown up and can keep up with my jogging speed."

Although he would fall down after running a few steps,

"Very good."

Huang An nodded:"I'll take a shower and come out to make something to eat... Are you hungry?"

Jing Liu shook his head honestly.

She even drank half a bowl of the soup.

"Then let's not do it."

Huang An stretched himself.

He wasn't that hungry.

It was his habit to keep his stomach slightly hungry.

Jing Liu nodded.


"A Liu……"

Jing Liu retreated panting, looking at the man who had almost turned into a beast in front of him:"Huang An! You……"

Suddenly, a pair of big hands pinched her face.

Jingliu suddenly opened her eyes and sat up from the bed, with her silver-white hair all messed up.

She sat on the bed in silence for a few seconds, and her face suddenly burned with a red blush like a flame.

Jingliu... Jingliu you are so shameless!

What kind of dream is this...

Jingliu fell back and lay on the bed, with his right hand on his forehead, looking at the roof.

The thick and overly blackout curtains blocked all the light, and the room was pitch black, and nothing could be seen clearly.



Jingliu you are so shameless...

Since she left Cangcheng, no one except Bai Heng has pinched her face.

The problem is that Huang An looked indifferent when he came out before.

Between men and women, skin touching, hands and face...

How can he be so indifferent!

Well, Lord Jianshou suppressed all the surprises of the day until the evening.



This is beyond her nearly a thousand years of knowledge about men and women...

Jingliu covered her face and felt the heat in her ears.

Indifferent, indifferent.

You are Luofu Sword Master, you have to be calm.

Jingliu... calm down, you see Huang An looks like nothing happened, you should be calm too.

But how can a man pinch a woman's face casually!

Jingliu pinched his cheeks.

How can he do this... it's too bullying...

Lord Sword Master is also a person who has no experience in knowledge about men and women.

Now she hasn't even stepped into the field called sex.

A pure novice in knowledge about men and women.

I don't know anything, and Huang An must be more familiar with this world than I am. Is it not good to care too much...

It's better... I should just pretend that nothing happened and see how Huang An behaves tomorrow.

Well... OK.

While Lord Jingliu was tossing and turning in bed and was restless because of a man, what was the instigator doing?

Huang An was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, recalling everything that happened today.

Everything went well, no problem, although it was his first time to celebrate a friend's birthday.

Well... except for the things he did after drinking and being unconscious.

Are you crazy, Huang An?

Huang An raised his hand to his forehead and sighed softly.

It would be a bit awkward to apologize for this matter, but Jing Liu didn't seem to care too much. Isn't it a bad idea for friends to care too much about these things?

Otherwise, I should just pretend that nothing happened... and see how Jing Liu behaves tomorrow morning?

Hmm... reasonable.

Huang An nodded and rubbed his brows.

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