The next morning when Jing Liu got up, Huang An had already prepared breakfast.

"Good morning."

Huang An nodded to Jing Liu.

Jing Liu looked at him and nodded:"Good morning."

It was as if nothing had happened between the two of them, but both of them understood what had happened.

Huang An always ate very quickly. He stood up after finishing his meal and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

As soon as Huang An got off the table and went to the kitchen, Jing Liu also stood up, holding the bowl and standing beside Huang An to wash it.

Washing dishes, clearing the table, practicing sword.

Jing Liu was completely different when he was a master.

No matter what was bothering him at ordinary times, when he was a master, Jing Liu was always serious and solemn.

"The waist and abdomen are not in the right position! I corrected it yesterday!"

"Being a Cloud……"

Jing Liu paused for a few seconds and said again:"Don't let your weapons drop out of your hands or lose your balance."

Huang An nodded and waved the sword in his hand.

Huang An had only been learning for a short time, but he had already mastered the most basic sword techniques.

Jing Liu nodded:"Remember these most basic skills, they will be enough for you to use here for the rest of your life. Your physical fitness is beyond ordinary people, and these skills are enough to keep you alive during the mission."


Huang An breathed a sigh of relief.

"In addition, even with the control of my destiny power, the Fragmented Sword is much heavier than an ordinary sword. You can control it freely when you wield an ordinary long sword. There is no problem.

Jing Liu nodded:"Ordinary long swords are relatively light, so……"

Jing Liu kept talking, and Huang An listened carefully, nodding from time to time in response.

She finally finished teaching and breathed a sigh of relief:"You are much more obedient than Jing Yuan."

"Jing Yuan?"

"Yes, my apprentice."

Jingliu nodded:"To some extent, he is your senior brother."

"Does he like to complain?"

"No, but he is not talented enough in swordsmanship.

Jing Liu shook his head and said,"In theory, if he lacks talent, he should make up for it with more effort, but he is still young.……"

"Can't stand high-intensity training?"

"Well, and he is very talented in other areas, he is more interested in those. Although he is practicing swordsmanship, he is not working too hard."

After getting up every morning, Jingliu swings the sword 20,000 times, runs around Luofu, and then comes back to swing the sword.

After lunch, he takes a 15-minute break, then swings the sword 30,000 times, runs around Luofu twice, comes back to practice swordsmanship skills and moves, and comprehends the sword more deeply.

After lunch in the afternoon, he takes a ten-minute break, listens to the news for ten minutes, swings the sword 30,000 times alone, practices swordsmanship moves, comprehends the sword meaning, and controls the flying sword to patrol around Luofu.

It is very difficult for a talented swordsman to control a flying sword.

Jingliu controls twelve flying swords, patrols back and forth around Luofu, and makes ten laps to cut off the weeds in the cave or the monsters that stray into it, until he can no longer hold on and the flying sword is forced back into his body.

Then he rests.

At night, he practices sword under the clear moon. Jingliu has no special plan for the time of practicing sword at night, just practices until the muscles are tired, and then goes to sleep.

This is her day.

In addition to swords, there are swords

"To be honest, I can understand him. After all, he has more interesting things to do. I shouldn't force him to practice swordsmanship, but his talent is really good compared to ordinary people."

Jingliu said, somewhat helplessly:"Sometimes I can feel that he is resentful of the heavy training, but war is not what he imagined. He can win battles again and again just by relying on his brain."

Especially when facing those Fengrao people who don't even have brains.

Jingyuan likes the Yunqi Army. He thinks he has talent, and he is even more so after being invited by Jingliu.

But he has never experienced a large-scale war.

He is still too far away from those. Such enemies cannot be defeated by relying on wisdom alone.

"We are called master and apprentice, but we are not really master and apprentice."

Jing Liu shook his head:"I would like to get closer to him, but I can't find a way."

"So you're a little worried?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows.

"Well, a little bit.

Jing Liu responded:"After all, I have never experienced the feeling of having a good relationship with my master, so I don't know how to get along with him."

"You might as well treat him as a friend."

Huang An touched his nose and said,"He can't be completely considered your apprentice, right? It's just because you taught him swordsmanship and were strict with him, so he usually calls you master. Don't you two get along normally?"


Jingliu nodded:"But it's been much better recently, maybe because we've become closer."

"So, there is no need to regard the relationship between you two as master and apprentice, just get along normally."


Jing Liu was somewhat helpless:"Let's talk about it when we can go back."

She couldn't even see any sign of going back now.

"You can go back."

Huang An nodded and comforted her:"You can suddenly travel here, maybe you can suddenly travel back someday."


Jingliu nodded, but he was obviously distracted.

"Are you worried about those friends?"


Jing Liu nodded honestly:"Ying Xing is a short-lived species, and Bai Heng's life span is not long... I am worried that when I go back……"

"Think positively."

Huang An's voice became lighter:"Now that we don't know how to go back, let's think positively."

"Maybe when you travel back in time, you will find that nothing happened."

Huang An stroked his chin:"It's strange to say, maybe I am the creation of your dream."


Jing Liu shook his head:"If it is, I won't be happy either."


Huang An tilted his head, revealing a puzzled expression.

Girls have really strange ideas.

He blinked.���:"Anyway, don't think about those things, don't you also want to practice sword?"

Jingliu will first teach him how to practice sword, and then practice sword himself.

"I'll give it to you after I clean it."

Huang An walked into the room with the sword.

Jing Liu looked at his back.

"It's interesting, maybe I'm also a creation of your dream."

If he is also a dream... if all this is a dream... my life here, everything I have seen and known in this world... are these all dreams? Jingliu felt a wet touch at her feet and lowered her head.

Xiaobai was licking her ankle.

Jingliu bent down and picked it up:"Is it a dream?……"

She murmured.

No way.

If it was a dream, how could it be so real.

Jingliu held Xiaobai, sat on the sofa, and patted Xiaobai's back.

Huang An came out quickly and handed her the Zhili Sword. Jingliu was thinking about something and didn't notice it, nor did he reach out to take it.

Seeing that she looked a little absent-minded, he put the Zhili Sword beside her, said nothing, and turned back to the house to take a shower.

Huang Mei said that when a girl is thinking about something, don't go over to disturb her, it's easy to get into trouble.

Taking off the short-sleeved shirt, Huang An opened the bathroom door.

The hideous scars on his body are still there.

The muscles are much more solid than before.

Maybe because of the sword practice, the lines on the arms are clearer.

Well, it seems that sword practice still has many benefits.

Huang An touched the corner of his eyes.

He slept well at night unexpectedly recently.

In the past, he basically had dreams every time he went to sleep.

I dreamed of the little girl in the first mission, dreamed of pulling the trigger on Huang Yue's head, dreamed of gaining the target's trust and then killing him with my own hands.

I haven't had these dreams recently.

If I were to say the only dream I had...

Huang An sighed.

Jing Liu's influence on me is not just in life.

After taking a shower, he took the washed clothes to the balcony to dry and looked at the warm sun outside the window.

It turns out that the sun will also shine on him.

Jing Liu has finished practicing sword and went downstairs for a run.

Her physical fitness is much better than Huang An, and she still has energy to run after practicing sword.


Well, Xiaobai is not here either.

Huang An looked at his mobile phone.

I guess her ID card will fall soon, right?

After thinking about it, Huang An picked up the key card from the table next to him.

He should go down and take a walk too. It's really boring to stay at home.

He put on his headphones and walked down the stairs.

Is this one of his pleasures?

Nineteen floors, he walked down step by step, slowly.

He occasionally listens to music and goes out for a walk like this, without a destination, wherever he goes.

With a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, he smoked two and then went home with the smell of sunshine.

He swiped his card and went out, heading for the beach.

The beach was very close, just a few dozen meters away.

It was quieter here.

Huang An leaned against the beach, looking at the seagulls lying comfortably on the sea.

They were floating on the sea in a leisurely and lazy manner.

"Handsome guy? Do you want to buy some sausage or bread to feed the seagulls?"

Huang An turned his head.

It was a middle-aged woman. She smiled kindly and came over. She held a large paper box in her arms. There were sausages and bread in it.


Huang An looked at the snow-white seagulls and said,"One each will be fine. Thank you.""

""Okay, fifteen yuan in total."

The price here is much higher than outside, mainly because the bread is big and can feed for a long time.

Huang An didn't care and picked up the phone to pay.

""Thank you for your patronage, kind little handsome man."

The woman smiled, turned around and left, heading for the next customer.

Huang An unpacked the sausage, broke it into small pieces and fed it to the seagulls.

He picked up a small piece and threw it into the sea.

Dozens of seagulls immediately flapped their wings and flew up, a magnificent scene.

Huang An broke off another small piece and threw it into the air.

A seagull flapped its big wings and flew down, biting off the sausage in one bite.

Seeing someone feeding, all the seagulls gathered around and circled over Huang An's head.

It was a huge crowd, very spectacular.

After feeding a stick of sausage , Huang An was very happy. Huang An felt that it was boring, so he took out the tissue he carried with him, wiped his hands, wrapped up the garbage and threw it into the trash can.

There was still a bag of bread left in his hand.

Otherwise... I'll trick Jing Liu into saying that this is a specialty at night and give it to her.

Huang An lit a cigarette, leaned on the railing, and exhaled a puff of thick smoke.

These seagulls are very smart, they won't eat cigarette butts and other things. As long as they see a cigarette lit, they will scatter like birds and beasts, return to the sea, and occasionally dive their heads into the sea to eat some small fish and shrimps.

""Huang An?"

A familiar voice came from her ear, and Huang An's body stiffened.

Jing Liu walked over with Xiao Bai.

Huang An turned to look at her, with smoke still flowing out of the corners of her mouth.

Jing Liu frowned:"Smoke less"

"Just one."

A girl came and he couldn't smoke this cigarette.

Huang An walked to the trash can beside him and put out the cigarette.

"Why did you bring it here again?"

Huang An looked at Xiao Bai, who was staring at the sea outside curiously.

It felt like this thing was about to run out again.

"I saw a group of big birds flying back and forth over there."

Jingliu pointed to the distance and said softly:"I saw you feeding the birds from a distance."

Huang An unplugged the headphones:"Do you want to try it?"

"Animals don't like me"

"Does Xiaobai not count?"

"It's a special case."

Jing Liu blinked and said,"Most animals don't like me very much."

It may be because she has too much murderous aura.

"With this, they will like it."

Huang An handed a large bag of bread to Jing Liu:"Here"

"This one?"

Jingliu took the bread, and Huang An took Xiaobai's leash from her.

"Tear it open, feed it."

Huang said indifferently:"Of course, I don't mind if you want to eat it yourself, but I don't know if Seagull minds."

"I won’t eat it by myself."

Jingliu tore open the bread bag.

When Huang An turned his head by chance, he saw Jingliu holding a whole piece of bread and about to throw it out. If this piece was thrown out, the shark would choke and dehydrate.

"Wait a minute……"

Huang An blocked her action and said,"Tear it into small pieces and feed it to"


���Liu lowered his head and obediently tore the bread into small pieces:"Throw it into the sea?"

"Just throw it into the sky, these birds have good eyesight."

Huang An said.

Jing Liu did as he was told and threw one of the small pieces into the sky.

The group of big birds immediately flew up from the sea and flew towards the piece of bread.

With its wings flapping, a seagull rose from below, got there first, and swallowed the piece of bread in one gulp under the gaze of the other birds.

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows and threw out another piece.

She still saw the scene of hundreds of birds circling just now, with seagulls flying around above her head.

Huang An lowered her head and teased Xiao Bai:"How was your exercise?"

Xiaobai stuck out his tongue, obviously very tired.

This kid has indeed grown up a lot.

His skeleton has grown a little, and he is no longer a complete little ball of fur like before.

Jingliu threw out another piece of bread and watched the flock of birds fighting for it overhead.

He lowered his head and saw Huang An squatting beside him teasing Xiaobai.

What an ordinary day.

But for the two of them, this was the most unusual experience.

Jingliu stared at a bird.

The bird could never get the bread, and it was always snatched away by other birds.

Jingliu threw a larger piece of bread to it, and the bird opened its mouth to grab it, but another bird behind it suddenly flew over and snatched it away.

""How stupid."

Jingliu muttered in a low voice, with the corners of her mouth raised, and she rolled up another piece of bread and threw it over.

This time it ate it, and cried twice in satisfaction, as if urging Jingliu to throw more.

Jingliu lowered her head.

There was not much left, only some crumbs.

She simply grabbed a handful and threw it into the sky.

The seagulls flew around in a disorderly manner, snatching large pieces of bread.

Of course, there were also many smart ones who flew into the sea to eat the dense crumbs.

Without food, the seagulls immediately dispersed and no longer paid attention to Jingliu


Jing Liu curled his lips and turned to look at Huang An who was touching Xiao Bai's head:"Let's go home."

Huang An raised his head, and the sunlight shone on his face.


Huang An responded and stood up.

"It's time to go home."

He patted Xiao Bai's head.

Go home.

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