"Oh, let's go buy something before going home."

Huang An held Xiao Bai's hand and turned to Jing Liu.

"What to buy?"

Jingliu blinked.


Huang An didn't answer, leaving the question in suspense.

Jing Liu followed Huang An forward in a daze.


"What's this?"


Huang An shrugged.

He saw that Jing Liu seemed to like eating cakes last time. This shop is very good.

"I'll give you a gift."

Huang An stood at the door and pointed at the cake stand:"Choose something you like."

"No... No, I can't do that. I'm not going to finish it.……"

Jing Liu waved his hands quickly.

The salary of Luofu Jian Shou was actually more than enough, mainly because this world did not accept Xundi.……

"Just consider it my treat."

Huang An glanced back at her and said,"Hurry up and choose, Master."

Jing Liu swallowed his saliva, but he couldn't resist the pursuit of delicious food. He went in, bent down and chose the smallest piece of chocolate cake.

Huang An also chose a piece:"By the way, Xiaobai can't eat it, don't be so spoiled."

"I know."

Jingliu nodded.

She had known about this.

Xiaobai was sticking out his tongue outside - Huang An finally tied it outside.

Although the cake shop didn't say it explicitly, people have to be sensible.

If dog hair gets into someone's bread, it will cause great losses to them.

"Go ahead, go out and look after Xiao Bai."

Huang An waved to Jing Liu, paid the bill, picked up two cakes and walked out

"By the way, why can’t Xiaobai eat it?"

"You ask Xiaobai."


Huang An lowered his head and looked at Xiaobai:"It shouldn't be greedy."


Xiaobai seemed to understand that this thing was not good for him, so he just sat there and looked at it with his tongue sticking out, and did not go forward to test it.

However, Jingliu and Huang An were worried that it would steal food, so they took turns to take a bath.

When Huang An came out, Jingliu had already opened the cake.

Huang An sat down, picked up a spoon and scooped a spoonful and put it aside, looking like he had no intention of continuing to eat.

"Not eating anymore?"


Huang An looked up at her and said,"Do you want to eat?""

"No, you eat it."

Jing Liu shook his head:"One is enough"

"Well, then……"

Huang An looked at the cake on the table. He suddenly wanted to try what it tasted like... but he found that his attempt was stupid.

Should he throw it away...

Huang An thought about it, raised his hand to cover the cake in front of him, picked it up, and walked to the kitchen.

"You want to throw it away?"

"I am considering"


"Consider whether to throw it away or freeze it."

Huang An looked at the cake in his hand and murmured softly.

"It's better not to waste it."

Jingliu said seriously

"That's right."

Huang An took the cake and walked into the storage room.

Jing Liu wiped the table clean, picked up the garbage and carried it, intending to throw it away directly.

What if Xiaobai licked the bag?

Jing Liu walked out with the garbage bag.

Just as she closed the door, the sound of the door opening was heard from the opposite side.

Jing Liu looked up and said,"Grandma Chen."

After more than two months of getting along, she and this old woman have become much more familiar with each other.

"Ah, Xiao Liu."

Chen Xiangmei smiled at Jing Liu.

This scene was a bit strange.

Jing Liu was almost a thousand years old, and he called this seventy-year-old woman grandma...

But Jing Liu was used to it.

"Are you going to buy groceries?"

Jingliu looked at the basket in Chen Xiangmei's hand.

"Well, my son came to see me today."

Chen Xiangmei smiled and said,"Cook something for him. Let's go buy some food together. I haven't seen you two buy food recently."

"No need, Grandma Chen, I'll go downstairs to throw away the garbage."

Jing Liu smiled and said,"Recently, Huang An goes out to buy vegetables in the morning, and there are some"

"Xiao An is such a real kid, he is busy with work and has to be away on business for a long time occasionally."

Chen Xiangmei walked into the elevator with a smile:"With you, I also have someone to take care of me."

"Well, I will take good care of him."

Jing Liu smiled.

"How far have you two progressed?"

Chen Xiangmei asked with a smile.


The roots of his ears were filled with warmth, and Jingliu waved his free hands in panic:"I...we didn't do anything……"

"Ah... OK, OK."

Chen Xiangmei is an experienced person, and she is far better than Jingliu in this aspect.

How could she not see that this girl is shy?

"Be good, young people should get along well……"

Chen Xiangmei thought, these two are good-tempered people.

Xiao An is also good-tempered, gentle and sensible.

He found a girlfriend, this child is also good-tempered, gentle and cute, but she doesn't like to smile.

On the 19th floor, Jing Liu walked all the way to the trash can and separated from Chen Xiangmei, only to get rid of her nagging


She breathed a sigh of relief and turned to go upstairs

"Young people, be well.……"

Thinking of Chen Xiangmei's words, Jingliu raised his hand and patted his hot cheeks.

Jingliu, have some shame.

What are you thinking about?

She turned and went upstairs


Jingliu's identity is rather special.

Although there are indeed many strange things in the world, the examination from above is also more stringent. It took two months or even longer for Jingliu's ID card to be issued.

During this period of time, Huang An's life can be said to be a straight line between two points.

Home and the training place.

His daily life is pretty much the same - practicing swords, running, exercising and walking the dog, chatting with Jingliu.

The two people haven't made much progress in understanding each other.

Yes, there is no mission.

It has been said that in peacetime, they don't have so many missions.

However, on the day when Jingliu's ID card was issued, the news from Huang Ming and the news from the police station were delivered at the same time.

Huang An took a look and felt a headache.

Huang Ming suddenly came to him, it must be because of the mission

""Let's go get the ID card."

Huang An waved to Jing Liu.

Jing Liu stood up and went into the house to change clothes.

She was wearing the casual clothes she bought last time.

The two opened the door and went to the police station to get their ID cards.

Huang An sat on a chair beside her as she watched Jing Liu get his ID card.

Jing Liu took the ID card, thanked him, and looked at it carefully.

Jing Liu.

Her birthday is July 11, the same day as Huang An.

This is the proof of her foothold in this world and her identity in this world.

Jing Liu.

She turned around and handed the ID card to Huang An.

Huang An raised her hand to take it and looked at it carefully:"Well, not bad, the photo is better than mine at the time."

Huang An had just finished her mission and ran here to take pictures and fill in the formalities without washing her hair or face.

"Let's go, this is your gift to gain a foothold in this world."

Huang An waved his hand and said,"Buy a mobile phone."

"cell phone……"

Jing Liu thought about the jade omen that had been lying in his destiny space for a long time and nodded.

The two walked towards the mall.


Huang An also asked Huang Luo in advance and asked Huang Luo to make some recommendations.

Jing Liu held the phone with a look of surprise.

"This is my gift to you. Congratulations, you have your own identity in this world."

Huang An looked at Jing Liu who put his phone and ID card together and said,"Also, don't put your phone and ID card together, it may demagnetize."


"It just can't be used in certain places, so keep them separate."

Huang An said.

Jing Liu's eyes were more solemn. She looked at the ID card and the mobile phone carefully, put the mobile phone away first, and stared at the ID card carefully.

It's amazing.

Now she also has an identity.

An identity recognized by this world, an identity that is considered a part of this world.

Jing Liu was also glad that the place she came to was almost the same as the customs and language habits of Xianzhou.


Jing Liu looked at Huang An.

Huang An was searching for the nearest business hall with her mobile phone, thinking about applying for a phone card for Jing Liu.

"Thank you, Huang An"

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't understand."

Huang An responded expressionlessly:"I found it... I'll get you a phone card."


Jing Liu didn't care, or she was used to Huang An's attitude.

Raising the corner of his mouth, Jing Liu looked at the ID card carefully, and the two walked towards the business hall.

Phone case, phone number, everything.

This time, he went out and completed everything.

"I wanted to treat you to a meal to celebrate."

Huang An waved his phone at Jing Liu and said,"But I have a mission here, so I'll put it on hold for now. Add me on WeChat later and I'll transfer the money to you. If you want to eat something, just order some takeout."


I have seen Huang An every day for more than a month. Suddenly, I know that he is going on a mission. Jing Liu is still a little uncomfortable:"Be careful."

"Don't worry."

Huang An nodded:"I have to go first."

This time, Huang Ming was very mysterious and asked him to meet.

Huang An looked at the mirror.���He nodded, turned around and walked out the door.

The door closed, Jing Liu lowered his head and rubbed Xiao Bai's belly.


Huang Ming gave him a somewhat remote location. Huang An took the bus and got off about a kilometer away from the target location, then walked there. After repeatedly confirming that there was no one following him, Huang An turned around and walked into a corner.

At the end of the corner was a small house left behind during the demolition, which was dilapidated.

It seemed that when they chose to exchange information, they liked to choose such an inconspicuous and shabby place.

Huang An knocked on the door eight times.

"Great Wall"

"Star Sink"

"Well, come in."

The door opened a little, and Huang Ming's face appeared, holding a gun in his hand.

Huang An walked in.

The door closed.

"Don't move."

The barrel of the gun was against his back, and Huang An felt the hand moving back and forth on his neck and collarbone several times.

"There is no human skin mask."

Huang An put down his hand and turned his head helplessly:"Fate"



"It's always better to be cautious."

Huang Ming handed the gun back to him.

Huang An raised his hand to take it:"Why is there no intelligence this time?"

"Private order, by the way, give me back the gun."

Huang Ming took the gun back from Huang An and said,"I'm used to it. I always hand you the gun after the inspection. This time, I won't use the gun or the knife."

"Then what to use?"


"what happened?"

"There is an underground black boxing ring here. The people who play here are all rich people who are looking for excitement, including young masters and young ladies."

Huang Ming handed a stack of documents to Huang An:"The employer is a rich man, and his son likes to seek excitement. In the end, he got caught."

"Died in the boxing ring?"

Huang An asked without even raising his head.


Huang Ming nodded.

Huang An was not surprised.

Most of the people in such places have some experience, have worked out, and trained themselves, but they are not professional, and do not have the qualifications and courage to show their boxing skills on the professional stage.

In addition, many people feel that the formal ring fights are not bloody and violent enough. What they pursue is the excitement of broken bones, the beauty of flying flesh and blood, and the madness of beating people to death on the stage.

It is a duel with no retreat, just like the Colosseum in ancient Rome.

For many spectators, it is the excitement of being able to shout others to their death in public, and the ability to show in front of the public that they can use money to add weight to other people's lives.

For some people, this is a place where they are willing to spend money and make money.

Some retired athletes, men and women, people who want to make money, people who want to vent.

This is the reason why the underground black boxing arena has developed to this day.

Of course, the scope of the underground black boxing arena is very wide, and all informal fighting matches are called black boxing.

But this one is more inclined to the black side.

"Outsider, no name, outsider should be his code name."

Huang Ming said:"He should be a martial artist, so far he has not lost, because he has not played a few games in total, but his ability is not bad."

"What is the goal?"

"Beat him to death in the boxing ring."

Huang Ming folded his arms:"There will be no documents this time, and no need to write any documents. I will be an observer, so there will be this meeting. Do you understand?""


"Oh, yes, of course, I have to tell you, although it is an underground black boxing ring, it is impossible to let others lose their ability to resist and be beaten to death one punch at a time, so you have to defeat the enemy with one move, or every move is fatal."

"What if the vitality is too strong?"

Huang An looked at the photo of the man and asked

"Are there still people with strong vitality under your command?"

Huang Ming glanced at him.

Huang An did not answer, but lowered his head and looked at the picture on the document.

This man looked short, with a square face and a narrow scar on his brow.

"The opponent should also have some strength, otherwise it would be impossible to kill him."

Huang Ming said:"Without background, the bowl is big and the pot is small,"


Huang An memorized the man's face in his mind:"No special requirements?"

"No, the employer took a lot of effort to contact us. Logically, such a task should not be done by you."

Huang Ming smiled and said,"But I thought that you have not moved for such a long time. What if your body parts are rusted? You see, am I very considerate?"


Huang An ignored him and returned the document to Huang Ming:"When?"


Huang Ming picked up his phone and looked at it:"It's time to get off work. We will go there in a while and take you to get familiar with it."

"Does the boxing ring know about this?"

"They don't need to know."

Huang Ming smiled and said,"You are just an ordinary boxer."


Huang An nodded.

Huang Ming would arrange everything. He knew


Some friends said it was too fast, let me explain.

First, Mirror Ryu only has a few friends, and the personality of this kind of person will change greatly with friends. It’s not about whether he is attracted or not, he will still be shy. As long as he is a little curious or fond of that person, girls who have never faced physical contact will feel shy about such things.

Mirror Ryu is almost a thousand years old.

But her knowledge in this area is still zero.

In addition, please change your mind. If I follow the normal writing method of the author here, more than 2,000 words per chapter, I should have almost 80 chapters now.

Because I guarantee 4,000 words per chapter, and there is one chapter with more than 10,000 words, and several chapters with 5,000 or 6,000 words. Maybe it’s because I have too many words in a single chapter? It’s normal. With fewer chapters, it will seem fast.

It’s understandable.

The chapter with more than 10,000 words contains my own settings for this article, not all analysis (laughs).

Well, let’s talk about the others after the summary at the end of the volume.

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