Ying Xing held the box containing his works and opened the door carefully. The moment he did so, two girls came up to him.


Bai Heng blinked. Jing

Liu's face was still expressionless. She crossed her arms and looked at the dark circles under Ying Xing's eyes:"You haven't had any rest recently?"

"I haven't had a break for two days...high intensity forging."

Ying Xing never concealed his situation. He smiled and showed the box in his hand to the two people:"But it will pay off in the end."

"Thanks for your hard work"

"Am I hallucinating? Why did I hear Dan Feng's voice?"

Ying Xing blinked.

""No hallucination."

Jing Liu said calmly, making way.

Dan Feng was sitting at the door.

Jing Yuan was sleeping soundly on his shoulder.

Dan Feng's face was expressionless, but he was obviously a little tired.


Ying Xing's heart trembled

"I've been waiting for you for two days, but you didn't even leave the house."

Bai Heng yawned,"Okay, don't stay here, let's go, deliver the things first... Do you have confidence?"

Bai Heng blinked.

"What if I say I don't have confidence?"

Ying Xing smiled.

A chill came from beside him.

"Then we will go and demolish the Gongzaosi."

Bai Heng also smiled:"There is no point in keeping the unjust people there."

The chill of the Sword Master beside him was almost impossible to ignore

"Goodbye, I still have confidence."

Ying Xing laughed twice:"Let's go, let's go."

With them around, he has confidence.

One hundred percent confidence.

Jing Liu is the sword master, with an unparalleled talent, Bai Heng's Xingcha technology is unmatched in Luofu, and his archery skills can also climb to a place, Dan Feng is the Dragon Lord, needless to say.

Jing Yuan's future is also very bright.

He has to become Baiye.

In order to catch up with them

"Let's go."

Ying Xing said with a smile


It seems that the immortals of Luofu are very idle.

Huang An looked at the dense crowd around him and said,"It seems that this Baiye Conference is quite popular."


Ha looked around curiously:"There are quite a few people."

Huang An stood in the crowd, looking at the craftsmen above.

"Everyone! All preparations for the Baiye Conference are ready, and the craftsmen are about to present their ultimate wisdom to you!"

The immortal species standing in front would never have thought that this would be the most grand Baiye Conference held by their Gongzao Division.

After all, there were two star gods watching.

Then Huang An saw her.

Jing Liu crossed his arms, with a cold expression on his face, standing at the front, leaning against a pillar beside him.

"Lord Swordsman is here too?"

"I heard that Master Jianshou's friends are also here.……"

The immortals beside him were discussing

"Hmm... Let Ah Ha guess, she is the one you are looking for, right?"

Ah Ha pointed at the mirror in the front.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because your eyes have been focused on her."

Aha folded his arms:"Well... there is a different power in her body, with the breath of a pharmacist."

Huang An frowned.


He remembered the article he had read before.

There seemed to be a grudge between Xianzhou and the pharmacist.

Oh... By the way, the immortality of the people in Xianzhou is due to the blessing of the pharmacist.

Huang An's eyes moved away from Jing Liu and looked at the


Ying Xing was scheduled to be the last to perform.

Normally, the main position should be a showcase of true talent.

But it was different for Ying Xing. These people just wanted to embarrass him.

"The next person to appear was the short-lived craftsman, Ying Xing."

The man smiled and stepped down, his voice much lower.

Huang An frowned.

Obviously isolated.

And... Ying Xing.

Huang An heard from

Jing Liu. It was the genius craftsman Jing Liu mentioned.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Ying Xing opened the box and took out a little lion made of parts.

The parts were even rusty.

"Hey... this part is not new, right?"

Ah Ha stroked his chin and smiled.


Huang An responded, squinting at Ying Xing above.

The craftsman who created the Fragmented Sword... Let me see how far you can go.

Ying Xing took a deep breath and hooked the little lion with his fingers.

The little lion moved.

The flexible movements were completely inconsistent with the rusty parts, and it was lifelike.

It was as if Ying Xing really brought a little lion from somewhere.

The little lion jumped off the table, and all the parts of its body trembled.

Huang An glanced at the person in charge under the stage.

His face was visibly ugly.

But at least he still had some self-esteem as a craftsman, and did not do some small things. Action.

Just like that, the little lion walked around the stage with a haughty manner and returned to Ying Xing.

That posture was just like the arrogant craftsman who created it.

Ying Xing stood still and bowed to the audience.

Applause broke out.

In fact, this little lion was not a particularly outstanding work, but it was indeed eye-catching in another style.

However, only those who knew the inside story knew the value of this little lion.

The man walked onto the stage and announced the result.

Ying Xing won the first place.

It was no surprise - for those who knew the inside story.

But it was different for the audience.

"Why? I think the fully automatic fake golden man is much better than the little lion."

"It's a shady deal... although the little lion is really good"

"This shouldn't be the case, my friends."

Aha grinned and clapped his hands:"Laugh for art." As soon as he said this, everyone around him laughed. They laughed and clapped, mixed with cheers.

Aha was happy.

Huang An glanced at this star god with a bad taste, turned his head to look in the direction of Jing Liu.

Jing Liu was no longer there.

When he turned back, he was gone...

Huang An looked and turned his head again.

Aha was gone too.

Okay, okay, you guys are playing like this, right?

Huang An sighed and didn't plan to look for Aha anymore.

Aha might have gone somewhere to have fun again, and who knows where he is doing mischief now.

Sure enough, Huang An had just taken two steps away from the crowd when he heard Aha's voice.

"Look, with this device, you catch fish from the sea and then release them, how troublesome is that?"

Huang An looked over and saw Ah Ha standing in the middle of a group of people talking loudly.

"A windmill can do the job, and the water will be released."

Aha got the windmill from nowhere, he stretched out his hand and turned it, and the windmill swung rapidly:"Look, the merits are infinite."

Good, good, living devil.

Huang An watched Ah Ha talking nonsense, and simply stood there with his arms folded, watching what the dignified Joyful Star God was doing.

He was watching Ah Ha talking freely, and watching the people around him being fooled by him, when he suddenly felt a wet and familiar touch on his leg.

Huang An turned his head.

When he saw the little fur ball beside his leg that he hadn't seen for a long time, he was stunned for a moment.

""Xiao Bai?"

Huang An squatted down and picked up Xiao Bai.

He would not make a mistake. The clothes Xiao Bai was wearing were bought by himself.


Xiaobai called out.

Huang An looked at Xiaobai and slid his fingers on its belly.

It looked like it had a good diet, and it was even fatter than before.

Jing Liu only said that he would take it to exercise to lose weight, but he was reluctant to do it.

Seeing its owner whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Xiaobai's tail was almost shaking.

In fact, it wasn't that long. Adding the time it took Huang An to form in the universe, it was less than a month at most.

"You should lose weight."

Huang An said indifferently:"And how dare you run out like this with so many people around?"

Xiao Bai shook his head and stretched out his tongue to lick Huang An's face.

Huang An raised his head to avoid

"Xiaobai? Xiaobai?"

Huang An heard Jing Liu's shout from here.

It was quite far away.

It was obvious that he was anxious.

"You should go back."

Huang An put Xiao Bai down and patted its butt.

He wanted to send Ah Ha away.

This guy might not do anything to Jing Liu if he was around.

Ah Ha was not safe - at least he did not trust Ah Ha.

Ah Ha's destiny was too broad. As long as he thought it was fun, he could do anything.

Even if it was to crush an ant.

Huang An raised his hand and tapped Xiao Bai's forehead. A golden aura covered Xiao Bai.

Under the coverage of this power, no one except Jing Liu could hold Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai would run towards Jing Liu under the guidance of this aura.

When this golden power touched Jing Liu, it would directly flow into her body and help her strengthen her physique.

Jing Liu was a hunting destiny...

Huang An planned to make her his first envoy, but it also depended on Jing Liu. will.

Let's talk about it when I see her.

Originally, I planned to give the breath attached to Xiaobai the ability to attack.

But Huang An was worried that Jingliu's friends would touch Xiaobai, so he gave up.

Xiaobai ran back almost uncontrollably.

Finally, he pulled Huang An's long hair that was dragging on the ground.

Huang An tilted his head.

This only added to the laughter of Aha behind him.

The dignified Chaos Star God had his head tilted by a puppy.

Huang An turned his head and glanced at him, and Aha smiled and waved his hand.

Aha was not afraid of him.

But what Aha pursued was not a hearty battle, but a balanced and long-lasting opponent and fun.

It is necessary to retreat when necessary, this is for more lasting fun, Aha knows this very well.

Huang An stood up:"When are you going to leave?"

"I don't have that plan for the time being."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"Does Hun Dun really want Ah Ha to leave?"

Huang An had a hunch that if he said he wanted to, Ah Ha would definitely take advantage of him... so he chose to keep silent.


Huang An wanted to go shopping again, but Aha stopped him.

"The hunting patrol is coming."

Ah Ha looked up at the sky with a smile:"Let's go and see him?"

When he didn't hear any response, Ah Ha turned around and found that Huang An had disappeared without knowing when.

""You're walking really fast."

Ah Ha curled his lips and disappeared on Luofu.

Far away from the immortal boat array,

Ah Ha stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the huge centaur not far away.

The huge centaur with a blue body stood in the starry sky. The whole body was covered with blue and purple light, and the lower part of the horse's body was a huge wheel.

Xun Lie Lan rarely stopped his steps. Even if he stood here, the terrifying starlight arrows still extended from the wheels behind him.

"Good morning, patrol?"

Ah Ha seemed to suddenly realize something and covered his mouth:"Oh sorry... It's noon now, good afternoon, patrol."

Huang An looked at the patrol.

Although he couldn't see where his eyes were, Huang An could still feel that the patrol's eyes stayed on him.


The violent blue aura burst out with dazzling light, carrying a terrifying murderous intent.

Huang An narrowed his eyes, and the golden aura poured out without reservation, colliding with the light.

The surrounding stars were crushed in an instant, making a piercing wail.

Ah Ha curled his lips.

These two are the type who will fight at the slightest disagreement.

"Don't be like this."

Ah Ha smiled and waved his hand.

The collision of the auras automatically dissipated.

"There should be more harmony among the Star Gods, and they should stop learning my brewing materials all the time."


A vast and majestic voice said:"What are you doing here in the fairy boat?"


Ah Ha smiled and said,"Do you even need to ask this?"


When the patrol said these words, he didn't even look at Aha.

"Find someone."

Huang An had no intention of confronting this Patrol Star God. It was somewhat unreasonable for him to have a conflict with someone on his territory.

Perhaps Huang An was too sincere, which was beyond the expectations of Patrol Star God.

Patrol Star God never hesitated and rarely stayed.

After getting the response he wanted, he turned around and left without any hesitation.

The stream of light brought by the terrifying speed instantly crushed the huge meteorite next to him.

Huang An estimated that in less than a second, Patrol Star God had disappeared from his sight.

"No sense of humor at all."

Ah Ha curled his lips and turned to look at Huang An:"Do you recognize Him?"


Huang said dimly.

"Well, now you've seen... The Hunt, The End, and The Void"


Huang An looked at him:"When have I ever seen nothingness?"

"The one you fought that day was him."

Aha snapped his fingers, and the stars around him changed and the space twisted.

When he came back to his senses, the two star gods were already standing on the land of Luofu.

"There is also harmony... destruction, abundance, balance, mystery, greed, preservation... and many more that you haven't seen yet."

Ah Ha counted on his fingers and said:"Although you were born a long time ago... this is the first time you have met these star gods, right?"


"So, chaos and nothingness should be very similar... Who knows if you two have ever observed this universe."

Huang An ignored Aha and turned to look at the street in front of him.

There seemed to be more people suddenly.


Jingliu propped up her chin and stared out the window in a daze.

Today was a celebration party to celebrate Ying Xing's victory.

She should be happier.

But the fact that Xiaobai ran away had always made her uneasy.

After that power flowed into her body...it strengthened her body.

And that breath was inexplicably familiar.

Why...where did that power come from?

Jingliu absentmindedly reached out and touched Xiaobai, who was lying on the stool next to him.


Bai Heng raised his glass and laughed.

Jing Liu retracted his gaze and raised his glass.

In that instant, her movements suddenly stopped.

As if she had just reacted, she suddenly looked out the window again.

In the distance, a man with long white hair was talking to a man with black hair, and they were gradually going away.

As she watched the familiar figure disappear in the crowd, everything in her ears dissipated with a buzzing sound.


The glass fell on the table before it was raised high enough.

The wine spilled out.

"Sorry! I'll be right back!"

Jingliu stood up and grabbed the window frame with one hand.

"Hey! Jing Liuliu!"

Just as Bai Heng raised his hand, Jing Liu had already jumped out of the window.

Four people were left bewildered... and a dog.

Jing Liu fell to the ground and shuttled through the crowd.

It was him...

Jing Liu would not make a mistake.

She had been watching that figure for almost a year.

Why was he in Luofu? When did he come to Luofu?

Why didn't he come to see... her?

With long white hair waving in the crowd, Jing Liu strode forward, pushing aside the crowd beside him.

She finally saw that familiar figure not far away.

""Huang An!"

She felt as if the shout had drained the oxygen from her lungs.

After she finished shouting, her body bent down by inertia.

Jing Liu raised his head in a hurry.

The white-haired man turned around and revealed the face she had been thinking about.

"Long time no see."

Huang An stared at her for a few seconds, then turned and walked over.

Jing Liu stood there, looking at the figure getting closer and closer, not knowing how to react.

What should she say?

Less than a month of separation should not be worth mentioning for the immortal species, but she suddenly lost her words.

Why don't you come to see me?

When did you come?

What about that world?

Why did your hair become so long?

Her mind was full of thoughts until Huang An walked in front of her.

"What? You shouted so loudly just now."

Huang An raised his eyebrows:"Now that someone is in front of you, you are stupid?"

Jing Liu stared at him blankly, and after a long time he raised his hand and touched the long hair on Huang An's shoulder.


Huang An looked at her hands and said,"It's time to cut it."

"It looks good like this, no need to cut it."

Jing Liu shook his head

"That...Mirror Stream"


"……The bracelet you gave me is broken, sorry."

Jing Liu was stunned for two seconds, then raised his mouth and smiled:"I'll buy you another one."

The two of them seemed to have never parted, without any estrangement.

The plain greetings were like daily life.


Huang An lowered his head to look at his wrist and raised the corner of his mouth.

This is his new life.

Huang An, you have to learn to smile more.

The atmosphere of reunion between the two was broken by the head that popped out from behind Huang An.

Aha popped his head out and looked at the two curiously.

Jing Liu looked at him, then at Huang An:"Who is this?……"

"Um... passers-by"

"That’s too much!"

Ah Ha looked at Huang An, his face full of shock:"Are you such a ruthless...human?"


Huang An nodded.

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