Jingliu looked back.

Huang An followed behind her.

And then...what should he do?

Jingliu blinked.

He just dragged Huang An over.

And that man named Ah Fa... this name sounds so casual.

He went out and brought back two men...

Jingliu rubbed his brows.

He could tell what the expressions on those men's faces would be.

Huang An looked at Jingliu's expression, turned around and waved to Ah Ha:"Go and have fun by yourself."

"Hmm? You don't plan to take Ah...Fa with you?"

Ah Ha blinked.

"Well, I don't plan to."

Huang An nodded honestly.

However, Ah Ha likes to have fun, but he is not blind.

He knows that there are some occasions where he can't find any fun and can't participate, so he didn't insist.

Ah Ha shrugged:"Okay, okay, you two can do whatever you want."

Before Jing Liu called him, Ah Ha had disappeared in the crowd.

"Let's go."

Huang An nodded to Jing Liu:"How about... you go back to eat first? We can talk after you finish eating?"


Jingliu interrupted him:"Just like that, let's go."

She walked into the restaurant with Huang An.

The proprietress saw that Lord Jianshou had gone out and brought a man back. She didn't react for a while and didn't even say a word.

Standing at the door of the room, listening to the voice inside, Jingliu swallowed and looked back at Huang An:"Um... do you need me to introduce you?"

"Of course it is necessary."

Huang An smiled:"What are you nervous about?"

Jing Liu was stunned for a few seconds.

How could he suddenly laugh, and laugh so naturally...

But, as expected.

This person is really a sight to behold when he laughs.

Jing Liu certainly didn't know that this was the result of Huang An and Aha being together for some time.

When Aha laughs, the people around him will laugh unconsciously.

Originally, the Star God should not be affected... But Huang An has human memories.

As for his own situation...

Huang An himself is a Chaos Star God, and has been for a long, long time.

Compared to a Star God, he should be more like a concept.

As for that Huang An, he is a projection of him on that planet, a... well, replaced by... In the novels about Blue Star, it should be called Tribulation.

Chaos's destiny is too broad and vague, so it does not come from the advancement or growth of any intelligent life, but from the gestation of the universe.

He is a limitation on the concept of destiny of the universe, a perfect but incomplete concept.

He drifted there and finally chose Blue Star as the place where he understood destiny and concepts.

As a place for the star gods to understand concepts and emotions, Blue Star has many limitations - for example, it cannot be perceived by other star gods, and no one can embark on the destiny.

But many changes have also taken place.

He understood a lot.

Just thinking about it, Jing Liu has already pushed open the door in front of him.

"Jingliu... hm?"

The greeting in the room stopped halfway, and Huang An felt four pairs of eyes on him.

"Good afternoon."

Huang An nodded.

"This is my friend."

Jing Liu turned around and gently poked Huang An's arm, and asked in a low voice:"Are you still using that code name as your name?"


Huang An lowered his head and stroked his chin.

He was no longer there, so he naturally would not use a code name as his name. Did he hate that abyss?

Did he hate his nominal parents?

To be honest, he had no right to hate that family, nor did he have any right to hate that abyss.

The abyss prevented him from seeing the light, but it was undeniable that the Huangtian organization prevented him from starving to death on the streets, and even allowed him to have a wealthy life that many people could not reach.

The abyss was his past.

But his light was in the future.

He had already seen that the future was bright.

A bright future.

He lowered his head, curled the corners of his mouth, and raised his head again

"My name is... Yuanming"


Bai Heng and Ying Xing's ice-breaking ability is extraordinary.

In just a moment, Ying Xing's arm was already on Huang An... Oh no, it was Yuanming's shoulder.

Yuanming looked at the wine glass in front of him, feeling quite emotional.

The Star God does have many advantages.

If it were in the past, a glass of wine would make him drunk.

But now he has no concept of drunkenness at all.

Ying Xing shook his arm drunkenly:"Just tell me! How was the little lion today!"

"Give me those broken materials! They are useless!"

Jing Yuan listened to him yelling with a smile. He was already drunk - oh no, strictly speaking, he was drunk when Yuan Ming walked into this room.

Jing Liu's head began to shake up and down - she was obviously a little drunk.

But Bai Heng.

This free-spirited fox man's alcohol tolerance is really extraordinary. She is still drinking, and her words are very clear.


Bai Heng coughed twice:"How did you and Jingliu know each other?"


Yuanming pondered for a moment and said:"It's because we have a good conversation, so we have a good relationship."

"Hmm... is that so?"

Bai Heng shook his head, and the fox ears on his head swayed.


Yuanming seemed to want to say something, but suddenly he felt a slight tug on his sleeve.

"Yuanming...Phoenix Darkness……"

He turned his head and looked at the girl beside him.

Jingliu's eyes were a little confused:"Why did you come to Luofu?"

The confused eyes and the expressionless face had an ascetic beauty.

But Yuanming obviously couldn't enjoy such a little bit of food.

He blinked:"You've drunk too much."

"Not drunk……"

"Drank too much"


"Good, you didn't drink too much."

Yuanming sighed and pushed Yingxing aside:"Send you home?"

Jingliu shook her head and reached for the wine glass, as if she wanted to drink more.

Yuanming took the wine glass away before her:"Don't drink anymore.���"

If he drinks any more, he might say something without restraint.

Jingliu stared at him angrily.

Such a little girl's attitude was rare in Jingliu.

Danfeng leaned against the window, also showing a little drunkenness.

Jingyuan lay on the table, having lost his mind a long time ago. Yingxing sat on the other side without knowing when, chatting with Bai Heng in a low voice and drinking.

Jingliu leaned on Yuanming's shoulder:"Why did you come here suddenly? Can't you say it?……"

"I wanted to see you, so I came."

Yuanming responded softly, not knowing whether Jingliu could hear him.

"You said at that time,"I know you very well..." Then I found out that I really don't know you at all."

Jingliu whispered softly,"I don't even know what you like."

"I don't really have anything I like."

"Then, I came back suddenly... You didn't tell me anything... I opened the quilt and saw Xiaobai came over, but you didn't come.……"

Jing Liu didn't give Yuan Ming a chance to interrupt, and just whispered,"You know how sad I was at that time... It's like... It's just like what you said! Everything is a dream.……"

She suddenly waved her hand and pinched Yuanming's face:"You don't understand... You don't know anything."

"I still understand……"

"You do not understand!"

"OK...I don't understand"

"Look, I told you you don't understand"


Yuanming broke free from her hand and rubbed his brow.

The drunk Jingliu gave Shen a headache.

He coaxed the girl beside his shoulder softly:"I'll take you home"

"Don't want to go back……"

"So are you going to wait here for the waiter to take you to the back kitchen to be disposed of with the leftovers?"

"I am a human being!"

Jing Liu seemed to be shouting, but his voice was very small:"Not leftovers!"

""Okay... okay."

Yuanming laughed twice.

Jingliu's voice gradually faded, and then she fell on Yuanming's shoulders.

"Mirror flow?"


Jingliu responded lazily and rubbed Yuanming's shoulder.

"I'll take you home."

Yuanming sighed, turned around and tried to pick up Jingliu.

But Jingliu slipped into his arms.

Yuanming looked down.

Inexplicably, he didn't want to move.

Or just let her lie like this.

Yuanming didn't care about the two people opposite him who had widened their eyes.

After a while, Yuanming picked up Jingliu and looked at Bai Heng and Ying Xing opposite him:"Come back to your senses."

Bai Heng blinked, looked at Jingliu in his arms, and then looked at Yuanming:"You two……"

"We two are very good friends."

Yuanming said softly, holding the soft body in his arms:"Please send her back."

Yuanming suppressed the thoughts in his mind.

What about carrying her home, under the influence of alcohol... reason finally took off the accelerator of desire.

He put Jingliu on the seat beside him and nodded to Bai Heng:"Thank you for your help."

"Ah... no trouble."

Bai Heng was stunned for a few seconds, rubbed his head which was a little dizzy due to drunkenness, and took out the jade sign:"Do you have any contact information with Jing Liu?"

She had drunk so much, but she could still sort out these questions clearly.


Yuanming shook his head.

"Then add mine first."

Bai Heng turned the jade sign to Yuanming:"Jingliu can also contact you"


Yuanming blinked and looked at the jade in Bai Heng's hand:"I don't have this thing yet.……"

"Passengers other than the Immortal Boat?"

Bai Heng tilted his head:"It's okay, Yuzhao can also add contact information for other calculation tools other than the Immortal Boat."


Yuanming was quite embarrassed.

The only thing he brought to the fairy boat was Ah Ha.

"But don't worry, I can find Jingliu."

Yuanming said,"I will go find her when she wakes up."

Bai Heng blinked, as if he wanted to say something else.

Yuanming shook his fingers lightly twice, Bai Heng's eyes changed, and he nodded foolishly,"Well... I know."

"Well, thank you for your help.

Yuanming said softly


Jingliu rubbed his head and slowly woke up. There was no one beside him.

Only Xiaobai was sleeping under the bed.

""Huang An?"

Jing Liu still habitually called his original name.

But no one responded.

Jing Liu suddenly became flustered.

He was clearly back, drinking with them at the table...

Did he dream again?

Impossible, why did the dream feel so real...

There was a knock on the door, Jing Liu got off the bed, rubbed his head again, and walked over to open the door.

The door opened, and the familiar face appeared again.

"Good morning."

Yuanming held a paper bag in his hand:"I brought you hot porridge and buns."

Seeing that Jingliu did not answer, he tilted his head:"You should be sober now, right?"

Jingliu was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly looked down.

Her clothes were all there.

It was just because she got out of bed in a hurry that she only wore socks on her feet, without slippers.

Oh, yes, she didn't have the habit of sleeping naked.

Jingliu looked at Yuanming again:"Huang An, you……"

"Are you drunk?"

Yuanming chuckled and said,"I have a name now."

"What's his name?"

Jingliu was stunned and couldn't remember his name no matter how hard he tried.



Jingliu blinked.

The abyss of the first half of life, the brightness of the second half.

She didn't know what was going on, but she seemed to suddenly understand the meaning of Yuanming's name.

"Are we two going to block the door forever?"

Yuanming sighed:"Won't you let me go in and sit for a while?"

"Ah... please come in."

Jingliu took a step back.

Yuanming walked in and looked around.

Jingliu's room was very simple and clean, with a table in the middle, five chairs, a kitchen in the back, and a bedroom on the right.

Yuanming knew that was the bedroom - Jingliu didn't close the door when he came out.

He put the breakfast on the table, turned back to look at Jingliu, and raised his eyebrows:"Put on your shoes."

Jingliu then ran into the house as if he had just woken up from a dream, put on his slippers and walked out.

Xiaobai hadn't woken up yet, and Jingliu didn't plan to call it.

"how do you���"Come here?"

Jing Liu was silent for a while, then asked

"Found it myself"

"So how did you get here?"

"I came here on my own."

Yuanming was always honest - but his honesty could not answer any of Jingliu's questions.

"Then...what about breakfast? How did you pay for it?"

Jingliu pointed at the breakfast on the table.


Yuanming spread out his hands, and the golden power gathered and gradually condensed into the slightly sharp shape of the Xundi.


Jingliu wanted to say that this was illegal, but what he said came out as:"How did you do this?"

"You eat first, I'll talk to you after dinner"

"How much dysprosium was spent?"

"Anyway, I didn't earn it, and I don't remember it."

"That won't work."

Jing Liu shook his head and said,"It will affect the circulation of Xundi. Tell me where the store is and I will pay them."

"This won't disappear, it's not an illusion."

Yuanming put the Xundi condensed in his hand on the table:"Take a look." Jingliu raised his eyebrows and reached out to pick it up.

It was hard and slightly cold.

This was Xundi...

If Jingliu hadn't seen the process of its formation, he might have really been fooled.


"Mirror Flow"


"There is something I don't want to hide from you."

"What's the matter?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a somewhat dazed look.

"It's a little hard to accept, but you have to accept it"

"Just tell me, I can accept it"

"That's right, I'm actually a star god." Yuan Ming said this as casually as if he had just drunk water in the morning.


The sound of the corner of the table being broken off.

Well, she really couldn't accept it.

"What did you say?"

Jing Liu seemed not to hear clearly and moved closer.

"……Like this."

Yuanming sighed, raised his hand, and stretched it out to Jingliu.

Jingliu blinked and dodged subconsciously, but finally let the somewhat cold finger point at his forehead.

The golden breath poured into Jingliu's eyebrows.

Jingliu opened his eyes again, and his surroundings had turned into a golden sea of stars.

In that distant sea of stars, only that pair of huge golden eyes were staring at her closely.

It was a soft and familiar sight, with a majestic golden light, dyeing the surrounding stars golden.

She felt a terrifying power injected into her body.

Her sight began to rise, and she began to gradually approach the pair of golden eyes.

This was a wonderful experience she had never had before. She was in the terrifying power, at a loss.


She heard Yuanming's voice:"It's over."

Jingliu blinked, and everything in front of her quickly disappeared, and almost instantly returned to its original appearance.

At the dinner table, she, and Huang... Yuanming

"This is……"

Jingliu lowered his head, feeling the terrifying power in his body.

He had snatched the sword head of the hunting destiny.

He wanted to ask her opinion.

But seeing her look, he couldn't help it...

Yuanming raised the corner of his mouth:"Do you believe it now?" Jingliu blinked and nodded blankly.

She still didn't react.

"Hmm... how should I put it."

Yuanming stretched out his hand:"You are my first envoy, and the first person to embark on the path of chaos... Yeah, that's right."

Yuanming felt it and indeed did not feel the connection between other beings and his own destiny. He nodded to Jingliu.


Jingliu widened his eyes


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