"So… you are a Star God?"


"Chaos Star God"


Yuanming nodded honestly.

Jingliu rubbed his brows.

Yuanming looked at her for a while, then he stood up, walked to Jingliu, raised his hand gently, and patted her on the head.

"What are you doing?"

Jing Liu covered his head and looked at Yuan Ming with a complicated look in his eyes.

The person he had lived with for almost a year suddenly turned into a star god. No one would be able to accept it.

"Don't mistake me for a Chaos Star God."

Yuanming squatted down:"I haven't changed... I'm still the same person who has lived with you for almost a year, now I just have a name... After coming to this world, I can't still use that code name as my name, right?"

Jingliu was silent for two seconds and didn't answer

"Moreover, I thought that if I gave you more of my strength, you would also have more power to defend yourself, which would not hinder your hunting career or your development in swordsmanship."

Yuanming said softly,"Don't be like this, okay?"


Jing Liu's voice was muffled:"It's just that I can't accept it all of a sudden. I have become your messenger all of a sudden.……"

"But other than that, there are no other changes."

Yuanming shook his head:"I don't feel any sense of belonging to this identity... You make me feel far away from you."

Just like Aha.

Aha can follow the rules, create a family, destroy, hunt, help others, and maintain the order of the universe.

As long as He feels fun.

This is the concept of a broad destiny.

Yuanming is the same, or rather, he has no restrictions at all.

So he is more like a concept, a concept that restricts the universe.

He and Aha are not single, so Aha would find him interesting, right?

Yuanming looked at Jingliu and his voice became lower:"You didn't bring the things you gave me."

Jingliu looked down at his wrist.

There was nothing on Yuanming's wrist.

This is Yuanming, it's Huang An.


He only knows you.

You are his only family in Xianzhou.

Jingliu took a deep breath, raised his hand and patted Yuanming on the head:"Let's go, I'll take you to buy something"

"buy what?"

"New bracelet."

Jingliu stood up and looked at Yuanming:"Let's go, Lord Star God?"

She raised the corners of her lips.

Yuanming chuckled and stood up, not intending to argue with her:"Then let's go."

Perhaps, there are still some barriers between the two of them.

People like them are cautious. When they are in a high position, they will not show the arrogance that they should have.

But when the person they have been getting along with suddenly rises from the ground, they will feel alienated, and timidity will distance the relationship.

Especially people like them who have no sense of security, most of them have some psychological deformities.

Including Jingliu.


Yuanming looked at the girl who put on her shoes and raised the corners of his mouth.

Such barriers will surely gradually dissipate as they get along.


【If there is any big news in Luofu today, it must be that Lord Swordsman is traveling with a handsome man.

The cold Lord Swordsman has never traveled with men other than his close friends.

Look, isn't this man here today?

Besides, that... handsome man has a face that can fascinate the world. Could it be that Lord Swordsman is also defeated by his beauty?

If people gather and surround him to watch the noise, they will surely be able to observe Lord Swordsman panic... Such a unique spectacle, right?

That would be really interesting.

——The above information comes from an unknown foreign tourist. 】

Bai Heng tore off the paper and said,"Jing Liuliu would travel with a man?"

"Hmm...it's hard to say."

Ying Xing stroked his chin:"Is it the man named Yuanming from yesterday?"


Bai Heng smiled and said,"How about... go and take a look?"

"I have no objection."

These two people are really free.

Bai Heng is just on vacation, and Ying Xing has a period of rest after competing for the position of Baiye.

At this time, Jing Yuan should be training in the art of formation swordsmanship, and Lord Dan Feng is probably still patrolling in Linyuan Realm.



"I'm a man... I used to have short hair"

"Stupid Star God."

Jing Liu was amused by her own words and tied the ribbon on her long white hair.

After that, she suddenly thought of a question:"How long can you stay in the Immortal Boat?"

"Why are you asking this suddenly?"


Jing Liu pinched the hair in his hand and whispered,"The nature of the world is different. Your world is centered around home. You work, live, and eventually you all have to go home."

"But now you are a star god, you need believers, you need... I can't even imagine what a star god will do."

"Well... I don't have any followers yet. Although you are my messenger, you can't be considered a believer, right?"

Yuanming stroked his chin and said,"I can stay here for a long time."


Jing Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, she seemed to remember something:"Oh, the person who paraded with you yesterday was……"

"Oh, him."

Yuanming tilted his head and said,"He is the one who sent you back, the Joyful Star God."

"Changle Tianjun?"

Jingliu's eyes widened.

"Well... that's what you call it."

Yuanming nodded.

"Then... where is he now?"

Jing Liu blinked.

"Who knows?"

Yuanming curled his lips and said,"It has nothing to do with me."

"But... that's Changle Tianjun……"

Jing Liu's voice suddenly became louder.

Changle Tianjun's judgment in the Xianzhou was the most complicated.

Although he was judged by Tianjun, in fact, Changle Tianjun's behavior was erratic and he would do anything for fun.

The Star God did not care about the death of mortals.

Although Changle Tianjun had not done anything bad to the Xianzhou Alliance so far...but the fate of this Star God was too broad and too strange.

Of course, we should treat him with courtesy.


Yuanming pondered for a moment, nodded, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

��Liu watched helplessly as the space beside Yuanming shattered and Aha flew out of it.


Ah Ha stood up from the ground and patted the dust off his body:"Interesting, very interesting... I flew directly over here"

"Look, Changle Tianjun is having a great time in the fairy boat."

Yuanming pointed at Aha and said to Jingliu,"You have seen it, so don't worry about him anymore."

"So it was just to confirm this?"

Ah Ha curled his lips and said,"Chaos, Ah Ha was originally meeting Ah Ha's followers."

"Does Chaos still have no believers?"


Yuanming responded expressionlessly.

It is indeed difficult to embark on a chaotic fate.

Jingliu stroked his chin and thought.

If Yuanming had not taken the initiative to look at the gift, it would have been difficult for others to embark on a chaotic fate.

After all, there is a joy blocking the way.

But isn't such a fate contradictory?


This fate does not seem to be contradictory no matter what it does. It can be order, destruction, or revenge.

Similarly - joy can be like this.

Then why don't the star gods devour each other...

Yuanming would not think so much.

He turned to look at Jingliu:"By the way... there is one more thing……"

"Hush, chaos."

Ah Ha's voice suddenly rang in Yuanming's mind:"You can't say everything, and you can't do everything."


Yuanming looked at Aha:"What do you mean?"

The two Star Gods did not communicate with their mouths, so Jingliu could not hear.

The Sword Master was still thinking about everything about Chaos' fate.

"The future needs to be created, it can be changed, but it still needs to be created."

Aha smiled and said in an obscure way:"Some things must happen, and some things must disappear, in order to create another adventure."

Yuanming didn't understand.

"Hundun doesn't need to understand for now, Ahha will tell Hundun when the time is right.

Ahha smiled and said,"Hundun only needs to know that this is the final word."

Yuanming blinked and turned to look at Jingliu.

"You just said... is there anything else?"

Jingliu blinked.

Yuanming frowned and shook his head gently:"Nothing... I plan to give you a gift"

"You have given me strength."

Jing Liu chuckled:"This is the best gift for me."

She likes this kind of life

"That's different."

Yuanming shook his head:"It doesn't cost me anything to let you become a envoy."

He turned to look at Ah Ha:"Lend me some Xundi."

Ah Ha was stunned.

Jing Liu was also stunned

"Why don't you borrow from me?……"

Jingliu reached out and tugged at Yuanming's sleeve

"He can't always borrow money from you. Maybe he has money from legal channels."

Yuanming turned to look at Ah Ha, not caring about his own face as a Chaos Star God:"Happy Star God, give me some gold coins."

Ah Ha:...

Okay, okay, I'm treating him as a joke.

But... this is really too funny, isn't it?

Ah Ha laughed.

Happy Star God was treated as a joke by other Star Gods.���However , if he went to borrow money from his followers...


"This is more interesting……"

Ah Ha's eyes flashed with intense excitement. He turned to Yuanming and nodded:"Hun Dun wait, Ah Ha will go borrow money."

This is really nothing?

The great God of Joy doesn't even have a Xun Di?

Yuanming raised his eyebrows, and before he could say anything to stop him, Ah Ha had already disappeared in front of him.


Jingliu curled his lips.

Why did he ask Ah Ha to borrow money instead of her?

She was richer than Ah Ha - at least in Luofu.

The premise was that Ah Ha did not use the power of the Star God to commit a foul.


Yuanming shook his finger at her and said,"We are family, so of course we should keep the money for ourselves."

"Ah Ha insisted on following me, so of course I would take advantage of him."

One of our own..."

Jing Liu swallowed and nodded,"I understand."

"See how much he can borrow."

Yuanming crossed his arms and smiled:"Scamming the money of the Joyful Star God is the first big thing I did in Luofu, right?"

Jingliu nodded.

Actually, it wasn't.

But no one knew.

The first big thing Yuanming did was to travel with the cold and indifferent Luofu Sword Master.


Jingliu touched Yuanming's pure white hair and asked softly,"Where do you live now?"

"I am a star god and I don't sleep at night."

Yuanming shook his head and said,"Walk around Luofu, or leave Luofu and look among the stars. Maybe you can meet your Emperor Gong Siming."

"Emperor Bow Siming?"

Jing Liu's attention was attracted by Yuanming's words, and her eyes lit up:"Have you seen Emperor Bow Siming?"

"Well, we chatted briefly.

Yuanming nodded.

"What did you talk about?"

"He asked me why I came to Luofu, and I said I was looking for someone.

Jingliu did not continue to ask him who he was looking for.

"Ying Xing's position as the Hundred Metallurgists will probably be announced soon... Then I'll take you to get to know them."

Jing Liu said softly.


Yuanming nodded.

As the two were talking, the space behind them twisted and Ah Ha's figure appeared again.

He was holding a bag and handed it to Yuanming:"Hundun, take it, this is the Xundi that Ah Ha gave you."


Yuanming raised his hand and took it:"Thank you, Aha"

""Hahahahaha... Thank you."

Ahha grinned and turned to look behind him:"Aha will be away for a while."

The believer was still somewhat reluctant when he gave him the money.

After all, Ahha did not reveal his identity as a star god, but only said that he was an envoy of joy.

If this turned a joy believer into a mourning actor... that would be very interesting.

And the interesting thing is not this.

It is that he turned into a mourning actor out of resentment, and finally found that he was still not free from the power of joy.

Ahha suddenly hoped that the man could become bigger, or even openly hostile to him.

Then Ahha would give him the power of joy... that would really be the greatest fun.

Ahha smiled, and without saying hello to Yuanming again, he disappeared directly.���Yuanming and Jingliu looked at each other, and he shook the purse in his hand:"Let's go, I'll give you a small gift."

He didn't get a bracelet, but he got a ribbon for tying hair.

He planned to buy a similar ribbon for Jingliu.

Jingliu looked very good with that ribbon.

Jingliu touched his long hair, chuckled, and nodded.


Ying Xing finally got the position of Baiye as he wished.

There was no need to notify them of these things. The five of them had a tacit understanding and gathered together automatically and consciously.

Yuanming looked at Jingliu who was struggling beside him and raised his eyebrows slightly:"What are you thinking about?"

"No... I just thought, I didn't help him at all, he was the sword master……"

Jingliu murmured in a low voice.

Yuanming patted her on the shoulder gently:"You gave him support. Besides, didn't you give him high-level materials before?"

"But he didn't use it……"

"It was not used, but you gave it to me."

Yuanming said seriously:"Not all help has to be in the right place to be useful."

"Are you still worried that Ying Xing will blame you?"

Jing Liu's fingers tightened slightly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, don't you know Yingxing yet?"

Yuanming said softly:"Let's go, didn't you say we were going to have dinner?"

Jingliu seldom showed such emotions.

Maybe it was because Yuanming was there.

She just thought that her position as the sword leader was useless.

She didn't get any benefit from the fight for her best friend.

Jingliu still went out with Yuanming.

It was still the place where they usually gathered.

Jingliu took a deep breath, looked back at Yuanming, and pushed open the door.

The atmosphere in the room was a little depressing.

Jingliu stood at the door and looked over there.

Bai Heng showed a helpless smile, and patted Yingxing who was covering his face beside him. Yingxing covered his face and leaned on the back of the chair, his shoulders twitching, as if he was crying

"What's wrong?"

Jingliu raised his eyebrows.

"The excitement after successfully winning Baiye."

Dan Feng answered her doubts, and then his eyes fell on Yuanming who was still standing outside the door.

Yuanming looked at Yingxing, stretched out his hand to pinch Jingliu's fingers:"Go celebrate with them."

Jingliu was stunned for a moment, and grabbed his sleeve with his backhand:"Where are you going?"

"This is your celebration party, Ying Xing must have a lot to say to you."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"I will be very constrained here, but you can't just say no. Go and celebrate with them."

"What about you?"

Jing Liu turned his head and looked at him, and asked in a low voice.

"I'll go around the neighborhood."

Yuanming smiled softly:"Wait until next time to introduce me to them, or wait until it's over and call me back."

He gently tapped Jingliu's head and turned to leave.

Oh, this was not out of any useless emotion.

It was simply because he felt that it was really inappropriate for him to participate in such a scene.

If he was more familiar with them, he might stay, but now he should leave the space to them.

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