Today is probably the happiest day for Ying Xing since he came to Luofu.

He is actually under a lot of pressure.

Although the top weapons such as the Fragmented Sword and the Jiyun Sword were all made by him, the position of Baiye represents the top of Luofu craftsmen.

Especially since he was deliberately made difficult and given such shabby materials.

Even for the most powerful craftsmen, it is normal to feel unsure about such shabby materials.

When he was holding those materials and looking at the arrogant faces of those people, he felt like the sky had fallen.

Why did he come to this point?

To comfort his parents and relatives who were regarded as flesh and blood nutrients, to prove to his master... why did he treat him like this?

"What a lousy Gongzaosi!"

When he came to his senses, several companions beside him had already blocked in front of him.

The girl with fox ears on her head was pulled, her face flushed with anger:"Yingxing's ability can win the position of Baiye anywhere! What's wrong with the short-born species! Stealing your family's food!"

The frost-like sword head had already drawn out the equally cold long sword and stood coldly aside.

The Dragon Lord blocked him behind him, and the terrifying aura unique to the Chiming suppressed him.

Until Yingxing was stimulated by the terrifying coldness and came back to his senses.


He still has these close friends.

Then what are you afraid of? Yingxing.

Short-born species, outsiders, will definitely be suppressed in such a competition.

These people are just using years to measure success.

He is determined to break it.

The more suppressed, the more achievements he must make.

This is a true craftsman.

"Xing' towards the light……"

"To fulfill your dream, Xiao Yingxing"

"Ying Xing, don't worry about it. Everyone has their own strengths or weaknesses, just like I am good at using swords, Dan Feng is Dragon Lord, everyone has his own path, and your talent will never stop here."

Dragon Lord, Sword Master, Nameless Guest, future general.

He must also...

Ying Xing took a step forward and looked directly at the man with timid eyes:"I participate and agree"

"But you will definitely regret your choice today."

The man was already timid because of the terrifying pressure from the Sword Master and Dragon Lord, and he took a half step back under the angry gaze of Ying Xing's stubborn and resolute eyes.


Ying Xing wiped her tears and looked at the people in front of her.

They were all here.

It was great.

"Why did he leave?"

"He said it was not appropriate for him to stay here."

Dan Feng and Jing Liu sat opposite each other, chatting casually.

"Oh, that's a bit too reserved."

Bai Heng leaned on the table and said,"Your friends are our friends."

"This is his idea, I can't interfere."

Jing Liu smiled helplessly and said,"Let's ask him to come up later."



"How should I call him?"

Jing Yuan blinked at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu was stunned.

How should Jing Yuan call Yuan Ming... This is a problem

"What are you talking about?"

Ying Xing leaned forward.

"We were talking about why some people's red eyes are so ugly."

Jing Yuan laughed twice.

"Jing Yuan!"

Ying Xing grabbed Jing Yuan's ears and rubbed them twice.

"Hey! Ying Xing!"

Jing Yuan hid to the side:"I'm not a child anymore!"


Jingliu and Danfeng laughed at the same time.

These two have witnessed Jingyuan's growth from a little boy to the big man he is now.

"I am now taller than Master and Dan Feng!"

Jing Yuan shamelessly put his hands on his waist.

"If you are not as tall as your master, then you will be ugly."

Ying Xing chuckled and patted Jing Yuan on the head:"But you are still not as tall as me."

"I can still grow……"

Jing Yuan curled his lips

""Okay, okay... you can still grow taller."

Ying Xing curled his lips at Jing Liu and said,"Your apprentice's ambition is to grow taller.""

"It's pretty good."

Jing Liu smiled softly.

"What do you mean by"that's it", that's just my current growth trend, okay."

Jing Yuan sneered


Ying Xing raised his glass:"I'm not a very eloquent person... I don't know how to express my gratitude, but I want to say that my achievements today are all due to your support and help... Really... Thank you very much.""

"You've gone off topic."

Bai Heng reached out and put his arm on Ying Xing's shoulder:"Congratulations Ying Xing for winning the position of Bai Ye!"

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them in mid-air.

Ying Xing drank it all in one gulp:"By the way, who were you talking about just now? Who was too reserved?"

"Ah, the man named Yuanming."

Bai Heng raised his eyebrows:"Do you remember him?"

"Yes, I remember."

Ying Xing nodded:"It seems that he doesn't like to talk... This is very similar to Jing Liu."

"I don't either……"

Jing Liu took a deep breath:"Forget it... I'll call him up."

Chaos Star God's messenger seemed to be different from other Star Gods. This was

Jing Liu's first time as a messenger, and she didn't know much.

Maybe it was because Yuanming gave her a different power?

She could vaguely sense Yuanming's location, and used fate to contact him.

"Where are you?"

Jingliu's eyes flashed with a golden light.

She saw the golden galaxy again and the golden figure.

"Are you done?"

Yuanming's voice rang out in every space, majestic and low.


"I'm coming.

Less than ten seconds after the call ended, there was a knock on the door.


Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows:"So soon……"

He jumped off the chair, turned around and opened the door.

Yuanming walked in and nodded to Jingyuan:"Hello"


Jing Yuan swallowed his saliva.

The man in front of him, who was about the same height as Ying Xing, gave him an inexplicable sense of terror and oppression.

���, I forgot what Yuanming looked like, so I am a little unfamiliar with him.

But Yuanming knows who he is.

"You are Jingyuan, right?"

Yuanming squinted and smiled softly:"Jingliu always mentioned you two"


Bai Heng raised his eyebrows, looked at Jing Liu opposite him, and blinked. The seemingly cold Sword Master cares about them so much in private?

Jing Liu covered his mouth and coughed twice, avoiding Bai Heng's sight, raised his hand and waved at Yuan Ming, and patted the seat next to him:"Here"

"That's right."

Yuanming nodded to Yingxing and said,"Congratulations, I saw your work, it's outstanding."


Ying Xing was not used to the compliments from strangers, scratched his head, and his shy look made Bai Heng's eyelids twitch.

Yuanming sat next to Jing Liu.

"I want a pot of tea."

Jingliu pushed the teapot in front of Yuanming.

"No, I can drink now."

Yuanming smiled.

He is a star god.

This silly girl.

A destiny traveler may get drunk - but a star god won't.

Yuanming picked up the wine glass:"My name is Yuanming. I always hear Jingliu mention you all. I have always wanted to find a chance to meet you all. Today I finally have the opportunity. I am very honored. I will drink first to show my respect." He picked up the wine glass and drank it all. Jingliu looked at him for a long time, but he didn't see any sign of drunkenness on his face. He breathed a sigh of relief and picked up the wine glass.

"You're just kidding."

Dan Feng smiled and said,"Thank you for becoming friends with Jing Liu."

Jing Liu: ?

"That makes sense."

Ying Xing nodded and raised his glass:"Thank you for your help."

Bai Heng also nodded:"Thank you for your help."

Jing Yuan...

He looked at his master's face, but still didn't dare to say anything, just raised his glass silently.

Jing Liu:

Is she a child?

Why is there a sense of déjà vu like a parent picking up a child from someone else's home?

Yuanming smiled:"Cheers"


The glasses clinked together, and the crystal clear wine rolled.

He drank it all in one gulp.

Then the strong liquor rolled in his throat.

"Yuanming, are you from Xianzhou?"

Bai Heng asked, supporting his chin and raising his eyebrows.

"Um... no"

"Ah, so... is that the immortal seed?"

"Well, I guess so."

Yuanming smiled and said,"Star Gods can also be considered immortal."

"Yes, indeed... huh?"

Bai Heng nodded, and then realized that something was wrong.

"What? What do you mean by immortality?"

"Star God."

Yuanming blinked:"Doesn't it count?"

He didn't have the same skills as Ah Ha, and he didn't think it was fun.

The Xianzhou Alliance strictly stipulated the rules for outsiders to enter, but never stipulated that Star Gods were not allowed to enter.

Besides, Star God is not an identity that is difficult to talk about.

Yuanming has always been honest.

Of course, there is a saying that goes, reveal three points and keep seven points for yourself, so-called innocent people are guilty of holding a treasure.

But he is a Chaos Star God, even if he holds a treasure, who can do anything to him?

Moreover, the most important thing is that the people in front of him probably won't alienate him because he is a Star God.

After all, they dare to conquer even Star Gods.

Hiding it It will be exposed one day.

The patrolman, who has no emotional intelligence, will definitely not help him hide it. If Jingliu and the others really encounter any danger, he will definitely take action.

So he just said it directly.

Feeling the eyes of several people falling on her, Jingliu lowered her head and pinched the hem of her skirt with her slender white fingers.

She didn't know what to say.

It should be said that until Yuanming revealed his true identity, she was thinking about whether to tell them Yuanming's identity.

If she said it directly, it felt like there would be a lot of troublesome questioning.

But if she didn't say it, it would be like she was hiding something from her friends.

She didn't want to keep it secret from them.

"Then...then you two……"

"Well... I noticed her."

Yuanming stroked his chin, thought for a while, and gave an explanation that was not reasonable, but the most acceptable to people:"She is my first messenger."

""Ling Shi!"

Bai Heng's eyes widened:"Jing Liu! Ling Shi!"


Jingliu scratched his nose:"That's what happened."

The hunting kid returned to Chaos.

Lord Jianshou felt a little guilty.

Yingxing raised his eyebrows:"Did you come to Xianzhou because of Jingliu?"

"Yes, that's right."

Yuanming nodded and said,"I want to meet you guys, too. What kind of people are you?""


Bai Heng and the others took several minutes to accept this fact.

During this period, they went through a lot of inquiries.

After all, they also had to consider Luofu's safety.

However, they also knew that for the Star God, their worries were completely unnecessary. If the Star God took action personally, the Immortal Boat Alliance would have no chance of survival.

Even if Emperor Gong Siming took action, there would definitely be immortal boats that would be destroyed.

Because Emperor Gong Siming realized that the war here would also take time. Those who could sit here were people who thought clearly, so soon no one cared about these things.

Especially-they were not afraid of death.

Then there was no need to care about the issue of whether the Star God was a Star God or not.

Although there was still a little bit of restraint, it was only limited to Yuanming.

Jingliu glanced at Yuanming next to him, leaned over, and whispered:"I thought it would be difficult for them to accept it."

"You're overthinking it."

Yuanming whispered,"After all, since they can be friends with your old self, they shouldn't be afraid of Star Gods or anything like that."


Jing Liu's brows twitched:"In your eyes, becoming friends with me is as difficult as contacting a star god?"

"Then let me ask you, do you find it difficult to be friends with me?"

"I think... it's okay?"

Jingliu's voice was a little lower.

Yuanming chuckled:"Then my answer is also, it's okay?"

Jingliu lowered his head and chuckled


Well, as expected, this is the result again.

Yuanming sighed.

He is the only one at this table who will not get drunk... God.

Bai Heng is still drinking, Ying Xing is already drunk.

Dan Feng didn't stop today, lying on the table and muttering something.

Jing Yuan had already passed out, he had the worst alcohol tolerance.

Who has the second worst alcohol tolerance?

Yuanming turned to look at the girl next to him.

Jing Liu raised his head and took the last sip of wine, looking at Bai Heng who finally fell across from him, he took a deep breath:"Win!"

Yuanming didn't laugh at her strange drinking game, but just offered his shoulder.

Jing Liu came over.

There was wine on the table, she didn't want to get wine all over her face - this was her only remaining thinking ability.

So she chose to pour it to a place that made her feel at ease.

Yuanming caught her:"Can the envoy drink more?"

Without the power of destiny to dilute the alcohol, the envoy could indeed drink more.

The ice-blue hair at the end fell into his fingers, and Yuanming rubbed it gently.

Jingliu murmured something quietly, and Yuanming moved his head closer.


Hearing this, he turned his head back.

He was not interested in prying into other people's privacy or past - unless she wanted to tell him.

But Jingliu soon stopped mumbling - she fell asleep.

Yuanming sighed.

These five future geniuses of Luofu... are they going to sleep in this restaurant after getting drunk?

Yuanming raised his hand, and a golden breath rose and poured into everyone's eyebrows.

He was only responsible for sending people home.

Yuanming waved his hand, and those people stood up from their chairs without even opening their eyes, turned around and walked out of the house woodenly.

Yuanming picked up Jingliu, and the girl in his arms curled up in his arms like a kitten.

Feeling the soft and smooth skin, Yuanming looked out the window.

The moon was just right.

According to normal male logic, he should hold Jingliu in his arms and blow the evening breeze on the street. Even if the girl didn't wake up, he could enjoy this short moment.

But Yuanming didn't.

It only took him two seconds to put Jingliu on her own bed.

Thinking that it was rude, Yuanming took off Jingliu's boots and put them aside.

The little feet wrapped in white socks trembled twice, as if feeling the coolness, and shrank into the quilt.


Yuanming looked down.

The dog food in the food bowl had been eaten, and Xiaobai curled up and slept soundly.

Yuanming sighed, hesitated for a few seconds, reached out to untie the ribbon tied on Jingliu's hair, and took off the square headdress with a gap.

Logically speaking, Jingliu would wake up if someone approached him like this while he was asleep.

But Yuanming is not a human - the star god can still do this.

After tidying up his snow-white and soft overly long hair, Yuanming swallowed his saliva.

The restless little feet slipped out of the quilt again at some point and did not move.

The nearly perfect arch curve then disappeared into the quilt again.

Yuanming closed his eyes and finally gave up the idea of reaching out to help her take off her socks.

After covering her with the quilt, Yuanming took a look.

Jingliu's sleeping face was quiet and gentle, not as cold as usual.

"Good night, Jingliu.

Yuanming smiled and turned to leave.

The door slowly closed, embracing the sweet dream of Master Jianshou.

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