Even when drunk, Jing Liu still got up on time.

She rubbed her eyes, which were a little sore from the hangover and lack of sleep, and looked around.

Strange... In her last consciousness, she was still in the tavern.

She seemed to have fallen on Yuanming.

She just felt tasteless.

She pushed open the door.

"Good morning."

The scent of tea wafted through Jingliu's eyes, and he saw Yuanming sitting in the living room, drinking tea with his head down.

"Well... morning."

Jingliu went to the bathroom to wash up.

Of course, even without washing up, her mouth and teeth were still clean.

But this was her habit. Getting up early without washing up... there was always an inexplicable psychological barrier.

When she washed up and went out, Yuanming took a cup and handed it to her:"Drink this first"

"What's this?"

"Honey water.

Yuanming said softly:"It nourishes the stomach, otherwise I will have no appetite in the morning."

"Um...thank you."

Jingliu nodded and took it.

"What is today's schedule?"

Yuanming propped up his chin:"Master Swordsman?"

"Don't call me Sword Master……"

Jingliu coughed twice and drank the honey water.

Feeling the warmth flowing into her stomach, she whispered:"Teaching Jingyuan's sword training, watching the Yunqi Army's sword training, and my own sword training... do you still want to train?"

In short, this day is inseparable from swords and training.

However, it is precisely because of this that she can become the sword master.

Yuanming raised the corner of his mouth:"I'm taking a day off today. I have something to go out for."

"Well... okay."

Jingliu nodded:"Then will you come back?"

"Of course I have to come back."

Yuanming nodded and said,"I'll bring you some delicious food from somewhere else in the evening."


Jing Liu raised his lips and stood up:"Then I'm going out."

"Well, be careful."

Yuanming nodded, Jingliu put on his shoes, turned around and went out.

The house was empty, but his heart was no longer as empty as before.

Because this is home, she will come back.

Yuanming chuckled.

He wanted to go find Zhongmo and find the pharmacist at the same time.

Yesterday, he was going to try to eliminate the negative power of the pharmacist in Jingliu - that is, to leave only Changsheng and delete Moyin.

But he was stopped by Aha.

Aha's words made him very concerned.

He wanted to find Zhongmo to ask for clarification.

Yuanming stood up and disappeared on the spot


The stars are cold.

The King of the End is walking in the universe, and Yuanming can't find him for a moment.

They are both star gods with broad destiny, and the ability of the End to hide his tracks is no worse than his.

But Yuanming can still find him.

The golden breath spreads like the sun's rays.

The End has just passed by a star in the universe.

Yuanming appeared behind him.

The End ignored him, still muttering obscure words.

It's not like the classical Chinese that doesn't understand the meaning, but those words about the future or the past are difficult to understand.

Yuanming frowned and moved closer.

"Beloberg...Star Core……"

The last king murmured, and walked forward quickly.

The last king's murmur was not like those of the riddlers, which were one paragraph at a time.

He never stopped talking.

"Star Core Hunter...Exploration……"

"Immortal Boat...Devil Yin……"

Yuanming gradually realized that he was wasting his time.

Because people like Jingliu probably wouldn't be in the eyes of Zhongmo.

To put it bluntly, they didn't even have the power to change the future in Zhongmo's eyes.

And the future predicted by Zhongmo was probably about the entire universe, not accurate to an individual.

Yuanming curled his lips.

"Final destruction……"

"Until then... any help……"

The End was still whispering, but his body was gradually moving away.

Yuanming looked at his back, turned around and walked on the stars.

He was going to find the pharmacist.

If all this deviated from the prophecy of the End, then let the End come to him.

At worst, he would correct the future results from other aspects.

But he would definitely eliminate the hidden dangers of the evil spirit of Jingliu.

Five people like that should not have ended up like that.

Yuanming strode away.

With his own strength, he could probably eliminate the negative power of the pharmacist, but he didn't know if it would cause any harm to Jingliu.

The star gods have their own abilities, which has nothing to do with whether their fate is broad or not.

He can save people, but he doesn't have the ability of Fengzao, that's it.

But there is one thing in common, he and the pharmacist can both make people immortal.

But he is also different from the pharmacist - he can at most promote ordinary people to the level of Lingshi, and make people immortal if there is no other star god in that person's body with the blessing of life, which is the great power of the star god.

The pharmacist is different. She doesn't care what kind of blessings from the star gods you have. As long as you pray to her, the pharmacist will take action directly.

According to Ah Ha, destroying Nanook can also save people, but the methods of saving people are different.

After coming out of his war furnace, whether it is a human or a ghost, they will become antimatter legions-in a way, it can also be regarded as saving people.

This is normal. If powerful star gods can do what the pharmacist does, then what is the use of the pharmacist?

Moreover, Yuanming himself is not a star god who mainly helps life.

We are all star gods, and no matter how narrow our fate is, it is enough for life other than star gods.

Most of the immortal species in the fairy boat are considered to be over-fused.

The hatred for the rich evil creatures made them embark on a hunting fate, but they have rich power in their bodies.

Yuanming looked forward.

The golden-haired six-armed star god was sitting above the stars, his eyes seemed to be squinting, and under the warm and soft face, a body with countless eyes was sitting upright.

Until those countless eyes turned to him

【[Abundance] Pharmacist.

Although the Pharmacist would not kill, she still exuded a terrifying sense of oppression when she sat there.


The soft voice reached Yuanming's ears, and the pharmacist suddenly moved.

The golden light in Yuanming's eyes bloomed, and the terrifying power instantly shattered the surrounding stars.

The pharmacist seemed to not care at all, and swam over lightly, holding Yuanming's cheeks with both arms and kissed him on the face.


The terrifying golden aura exploded, and the golden branches spreading around the pharmacist were crushed in an instant.

The pharmacist retreated to his original position.

Yuanming took a half step back, looked at the pharmacist in front of him, and narrowed his eyes:"What's the meaning of this?"

"This is my kindness."

The pharmacist seemed to be smiling, and countless eyes all over his body were shaking, and finally he looked at Yuanming:"Hundun, why are you here?"

"Clear the negative power of abundance."

A trace of disappointment flashed across the eyes of the pharmacist.

After a while, she raised her head again:"I think you are talking about the people of the immortal boat under the protection of the hunting patrol."


Yuanming responded expressionlessly.

"That is not my negative power."

The pharmacist shook his head:"The human body itself cannot bear the power of the star god. That is the limitation of the immortal boat. They want to live forever, but in the end they have such consequences."

Yuanming looked at the pharmacist.

The pharmacist may be lost.

The help she gave has never received any rewards, but only endless hunting.

Or, she has gained followers who go against her will.

But the pharmacist will not be angry, and will not punish - because this is the limitation of her destiny.

The pharmacist has no way to solve such so-called side effects.

So that's it.……

��Ming stroked his chin.

In other words, the Xianzhou people themselves are not suitable for immortality - or, they are not suitable for using the power of the pharmacist to obtain immortality.

He shook his head:"Forget it."

Although it is a bit troublesome, he can do it.

He turned around and disappeared in the starry sky.

The pharmacist looked at his back and turned around again.

The next second, she seemed to feel something, and her figure disappeared above the stars.

【[Let all feelings be rewarded]

It seems like a murmur, like a whisper.

The stars wander and disappear, without showing sadness and suffering


Yuanming returned to the Immortal Boat.

The speed of time in the Immortal Boat and the universe is the same, but there is no such thing as day and night in the universe.

But there is in the Immortal Boat.

Yuanming left the Immortal Boat in the morning and it was already afternoon when he came back.

Don't ask, the answer is that he spent all his time looking for the end and listening to the end. He also slowed down his pace to find the pharmacist because he was thinking about something.

Jingliu was not at home, but Xiaobai greeted him happily.

Yuanming put the snacks he bought from other caves in Luofu on the table, squatted down, and patted Xiaobai on the head.



Yuanming was not surprised.

Ah Ha could naturally feel where Yuanming was.


Yuanming turned around.

"Ah Ha feels the power of the pharmacist."

Ah Ha came over with a smile and said,"It's on the fairy boat.……"

Yuanming did not respond.

Ah Ha stood still at the gate, looking at the golden divine power surging under his feet, and chuckled:"Chaos's territorial awareness is too strong."

Yuanming stood up and said:"So���Why are you looking for me again?"

"Because Ah Ha felt that Chaos was looking for the end.

Ah Ha smiled and said,"Chaos wants to eliminate the power of abundance?"

Yuan Ming glanced at him.

"You can't do it."

Ah Ha shook his head:"The life span of the immortal species of the Xianzhou people is there. If you really want to deal with the threat of Mo Yin, you need to remove all the abundant power from them. You know what will happen then."

Ah Ha chuckled:"A few hundred years, enough for a person to be reduced to ashes, right?"

"What do other people have to do with me?"

Yuanming stood up and said,"It's still okay to send an envoy."

"Oh... that's right."

Ah Ha grinned and said,"That little girl is your messenger, right?"

"Well, it was not long ago."

Yuanming said softly

"But this is contrary to the future, the very far future."

Aha smiled, seemingly not caring at all about the horrible future that the End said.

"You and I both have the ability to correct the future, Aha."

Yuanming only left Aha with these words, and then walked away.

"Don't hinder me"


Ah Ha smiled and turned to look at Yuanming's back.

There really is an incredible star god.

"Interesting...so interesting"


Jingliu originally wanted to go home and eat after training.





The Cloud Cavalrymen waved their swords in response to Jing Liu's shout.

After the training, the Cloud Cavalrymen gathered together and looked at Jing Liu, who was at the front.

"The sword is about finding opportunities, finding the enemy's Qi weakness, and seeking to defeat the enemy with one blow!"

Jingliu stood on the highest platform with his hands behind his back, looking at the Cloud Cavalry below, and said loudly:"The enemy will not seek to fight with you! We are on the battlefield! We are not competing with the enemy to see whose weapon is harder!"


Jing Yuan's voice was the most prominent.

Yuanming was sitting on the rooftop in the distance, watching the training of the Cloud Cavalry below.

Until Jing Yuan found him.

Yuanming did not deliberately hide his figure, and it was easy for Jing Yuan to spot the abrupt figure from that position.

The main reason was that the rooftops of the Luofu residential area were generally too clean, and the sudden appearance of something was very abrupt and very eye-catching - especially for Jing Yuanyuan, who had already been trained and became lazy.

His attention was being dispersed, and he saw Yuanming sitting at the top at a glance.

Jing Yuan looked at the master who was lecturing in front of him with a cold face, and finally did not dare to wave and say hello to Yuanming from such a distance, but just winked to indicate that he saw him.

Yuanming waved to him.

Jing Yuan smiled.

"Jing Yuan, what are you making faces for?"

A cold voice came out of his master's mouth. Jing Yuan swallowed and stood up straighter:"Nothing!"

"After the disbandment, I stayed alone and swung my sword 5,000 times."

"" Yes!"

The answer was straightforward, but Jing Yuanyuan felt bitter.

Yuanming could of course hear what happened here. He smiled apologetically at Jing Yuan and leaned back.

���They were expressionless at all times, and the Cloud Cavalry were used to it.

They were not like Jing Yuan who had undergone high-intensity training, and the heavy training consumed a lot of their energy. No one paid attention to whether there was anyone on the roof in the distance.

"Disband, train on your own."

Jingliu sighed, turned to look at Jingyuan, hooked his finger, and a long sword quickly flew into Jingyuan's hand.

"You have to concentrate during training and lectures."

Jingliu stood beside Jingyuan, counting the number of times he swung his sword, and said,"If Teng Xiao was here today, you would have swung more than 5,000 times."

The Luofu Cloud Cavalry were all standing there, and he was not concentrating in public. As the disciple of Jian Shou and the future hope of the Cloud Cavalry Army, if Teng Xiao was here, punishing him to swing his sword 20,000 times would be considered a good mood for Teng Xiao.

Jingliu was already blatantly protecting his child.

With the intensity of their training, and Jingyuan being a destiny walker who had been training since childhood, 5,000 was nothing.

Jingyuan also knew that his master was protecting him, so he didn't have any emotions.

And even if he had emotions, he wouldn't have said them to Jingliu.

In the final analysis, it was because he didn't concentrate.

Could he blame a star god?

Jingyuan waved his sword:"Got it! Master!" Jingliu folded his arms and leaned aside:"What is your record in sparring with Yingxing now?"


Jing Yuan took a deep breath:"Thirteen wins and four losses"


Jingliu nodded:"Yingxing is also making progress, right?"

"Compared to the past, it has improved a lot."

Jing Yuan nodded and whispered,"But I am also improving."

"I know."

Jingliu nodded.


Jingliu turned around.

The handsome man came from behind, with his hands behind his back, looking at Jingyuan:"Why, I heard that little Jingyuan was punished?"


Jing Liu glanced at Teng Xiao and nodded:"Swing the sword 30,000 times, and it will be over soon."

"Hey... so strict."

Teng Xiao chuckled:"There is something that I need you to come to Taibusi for a while."

Jing Liu nodded:"Okay."

"Speaking of Jingliu."

Teng Xiao didn't seem to be planning to leave:"I heard that you have made some progress in your relationship recently? It was said that you went shopping with a boy?"

Jingliu's ears warmed:"Who told you that?"

"Well... this news has already spread like wildfire in Luofu, and it's not Ying Xing and Dan Feng."

Teng Xiao smiled and said,"Is this true?"


Jing Liu's ears were hot, but his face remained expressionless.

So-called, the expression management of the sword master

"Well, it's good."

Teng Xiao just wanted to tease this iceberg sword master, and didn't plan to ask more questions. He shrugged and turned around:"Taibusi is waiting for you. By the way, remember to call Danfeng and Baiheng."


Jing Liu watched Teng Xiao leave, turned around and waved at Jing Yuan:"Let's go"

""Okay! Thank you, Master!"

Jing Yuanyuan was overjoyed and turned around and left the training ground as if running for his life.


The ratings are out... When they are out, they will be between six and seven points.

Under normal circumstances.

Please give more reviews,���Thank you for your support.

The higher the rating, the greater the publicity, which is directly linked to my income.

After the other book is finished, this one will also be updated.

Please be merciful.



In addition, the friend with Japanese in his name, who left a comment in Chapter 11, I deleted your comment.

I don’t mean anything else. I don’t support that couple either. I’m just worried that it will cause a fight. What you said is a bit too radical.

Arguing in the comment section can easily lead to other problems, and even involve this book, so I deleted it.

Douyin, the couples who support it are basically all five-featured.

Otherwise, it would be called the eldest brother who doesn’t laugh at the second brother together with Weibo.

That white moonlight filter… can that also be considered a white moonlight filter?

Everyone in Yunshang Wuxiao only had a good impression of Bai Heng, especially Jingliu.

The remaining four people were either hunting each other or hating each other. Only

Bai Heng died before all the conflicts began-this is why I said that her death was one of the fuses for the disbandment of Yunshang Wuxiao.

Note that it is one of them.

In the hearts of each of them, only Bai Heng is still the same as before, without turning against each other or going his own way without caring about his best friends.

I think the most important reason is that when Jingliu was said to be Diandaoge's white moonlight, and then this misunderstanding was resolved, people who were used to the original god mode said that Jingliu and the protagonist had no intersection.

Those people said, she is just a cold sister, must she have any intersection with men? Sperm on your brain, get out of here.

Such words, coupled with a sweating soybean, will be recognized by many people.

Then now such a PV has been released, and then there is such an inexplicable CP.

It has a bit of a forced taste, and the most important thing is that they vetoed it too much before, not allowing Jingliu to be a CP with any male character.

Then you see.

The eating is too ugly, and the face is too ugly.

In fact, sometimes, they are the only ones who vilify them.

But there is no need to scold them like that, you just don't brush it.

Just choose not to be interested, and it's over.

Everyone has their own likes or dislikes. The audience of Mijia games is generally young, and they use their own ideas to assimilate the normal thinking mode of the people around them that belongs to that age.

There is no need to curse.

It doesn't make you look much better than them.

I have made it very clear in Chapter 11.

More importantly, don't argue in this book. It will have a big impact and will easily affect the book.

Then you will get angry and start to scold again.

It's not necessary to play a game. I don't like it, but I don't like it. This is my opinion.

That's it, be rational.

Many people will feel uncomfortable watching what you said.

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