"Bai Heng... over there."

Ying Xing, who had no idea that there were four... two curious kids behind him, was still foolishly leading Bai Heng through the streets to the small pavilion in front.

Under the pavilion was a spreading sea of clouds.

This was also the name of the wine pot Ying Xing made.

Ying Xing hesitated for a long time, and finally took out the wine pot in Bai Heng's puzzled eyes:"This... is for you"

"For me?"

Bai Heng looked at the exquisite wine pot, and raised the corner of his mouth:"So exquisite?"

"Well, I... this material is very good. When you are... uh... traveling in the star sea, you can use it to store wine. Although it doesn't look small on the surface, it actually has a built-in space.……"

"So that's it……"

Bai Heng looked the wine jug up and down. After a moment, she turned to Ying Xing and smiled brightly:"Ying Xing! Thank you!"

"Um...you're welcome.……"

Ying Xing coughed twice:"Sister Bai Heng"


Bai Heng raised her eyebrows:"What an old name."

The last time Ying Xing called her Sister Bai Heng was when they first met in Luofu.���At that time ,

Ying Xing, Jing Liu and Dan Feng didn't get along well. Seeing Bai Heng was like seeing an old friend, and he was so surprised that he called her sister.


"Come walk with me again."

Ying Xing smiled gently.

Bai Heng was silent for a few seconds. She looked into Ying Xing's eyes, then lowered her head to look at the wine jug in her hand.


She smiled cheerfully.

As usual


"So, did you see any results?"

"I didn't see it."

Jing Liu shook his head.

It was difficult to pry into Bai Heng's mind.

This kind of person who is always laughing and joking, when she doesn't want to talk, others generally don't want to know what's on her mind.

"I think Bai Heng didn't agree so readily.

Yuanming looked at the direction the two left, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"……Who knows."

Maybe Bai Heng doesn't have that kind of feeling towards Yingxing.

"Let's go, let's go back."

Jingliu shook her head and held Yuanming's hand.

She herself didn't really like to pry into other people's private affairs, but following Yingxing and Baiheng here was an exception... Mainly because she was curious about the progress of these two people.

The most important thing was that Yingxing complained endlessly.

Just leave it to fate, Yingxing.

Jingliu turned her head and pecked Yuanming on the lips:"Buy something to eat at home"


"Let's buy some more vegetarian stew."

Yuanming doesn't eat much meat, Jingliu always remembers


Yuanming smiled with his eyebrows curved.


Drinking alone under the moon is always romantic


The glasses clinked together.

"To be honest... I never thought that I would have a lover before."

Jing Liu smiled embarrassedly:"I never thought that I would drink with my lover under the moon."

"To be honest, I haven't thought about it."

"Hahahaha... Come to think of it, I still remember those three shots when we first met."

"I was wrong"

"……There's no need to be so straightforward."


Yuanming laughed twice.

"I just want to take it out to remember those days, the days that belonged only to the two of us."

Jing Liu gently held Yuan Ming's palm and said,"When we first met, did I not leave a good impression on you?"

"Then I want to ask, did I leave a good impression on you when we first met?"

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows.

"Although that weapon can't kill me, do you think anyone would have a good impression of someone who wants to kill them?"

"The same thing happened to me, and you were the first to do it."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"Miss Jianshou, it's the same for both of us."


Jingliu stroked the fur of Xiaobai next to him and said:"When I think about it occasionally, I still feel that it is a little unreal."

"How can it not be real?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows and filled the wine glass in front of Jingliu.

"It's just... suddenly I have all this, and I also have Xiaobai."

Jingliu looked down at Xiaobai, who was fighting with the beef and eating it happily.

"You will get used to it.

Yuanming stretched out his hand to support his face and said,"Master Jianshou's adaptability is too poor."

"Yes, Master Star God."

Jingliu and Yuanming joked and looked up at the sky:"What an unforgettable experience!……"

"There will be many unforgettable experiences in the future."

Yuanming picked up a piece of chili and put it in his mouth to chew:"A Liu, don't you like chili?"

"Well... I don't dislike anything, but I don't really like the taste of vegetarian stew."

Jing Liu touched his nose and said,"You can eat it. I bought it mainly for you.""

"Oh... it's so sad. Now I'm relying on my wife to support me."

"What did you call me?"

"My wife, what’s wrong?"

Yuanming supported his chin and smiled evilly:"Or do you prefer me to call you my wife?"


Jing Liu coughed twice and blushed:"As you like"

"I like my wife."

Yuanming chuckled:"But I feel it's too pretentious. After all, I was a rough man before and didn't have much literary skills... Calling her my wife sounds good, or I'll just call her that."

"I've already said it's up to you."

Jing Liu blinked his eyes and said,"To be honest, this is something I've never thought of before."

"If you had thought about this before, it would have been a bit too far-fetched.

Yuanming chuckled.

"No, this name is closer than A-liu."

Jingliu smiled.

"Indeed, I might as well call it like this from now on."

Jingliu did not answer.

She used her destiny power to eliminate the alcohol.

She couldn't get drunk tonight.

She had a premonition that

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming shook the empty wine pot:"There is no more wine."

"Then go to sleep."

Jingliu stretched and waved his hand.

The wine pot and the plate on the table were frozen together, and then shattered together and turned into dust in the air.

It was really convenient.

Yuanming chuckled.

The two walked into the house.


If you ask about the night, it must be colorful.

Some people walk around the streets with their loved ones, hesitating to express their feelings, and can't even speak clearly under the smiling gaze of their loved ones.

Some people lean against statues at night to drink and chat with close friends.

Some people sleep with their loved ones.

While their lips and tongues blended, some warm hands penetrated through the gap in their clothes and covered her back.

Jingliu's heartbeat skipped a beat for no reason.

She closed her eyes.

The other hand gently placed on her button.

""Can I?"

She heard his slightly nervous question.

Jing Liu could hear the nervousness of his own star god.

She chuckled and used her lips and tongue to stop him from continuing to struggle. Her cold little hand covered the big hand, helping him to open the barrier.

The veil was removed, and the faint coolness was swallowed up by the amazing heat in an instant.

He felt every inch of her body.

The other little hand might not be able to cater to him honestly.

Yuanming took a deep breath.

The moonlight sprinkled on the bed.

A sound, and then a rapid gasp.

"Ah Liu...wife……"

Yuanming kissed her lips softly and continuously:"Call me……"


Her voice was filled with a thin cry.

Why is it so painful?

The moonlight is just right.

The moonlight is gentle, illuminating the fusion of hearts.


So, the physical fitness of the Star God... needs no description. When the sun was high in the sky, Miss Jianshou opened her eyes in a daze.

Last night... until what time did they do it?

Yuanming seemed to have taken her to take a bath...

Jingliu opened her eyes in a daze and looked at Yuanming's face in front of her.

She groaned twice and buried herself in Yuanming's arms again.


Jingliu sat up, and the soreness of her whole body almost made her fall down again.

Yuanming opened his eyes and supported Jingliu who was about to fall down:"A Liu... don't sit so hard"


Jingliu felt sleepy and her legs were still shaking slightly. She fell into Yuanming's arms and looked around:"What time is it now?……"

"It's almost twelve o'clock"


"Of course."

Yuanming smiled helplessly.

Is his wife stupid?

"Slept for so long……"

Jingliu turned over and was about to get out of bed. The sudden chill on her body instantly made her realize that she was now completely naked.

Yuanming swallowed his saliva and said,"Aliu... you are not wearing any clothes."


Jingliu cried out, but soon calmed down.

They had been frank with each other for a long time... so why should they be shy?

"I wear clothes……"

Jingliu tried to get up, but fell on Yuanming in an instant.

He was exhausted and felt sore all over.

Miss Jianshou collapsed on Yuanming, her face full of fatigue.

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming held her in his arms and said,"Sleep a little longer.""

"No...I'm not going to sleep anymore……"

Feeling the beast awakening again, Jing Liu shook his head in panic.

Last night, it almost cost her life.



She couldn't even hold herself up.���Jing

Liu's face flushed:"You...you control yourself...I still have to go to Jian Shoufu today...……"

Her voice was trembling, and she was hesitant and couldn't speak clearly.

"Don't worry, A Liu."

Yuanming chuckled:"It just ended last night, I won't bother you again now"


Jingliu took a deep breath and said,"I don't have the energy to put on my clothes."

"I'll hold you"


When he knelt on the ground because his legs were weak when he got out of bed, Jianshou realized that it was not just his upper body that was weak. Yuanming sighed, waved his hand gently, and a golden light flashed, and clothes automatically appeared on the two of them.

He held Jingliu in his arms and carried her to the bedside, patting her head like coaxing a child, while turning his head to fold the quilt.

Jingliu saw the scarlet on the bed sheet with his sharp eyes.

"This... is it time to wash it?"

Yuanming asked

"dont wash……"

Jing Liu shook her head slightly and raised her hand.

The ice ridge was like a dagger. She cut off the piece of the bed sheet and put it into the space.

This thing should be kept, right?

Although she had not received such education, this should be kept.


Well, it was all in vain, I deleted it all...it won't pass the review, uh...I'll have more later

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