"With my physical condition, how can I be a messenger?……"

Jingliu was held in Yuanming's arms.

She was walking awkwardly now.


Yuanming hugged Jingliu and coaxed her softly.

She was indeed a envoy, and her physical fitness was strong.

If Yuanming was an ordinary person, or just an ordinary fate traveler, Jingliu might have recovered that night.

But Yuanming was a star god.

It was not unfair for Jingliu to do this.

Jingliu nestled in Yuanming's arms and put her arms around his neck.

"Compared to this, don't you need to cover your neck?"

Yuanming asked.

Jingliu's neck still had traces of last night's madness.

Jingliu hummed listlessly, she leaned in Yuanming's arms and slightly opened her eyes.

There were also many marks on Yuanming's neck, and the collarbone and shoulders that could be vaguely seen in the collar had her teeth marks.

Yuanming reduced his physical strength, otherwise Jingliu's teeth would have broken.

This... Anyone who knows these things can tell what happened between the two of them last night at a glance.

"Ah Liu, I said……"

Yuanming sighed:"There are marks on my neck."


Jingliu closed his eyes, not knowing whether he heard it or not.

Yuanming raised his eyebrows.

Forget it.

If she didn't say it, then don't hide it.


These people seemed very strange today.

When Teng Xiao came to Jian Shoufu to find her, the strangeness in his eyes made Jing Liu almost unable to ignore it.

"What are you looking at?"

Jingliu frowned.

"Mirror flow, that……"

Teng Xiao's mouth twitched:"……I will take some people with me to fight. Luofu will be handed over to you.……"

Teng Xiao turned and left after he finished speaking.

Jingliu always felt that Teng Xiao was a little strange today.

Although Teng Xiao was usually not very serious, he was still very decisive when it came to serious matters.

Today... he was hesitant and dithering... I always felt that it was a little... strange?

Jingliu couldn't see her neck.

Is there something on her body?

Jingliu subconsciously turned her head to look at Yuanming.

There were still fresh red marks on Yuanming's neck, which were the traces of her struggle last night.


Jingliu suddenly realized something, and icicles quickly condensed in her palms, like a mirror.

Through the icicles, she still saw her horrible neck.


I was in a daze this morning and didn't notice anything...

It's broken.

Jingliu looked at Qinglu again.

No wonder Qinglu didn't say a word today.

Jingliu pursed her lips.

She stretched out her hand and patted her neck twice, and the marks immediately disappeared without a trace.

"Why don't you remind me?……"

Jingliu pinched Yuanming's fingers

"I reminded you, but you didn't answer."

Yuanming chuckled.

He did it on purpose.

Jingliu was sure.

He must have done it on purpose.

Jingliu's mouth twitched:"Then I can't possibly come with any traces."

"Is that so?"

Yuanming smiled and said,"I'll pay more attention next time, sorry."

Jingliu curled his lips and didn't intend to believe him at all.

This star god is mean.

Jingliu even took out the jade omen and took a look.

I don't know how Yingxing progressed yesterday.


How is Ying Xing going? He was kidding.

He didn't say it at all.

After hesitating for a long time, under Bai Heng's gaze, he finally backed down.

He hoped that Bai Heng would know what he meant.

"Are you overthinking? Bai Heng's brain."

Jing Yuan sneered:"In my opinion, you should find my master and ask her to help you two."

"Forget it."

Ying Xing sighed and collapsed on the ground like a salted fish that had lost its dreams:"Jing Liu is more straightforward than her sword."

If Jing Liu asked, the first sentence would probably be"Do you like Ying Xing?"

This would be considered euphemistic for Jing Liu.

Moreover, Jing Liu is the kind of person who speaks his mind, unlike him.

If Jing Liu knew that he didn't say it, he would have said something bad about him.

Even though it's like that, you still can't say it, Ying Xing, you are really great.

Ying Xing also scolded himself.

Bai Heng was standing there, what else could he not say...

Ying Xing, Ying Xing... why are you so cowardly.

Ying Xing patted his forehead and sighed.

Jing Yuan turned his head and looked at Dan Feng, shaking his head gently.

Did the two of them dodge in the end ?

"Yingxing, stop sighing."

Jingyuan comforted him,"If you have this time, why not find another good opportunity to ask Bai Heng out again?"

"Where to go……"

*Baiye collapses*

"You can go anywhere, any place suitable for tourism, such as Fanghu, which is quite good.

Jing Yuan suggested

"Forget it."

Ying Xing shook his head.

It would be better to go to a farther place.

For example, other galaxies.

"Alas... Yingxing, you still don't know yourself clearly."

Jingyuan sighed and shook his head:"Do you dare to ask Bai Heng out?"


He really doesn't dare.

But such blunt words are very hurtful.

Yingxing sighed.

Maybe Bai Heng didn't understand?


Bai Heng understood.

Even if she didn't understand it completely, she could guess what Ying Xing meant by looking at his expression.

【Invincible Flyer: Jing Liuliu, I have something to discuss.

Jing Liu:?

Invincible Flyer: This is a very important matter, don't be so perfunctory to me!

Jing Liu: Go ahead.

Invincible Flyer: Ying Xing seems to like me.

Jing Liu: Really, he said that?

Invincible Flyer: No, I guessed.

Jing Liu:...How did you guess.

Invincible Flyer: He asked me out yesterday, and suddenly he wanted to give me a wine jug, and it was just the two of us. How weird is that? After giving it to me, he told me he wanted to go shopping, and then took me to another small pavilion. There was no one there. He wanted to say something, but he hesitated and his face turned red. In the end, he said nothing.

Invincible Flyer: Moreover, the raw material of this wine jug comes from a kind of... an ice beast on the star Keller in the Gibraltar galaxy. The people there use the fur of this animal to make wedding dresses, which means courtship... Ying Xing used that fur to make a whole wine jug for me.

Invincible Flyer: Come on, Jing Liuliu, analyze it for me. Tell me whether Ying Xing has such intention or not. I didn’t dare to respond yesterday. I was afraid that I was just being sentimental.

Jing Liu: Why are you asking me...

Invincible Flyer: You are the only one among us who has a boyfriend.

Jing Liu: I...

Jing Liu: So you are asking me?

Invincible Flyer: You are the only one with experience.

Jing Liu: I don’t have any. Don’t talk nonsense.

Invincible Flyer: Analyze it for me.

Jing Liu: Then let me ask you, if he had said it directly at that time, how would you have answered?

Invincible Flyer: Huh?

Jing Liu: If Ying Xing hadn’t hesitated at that time, how would you have answered him? Reject or agree? Jing Liu

: Bai Heng, the root cause of this matter is not Ying Xing, but you. How do you think you would have answered?

Invincible Flyer: I... Invincible Flyer: I don’t know either. Jing Liu:

Do you like Ying Xing?

Invincible Flyer: I don’t know either.

Jingliu: Why do you always say you don't know?

Invincible Flyer: I have always regarded Yingxing as my younger brother... Especially since our life spans are so different.

Jingliu: Although he was once a short-lived species... But now he doesn't have so many restrictions. You can't treat him as that child anymore.

Immortal species will have an instinctive emotional restraint towards short-lived species - the pain of losing a loved one is the greatest pain for them.

When Bai Heng first met Yingxing, Yingxing was still a child. No wonder Bai Heng didn't have any special feelings for him.

【Invincible Flyer: Ha...

Jingliu: Bai Heng, you know what kind of person Ying Xing is. If you like him, just say it directly, otherwise he will suffocate himself to death.

Invincible Flyer: Will it be that serious! ?

Jingliu: Yes.

Invincible Flyer: Okay... I know, let me think about what to do.

Jingliu: You might as well imagine how you would feel if Ying Xing was with another woman, it might help. 】

Jingliu recommended the method he used at the beginning to Bai Heng

"What's the solution?……"

Yuanming chuckled and pinched her earlobe.

"This is the method I used at the beginning."

Jing Liu curled his lips and said,"I dreamed that you were walking with another woman, and I was so angry that I couldn't sleep all night."

"Dreams are always the opposite, A Liu."

Yuanming smiled softly and kissed her earlobe:"Do you think I would do that?"


Jing Liu shook his head.

"That's it."

Yuanming was very satisfied with Jingliu's trust. He hugged the sword master and kissed her again and again, and finally let her go under Qinglu's helpless gaze.

"Sigh... Teng Xiao has gone to war, and work has become busy again."

Jingliu sighed and reached out to pinch Yuanming's big hand.

Yuanming's hands were very big, and the joints were distinct when pinched.

In fact, there was no feeling, but Jingliu just liked to pinch his hands.


"You seem to be very concerned about Yingxing and Baiheng's relationship issues"

"Well... I don't really care, it's mainly because Ying Xing is too slow."

Jing Liu shook his head and said,"I didn't feel that before, but since I've been with you, I feel that he is not straightforward at all."

Yuan Ming sent a straight ball at that time, and no one could avoid it.

"Everyone has a different personality.

Yuanming put his chin on her head and said,"After retirement, let's go traveling."


Jing Liu raised the corner of his lips:"Where do you want to go?"

"I want to go anywhere, let's go and smash Ah Ha's tavern first."

Yuanming smiled.

"What's the problem between you and Changle Tianjun?……"

Jingliu complained in a low voice

"Of course not, I just think it's fun to tease Ah Ha."

Yuanming shrugged and said,"It's a pity that I didn't take a picture of Ah Ha drinking soy milk last time."

"If you continue like this, the one who will fight you will not be Jinmiehuozu, but Changle Tianjun."

"Well... I'm not that bad. I can tease people first and make them angry."

Yuanming shook his head and denied Jingliu's statement:"It would be very interesting to travel while being chased by the Joy Star God."

"Do you have any misunderstanding about what is interesting?……"

The Star God's ideas are indeed different from theirs.


"Or let's throw him out."

Jing Yuan looked at Dan Feng and asked softly.

"I agree."

Dan Feng sighed, and finally did not cruelly throw Ying Xing out of the Linyuan Realm.

Ying Xing was lying there, and the jade sign suddenly trembled.

Ying Xing suddenly turned over and sat up, opening the jade meridians.

【Invincible Flyer: Ying Xing, I want to talk to you. 】

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