"Master Swordsman, I'm leaving first."

Qinglu bowed and turned to leave.

"Well, you've worked hard."

Jingliu nodded, cleaned up the table, turned around and hugged Yuanming:"I'm so tired.……"

"Thank you for your hard work, my Lord Sword Master."

Yuanming smiled and patted her on the back:"Today, Luofu is peaceful again under the governance of Lord Sword Master."

"Stop flattering me……"

Jingliu sighed:"These documents are already very stressful. I am just a swordsman, I don't have that much ability."

"That's pretty impressive too."

Yuanming kissed her on the forehead.

"You always praise me."

Jing Liu was a little embarrassed.

During the time she was with him, she felt like she could get compliments for whatever clothes she wore. This was something she had never experienced before.

"Because our A-liu is really great."

Yuanming smiled and kissed Jing-liu's face:"A-liu, I love you"

"I love you too."

Jing Liu smiled. She loved him more every day.

"A Liu……"

Yuanming kissed her, and his voice became a little lower:"There is no one in Jian Shoufu now.……"


Jingliu quickly pulled his hand away:"No!"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows.

"With secret guards"

"I noticed it."

Yuanming raised his hand and pointed:"There are people in the corner over there, the corner behind you, over there, over there, over there."

"and you……"

"What are you thinking about?"

Yuanming's mouth twitched:"I said that there is no one in Jian Shoufu now, and we should go home."


Jing Liu was stunned for a second, and his whole face suddenly turned red.

"You are a bully!"

She pushed Yuanming away, stood up and ran away.

Yuanming chuckled. He was not amused at all.

He stood up and followed her out.

Jingliu was reluctant to run far, so she stood at the door, waiting for Yuanming to come out.

Yuanming smiled gently, hugged her from behind and kissed her ear:"My lady...it's time to go home"


Jing Liu seemed to suddenly remember something and swallowed his saliva:"A Yuan... can we just have a normal rest tonight?……"

"What's up, Master Swordsman?……"

Yuanming chuckled:"Coward!"

"Well, I'm a coward."

Jingliu curled his lips and said,"I still have to work tomorrow. If Teng Xiao is not here, I will have to rely on you.""

"Don't delay my work, my wife."

Yuanming hugged her and kissed her, as if he would not stop unless she agreed:"My wife...A Liu...my wife……"

Jingliu's legs were weak:"No... Let me rest for a day... Just one day."

What do you mean there are no fields that are plowed to death, only cows that are tired to death?



Yuanming let go of her with a smile, and held her hand instead:"Then take a day off, just one day."

Jingliu's legs became weak, and he almost fell into Yuanming's arms:"Don't……"

This was the first time she begged for mercy, and it was because of something like this.

But Lord Swordsman really didn't dare to challenge the physical strength of the Star God.

She had learned her lesson last night.

"By the way... last night we didn't take any protective measures.……"

Jingliu tugged at Yuanming's sleeve, his face showing some worry.

"Star Gods... should have difficulty in having offspring, and if I don't want them, I won't have any."

Yuanming said softly:"If A Liu doesn't want children, he won't have children."

"It’s not that we don’t want to… but we don’t have the ability to welcome a child right now."

Jing Liu sighed helplessly:"I hope I can give him enough company… instead of having difficulty seeing his parents after he is born."

"Let's wait until Liu wants a child."

Yuanming said softly.

In fact, he didn't have much feelings for children.

His emotions were originally simple. He gave his love to Jingliu, and he didn't know if he had the ability to give some of it to their future children.

He didn't know how to be a father - he had never even seen his own father.

Oh, as the father of Huang Anshi.

After all, that father died in his own hands.

Although Jingliu's life was lonely, she had her parents' appearance in her memory and her parents' company. She knew how to be a good mother.

But Yuanming didn't know.

He still needed to learn.

The road was long and difficult.

Yuanming sighed softly.

"Why are you sighing?"

Jingliu raised his eyebrows, turned around and touched his ear.

"I don’t know how to be a father."

Yuanming murmured softly:"Is it too far-fetched to think like this?"

"Well... it's a bit far."

Jing Liu held his hand:"But I will accompany you"


Yuanming chuckled.


How did it become like this?

Ying Xing stared at the wine glass in front of him with a dull expression.

Aren’t they discussing… what were they discussing?

"That little brat has grown up now.

Bai Heng waved her hands.

Only she knew whether Bai Heng had drunk too much.

"Bai Heng... stop drinking."

Ying Xing patted Bai Heng's arm and said,"You've drunk too much."

"I'm not drunk!"

Bai Heng waved his hand:"I'm just feeling sentimental. Back then you were only as tall as my...tail root."

Ying Xing chuckled:"That was a long time ago, right?"

"Hmm... let me think, it was only about ten years ago, right? At that time, you were... only this tall."

Bai Heng stretched out his hand to measure:"In a moment, in the blink of an eye, when I saw you again, you were taller than me."

"A man's height will always increase dramatically at some point in time."

Ying Xing curled his lips and said,"But you haven't changed at all."

""I am so moved by your shy look when you first met me."

Bai Heng thought of the first time he met Ying Xing.

The child looked shy, but his eyes were filled with amazing stubbornness.

But to Bai Heng at that time, the child she had comforted for a long time was just a passer-by in her life.

Bai Heng's personality made her that kind of person.

It was just comforting a child with trauma in the past and taking care of his emotions, which meant nothing to Bai Heng.

Bai Heng never thought that she would see Ying Xing again.

She never expected to hear Ying Xing's name from Jing Liu.

Maybe this is fate?

Sitting on the Xingrak, carrying the silent sword master, feeling the strong wind blowing past her ears, Bai Heng thought so

"Bai Heng……"

Ying Xing looked at Bai Heng's face and took a few deep breaths. He seemed to have made up his mind and said,"I……"

Do you want to speak out?

Ying Xing, this is probably the only chance in your life to speak out your thoughts without reservation.

Think about other people.

Bai Ye... Don't let them look down on you.

Ying Xing raised his head and looked into Bai Heng's starry eyes.

"I like you"


This happened so suddenly that Bai Heng's pointed ears swayed for a moment, and he obviously didn't react.

"I said, I like you, I have liked you for a long, long time."

Ying Xing took a deep breath and raised his voice a little:"When I was in Zhu Ming, I already liked you."

The drunken look on Bai Heng's face disappeared in an instant.

A complex flashed in her eyes.

Jing Liu's words lingered in her mind.

"How would you feel if Ying Xing was with another woman?"

"It all depends on you, do you like Ying Xing?"

"Ying Xing does not need anyone's pity. Bai Heng, you have only two choices, accept or reject."

Bai Heng raised her head and looked at the man in front of her.

More than a decade later, he has grown from a child to a young man.

Tall and strong, his angular face can still vaguely reveal the stubbornness of the past.

Bai Heng... do you like him?

Bai Heng is very complicated.

She has never looked at anyone around her with the eyes of love.

"Ying Xing……"

Bai Heng took a deep breath and lowered his voice:"Can you...give me some time to think about it?"

"You will forget all this tomorrow morning when you sober up."

Ying Xing seemed to have a lot more courage.

It was true. There were many things that just lacked the courage to speak out. Then, just like unplugging a clogged water pipe, courage would flow out continuously and it would be difficult to take it back.

His mind was hot, and he wanted to put everything he thought in his mind into the girl's mind, so that she could feel his feelings without reservation.

But he knew that he couldn't do that, and he couldn't do it.

He could only express his feelings a little clumsily. Looking at Bai Heng's complicated reaction, his heart sank.

"It's just... you know what I was like in the past. I really have never looked at anyone around me from the perspective of liking them, so... can you give me some time to think about it?"

Bai Heng shook his head:"Actually���I wasn't drunk at all. I was just worried that I might be wrong and that I might misunderstand you, so I pretended like this.……"

People on Dablair, the planet rich in fine wine, have a saying that the truth comes out after drinking.

When Bai Heng was traveling in Dablair, he had seen many timid young men confess their love to others when they were drunk, so that the other party might forget everything after sobering up. If the other party wanted to refuse, then such a confession would not make both parties feel embarrassed, and the two people might even have the opportunity to continue to be friends.

Bai Heng thought, perhaps this method is also applicable to Ying Xing.

She made the right choice, Ying Xing did choose to be brave once.

Although the premise of being brave is that Bai Heng might forget everything today

"Also, Ying Xing, you can't drink enough to make it to the short film... In fact, most people won't forget what happened the day before after drinking too much.……"

Bai Heng coughed twice:"But don't worry about it.……"

Bai Heng couldn't continue speaking, because the craftsman opposite him was already red from his neck to his ears.

He was always the first person to get drunk at a banquet, so he never knew that drinking didn't cause blackouts...

Damn it! So what was his plan for today?

Ying Xing wanted to slap himself right now.

"Then...then you won’t forget what happened today?"


Bai Heng nodded, and saw the craftsman push open the window and pretend to climb out.

She quickly turned over to stop him:"Hey hey hey! What are you doing!"

"I'm going to kill myself by jumping off a building"

"Don't be so pessimistic... I said I would think about it, not reject it.……"

Bai Heng held Ying Xing tightly and said,"I'll give you an answer within a week at the latest, okay?"

Ying Xing paused.


He nodded.

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