[I hope that every birthday in the future, I can have my master, my master's grandfather, Brother Yingxing, Sister Baiheng and Brother Danfeng to accompany me.]

In his heart, Jingyuan can occasionally call Yingxing and Danfeng"brothers".

Jingyuan closed his eyes and made a wish facing the cake with burning candles.

I hope they will accompany me every year.

I hope so


Clinking glasses, drinking and chatting, sharing the joy of close friends under the moonlight


Jingliu hugged Yuanming's waist and whispered softly.

Yuanming hugged her and rubbed her forehead:"Aliu...you are drunk"

"I didn't drink much……"

Jingliu shook his head:"Look, Jingyuan has fallen down."

Yuanming turned his head to look in the direction of Jingyuan.

Most of the cake had been eaten.

Most of the cream on the other half was still there.

Jingyuan was lying on the ground with his legs spread out, looking at the sky in a daze.

Ah Ha's wine was really strong, and it was not certain whether Jingyuan could get up tonight.

Bai Heng was still drinking, hugging Yingxing's neck and talking about something with a laugh.

Danfeng was lying on the ground, and Lord Longzun had already resisted the ability of alcohol.

Yuanming didn't know how much he drank, but he still had no reaction.

But it was worthy of being the wine that the Joy Star God liked to drink. Even if he didn't get drunk, he could still taste the mellowness.

Jingliu lay on Yuanming and closed his eyes slightly:"Husband... I'm so tired."

It was at this time that he could say he was tired.

Yuanming chuckled:"Then sleep for a while."

The breeze blew away the heat ignited by the drunkenness.

The bright moon was hanging high, but the bright moon of the world was held in his arms.

Yuanming turned his head and looked at the people next to him.

It's great.

This kind of life is great.

"Wait! Don't fall asleep yet!"

Bai Heng's shout made the others more alert.

"It’s time to start the important part!"

Bai Heng raised his hand, and the big tail behind him shook:"I deliberately left most of the cake!"


Jing Yuan realized something was wrong and squinted his eyes at Bai Heng:"What are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? Hehehe……"

Bai Heng walked forward with a grin.

The next second, she grabbed a piece of cake and slapped it on Jing Yuan's face!

"Bai Heng!"

Jing Yuan's eyes widened.

Bai Heng ran to the next person with a smile.

No one was spared. In Bai Heng's eyes, no one was immune.

Ying Xing was the first to be affected. He was sitting on the side with cream all over his face.

Then it was Jing Yuan.

Now it was Dan Feng.

Lord Long Zun no longer had the strength to dodge. He could only turn over and face the ground, weakly resisting Bai Heng's"atrocities".

Of course, it had no effect. His face was still forcibly covered with cake by Bai Heng.

Then ?

Jingliu still wants to hide?

Bai Heng looked at Jingliu who was nestling in Yuanming's arms to reduce his presence, and raised a sly smile.

Yuanming hugged Jingliu.

He would not protect him like a fool at this time.

Let's make a fuss, Jingliu doesn't dislike it.

Jingliu was dragged out by Bai Heng and had cake smeared all over his face.

But when it was Yuanming's turn, Jingliu refused to do it.

She hugged Yuanming's head and stuck out her tongue at Bai Heng:"Touch your own boyfriend, don't touch my husband."

Bai Heng:...

On the contrary, Yuanming raised his eyebrows in surprise.

My wife still has a lovely side after getting drunk

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming kissed Jing Liu gently and wiped the cream off her face:"You hugged me too tightly."

"No...I don't want……"

Jingliu shook his head and rested his chin on Yuanming's head.

Bai Heng did not continue.

Jingliu's occasional possessiveness was indeed very strong.


Yuanming glanced at Bai Heng and whispered in Jingliu's ear:"It's time to counterattack."

Jingliu paused and turned to look at Bai Heng's clean face.

""Yeah... it's true."

Jingliu murmured as he stood up and reached out to grab the cake next to him.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Bai Heng took two steps back, turned around and ran!


No one escaped.

Bai Heng's face was also covered with cake in the end.

Ying Xing wanted to protect her, but failed, because Dan Feng and Jing Yuan were there.

Bai Heng has a boyfriend, so it was not easy for the two of them to play with Bai Heng directly, so they simply vented their anger on Ying Xing.

I don't know how long Lord Bai Ye collapsed when he went home to wash his face that night.

Jing Liu dreamed of all this.

She dreamed that several of them were laughing on the grass, knocking Bai Heng to the ground, raising their hands to wipe the cake off her face, and then turned to watch Jing Yuan and Dan Feng wipe Ying Xing.

She opened her eyes, and what she saw was Yuanming's face.

Yuanming did not open his eyes.

Jing Liu's eyes were full of tenderness, and she reached out and gently stroked Yuanming's chin.

Her lover.

Yuanming opened his eyes

"Good morning, A Liu."

Yuanming lowered his head and kissed her on the lips:"A kiss before getting up."

Jing Liu simply responded:"Husband... I love you"


"Is that all you can say?"

Jingliu puffed up his cheeks and glared at him angrily.

"I love you too, my lady."

Yuanming laughed, but he couldn't help it. He lowered his head and gently bit her nose.

Ah Liu is so cute, what can I do if I can't help it in broad daylight?



"A Liu……"

"Yeah, I'm here"

"Nothing, I just wanted to call you"


Jing Liu chuckled:"I'm here."

Yuan Ming also laughed and gently rubbed her neck.

The aroma that made it difficult to suppress the lust in his heart entered his nose.

Some wild beasts immediately responded.


The Sword Master's eyes widened, and he reached out and held him down:"Calm down... You still have to go out today.……"


Yuanming Kiss���Her earlobe.

The ear is one of the sensitive points of the Sword Master, Yuanming had discovered it long ago.

The warm breath sprayed on his neck, and Jingliu's breathing became rapid.


Mirror Flow is acting coquettishly


Yuanming didn't buy it at all and lowered his voice.

He could handle Jingliu's coquetry, but Jingliu couldn't handle his coquetry.

"This is not something that can be calmed down by just being calm."

Yuanming whispered in Jingliu's ear:"A Liu... help me……"

She just knows

"You pervert!"

Jingliu puffed up his cheeks.

"I'm only a pervert to you."

Yuanming smiled righteously.

Jingliu glared at him for a long time, only to get a smiling expression from Yuanming.

She sighed helplessly.

He was her husband, what else could she do.

Just pamper him.

Jingliu stretched out her hand and touched Yuanming's muscles.

No... to this extent... it seems difficult to solve it with hands.

The main thing is that she is not a wooden man...

Jingliu gritted her teeth:"Can you finish it quickly?"

"Of course."

Yuanming promised with a smile.

Jingliu took a deep breath, turned over and sat on Yuanming.

"It was you first……"

She supported Yuanming's chest and glared,"You'd better keep your promise!"



All men are liars.

Absolute liars.

Jingliu puffed his lips and sulked, but he honestly nestled in Yuanming's arms.

He got up at 6:30 in the morning. It was 2:15 in the afternoon. The two of them had just gone out.

"Ah Liu, don't be angry."

"You promised me to hurry up."

The Sword Master looked away and symbolically shook his feet to show his struggle against his warm embrace.

"I am indeed very fast."

Yuanming blinked and said,"I am a star god."

"Star God……"

Jingliu pursed his lips in grievance:"My legs hurt."

"I'll give my lady a massage."

Yuanming smiled helplessly:"By the way, why do you suddenly want to be on top?"

"Because it has always been you, this time I wanted to be on top... I didn't expect it to be so tiring."

Jing Liu murmured softly, nestling in his arms:"Why do I feel like I'm going to be weak."

Being said by his wife like this, Yuanming certainly felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

But his wife did suffer, and he still had to coax her.

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming smiled helplessly:"No"

"What should I do if I can't even lift the sword?……"

"Really not"

"Then am I the weakest sword master in Luofu?……"

"A Liu……"

Looking at his wife who suddenly became dramatic, Yuanming gently pinched her leg and said,"Don't think too much."

"Otherwise... I'll help Liu next time."

"No! No more……"

Jing Liu waved his hand quickly:"Let me refuse." All she needed was rest.

Too much stimulation would only make her unable to stand up.

She had to be timid, her own Star God would not let her go.


Bai Heng leaned on Ying Xing's shoulder and closed his eyes to rest.

She has relaxed a lot now.

Ying Xing just indulged Bai Heng's approach.

Lord Baiye turned his head slightly, looking at the pointed ears that almost touched his face, and there seemed to be two villains fighting in his heart.

Bite or kiss.

No! Ying Xing! How can that be something a gentleman does!

This is your girlfriend, why can't you kiss her?

Ying Xing! She is still sleeping! You woke her up, how are you going to deal with it!

How can you deal with it? This is your girlfriend, what's wrong with a kiss? It's not a kiss, just a kiss on the ear. Bullshit!

You obviously still want to bite!

What's wrong with a bite? Sister Bai Heng is so cute, don't you want to bite her?


The white villain was knocked down by a punch, and Ying Xing turned around and kissed Bai Heng on the ear.

Bai Heng didn't move, still sleeping soundly.

Ying Xing took a deep breath and gently bit the tip of the ear again.

Repeating popular science - the ears of the fox people are the second most sensitive point in the body after the sexual characteristics.

Ying Xing barely touched it when he kissed it, but he definitely touched it when he bit it.

Bai Heng took a deep breath, opened his eyes suddenly, and jumped away like a frightened rabbit.

Ying Xing was also startled:"Why...does it hurt?"

"No...it doesn't hurt!"

Bai Heng's voice was very loud, and it seemed that she had not yet recovered from the strange stimulation.

She swallowed and said,"Why did you suddenly bite my ear?……"

"No...no, I just suddenly wanted to bite it."

Ying Xing blushed and waved his hands awkwardly:"Sorry...sorry……"

"What's there to say sorry for?"

Bai Heng waved her hand and gently touched her hot face.

She sat next to Ying Xing again and leaned on his arm:"Ying Xing, I'll take a rest... Don't bite me again!"

"Ah! OK, OK! I understand."

Ying Xing nodded quickly, and kicked the black man away in his heart.

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