Jing Liu has become accustomed to seeing her husband every morning when she opens her eyes.

Sometimes when she opens her eyes and doesn't see him, she still feels a little uncomfortable

"Ah Yuan? Ah Yuan?"

Jingliu sat up and called her husband

"I'm in the kitchen, A Liu."

Yuanming's voice sounded in his mind.

This might be the special passage between the Star God and the Order that Yuanming opened specifically for Jing Liu.

Jing Liu responded, got out of bed, and changed his clothes.

"Why did you suddenly run to the kitchen?

She walked out of the house, entered the kitchen, and hugged Yuanming's waist from behind.

"I can’t eat out every day, so I want to use all the things at home."

Yuanming chuckled:"Do you remember where we lived before?"

"Remember, it’s called Lianshi, right?"

"Well, that whole area is called Northeast China."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"I have a lot of flour. I'll make you some delicious food there.""


Master Jianshou felt that if she continued like this, her husband would turn her into a little foodie.

""Dumpling soup."

Yuanming chuckled,"This stuff is pretty cheap."

When he was not as wealthy as he was later, he went out on a mission too late and didn't eat for a day, so he went to a barbecue restaurant to buy a bowl of dumpling soup. It cost ten yuan, and it was a small portion, but it was a big pot full.

It was hot, and he had no place to eat. In the snow, he squatted on the side of the road and drank it mouthful by mouthful.

"No seats?"

Jingliu frowned.

"The barbecue restaurant is basically full at night, and I am not used to eating in places with too many people."

Yuanming chuckled:"Now that I think about it... well, it's like a successful person recalling the past, it's quite interesting."

At that time, the development of the Phoenix Organization was not that good, and he was not yet Phoenix-level, so he could not take such a large order.

The sky was icy and snowy, and his ears and nose were frozen red. He still had the dagger he had just wiped clean in his pocket. He must have a house in this city.

At that time, he looked at the snowflakes falling into the pimple soup and thought like this

"Isn’t it interesting? Later, I became rich and bought such a big house.

Yuanming wiped the remaining noodles on his hands and chuckled:"But at that time, I didn’t feel excited at all."

"It's just a house."

Jing Liu hugged him tightly:"Now you have a home"

"Well... I have a home."

Yuanming smiled gently and looked down at the hands around his waist.

He has a home now.

Thinking about what he said just now, Yuanming couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Those words were more like complaints than reminiscing about the past.

He always thought that he was not a person who would complain, because only he could understand how difficult the past was.

It's like when he said that he almost died in the mud, how would others feel? He felt nothing, and tried his best to force a certain expression on his face.

In fact, everyone knew it in their hearts.

What does this have to do with them?

In addition, Yuanming's personality is like this.

Those who understand will naturally understand, and those who have been with him have experienced such a past.

Those who don't understand will naturally not understand, no matter what you say, they won't understand.

But being hugged by these hands, these words came out.

He knew that it would be useless for Jingliu if he stopped the loss in time and talked about the past in an unusually easy way.

Hey... now there are people who will feel sorry for him.

Yuanming turned his head:"A Liu"


Jingliu raised his head and blinked.

"Kiss me."

Yuanming chuckled, still holding the chopsticks.


Jing Liu adjusted his position, stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips:"If you have anything to say, you must learn to tell me. I am your wife, I am very powerful."

"Well, A Liu is very good."

Yuan Ming smiled with his eyebrows curved.

The dumpling soup is delicious.

Yuan Ming's cooking skills have not declined.

Yuan Ming tasted it and felt quite satisfied.


Jing Liu patted his stomach and said,"I'm full."

"Can I massage it?"

Yuanming smiled evilly and took two steps closer.

"No... no need."

Jing Liu waved his hand:"You come and rub it, and I won't have to go out."

"How could A Liu think I was such a scoundrel?

Yuanming pretended to be wronged:"I obviously respect A Liu's opinion, okay?"


Jingliu's mouth twitched.

She didn't know who had tortured her yesterday morning. She said faster and faster, but her body didn't show any sign of going faster.

Jingliu felt like a rag doll being played with by someone in bed.

After all, she really had no strength left in her body.

"My husband...I don't want it anymore……"

Thinking about her own crying voice like a spoiled child, Jing Liu wanted to tear her face off.

Jing Liu, you really bring shame to the Cloud Cavalry!

But she simply couldn't defeat Yuan Ming, the hungry wolf, at home at night.

The dignity of the day would be thrown aside along with the clothes in the middle of the night.

Jing Liu sighed.

"Why are you sighing for no reason?"

Yuanming reached out and pinched her face:"Don't want to go out?"

"No , I have to go out."

Jingliu took a deep breath and said,"If you don't go out now, don't even think about going out."

Yuanming just smiled and didn't explain.


"How are you feeling?"

"He won't die, but his strength is definitely not as strong as before."

Teng Xiao chuckled and shook his head:"It's a pity that the general can't retire unless the next patrol commander appears."

Jing Liu looked at Teng Xiao's broken arm:"Can't it be reattached?"

"I can't connect it, I didn't bring it back at all, I guess it was destroyed directly."

Teng Xiao shook his head, with a little bitterness in his smile:"Now Luofu is very easy to be exploited, I have to ask you, Jingliu"

"You should take good care of your injuries."

Jingliu frowned:"Have you checked everyone around you?"

"Well... I can be assured of what I brought with me, but I didn't expect to be blocked by the Lord of Extinction and the Envoy of Plenty at the same time."

Teng Xiao chuckled:"Luo Fu may have been exploited, or maybe……"

"The entire alliance."

Jing Liu finished speaking, and the two narrowed their eyes at the same time.

Teng Xiao's expression disappeared in an instant, and he returned to his usual smiling and indifferent look:"However, if we can think of it, the Marshal can definitely think of it."

Jing Liu nodded.

The two of them still have to think on their own, but the Marshal has General Xu Ling and a group of wise counselors beside him.

Maybe the Marshal has already analyzed this matter and started to make plans.

"Yes, Jingliu, I heard that Yuegua’s health hasn’t been good recently?"

Teng Xiao frowned:"Do you know what’s going on?"

"I don't know."

Jing Liu shook her head and denied it.

She and Yue Gua were not very familiar with each other, and their work did not overlap, and they did not even meet very often.

She did hear that Yue Gua was in poor health, but she did not know what happened.

"I said, mirror flow……"

Teng Xiao's mouth twitched:"After all, we are all colleagues who fought side by side on Luofu, you should at least express your condolences."

Jing Liu shrugged and did not respond.

Expecting her to care about others is wishful thinking.

Teng Xiao nodded helplessly:"Anything else you want to say?"

"No, just take care of your wounds."

Jingliu turned and left, not intending to stay any longer.

Are you kidding? Yuanming is still waiting for her outside.

"Alas... love is an obsession."

Teng Xiao looked at Jing Liu's back and turned his head slightly:"Although I know this is what I should do, aren't you guys going too far?"

He narrowed his eyes, and his golden eyes flashed with a cold light like a lion's.

"Teng Xiao, this is necessary."

A low voice came from the darkness.

"So even Jingliu has to be doubted?"

"Well... Teng Xiao, there is an outsider around Jing Liu, we must be careful, you and I can't predict who will turn against us in the future."

The man said:"We didn't investigate openly, but secretly, because we don't want to affect the relationship and cause disunity."

The Taibu Si of Xu Ling Xianzhou and Yu Que Xianzhou both gave the news that the Xianzhou Alliance will encounter a catastrophe in the future - the center of the catastrophe is Luofu.

Teng Xiao raised the teacup with his remaining arm, he turned his head and looked at the darkness behind him.

There was no one there.

Teng Xiao narrowed his eyes.

Internal and external troubles?……


"What's wrong? You don't look very good."

Yuanming touched Jingliu's face and asked softly.

"Thinking about Teng Xiao's injury.

Jing Liu shook his head and said,"Teng Xiao was killed by the Great Lord of Extinction and the Envoy of Plenty. This means that there may be a spy from them inside Luofu."

"Hasn't Luofu always had followers of the pharmacist?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows.

He could sense that there were rich destiny travelers on Luofu.

"The belief factions of the pharmacists are very complicated. Some people just believe in the goodness of abundance and do not cause trouble in Luofu. If such people are dealt with rashly, it will have a great impact on the internal relations of Luofu."

Jingliu shook his head:"This matter must be dealt with. Maybe all of us will be investigated."


Yuanming thought about it, but still didn't tell Jingliu about what he had already started investigating.

Just now, he felt several gazes coming from different directions.

Those gazes were full of scrutiny, and they were probably sent by the Xianzhou Alliance.

It was normal, Yuanming could understand, so he didn't make a move to catch those people.

After all, Teng Xiao, as the current general of Luofu Xianzhou, was injured and killed by two messengers, which greatly reduced his strength. This was a heavy blow to the Xianzhou Alliance.

Especially there are people with unclear positions inside.

Yuanming held Jingliu's hand:"The Marshal and the others will handle it."

"Well... I will definitely deal with it, but it will be very troublesome."

Jingliu looked at Yuanming, and after a long while he smiled softly and said,"It would be great if you could also become Sima Ming."

"How can it be that easy... I never understood it."

Yuanming shrugged:"Why is Clipper one of the deities of the immortal boat?"

"Because Emperor Gong Siming is the youngest star god in the universe. Before his birth, the Immortal Boat Alliance had no faith."

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