"As one of the oldest star gods, Bu Tian Siming already had many followers at that time. Among them, the one with the widest influence on the universe was the Interstellar Peace Company."

Jing Liu said softly:"At that time, the company had a transcendent status in the universe, and the belief in the guardian star god also became the mainstream in the universe. At that time, the Xianzhou Alliance was not as equal to the company as it is today, and it was only a relatively powerful force. In order to get along well with the company and facilitate trade, and because the Xianzhou people really needed a belief, the alliance designated the guardian star god as Siming."

"But later, after the birth of Emperor Gong Siming, the star god from the Xianzhou, the mainstream belief of the alliance became Emperor Gong Siming."

Jing Liu looked at the direction of the sky:"Bu Tian Siming does not often respond to mortals, but Emperor Gong Siming gave all his power to the people of Xianzhou, which actually made many people in Xianzhou have a bad impression of Bu Tian Siming... It may be difficult for mortals to understand star gods, and it is also difficult for star gods to understand mortals."

Yuanming shook his head.

Having seen those star gods, he knew too well what those star gods were like.

"Star gods don't care about mortals at all. After all, there are only a few people like Lan who have been promoted from immortals to star gods."

Yuanming pinched Jingliu's little hand and said,"Most star gods don't care about the life and death of mortals. They only care about fulfilling their own destiny. This has nothing to do with the character of the star gods themselves. Just like Ah Ha, although he smiles every day, he still doesn't care about the life and death of mortals."

Star gods are ruthless and cold. If mortals follow star gods too much, they will eventually be covered with scars.

"It's like... you see, if a fight breaks out, Lan won't care how many mortals die, he only cares about success or failure."

Jingliu lowered his head, not knowing how to refute.

Because it is true

"Ha... we are mortals after all."

Jing Liu smiled helplessly.

"What I meant by this is to tell you to be on guard against those Star Gods who try to get close to you, especially Ah Ha. It’s best not to get close to him unless I’m here.

What if Ah Ha finds it fun to anger him and kills Jing Liu one day…

Yuanming narrowed his eyes, and the aura around him was unstable for a moment.

The Immortal Boat shook violently.

Many people fell to the ground while walking.

"What's wrong?"

Jingliu turned his head and looked at Yuanming in a daze.

The white color on Yuanming's palm, like porcelain, quickly faded.

He turned his head, and the murderous intent in his eyes quickly dissipated.

He smiled at Jingliu:"It's okay."

I won't let you get involved in these things.

In a way, Aha is more dangerous than any other star god in the universe. To give a basic example - Lan will show a strong murderous intent before killing, and people will notice it.

But Aha won't - or he won't be angry about these things at all.

He just thinks it's a fun thing, or it can be the fuse of some interesting events.

But he happens to have the strength at the top of the universe.

This is why, up to now, no powerful force has shown goodwill to the Joyful Star God.

Yuanming admits that he may have some persecution delusions - but for a being like the Star God, this may be an effective measure to avoid crisis.

"What happened?"

Jing Liu frowned and reached out to touch Yuanming's face:"Why is your expression so scary?"


Yuanming lowered his head and hugged Jingliu into his arms.

Jingliu was stunned, but still raised his hand and patted his back:"It's okay... It's okay... What happened?"

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming whispered in her ear.

"You can't leave me"


Jingliu laughed in relief:"I won't"

"I can't leave you."

She added

"I can't leave you either"


"Ask a question! What day is coming soon?"


"Your anniversary together?"

"Hey! You two, master and disciple!"

Bai Heng hit Jingliu and Jingyuan on the head in a frustrated manner:"You two really don't remember what day it is?"

Jingyuan rubbed his head.

Jingliu didn't show any expression.

Yuanming pulled her into his arms and gently rubbed her head.

Jingliu turned around and smiled at Yuanming.

Yuanming lowered his head and gently kissed the corner of her lips.

Bai Heng:...



""Does Danfeng know what day it is?"

Bai Heng curled his lips and turned to look at Danfeng.

"Ying Xing's birthday, right?"

Dan Feng raised his eyebrows.


Bai Heng sniffed, turned around and looked at the master and disciple in front of him with a look of disappointment:"Forget about Jing Liuliu, but what about you, Jing Yuanyuan, how come you don’t remember?"

"If my heart and mind were filled with Ying Xing, wouldn't you be panicked, Bai Heng?……"

Jing Yuan's mouth twitched:"We both remember Ying Xing's birthday, but we can't react if you ask us this all of a sudden." Jing

Liu nodded.

There have been too many things going on recently, and when Bai Heng suddenly asked her this, she thought he was asking her when the meeting would be.

But then she thought again, it seems unlikely that Bai Heng would take the initiative to ask about the meeting.

"Oh, really? Haha……"

Bai Heng smiled awkwardly and scratched her head. The next second, she seemed to have thought of something and her expression returned to seriousness again:"This is the way I use to test your memory!"

"If you didn't expect it, just say so."

Jing Yuan crossed his arms and said,"So, what are you going to give Ying Xing for his birthday?"

"Hehehe...it's a secret."

Bai Heng kept it a secret and just smiled,"We'll find out at the dinner table then.""


Jing Yuan looked at Dan Feng:"What about you, Dan Feng?"

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Dan Feng originally wanted to give Ying Xing a piece of clothing, but the one Ying Xing is wearing now seems to be the one Jing Liu gave him at that time.

There is no need to give duplicate gifts.

Ying Xing is not short of clothes. It is impossible for each of the five heroes on Yunshang to give him a piece of clothing.

Different clothes, so he can wear them in turns.

That would be boring.

Mainly because it is useless.

Dan Feng stroked his chin and looked at Jing Liu:"What are you going to give this time?"

"Well... he doesn't usually take care of his hair, so how about I give him a... hairpin?"

Jingliu stroked his chin and gave his answer.


Bai Heng immediately turned around and waved his hand at Jing Liu:"Change another one!"


Jing Liu was stunned:"You want to give me a hairpin?"

Bai Heng was embarrassed and waved his hands quickly:"No! No... I just thought that Ying Xing's hair is not too messy, right... He takes care of it every day, you see……"


These two words came to the minds of the other five people.

Bai Heng must be giving a hairpin.

"What kind of hairpin do you want to give me? Why do you want to be so secretive?"

Jing Yuan raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"I want to give it to you... Oh, I told you I won't give you a hairpin!"

Bai Heng stared at Jing Yuan.

""Okay, okay... you don't give her a hairpin."

Jing Yuan shrugged:"You heard it all, right? Bai Heng doesn't give Ying Xing a hairpin."

"Jing Yuanyuan, are you looking for a fight?!"

There was a fight.

Note: A fight: refers to the way Bai Heng, the deputy helmsman of Tianbosi, chased Jing Yuan and beat him.

The place for celebrating Ying Xing's birthday was decided.

Bai Heng said that Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce had suffered losses recently, so they could borrow a merchant ship from them.

"The person in charge of Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce was very stubborn and refused to let Tianbosi compensate for their losses. He insisted on bearing the losses himself. How could they bear such a business worth tens of millions of credit points?

Bai Heng shook his head and said,"It's a good opportunity to compensate Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce for some of their losses and let them recover. We can also ask Tianchi to reimburse part of the losses.""

"That merchant ship has only recently been vacated. It's not that I don't want to lend it to Jing Yuanyuan."

Bai Heng waved his hand and explained to Jing Yuanyuan,"Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce has just returned."

The person in charge of Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce has received favors from Luofu Xianzhou - mainly because of Bai Heng's face.

At that time, Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce had just been established, and it could not develop in Luofu, had no connections, could not build a route to connect to the starry sky, and was even on the verge of bankruptcy.

Bai Heng helped out, and with her connections, these were not a big deal.

But for the Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce at that time, it was like giving a bottle of Linyuan Ice Spring to someone who was about to die of thirst.

In addition, the person in charge of Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce himself was a person who valued friendship and knew how to repay. Bai Heng felt that there were indeed not many such businessmen, so he helped out casually.

Otherwise, Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce would have been poached by other immortal boats or companies long ago.

Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce can be what it is today, thanks to Bai Heng. If

Bai Heng came forward, Xiangshui Chamber of Commerce would definitely not refuse


"A Liu."

Yuanming took Jingliu's hand and said,"What are you going to give Yingxing?""

"I don’t know… I really don’t know what to give him."

Jing Liu scratched his head.

As for Ying Xing… it seemed like she had given him everything she could.

Clothes, hairbands, bracelets…

After all, Ying Xing was the only short-lived person among them, so he would be a little more sensitive about birthdays.

"Why not give him some good materials?"

Jing Liu stroked his chin and said,"Ying Xing is indeed very interested in forging."

"Well, I think it's possible.

Yuanming nodded:"But I don't know how to forge"

"……I don't understand either."

Jing Liu coughed twice and said,"I'll ask Huai Yan."

"Huai Yan?"

"Yes, Zhu Ming's general."

Jing Liu picked up the jade omen and said,"Maybe we can get some good materials from Huai Yan."


Yuanming nodded:"Are you and Yingxing both from Zhuming?"

"Zhuming is the closest immortal ship to Cangcheng, so I went directly to Zhuming after I was rescued from Cangcheng. Yingxing was interested in forging, and Zhuming is a immortal ship famous for its craftsmanship."

Jingliu nodded:"Bai Heng is from Yaoqing, Jingyuan and Danfeng are both from Luofu."

"Is that so?"

Yuanming rested his chin on Jingliu's shoulder:"Do you have Huaiyan's jade vein?"

"Um... No, I have to ask Teng Xiao."

When she was in Zhu Ming before, she ignored everyone and didn't interact with others. Even if other people knew there was such a genius as Jing Liu, they didn't have any contact with her.

Jing Liu sent a message to Teng Xiao.

【Jingliu: Are you there?

Teng Xiao didn't reply. He was probably busy and didn't have time to look at the jade sign.

Jingliu was not in a hurry. He put the jade sign aside, turned around and hugged Yuanming:"Do you think this is a suitable gift?"

"I think it's quite appropriate. After all, I can't think of anything else to give him."

Yuanming shrugged and hugged Jingliu tightly:"Hold for a while."


Jingliu sat on Yuanming's legs and closed his eyes.

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