Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 126 Handover

Xia Xi said: "The strongest fortress often collapses from the inside, and human intelligence is the best corrosive agent...By the way, brother, the reason why you became the director of the General Bureau is because you don't have enough corrosive agent."

"Shut up!"

"I have already planted the seeds of corrosion in his heart, and [Li] can provide the best soil for the seeds to take root and germinate. Let him escape for the time being, wandering in the Ninth District is fine, or go to the [Tianhuang District] to recuperate his wounds." Well, what he sees and hears here will definitely refresh his mind."

Thinking of the space city where order and chaos intermingled, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a headache, and made a decision after a while.

"...Understood, then the matter of the Jedi apprentice will be handed over to you."

"Leave it to me? Brother, you don't think that after I fought a fierce battle with a Jedi apprentice, I would still have the strength to continue playing hide-and-seek with him?"

As Xia Xi said, he coughed, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood: "Jedi knights are a group of monsters, and even a small apprentice can fight me to the detriment of both... My [Frenzied Blood] has expired, the next paragraph Time, I can only be a quiet perverted murderer in the hospital. Let Xia Jiang do the arresting of the apprentices, I believe he will do a good job."

After finishing speaking, Xia Xi stopped talking to his brother, and he himself fell limply to the ground like a robot that had run out of power.

The next moment, the pitch-black muzzle hit his forehead.

Xia Jiang's face was gloomy, his eyelids trembled slightly, only his hand holding the gun was as steady as a rock.

He is not interested in capturing any Jedi apprentices, let alone participating in this innocent disaster, as long as he kills the culprit with one shot here... and only if he kills the culprit with one shot here, can the space city restore peace!

At the moment of life and death, Xia Xi laughed: "Xia Jiang, don't pretend, you have been a coward once, and you will be a coward all your life. What you couldn't do back then, you can't do now. So don't think about turning against your family." , you are not suitable for playing that kind of ruthless role, you should honestly be a dog for the family and go catch that apprentice."

The muzzle did not budge.

Xia Xi sighed, with a look of extreme impatience on her flat face: "Why do idiots always appear around me...Haven't the events of the past taught you enough lessons?"

Xia Jiang was startled when he heard this.

Xia Xi said: "Back then, I suggested to my superiors that you should abandon your teammates and let go, and force you to betray all your friends. Later, I also presided over the clean-up of the remnants of the rebels, and punished those rebels who did not escape in time one by one. There is your best friend. As the Xia family, you have fallen to this point, thanks to my activeness back then, don't say you forgot..."

Almost at the moment when the words came to an end, a beam of energy landed next to Xia Xi's head, and it was only a little bit short of piercing through his forehead.

Xia Xi's flat face didn't even have a trace of waves: "That's right, you also threatened me with a gun back then, and you deliberately missed it when you could hit it. However, you shouldn't have forgotten the little girl I sent out back then. gift?"

"Little gift..." At this moment, Xia Jiang's complexion changed suddenly, and the hand holding the gun finally began to tremble.

Xia Xi raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Remember? That's right, it has a beautiful [shock wood veneer] packaging, bright color painting, listen carefully, and you can hear the sound of ticking. Every one of your confidantes will collect received a copy, many of which were signed by their family and friends..."

"shut up!"

Of course Xia Xi would not stop talking: "I set the destination of the cargo ship at [Li], and I specifically asked you to take care of it. You shouldn't think that I didn't make any preparations beforehand? Half an hour later, if I can't Lie down in the [Nirvana] medical cabin in Tianxuan District 2, and each of your subordinates will receive a small gift from me at home. For example... the little guy named Luo Ming over there, his little girlfriend should Waiting for you to finish the task at No. 422 Pingan Street in [Tianhuang Seventh District], and spend the anniversary with her, if..."

Before Xia Xi finished speaking, the muzzle of the gun in front of him was finally retracted.

"That's right. From now on, I will hand over my task to you. Do it well and don't let me down."

After finishing speaking, Xia Xi closed her eyes and her breathing became extremely slow.

The little man standing behind Xia Jiang gritted his teeth: "Captain, what should we do next?"

Xia Jiang sighed: "What else can I do? Contact [Nirvana], prepare the medical cabin, and take him there as soon as possible. His vital signs are about to disappear."

The little man still couldn't believe it: "Captain, is what he just said true?"

"What does it matter if it's true or not?" Xia Jiang sighed again, "We don't have the right to choose not to believe."

The little man was still a little unwilling: "Captain, I can ask my girlfriend to avoid me for a while, there is no need to..."

"Luo Ming, this is an order!"

"Obey, captain!" Luo Ming immediately restrained all his thoughts, and used a communicator to contact the most prestigious hospital [Nirvana] in the entire space city, and asked him to quickly dispatch an emergency airship.

It's just that Luo Ming encountered obstacles at this step.


"What is an airship with no space?! What about the emergency boats in your hangar all year round? There are ten of them, don't tell me they are all occupied! What? Reserved for VIPs? There are only a few VIPs in Space City, and they are all here now. Sudden illness waiting for you to rescue!? You... What do you mean that the situation has not subsided, and the airship cannot move rashly? Isn’t it just a cargo ship crashed! And it didn’t explode in [Not Zhou], and it didn’t crash into your house! What are you pretending to be? Raw chicken!?"

Halfway through Luo Ming's yelling, the communicator was snatched by Xia Jiang.

The black-armored squadron leader has long been indifferent to the contempt on the other side of the communicator, so he simply put forward his own conditions: "If the emergency boat cannot be in place within five minutes, Qiankun security will withdraw from Tianxuan Sanqi Street, Eighth District, and announce the news to the whole city. I remember that your staff dormitory is on that street, and I hope you can be self-reliant in the face of the homeless people in the Ninth District."

After finishing speaking, Xia Jiang took the initiative to cut off the communication, and then sighed: "Wait a minute, the airship should be here soon."

Luo Ming hesitated: "Captain, did you mean the truth just now? Are you really going to withdraw from Sanqi Street?"

Xia Jiang said: "What else? Continue to protect them and let them do their best? It's fine for us to lose face a bit. If someone really sends a small gift to our door, it's too late to regret it."

Thinking of the little gift that Xia Xi said, Luo Ming couldn't help being nervous: "Captain, is the little gift he said real?"

"Is it true or not? Do you dare to bet?" Xia Jiang smiled helplessly, "Although I hate that man on the ground, I have to admit that his method is indeed very effective."

Luo Ming asked again: "The Jedi apprentices..."

"Don't worry about it, don't say it, and when the others come back, just pretend you don't know anything."

"Huh?" Luo Ming was surprised, "But..."

Xia Jiang waved her hand: "Don't ask, the less you know about this matter, the better. You are still young, so there is no need to cut your own back."

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