Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 127 Profound Sky Ninth District

Luo Ming only felt that the captain's words were getting more and more cloudy, but he also knew that what he should do now was to follow orders and not make his own decisions.

So he left the scene very quickly, turned around and ran to the wreckage of the cargo ship, and cooperated with other fighters to remove the unconscious crew members from the giant camel one by one.

Maybe it was good luck, or maybe someone had done enough hard work when the giant camel crashed, so that although the dozens of crew members on board were all injured, few were seriously injured, and no one died.

Luo Ming couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he saw this. If the injuries were too serious, only the [Nirvana] Hospital in Tianxuan Second District in Space City could save them. But of course, how could that lofty hospital open its doors to this group of civilians?

Right now, the [Prolonged Life Hall] in Tianxuan Eighth District, or the [Huishengtang] in Tianxuan Seventh District, these civilian hospitals should be enough. If it doesn't work, the black doctors in the Tianhuang District can be regarded as high-quality and cheap, it's nothing more than taking a little more risk.

And a moment later, a pure white airship roared from a distance.

The emergency airship from the top hospital [Nirvana] arrived at the scene within five minutes. It's just that this life-saving airship didn't even look at the crew members moaning in pain next to the wreckage of the cargo ship. It landed directly on a small open space, showing its exquisite driving skills and performance of the airship. Two medical staff wearing full protective suits got off the airship and drilled into the ruins to lift Xiaxi onto the suspension frame. He didn't say a word.

Xia Jiang sighed and raised his heels up.

Although in theory, as long as the emergency airship of [Nirvana] picks up the person, the person's life is considered to be saved. But considering Xia Xi's secrets and his life's involvement, Xia Jiang had no choice but to personally accompany him to ensure that he could indeed lie down in the medical cabin for the remaining 25 minutes.

However, within two steps, a heavily armed hospital security guard on the emergency airship raised his gun at Xia Jiang, motioning him to stop.

[Nirvana] Although it is opened in this space city, it has a team of private soldiers. From training to equipment, it is much "sophisticated" than the officers and soldiers of Qiankun Security. Usually, it does not need the protection of Qiankun Security, let alone control , Xia Jiang's posture at this time, in the eyes of [Nirvana] people, is a kind of arrogance.

Xia Jiang didn't say much, and stroked his waist lightly with his right hand, and pulled the trigger of the pistol. His movements seemed gentle, but they were extremely swift. And the short gun at the waist did not disappoint him, the energy beam accurately knocked out the long gun in the opponent's hand, and the gunman didn't even respond at all.

Xia Jiang frightened the scene with an exquisite rapid fire, and then strode into the airship, and no one dared to stop him.

However, after taking a seat on the airship, Xia Jiang reached out to touch the short gun at his waist, but the face of that Jedi apprentice and his superior rapid fire kept appearing in his mind.

"Tsk, it shouldn't be such a coincidence..."


The night in Tianxuan Ninth District was as thick as ink.

As a new expansion area of ​​Tianxuan District, its location is not ideal. Above the head is the famous Grand Theater of the Space City and the defense network guarded by it, as if wearing a felt hat that can never be taken off; the surrounding area is expanded for many years. The Tianxuan area has already occupied all the good positions; behind it is the great central axis that runs through the upper and lower areas of [Li], like a giant beast covering the sky...

All of these cut off the light from the star [dry], making the Ninth District of Tianxuan a place of eternal night.

However, when the Ninth District was once prosperous, the inexhaustible energy from [Buzhou] would pass through countless lamps and turn into blazing light, bringing day and night to this place.

And the lights on the ground will ignite the night, making this Tianxuan New District glow with infinite vitality.

Of course, with the decline of the Ninth District, the former glory naturally receded, and the traces of prosperity left on this land seemed ironic.

Walking in the ruins of the decaying Ninth District, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Sean's mouth, but it was himself who smiled in his heart.

A moment of carelessness, reduced to this point, this is the so-called self-inflicted.

If he hadn't been so hot-headed at that time, but stayed honestly in the base of the Red Apricot Squad, discussing countermeasures with his teammates, even if the result may not be satisfactory, he would not be reduced to being devastated and hiding in the enemy's territory The point of Tibet.

But Sean didn't have the slightest regret. Under the conditions at the time, his choice was not wrong. Qiankun security actually buried the trap directly under Baiyin's nose, which was unexpected by anyone, so instead of wasting time regretting it, it is better to think about what to do next.

"Yeah, what should I do next?"

Whispering, I saw airships roaring past one after another overhead, adding a lot of hustle and bustle to the declining and silent Tianxuan Ninth District.

Most of them are private airships from the surrounding districts, there are gang organizations who come to fish in troubled waters; there are journalists eager to collect first-hand information; and there are onlookers who are purely watching the fun... But soon, these airships were scattered around. The security fighters on the streets of the Ninth District used energy beams to force them back.

The presence of several emergency airships among them made Sean feel relieved—the lives of the people on the giant camel cargo ship were probably safe.

It's just that Sean quickly regained his composure. He really doesn't have the energy to care about others now. His own situation is probably much worse than that of any other crew member.

When the cargo ship crashed, Sean was at the bow of the ship and suffered the strongest impact. Not to mention all internal injuries, many fragments from when the bridge was shattered are still on his body... After that, Sean don't Talking about bandaging and healing, he was attacked by Xia Xi before he could recover, and had to fight a fierce battle that shook his mind.

After the war, Xiao En was ambushed again by Qiankun security personnel and almost died on the spot. At this time, the gunshot wounds on his shoulder and thigh continued to cause dizzy pain, and every step he took, his body seemed to be a little heavier .

The so-called run out of oil is nothing more than that.

In a daze, Xiao En suddenly heard footsteps not far away, accompanied by greedy laughter and cursing.

"Damn, is it true or not? As long as you can catch that kid, you will have two million Qiankun coins? Where is the big man so valuable?"

"It's absolutely true, Brother Hutou said it himself, can there be a lie? And it doesn't matter whether he is true or not, at worst, it's a waste of time, what else can I lose?"

"What stupid things do you say, you are not afraid that the ones who will be rewarded are [Baiyin] gang of murderers, and they will be shot to death by then?"

"A reward of two million is offered, even being killed is worth it!"

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