Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 150 Opportunity

Sean is very clear that he is only slightly out of control and has evil thoughts, which is definitely not the case in his rationality and disposition.

However, once the evil thought arises, it lingers. Looking at the militants hiding behind the building, Sean's fingers can't help touching the handle of the gun at his waist.

As long as he fires a shot and causes war on the border between the two districts, his future will undoubtedly be easier. Although the inevitable will bring casualties, but...

However, if we weigh the pros and cons rationally, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion: it is better to cause a war here in advance than to be stopped by armed men. In order to break out of the siege, Xiao En may not have the opportunity to show mercy, and fierce battles will also cause tragic casualties , and it will inevitably delay the business.

The pros and cons are clear at a glance, and being soft-hearted here is tantamount to disregarding the overall interests in order to satisfy one's own moral sense.

If it is that flat face, there will never be any worries when doing it. And there is no doubt that the methods of that perverted killer are always extraordinarily effective, and this young apprentice has already experienced it deeply.

While thinking about it, Sean's gun had unconsciously aimed at a mercenary from the Profound Sky District.

Compared to the tense nerves in the Tianhuang District, although the mercenaries in the Tianxuan District are numerous and well-equipped, they are obviously a little slack, as if they are waiting for someone to remind them of the cruelty of war.

Next, as long as Xiao En lightly pulls the trigger, the road leading to the Tianxuan District will suddenly be connected.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion in the Tianxuan District. The mercenaries seemed to have heard some incredible news, and they put down their guns one after another, showing surprised and relieved expressions. But soon they quickly evacuated the border under the command of several leaders.

After the mercenaries in Tianxuan District left the field, the Tianhuang District immediately booed everywhere, but after mocking their opponents who fled without fighting, the militants in Tianhuang District also breathed a sigh of relief.

If you can not fight, it is better not to fight.

And just when people's spirits were relaxed, Xiao En also let out a sigh of relief, retracted the short gun, and then found the sight of the crowd, quietly crossed the border between the two districts along the side of the street, and set foot on the land of Tianxuan District.

What's interesting is that after passing the junction of Xuanhuang and Huang districts, the sight suddenly becomes clear, and the majestic and magnificent figure of Tianxuan Yudong is clearly visible under the light, like an emperor standing in Tianxuan, overlooking the common people.

From the border of Tianxuan District to Tianxuan Yudong, it is a long and dangerous road.

Bathed in the prosperous lights of Tianxuan District again, Xiao En could clearly feel that the atmosphere here has also changed.

Similar to the Tianhuang District, a large number of armed mercenaries began to take to the streets to maintain order in the area, or to delineate restricted areas to drive away pedestrians, or to close down some noisy public facilities.

Because of the prosperity and civilization of Tianxuan District, all this seems to be in order, far from being as noisy as Tianhuang District.

"However, if you look closely, the chaos is still clear at a glance..." Xiao En observed the street scene carefully, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

Being orderly is just an appearance. The well-dressed and elegant people in Tianxuan District will also be flustered, confused and even hysterical when faced with emergencies.

A young couple on the street passed by a mercenary holding heavy firepower. The young man saw the flamethrower behind the mercenary, his face turned pale and he couldn't stand still, while the older woman like a sister Hold his hand tightly, and comfort him with gentle words—even though the woman herself is trembling uncontrollably.

A gray-haired old man was waving a cane wildly, arguing with a mercenary in full armor, but the latter just pushed up the shield vigorously, pushing the old man to the side of the road until he staggered away from the scratched established restricted area. The old man cursed angrily for a while, seeing that the mercenaries had no intention of respecting the old and loving the young, he could only spit and leave angrily.

In addition, there are also some irrational people who entangle with the mercenaries endlessly, while the Yongbing in Tianxuan District have rich experience in dealing with them, and are very good at using electric shock devices and hard shields to calm down troublemakers immediately.

Because there were enough armed men on the street, some chaos was quickly suppressed - just as Xiao En saw with his own eyes in the border area, there were almost more armed mercenaries on the street than ordinary people!

As the core bustling area of ​​the space city, the rich heritage of Tianxuan District is clearly evident at this moment. It also relies on mercenaries belonging to private organizations to maintain order. However, the mercenaries in Tianxuan District are far from comparable in quantity and quality to their down-and-out counterparts in Tianhuang District. It looks shabby.

"But in essence, it's still a mob..."

After observing for a while, Sean made a rough judgment.

Although there are many mercenaries on the street, they are obviously doing their own thing, and there is no tacit understanding at all. When the two teams of mercenaries met on the street, they mostly nodded, lowered their guns, and used extreme caution to ensure that each other was safe.

However, the few mercenary teams obviously had old grudges. When they passed each other, they would hit each other's shoulders forcefully, and put on a grinning posture, as if a war was about to break out.

After observing for a while, Sean felt more and more troublesome.

These mobs are full of flaws, but because they have too many flaws, they themselves are always tense, for fear of being secretly shot by some enemy or troublemaker. In this case, a lone traveler who is "retrograde" all the way will look particularly eye-catching no matter how he conceals his tracks.

What's more, Sean didn't have time to cover up, and then slowly figured it out.

The change in the warehouse area won't be hidden for long, and Sean has no doubt that the mastermind behind the scenes will blame him for the captain's death, and what he will then face is an unprecedented arrest in the city.

And just when Sean felt more and more difficult, the turning point came suddenly.

A group of well-equipped civilian mercenaries stopped on the way of patrolling, and the leading captain received an unexpected instruction from the headset communicator.

"What? Now let's transfer people to Tianxuan Yudong? Come on, we are too short-handed here."

"I know that troops above Grade A are obliged to wait for recruitment in an emergency, but is it really necessary to call us? At Tianxuan Yudong, two special forces are not enough for the council to dispatch? Do they want security? Do you want to show up?"

"Tsk, I got it, I got it, I won't talk nonsense, just send someone there, okay?"

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