Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 151 Whimsical

After finishing the communication, the mercenary captain said impatiently to his subordinates behind him: "You heard what you said just now, the top is pressing you hard, we have to find someone to do chores for them. Don't look at me, I don't know what the higher-ups think, but since we eat this bowl of rice, don't complain about the occasional food that breaks our teeth."

After a pause, the mercenary captain stretched out his finger to the tallest soldier at the end of the team: "Newcomer, you are the only one, and you will be entrusted with the important task of adding luster to our 'Iron Shield Squad'. When you arrive at Tianxuan Yudong, don't worry about it." Lost to the miscellaneous fish of other teams."

The soldier who was named was amazed: "Captain, me? It's not suitable, I'm just a rookie..."

"So you expect us old people to answer the call for you? The newcomers are very airy."

The newcomer quickly shook his head: "Go here, go here."

"Wait, are you going like this? Go back and change your equipment first, and put all the heavy firepower on your back, don't let the bastards next door underestimate our 'Iron Shield'."

The rookie looked bitter: "That's a march with heavy loads."

"Otherwise, why would I choose you? Do you have any strengths besides carrying weight?"

A rookie is a rookie after all, facing this kind of undisguised job oppression, he can only nod with tears in his eyes and walk on his way.

It's just that this tall and strong newcomer didn't notice that there was an extra person behind him.

He walked quickly along the noisy street and came to the door of a commercial real estate. On the side of the noisy department store, there is a well-fitted secret door. After being authenticated by the iron shield mercenaries with a magnetic card, the secret door opens inward, revealing a winding passageway downward.

As a Grade A mercenary team in Tianxuan District, "Iron Shield" is employed by a well-known department store and has an independent underground base in the bustling business district. Although the space is not large, it is already rare in the Tianxuan District where every inch of land is precious, and it is a clear proof of the strength and status of the team.

Iron Shield's newcomer returned to the familiar environment, subconsciously let out a breath, and relaxed the tense muscles all the way. At this moment, there was a gust of wind behind him, and the tall mercenary felt a burst of pain in the back of his head before he could react. There was a violent shock, and the whole world was plunged into darkness.


Sean knocked out the Iron Shield rookie with an elbow, reached out to support him before he slumped, then half-carried and half-push him into the door, and finally jumped into the door quickly.

Seeing the secret door behind him closing quickly and quietly, without triggering any alarms, Xiao En let out a sigh of relief, feeling that the matter was finally a successful first step...

But immediately, Sean took his breath back, because there are still many steps to follow.

Knock out the mercenary, use his identity to go to Tianxuan Yudong openly, and then sneak into the high-rise building, contact Zhang Jincheng, and ask him to lock Xia Xi's location, and open an escape route for himself after eliminating Xia Xi's threat... That's about all there is to do.

"After summarizing it into a paragraph, it's actually quite simple."

In the passage, Sean laughed a lot at himself, but quickly restrained his expression and began to seriously plan the next move.

Of course he knew how wishful thinking this plan was, and many links in it were simply whimsical.

But he had no choice other than this option. So no matter how many difficulties and dangers lie ahead, now we can only go forward bravely.

Xiao En leaned down, dismantled the iron shield mercenary's armor, and then tied him to the deputy on the side of the passage with the rope in the man's backpack.

Afterwards, Sean took the access card inside the base from the mercenary.

Looking at the bright and deep road in front of him, Xiao En exhaled lightly, patted his cheek, and evoked a cold smile: "Fortunately, this is Tianxuan District."

Next, he had to go deep into this strange base, collect suitable equipment from the arsenal of the base, and then go to Tianxuan Yudong with the title of Iron Shield Mercenary.

The stature of the strong man under his feet was much different from his. Not only was he a head taller than him, but his weight was almost doubled. Among the armor equipment on his whole body, except for the half-covered and adjustable helmet, which is barely usable, the other parts are obviously not up to date.

Otherwise, there would be no need for Sean to come to the interior of the base. On the way to track him, he would be sure to trick this strong man into a dark place to fight sap.

But now, Sean must single-handedly go deep into an unfamiliar mercenary base, and bear the risk of triggering the alarm and being attacked on the spot.

If this base was built in the Tianhuang District, then Xiao En would not take this risk anyway, but this is after all in the Tianxuan District, a place that has been peaceful for a long time and can be described as a place where Wen Tianwu plays.

From the confrontation of the mercenaries in the Xuanhuang and Huang districts with guns, Xiao En has clearly seen the problems of the Tianxuan mercenaries. Most of them are well-equipped and well-trained, but they don't have much actual combat experience, and even lack actual combat awareness.

While the mercenaries in the Tianhuang District had already put their fingers on the triggers, many people in the Tianxuan District didn't even take off their blasters from their backs. For them, weapons such as blaster guns are too dangerous, but solid shields and electric shock devices are more convenient to use—especially the locally produced BA-4 square alloy shield and N-04 one-handed explosion-proof electric shock It can be called the artifact of daily security. This combination of the most unpretentious large shield and one-handed staff is ineffective in most cases.

The base of this kind of mercenary team is built underground in a bustling business district, and probably won't have too strict security, especially at this time when all the mercenaries are transferred to the streets, the base is even more empty.

All the way down, Sean quickly confirmed his guess.

The iron shield's base was almost undefended at this time. Sean only used a magnetic card to become the owner of the base. From the mercenary dormitory to the weapon depot, all places were open to him.

Sean didn't waste time, quickly found a set of medium-sized armor from the arsenal and put it on, then put on the tall man's helmet, adjusted the communicator, and walked out of the base quickly, facing the brilliant lights of Tianxuan District .

Under the light, he swaggered forward with a generous posture, and advanced straight all the way to Tianxuan Yudong. Relying on an identity plate and authentication magnetic card that did not belong to him, he successfully crossed the checkpoints that were heavily guarded, but did not cause anyone's attention. Extra attention.

Putting on a full set of armor, the Jedi apprentice looks exactly like an Iron Shield mercenary. Even the walking posture and the expression under the helmet are eight or nine points similar to those folk mercenaries who like to show off, and they are mixed in the crowd. Even more inconspicuous.

Even though some details and temperament are still slightly inconsistent, but when the whole city is in a panic, no one has the time to pay attention to an inconspicuous mercenary.

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