Star Wars

Chapter 107

The main road of Jiangcheng was clogged with vehicles of all sizes, and zombies in various costumes and covered in blood were staggering.

Suddenly, several zombies were pushed away, and a toy car drove in front, followed by a little girl and a female zombie holding luggage. This group was Mofang and Jiajia. Unfortunately, the remote-controlled helicopter had limited load capacity and could not take Jiajia out. In frustration, they had to walk north step by step. Anyway, no one dared to live near the main road and they were not afraid of being seen.

Suddenly, Mofang turned into a robot and jumped onto the roof of an SUV. After a few clicks, it transformed into a sniper rifle, and three red lines locked onto an evolved zombie.

Maybe the evolved zombies are not picky eaters, or maybe Jia Jia is at the same level as these evolved zombies.

The evolved zombies obviously want to eat Jia Jia as food.

After discovering Jia Jia, they overturned private cars and rushed over here.

Then, three red lines locked on the evolved zombie's head, and then a sniper bullet penetrated the center of the evolved zombie's eyebrows.

The black blood behind it sprayed out from a distance and sprinkled on a white car.

The scene was extremely miserable.

"Brother Rubik's Cube, you are so awesome!"

"This is nothing. I usually play this when I have nothing to do. I am used to it."Mofang silently pretended to be an expert.

Mofang found that Jiajia could only make ordinary zombies immune to herself. In order to ensure safety, she had to take Jiajia to a detour to the riverside road. There were the least evolved zombies by the river. Maybe she could find a small boat to speed up the journey.

Since there were risks, she might as well use the robot form to travel. After all, roller skating is not much slower. If something happens, she can save the time consumed by transformation. As for whether there are any survivors who saw her, these people can't get out anyway. If they see her, then they will see her. Even if they see her, can she take a photo and post it on a circle to attract everyone's attention like before the end of the world?

"Cube brother... I'm tired……"Jia Jia stood on the side of the road and pouted and said

"Uh... I was careless. Let's go to that store and rest for a while. Maybe we can find something to eat and drink."

After saying that, Mofang took the lead and walked towards the roadside store. After scanning a circle, he found a zombie proprietress standing behind the cashier. He immediately took Jiajia into the store. It was good to have zombies. It meant that the things were there and no one came in to take them.


Pushing open the glass door, the wind chimes hanging on the door made a pleasant sound. The zombie proprietress behind the cashier stared at him with dead fish eyes. Mofang happily sent a bullet into her brain. After all, it was not appropriate to take things from the store in front of the store owner. At least there was psychological comfort in this way.

"Okay, you can eat those sealed foods, but don't eat the bread. You can eat biscuits, chips, etc." The Cube kindly reminded


Jia Jia happily ran straight to the various soft candies, and unceremoniously selected various snacks she liked


While taking a break, Mofang contacted Zhang Xiaowen. After telling her about Jiajia's situation, Zhang Xiaowen immediately decided to drive to the riverside road to meet him. Anyway, there was nothing to do in the camp, so it was better to go out for a walk. At present, Zhang Xiaowen's ferocity was really nothing to be afraid of except for the lickers. Even if it was a licker, it was just because he had not fought in actual combat that he could not tell who was stronger and who was weaker.

Just when he contacted Zhang Xiaowen, Mofang heard some movement coming from behind the store building. It sounded like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground...

The left mechanical arm turned into a small machine gun, holding the gun and turning the wheel slowly towards the back door.

Click... Gently twisted the door lock, behind the door was a relatively closed community, full of various plants and many fitness equipment. This was a relatively high-end community. There was a middle-aged male corpse on the brick-paved ground. It was not a zombie, but a human who had just died. There was a wound on his neck. It was not a zombie bite, but a wound caused by some sharp weapon that cut his throat. Mofang would definitely not be wrong about this.

Murder? Are there survivors upstairs?

Looking up, the detection equipment searched the seven-story building along the road, and soon found a man in a room with a broken window on the seventh floor. He was a man in his twenties, holding a dagger.

Seeking revenge? How could such a plot appear after the end of the world? If both the enemy and himself survived, the probability would be extremely high. Stealing supplies? I didn't see this guy rummaging through the boxes, so why did he kill people? I couldn't figure it out, so I simply fired a laser that was invisible to the naked eye to the relatively intact glass in the room, and listened to the vibration of the glass to monitor whether this guy said anything

"Mutants, some are strong, some are weak, and everyone is different. How can I continue to improve my abilities? It's really a headache.……"

"Killing five mutants only increased my ability a little bit. Do I really have to go downstairs to kill those dirty zombies? If I keep going like this, when will I be able to dominate the world?"

"Is there some shortcut I haven't discovered?"

"What a headache, it's getting harder and harder to find mutants, should we go to the camp outside the city to look for them? Well, let's find some time to go out of the city and have a look."

The young man muttered to himself while quickly turning the dagger in his hand, and it seemed that he was a speed-type mutant.

The Cube never expected that this was a guy who would take human lives for the so-called promotion.

It really fits the saying that as long as he is happy, the life and death of human beings is none of his business.

The end of the world is really full of mental illness, relying on that insignificant ability to act recklessly, maybe in the end mankind will not perish at the hands of the virus but at the hands of human beings.

At this moment……

""Brother Mofang! Look, I found a jar of jam!" Jia Jia happily shouted to Mofang standing at the door.

Mofang suddenly jumped back through the back door and entered the store, while the young man in the scanned image rushed to the window and looked downstairs, then ran to the stairs and rushed downstairs.

"Jiajia, go out and hide behind the zombies' car first. I'll come find you later. Be obedient."

"All right……"

Jia Jia also noticed something was wrong.

There was a very active spirit coming down quickly from upstairs.

Feeling that something was not right, Jia Jia followed the words of the Mofang and went out with a dirty little schoolbag on her back to sneak into the zombie group.

She squatted behind a car and secretly looked at the store.

With this skill of hiding in the zombie group, the young man couldn't find Jia Jia at all when he came down.

Even if he found her, he could do nothing about it.

Even the most powerful mutants would be torn into pieces when they entered the zombie group.

Rub, rub, rub~ The Mofang climbed up the shelf and turned into a toy car, and stopped there motionless.

After a while, the sound of running footsteps in the stairs went down to the first floor. The Mofang could clearly see the figure of the young man. The scan showed that his superpowers exceeded those of ordinary mutants. No wonder he could wander around looking for mutants to kill.

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