Star Wars

Chapter 108

The store fell into silence, and only the occasional roars of zombies outside the door could be heard.

The doorknob turned slightly, and the young man with the dagger gently opened the door, stood quietly outside the door and listened to the movement in the store.

He waited for three minutes without moving.

Mofang had to say that this guy was very cautious.

Without knowing whether the other party was a superpower or whether he had received training, he assumed that the other party had strong combat power and acted cautiously in any situation.

If this kid didn't die, he would definitely be a local hero in the future.

Mofang found that the boy held the door with his hand to open it without making a sound. This hand must have been learned when he sneaked out of the house to play when he was a child. Although the young man was cautious, he still didn't think that his movements were seen clearly, and he didn't notice the detection scanning on his body from time to time. This is the difference between mental mutants and physical mutants.

The computer kept analyzing various data of this young man. The gene had been changed by the virus, and a certain mutation had been achieved to enhance the physical fitness.

The store was not big.

There were only two rows of shelves in the room.

In addition, there was a small, dim restroom in the corner, which was blocked by a cargo box.

The young man was wearing a light gray sports suit.

He was about 1.

7 meters tall.

His hair was cut very messily, as if he had trimmed it with scissors himself.

He had an ordinary appearance and was a little thin.

After scanning the room, he set his sights on the restroom.

He moved quickly but silently to approach the restroom, holding a dagger in his right hand to his chest.

The cover of the Rubik's Cube toy car was gently opened, and the small machine gun was assembled silently and slowly.

The muzzle was turned and aimed at the young man in the restroom...

After the young man approached the restroom door, he was motionless again. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not have known that there was another person there.

The computer analysis showed that this person's speed was his strong point.

If he wanted to hit him, the best choice was a sniper rifle.

Now the deformed sniper rifle was obviously not suitable, or he had to fire with a small machine gun when he was not paying attention.

For example, if he went to open the door, then all his attention would be focused on the restroom and he would ignore the empty room.

He would naturally not consider the outside of the door, which was full of zombies strolling and relaxing.

After waiting for another five minutes, he probably got impatient.

Whoosh! The young man came to the bathroom door at a very fast speed and raised his leg to kick the door! His leg was almost touching the door.

The Rubik's Cube's small machine gun was ready to fire!

Suddenly, the young man followed the light from the door and found that the bathroom door handle was covered with dust, without any trace of being touched by hand. He thought to himself that he was in trouble! He quickly tried to leave the bathroom door at an impossible angle...

Da Da Da...!

Puff puff puff... crackle...

The various snacks and drinks on the shelf separating the Rubik's Cube from the bathroom and the bathroom door were constantly being strafed!

The dense bullets blew up the beverage bottles and then punched a hole in the wooden door of the bathroom.

A string of blood beads was also sprinkled on the light yellow bathroom door.

When the young man was riddled with bullets in the store, he covered his waist and abdomen and rolled towards the back door.

Under such dense bullet strafing, he was only injured and not killed!

The machine gun turned its muzzle and continued to shoot. The foam of the beverages and beer on the shelf was all over the floor. The bags of puffed food were hit and jumped up. The potato chips and shrimp strips were flying all over the sky. Small holes appeared one after another on the door of the back room. The light from outside shone in through the small holes...

Bang! The back door was knocked open. The young man desperately escaped from the back door, leaving a red bloodstain on the door.

Kaka... Ding...!

The Rubik's Cube transformed into a robot and jumped down from the shelf and rushed straight to the back door. Seeing that the young man had already entered the green belt, it was a joke to think that he could block his sight with leaves and plants. He raised his left mechanical arm and continued to shoot.

Swish, swish, swish...

The bullets kept making the sound of cutting through the air flow and passed by the young man, causing the branches and leaves to fly. The young man cursed inwardly that he had met an arms maniac. The Rubik's Cube didn't expect that this guy was indeed a strong speed mutant. The messy route made the Rubik's Cube unable to hit him, but it also made this guy feel what a hail of bullets was.

Kaka! The small machine gun made an empty chamber hang-up sound

"Damn it! No more bullets!"The Rubik's Cube cursed inwardly, bent forward without hesitation, and quickly assembled a small missile with his back.

"Is the magazine empty? Should I... be bad!"

The young man originally planned to go back and teach this guy a lesson when the other party's magazine was empty, but he didn't expect his heart to tremble wildly, and a strong sense of crisis came over him, as if something was strangling his heart! In the crisis, he didn't hesitate to ignore the zombies that surrounded him and ran desperately towards the residential building...


The small missile ejected and ignited in the air, dragging a light blue tail flame straight towards the young man who was running for his life! It penetrated the branches and leaves without any hindrance and avoided the zombies. The square cross locked on the heart of the young man's back!

Whoosh! The small missile turned a corner and headed straight for the young man, who had already run to the door of the residential building at this time. He didn't hesitate to knock away a zombie that ran out of the door and got into the corridor. The small missile that followed him whooshed into the corridor The corridor was narrow and the missile was a little fast. It couldn't turn in time and hit a security door...


The violent explosion pushed the zombie that had just been knocked down directly out of the corridor door and flew into the bushes.

The shock wave of fire and black smoke shattered the window glass at the corner of the stairs from the first floor to the second floor.

The broken glass flew all over the sky.

Although it didn't hit the young man, because the corridor was too narrow, the shock wave of the explosion hit fiercely, and a decorative steel pipe on the railing of the stairs was blown away and inserted into the young man's thigh.

The whole person was hit by the shock wave and fell on the stairs.

Fortunately, a family on the second floor did not lock the door.

The young man endured the severe pain and pulled out the steel pipe on his leg and struggled to run into the room.

He jumped out of the window and landed in a company warehouse and continued to escape.

"So many bullets were wasted and a missile failed to kill him. It seems that I should upgrade quickly, otherwise I will be looked down upon by humans."

The left mechanical arm folded and rotated back into a mechanical hand, and did not continue to chase and kill. Anyway, he did not see who did it, so let him hate in his depression. When we meet next time, I will run away and give him a concentrated bullet to taste, or I will kill him at will after upgrading.

Go to the street outside to find Jiajia, take a few bottles of sweet sauce that have not been crushed, and stagger towards the riverside road.

In an old building a few streets away.

The young man was sitting on the bed with blood all over his body, bandaging himself. There were two scratches on his arm, which were shot by bullets. A bullet was still in the flesh of his waist and abdomen. Fortunately, the place on his leg that was pierced by the steel pipe did not injure the aorta. His back was blackened by fireworks, and his face and body were covered with small cuts. The calm look at the beginning was no longer there.……

"Just wait! I know your name is Mofang……!"

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