Star Wars

Chapter 109

The bullets were all used up and the production speed was not very fast, so Mofang simply pulled out the machete and carried it on his shoulder and walked slowly. The machete could also deal with the evolved zombies, but it would take longer. There were indeed few zombies on the riverside road. Most of the zombies would slowly wander to the gate of the protective dam and then sneak into the city. Only a few stupid zombies would occasionally accidentally fall into the river along the slope, be swept away by the river and drown, and then decompose and rot. When they were outside, the T virus prevented bacteria and microorganisms from decomposing the corpses, but in the water, they would be soaked and swollen and become rotten. A slight touch would scrape off a layer of skin and flesh. The T virus naturally could not cope with this situation and slowly dissipated.

After walking along the riverside scenic road for a while, I saw a black dot speeding on the riverside road in the distance.

The picture was enlarged, and Mofang could tell at a glance that it was Zhang Xiaowen, Zhang Xiaowen riding a luxury motorcycle, arrogant, blatantly arrogant!

"Hmm~ Looks like we can get a ride~"


Longshan Camp.

The camp gate opened, and four buses filed in. They were the convoys from Xin'an Town Camp that came to pick up the survivors who chose to go to Xin'an Town Camp. The fuel and spare parts of the helicopters naturally could not be wasted on a group of survivors. The officials in charge of managing supplies were very dissatisfied with the consumption of so much fuel by so many vehicles.

However, in addition to some officials and police, some mutants and their subordinates were specially dispatched to pick them up this time. Secretary Huang's original words were to let these people help participate in the construction of the camp, but he suddenly did so out of some ulterior motive...

Zhang Nan, who came to Longshan Camp again, found that there were many more quadcopters in the sky, and there were gun muzzles underneath. They were undoubtedly drones with attack capabilities. There were no drones here last time. Why did they suddenly appear today? Are they afraid that we will rob supplies? Are these things controlled by people or do they have autonomous programs?

He took out his camera and took a few photos of the quadcopters.

"Why does it look so familiar?……"A man sitting next to Zhang Nan looked at the riot vehicle parked next to him and said in confusion:

"Hmm? What's familiar?"

"No, I just saw a few people who looked familiar."The man did not confirm that the bus was from the Xin'an Town camp, so he just ignored it.

As soon as the bus stopped, the survivors who were going to the Xin'an Town camp couldn't wait to get on the bus, and turned around to show off to those who chose to stay. Zhang Nan shook his head when he saw this scene.

""Everyone, don't crowd! Please register your information with me first and then get on the bus! Take your time in the queue!" A policeman shouted from behind a folding table.

Led by Fatty and Gao Dong, the guard team members stood in front of the reception building with weapons.

Seeing that there were too many people, Dahei took the puppies to other places.

Only the four evil cats sat side by side on the edge of the roof, occasionally licking their fur and shaking their tails, obviously very interested in what was happening.

Behind the four cats was the corpse of an unknown mutant animal.

It was a breakfast specially prepared by the four cats who disliked the porridge, pickles and fermented bean curd in the cafeteria for breakfast...

Among the people coming from the Xin'an Town camp, ten people gathered together, centered around a man with an indifferent expression.

"Brother, the people in Longshan Camp are in very good nutritional condition. There is so much food nearby, and they also raise dogs and cats. There are also many quilts drying over there. It’s just that those talking robots are a bit weird."

The man with an indifferent expression said nothing, his eyes were scanning everything in Longshan Camp. It was clean and tidy here, and the environment was good. There were actually so many young and beautiful female students. There was food, clothes, shelter, and girls. It was a good place.……

"I don't know why people here would choose to go to Xin'an Town Camp when they are obviously living better than us?" Another person expressed his doubts.

"Humph~" The indifferent boss snorted.

"Did the eldest brother discover something? I just feel that the Huang guy has no good intentions, and he is no different from the fat mayor before."

The eldest brother paused, raised his head and pointed at the fully armed guard team members with his chin

"Huang specifically asked us to come here today just to make us fight this place to the point of mutual destruction. You have also noticed that this place has abundant resources and comfortable life. What are we gathering here for? Isn't it just to live a comfortable life? To be honest, I was very tempted after seeing everything in Longshan Camp today. Huang just wanted us to be tempted and attack this place."

"Damn it! I knew those bastards surnamed Huang had bad intentions! He must want to occupy this place but he is not strong enough so he sent us here to die!" A man yelled

"Although Huang wants to use us, this is also an opportunity. Go back and gather people to find a time. As long as we are smart enough to take over here, whether it is food, comfortable beds or girls, they will all belong to us. Huang will never think that we are more than just a few mutants in the open. Haha, this is an opportunity for us."The indifferent boss showed a sarcastic smile...

In front of the big house of the reception.

Wang Nan frowned and looked around, but still did not see Zhang Xiaowen.

"Fatty, where is Xiaowen?"

""Sister Zhang went out on a motorcycle." The fat man thought for a while and said.

Wang Nan rolled her eyes. As expected, she didn't care about those who left at all. She actually rode a motorcycle to a world full of zombies to show off. She really trusted these robots. Thinking of this, Wang Nan looked at the four-rotor aircraft hovering above her head and then looked at the Guard-1 robot.

Just when Wang Nan was thinking about it, she suddenly saw four big cats on the roof quickly jumping to the ground and rushing to the research center. What were they doing? Turning her head, she saw Zhang Nan and a few people pretending to be nonchalant and walked to the door of the research center to peek in.

"Uh... the four evil men are going to get mad……"

The four evil men ran out of the bushes like cheetahs, with their heads lowered, and ran straight to the people at the entrance of the research center.

Zhang Nan, who was trying to find a way to get into this mysterious villa, suddenly felt a panic. He turned around and saw four big cats jumping out of the bushes. The big cats at this time were not as lazy as they were in the cafeteria. Instead, their fur stood up, their heads lowered, their fangs bared, and they roared and kept wandering around him and others, like cheetahs hunting.……

""Be careful!"

Zhang Nan shouted and quickly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Black Cat Sheriff


The sheriff roared, and neither moved forward nor retreated. He just stood there and stared at Zhang Nan, his eyes as cold as the god of death.

"Don't shoot! Back off slowly!" Zhang Nan stopped the two men who wanted to shoot. If they really shot, it was not certain whether they could kill four big cats at once. The beasts would be more ferocious if they were injured, especially when they were so close, it was difficult to guarantee their own safety.


The four big cats threatened the people and watched Zhang Nan and his friends move away.

Wang Nan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Zhang Xiaowen loved these four freeloaders very much.

They usually lived together in the research center and followed them around everywhere.

If they were beaten or killed by the people from Xin'an Town, it would be a big deal.

According to Zhang Xiaowen, the Guard-1 robot regarded the four big cats, Dahei's family and Feng Xiaoer as members of the camp.

If the camp members were attacked, the Guard-1 robot could open fire according to the program.

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