Star Wars

Chapter 110

"Get in the car!"

"We are going to the big camp. You can stay here for a while. Girls, if you want to go there in the future, please remember to contact us."

"Goodbye~ I don't have to face those damn robots every day anymore! I don't have to eat those damn coarse grains and canned vegetables every day~! Oh, and the damn porridge, pickled vegetables and fermented bean curd!"

"Girls~ I will miss you~"

At Longshan Camp, those who decided to leave boarded the bus excitedly, leaning on the window glass and cheering for all those who chose to stay. However, this scene looked quite strange to the people at Xin'an Town Camp, as if they were celebrating that they could finally live in a pig sty and eat insatiable pig food. However, no one pointed out that it was always a good thing to have more people suffer with you. It is better to suffer together than to suffer alone.

"They will regret it."The girl who was rescued from the Xin'an Town camp by the Cube said coldly

""What?" Wang Nan didn't seem to understand what was said.

The girl didn't say much, as she was silent as always. She watched the bus start and then turned away expressionlessly to do her work. Wang Nan understood something a little bit. Then she looked at Teacher He, who used to manage the camp with her and was happily sitting in the bus. She didn't know what to say for a moment.

Zhang Nan waved at Wang Nan outside the window and directed the bus to drive out of Longshan Camp. He waved at the Guard-1 robot when passing by the door...

When the last bus passed by the Guard-1 robot No. 001, the main server in the monitoring room on the second floor of the reception building quickly deleted the information of all the people who left the camp. From then on, they were regarded as outsiders by the robots. If they wanted to walk into the camp casually as before, it would be impossible and they might even open fire.


Since the Xin'an Town convoy came from another road, they did not meet Zhang Xiaowen who was rushing back.

There were many early autumn leaves on the asphalt road of the national highway in the mountains.

The yellow, red and white leaves were very beautiful.

Zhang Xiaowen was riding a motorcycle with Jiajia sitting in front of her at high speed.

In order to prevent Jiajia's eyes from being too conspicuous, she wore a pair of red children's glasses.

Jiajia, who was riding a motorcycle for the first time, was shouting in front.

Buzz buzz buzz - the magic cube passed by Zhang Xiaowen's motorcycle at a low altitude along the road, blowing up more leaves than the motorcycle, and Jiajia was so happy that she screamed.

When Zhang Xiaowen rode her motorcycle all the way to find the magic cube, she was startled by Jiajia's appearance.

Jiajia also felt Zhang Xiaowen's strength and held her schoolbag there with her head down and motionless.

Fortunately, women probably have something called motherhood naturally.

After hearing about Jiajia's experience, Zhang Xiaowen's head immediately exuded a maternal halo, and she was not worried about red eyes.

Jia Jia, who had enhanced her mental strength, could naturally feel the loving mental fluctuations emanating from Zhang Xiaowen.

She called her sister obediently and completely captured Zhang Xiaowen...

When they drove near the farmers' homes,

"Mofang, what's going on over there? Several people are gathered at a house. Zhang Xiaowen saw many people in a farmer's house from a distance, holding sticks, knives and other weapons.

"Okay, I'll go check it out first."

The flying Rubik's Cube tilted suddenly, turned its nose and flew straight to the farmer's house, while turning on the video and sound detection equipment to scout the target area.

After zooming in, the Rubik's Cube found that the people holding weapons included farmers and the survivors of the convoy that came here last time. The two beer brothers on the wall were also there. They were not defending the house but the surroundings. The mood was very tense. There was also a woman crying and shouting in the room, and there was some blood on the courtyard door.

"Wenzi, I feel like something is wrong there. They are our neighbors, so we need to go check it out and eliminate the threat that is so close to the camp."

"We'll be there soon, so pay attention to the situation."

Zhang Xiaowen rode her motorcycle and turned at the intersection and drove directly to the farmer's house. She had been here before and was familiar with these people. At that time, she came to recruit these people to go to Longshan Camp together. They declined the offer because they were living well here.

These people soon saw a motorcycle coming up and were relieved to see it was Zhang Xiaowen.

After all, Zhang Xiaowen was a soldier with a gun, which made everyone no longer as scared as before.

After saying hello, Zhang Xiaowen asked about the situation.

What happened was a bit strange.

Two people disappeared here last night.

No screams or zombie roars were heard, but blood was found on the door and the gate.

It couldn't be the work of zombies.

If it was zombies, it would be impossible.

Instead of leaving after getting rid of two people, they would fight to the death with everyone.

If it wasn't zombies, what else could it be?

The courtyard and the road at the entrance were all paved with cement by the family, leaving no traces. The inexplicable disappearance of two people made everyone panic.

The woman in the room was still crying, and the other women were comforting her softly. It was a bleak scene. In this doomsday, the loss of two people in the team was a serious blow to the few survivors, and they disappeared without knowing it. Even if they heard screams or fighting, they would not be as scared as they are now. The danger hidden in the darkness that may appear at any time is often the most terrifying.

Suddenly, a red dot appeared on the Rubik's Cube detection device that was checking the ground at low altitude!

"Warning! A powerful creature is approaching!"The detector sounded an alarm

"Sister! There is... a scary monster coming.……"Jia Jia suddenly hugged Xiao Wen's thighs nervously and said nervously, burying her head in her thighs in panic.

""Everyone be careful! There's something scary coming!" Zhang Xiaowen yelled and pulled out her pistol. The others looked around nervously, and the two fence-sitters simply took out two cans of beer to boost their courage...

Whoosh...! Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and a powerful force emanated from the other side of the stream.

"Not good!

Pistols and submachine guns are ineffective against this guy, Wenzi, let's cooperate and use sniper bullets!

"After saying this, the Rubik's Cube flew over Zhang Xiaowen's head and began to transform directly into a sniper rifle.

At this time, it didn't care whether anyone was paying attention.

As for what was coming, the Rubik's Cube had seen it clearly.

It had a great reputation in this world!

The pistol could not seriously injure the opponent.

The Rubik's Cube, which had transformed into a sniper rifle, was grabbed by Zhang Xiaowen, who raised the muzzle and pointed it at the direction of the threat, without even looking at the stunned people behind him.

"Wenzi, do you remember the time when you saw a pair of eyes staring at you on the road but you saw nothing?"

"Will it not attack us because we are familiar with it?……"

"Well, let's end the chat here."

It makes sense for Zhang Xiaowen to turn the Rubik's Cube into a sniper rifle. If the Rubik's Cube does it by itself, it will not be able to quickly turn and aim at such a close distance. Long-range sniping is no problem, but at close range, the angle will change greatly in an instant. The automatic bracket cannot meet the needs of fast close-range combat. Zhang Xiaowen is different. She can quickly turn and aim while holding the sniper rifle, and the cooperation makes up for the shortcomings.

The guy is getting closer and closer, and the message can be seen shaking in the bushes on the opposite side. Suddenly, the bushes parted and a huge monster jumped out!


A gust of evil wind blew, and Zhang Xiaowen and everyone finally saw what kind of monster it was. It was clearly a giant tiger the size of a car! The word"king" on its head announced its identity, a giant mutant Siberian tiger!

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